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New Taxi Scam At Suvarnabhumi


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Everyone arriving at BKK later than 9pm knows that he has to take a taxi to get to Pattaya since the latest bus has already left by this time. It is a pity really and I hope that the bus companies will extend their services some time, but for now there is no other way to hire taxis for anyone who doesn't want to take a hotel room in Bangkok, especially when arriving past 10pm where even a quick trip to Ekkamai is no option anymore (last bus from there leaves at 11pm).

Usually I waited a bit and asked other people if they would take a taxi to Pattaya and always found someone who shared a taxi with me.

However, now we all know that the government tried to "fix" the problems with taxis at the airport, so various kinds of scams don`t work anymore, and despite I think no one understands the real meaning of the text on the huge billboard they erected in front of the taxi booths, most would somehow sense that only a 50 Baht surcharge might be asked for at some point of the trip (on top of what, to whom it has to be paid etc. remains still in the dark, but I don't want to go into that right now). Bottom line is, the taxi mafia obviously has to come up with different slick tricks to keep the Baht flowing at the same level they did before.

So apart from still being hassled by at least 10 taxi "guides" on my way to the outside (as it ever ways, didn't they say that wouldn't happen anymore?), I had a very special experience when I shared a taxi to Pattaya after my last trip when I arrived somewhat after 11.30 at the airport.

I found 2 other guys (who were befriended) to share a taxi with, and during the trip we exchanged some stories of our experiences, about living in Asia etc. A bit before arriving in PTY, we were stopping at at 7/11 because the other guys wanted to buy some water. I was staying in the taxi, where the driver asked me where I wanted to be dropped, the other guys had already told him at the beginning of the trip that they would leave at Pattayaklang. I am living on Pratumnak - and he told me, for an additional 300 Baht he would drop me there. I smiled and said that as usual, he should please just drop me there without additional charge as it was always possible in Taxis for such a long trip with a standard rate - but if he is not nice enough to do that, I would just leave on Pattayaklang as well and call a friend to pick me up from there, no problem.

What I still didn't know was the full extent of the setup however: when we were at Pattayaklang, he wanted to charge EACH of us 500 Baht! Now most of us who did already take a trip from BKK-PTY by taxi will know that the fare is 800-1000 Baht, depending on bargaining skills, but 1500 is totally outrageous. However, after objecting, the taxi driver immediately turned wild and very loud, advanced me as if he wanted to fight with me and shouted that we shared a taxi and so we would have to pay 500 Baht EACH. Needless to say that I wasn't interested to end up stabbed with a knife after my trip, so I handed over my 500 Baht contribution and left (just to be clear: not where *I* wanted to be dropped) as the taxi driver had already dropped my luggage on the street.

Unfortunately, and this is something that makes me angry about myself: I forgot to write down the driver's number (or number plate) because I was overwhelmed with emotion of unbelief myself, otherwise I would already have delivered it to the Tourist Police (not that I expect anything from that, but at least to make a point).

I don't know how to avoid situations like this one (except to confirm the rate before even leaving, I think the guy buying the "ticket" either forgot that or didn't insist on the price later; another hint might be to always make a note of the number of the taxi and the name of the driver). In my feeling it's just another ugly scam, and lets you start your stay in Thailand with a very angry feeling - this is how an encounter with the mafia must feel like. How unlucky having to deal with the mafia immediately after you arrived in a country where you want to spend your holidays!


Edited by pepi2005
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So what did you pay 500 baht for a 1000baht taxi ride.

In civilized countries, do fares rise if more people are using the taxi?

Is it common that the equivalent of a 30 minutes' ride is charged for a distance of 3-5 minutes, especially after a city-to-city ride?

Is it common in 'amazing' tourist spots that the luggage of tourists is thrown on the street and customers insulted and even threatened with physical violence?

My point was not about saving 200 or 300 Baht (although that is still considerable money in Thailand which many Westerners often forget).

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I am always puzzled by threads like this. While I admit what happened was out of order, and I admit I never go to Pattaya as once was enough, I have never been threatened as such by a taxi driver. maybe it is because of my size or my don't take the piss look on my face, but I am wondering if these tricks are only tried on with the smaller people or people with a less than aggressive appearance.

I know this is not the way to go as the baddest men i have ever met were also the politest men, but I am wondering why only certain people get the crap from the taxi drivers etc. I am at the stage were even tailors won't approach me as I walk down the street haha, I must look like the grumpiest bastard in Bangkok.

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Yeah, like everyone said, stupid mistake. You said maybe your new acquaintance didn't agree on the price before leaving...didn't you ask him what deal he had negotiated with the driver so you knew if it was ok with you before you got in the taxi?

It really surprises me that some people (and maybe not you, if you truly thought your friend had negotiated the price) just assume that they'll pay a certain rate because that's what they paid before, without bothering to ask. How is the driver making up the arbitrary price of 1500 any different than you making up the arbitrary price of 1000 baht? Yes, you may have paid that each time before, but maybe he was able to get 1500 from other customers each time before? Is your previous experience any more valid than his? I've heard others say that they just refused to pay what the driver was asking once they got to their destination. They just said, nope, I'm not paying. That is not ok, in my opinion. Then you are screwing the taxi driver over just like you think they're screwing you over. And no, I'm not defending the shady practices of many drivers or the high asking prices. I'm just saying that I have no sympathy for people who don't use the meter or negotiate a price before getting in the taxi (unless they are 1st time tourists who have no clue how taxis work here).

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I am not seeing a scam here, and am only seeing poor judgement on the part of the OP.

There are some naive people about.but having said that when the Scum of thailand"Taxi drivers" get agressive its not easy to deal with when you are in car . Notice how they are all smiles when wanting you to get in the vehicle.

True about the tailors in BKK, wanting to shake your hand is a ploy and not letting go, Deceit reigns whether it be taxi drivers , tailors or anyone who sells a product or service in your face with no price showing. I visited a shop to buy one of those cheap 5 baht bottles in Krabi recently, his English was good enough to say 15 baht. "uhhh: I said "sip ha"?" Mai Ow" and left it on the counter

Sometimes you have to be rude or completely ignore .

Edited by KKvampire
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While the OP may feel that B1500 from the airport to Pattaya is "totally outrageous," that *is* the official fare from the taxi stand on the ground floor of the airport. Just walk up, as an individual traveler, and ask for a taxi to Pattaya, and you will be advised the fare is a flat rate of B1500. (They used to have a stand-up sign with the fares printed on it, but I haven't seen it for the past few times, but when they did display the sign, it said B1500.)

Granted, if you go to the departure level and negotiate a fare on your own, you may get a taxi for less, but for the official taxi stand on the ground floor, it is B1500. The driver asking for B500 per traveler seems appropriate.

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OP did you or did you not agree on the price before you left the airport? If you did, then ok, you can use words like scam and mafia. But if you didn't, then it is a very stupid mistake, especially for a frequent traveller, and you only have yourself to blame.

I agree 100%. A schoolboy error on the part of the OP.

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When was the last time the op got a taxi to Pattaya for 800-1,000 baht?

Jeez, the meter taxis have price lists in the taxi, with various destinations and prices.

As mentioned by a previous poster, 1,500 is the advertized fare, no scam here.

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Mods should rename this thread, '3 Thailand experts make basic taxi fare bargaining error'.

The OP's claim to having been scammed in incorrect; they f*cked up.

500 baht for a fast-track to Pattaya is too much? Sounds like we have another balloon chaser in town for a holiday.

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I am always puzzled by threads like this. While I admit what happened was out of order, and I admit I never go to Pattaya as once was enough, I have never been threatened as such by a taxi driver. maybe it is because of my size or my don't take the piss look on my face, but I am wondering if these tricks are only tried on with the smaller people or people with a less than aggressive appearance.

I know this is not the way to go as the baddest men i have ever met were also the politest men, but I am wondering why only certain people get the crap from the taxi drivers etc. I am at the stage were even tailors won't approach me as I walk down the street haha, I must look like the grumpiest bastard in Bangkok.

I enjoy the same 'respect' from these low life as you do, I have used taxi's all over Thailand and I am sorry to say that from the start my tone and manner are aggressive, "Go to ******? Meter on?" I never seem to get the first cab I hail but when one finally agrees as soon as I get in I point to the meter, if that does not go on I get out (this has never actually happened)

Then I am fairly comfortable and confident that I won't experience any problems, I also always give a good tip, in a feeble attempt to educate them to the fact that if treated correctly foreigners will reward you! Touch wood in 5 years I have never had the misfortune to experience the problems written about in some of TV forums.

I do not give a f*+@k about being thought of as rude as it seems the only way of communicating to a 'breed' (taxi/tuk tuk drivers) who could teach us all something about being rude and obnoxious.

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I do not give a f*+@k about being thought of as rude as it seems the only way of communicating to a 'breed' (taxi/tuk tuk drivers) who could teach us all something about being rude and obnoxious.

Same here, my first weeks in BKK I was all smiles and "sawatdee krap" when getting in a taxi, but I never got any reply. So it became "Pai ...", "chai meter duai krap" and that was all. I used taxis in BKK several years and I had all the bad experience you can imagine, including having to jump out of a moving taxi after the driver had agreed to turn on the meter but was eventually acting like the meter was broken. Then I bought a car and it was such a relief not to have to depend on moody taxi drivers anymore!

OP seems to have disappeared after he realized he made a fool of himself...

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I enjoy the same 'respect' from these low life as you do, I have used taxi's all over Thailand and I am sorry to say that from the start my tone and manner are aggressive, "Go to ******? Meter on?" I never seem to get the first cab I hail but when one finally agrees as soon as I get in I point to the meter, if that does not go on I get out (this has never actually happened)
I do not give a f*+@k about being thought of as rude as it seems the only way of communicating to a 'breed' (taxi/tuk tuk drivers) who could teach us all something about being rude and obnoxious.

Ok, I'm not condoning the behavior of the drivers who actually do try to rip people off. I've been here awhile and have had my fair share of bad drivers...."forgetting" to turn the meter on, wanting to reset the meter after dropping off the first passenger in a group, agreeing to use the meter then quickly pulling out of the airport and trying to negotiate a ridiculous fare while on the highway, driving around in circles when they think I don't know where we are, etc. I get very frustrated in those situations, and I understand why other people get upset too.

BUT....I think it's very inappropriate and rude when people refer to all drivers in general as "low life" and a "breed." Yes, there are lots of bad ones out there, and those are the ones I tend to remember. But for every bad driver I've encountered, I've also used at least 20 perfectly acceptable drivers, and maybe 5 more who were exceptionally polite and helpful. Others may disagree, but I genuinely think that the majority of taxi drivers (at least in BKK where I live) are just trying to make an honest living for their families. Not all, but the majority. We just don't post about every good taxi ride that we have.

You say that you get 'respect' from the drivers, implying that you don't actually feel that you are respected. Why should they respect someone who considers them a "low life?"

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"I am not seeing a scam here, and am only seeing poor judgement on the part of the OP."

Part of the scam, of course, is that AoT pumps something in the S'poom air, and it causes the average farang IQ to drop by at least 50 points.

"Watch the wallet. Watch the wallet. Oh, look, a girl. Give wallet away. Give wallet away."

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