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Concern About Another Farang Dying Mysteriously


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Pardon me if the story is sketchy, but it was told to me at one sitting a reliable source, who was directly in touch with the man and his wife.

A man in his 50's from Glasgow comes to Thailand, meets the lady of his dreams, marries and gets on with spending money. Secures house and builds large guest house with house for her family on a different parcel one block east of C.Mai bus station. Not surprisingly, the overall investment quickly adds up to between 10 and 15 million baht, perhaps more. He worked with the Juvenile justice system in Scotland.

Then serious mishap, the guy gets in a driving accident recently, impacts his shoulder and leg. Apparently it wasn't healing well. His Thai wife works at a local hospital, so naturally that's where he's attended to. About 3 weeks after the accident, he's told he'll have to have his arm and his leg amputated. Shortly after that, while he's at his house, he tells his wife he doesn't feel well. She supposedly attempts to take him to the hospital. He dies that night - not sure whether it's before getting to the hospital.

If could be just a run of terrible luck, or it could be some foul play by the wife. It's doubtful the police dept will do any investigation whatsoever, as is their pattern. Does anyone have any added info on this sad story?

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10 to 15 million baht handed to a woman whose language you can't speak, whose culture you don't understand in a 3rd world country with a very high murder rate and an incompetent and corrupt police force at an age when you are probably not the most physically attractive you have ever been is not smart IMO.

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10 to 15 million baht handed to a woman whose language you can't speak, whose culture you don't understand in a 3rd world country with a very high murder rate and an incompetent and corrupt police force at an age when you are probably not the most physically attractive you have ever been is not smart IMO.

I have a friend who was involved in a serious bike accident up country (he slid on gravel and tore up his leg quite badly); he was taken to the local hospital where he received what he thought was appropriate treatment. Because no-one was notified, his family and friends only found out about a week later, and rushed to get him into one of the decent BKK hospitals. Sadly, by that time, the infection was so bad he had to have the leg amputated. The BKK hospital told them the leg definitely could have been saved if he'd received appropriate medical treatment at the time of the accident.

So this doesn't surprise me. You may read something sinister into it, but Occam's Razor says it was probably that he did not get the correct medical attention, and if he was conscious then that's his own fault.

I would not f*** about when it comes to medical care. It's not worth saving a few baht over if you aren't going to be around to spend it.

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I knew the people involved. I believe the version here is a serious distortion of what actually happened and that such second hand and, I think, baseless gossip is not helpful to anyone and potentially very hurtful to those involved. If you don't know more than such unsubstantiated rumours why post it? I'm not going to go into what happened because this is not the place for such but I will say that comments such as those by Loaded are inaccurate.

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So the question has been answered if anyone had added info, Neilrob did that, so what is the point in keeping this "maybe..could have..not sure ..." thread open?

So we need to know more. This may be the only 'news outlet' that keeps the disparate farang community informed. Sometimes the info is good, sometimes not. However perhaps we should keep the thread open for further info.

Anyone know this person's country of origin? Is his family back home involved. Are his friends trying to help out.

The problem with living in Chiang Mai is, if something happens there really is no one to depend on, no safety net. You are virtually alone.

Thais have their wonderful family network, but we who live among them, have nothing. SOS Chiang Mai ( is this the name?) one possibility. Dont know if that is still working.

The expat community should come together to create a 'safety network', because you never know when disater will strike.

It happened to me and I was left alone and bereft of resources. There was no one to turn to. This happened to friends and acquaintaces over the years. Never thought it would happen to me. Ha Ha.

After 16 yrs in Thailand, I am now reestablishing myself in Canada. That being said, I would like to see some kind of 'safety net' ( for wont of words) being set up to offer some kind of resource in times of need.

It could really happen to you.

Best to all of you from Montreal.

( I'll be back, never fear, Chiang Mai is in my blood.)

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"Pardon me if the story is sketchy, but it was told to me at one sitting a reliable source, who was directly in touch with the man and his wife. ........

If could be just a run of terrible luck, or it could be some foul play by the wife. ........."

You don't deserve to be pardoned. If you are going to accuse or speculate publicly of somebody committing homicide or murder with no evidence whatsoever you deserve pity. Shame on you.

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Whilst Thailand is a dream location....it will consume you in the end.

If its not accident/sickness/crime/disease/economic or anything else. Its the roll of the dice most of us expats take on a daily basis. Guess the secret is knowing when to "parachute" out.

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I knew the people involved. I believe the version here is a serious distortion of what actually happened and that such second hand and, I think, baseless gossip is not helpful to anyone and potentially very hurtful to those involved. If you don't know more than such unsubstantiated rumours why post it? I'm not going to go into what happened because this is not the place for such but I will say that comments such as those by Loaded are inaccurate.

Thanks for posting that. You are right to call a halt to individual speculation.

Loaded's comments were a generalisaton though if you read his post again so I think he can not be criticised for stating what actually does happen here sometimes. Certainly you can not say he is inaccurate

Cutting out the last part of your last sentence and you made a valuable and correct point.


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I knew the people involved. I believe the version here is a serious distortion of what actually happened and that such second hand and, I think, baseless gossip is not helpful to anyone and potentially very hurtful to those involved. If you don't know more than such unsubstantiated rumours why post it? I'm not going to go into what happened because this is not the place for such but I will say that comments such as those by Loaded are inaccurate.
10 to 15 million baht handed to a woman whose language you can't speak, whose culture you don't understand in a 3rd world country with a very high murder rate and an incompetent and corrupt police force at an age when you are probably not the most physically attractive you have ever been is not smart IMO.

Being an extremely physically attractive mid 50's year old, I couldn't agree more, neilrob.

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I knew the people involved. I believe the version here is a serious distortion of what actually happened and that such second hand and, I think, baseless gossip is not helpful to anyone and potentially very hurtful to those involved. If you don't know more than such unsubstantiated rumours why post it? I'm not going to go into what happened because this is not the place for such but I will say that comments such as those by Loaded are inaccurate.

Thanks for posting that. You are right to call a halt to individual speculation.

Loaded's comments were a generalisaton though if you read his post again so I think he can not be criticised for stating what actually does happen here sometimes. Certainly you can not say he is inaccurate

Cutting out the last part of your last sentence and you made a valuable and correct point.


I agree.

This thread has started on rumour and speculation, although there is no direct accusation as Kevin H suggests.

I think, given the sad circumstances, this is best closed/suspended unless something a little more factual can be said; even then it may not be appropriate.



Edited by piercefilmlid
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People may read, but do they not comprehend????

"or it could be some foul play by the wife." Might this not be considered as accusing?

It was posted in the original post as a man from "Glasgow", could that not be mistaken for where he was from

This forum has gotten so filled with members so quick to get their negative comments posted just to see their name in lights, that it is past bordering on rude. A guy is dead. Maybe the guys wife is sad, maybe she is happy, but why throw stones when one really knows nothing.... The point is a guy is dead and some family, somewhere, is saddened.

And that goes not only for this thread.... but throughout the whole of the internet. Hiding behind a nic emboldens normally nice people to become real jerks with their comments. Something they would never think of doing in a face to face conversation with the talked about person.

and yea, I'm probably guilty of it too. In a couple years we will hear about the new mental personality disease this is causing

Just my opinion

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Whilst Thailand is a dream location....it will consume you in the end.

If its not accident/sickness/crime/disease/economic or anything else. Its the roll of the dice most of us expats take on a daily basis. Guess the secret is knowing when to "parachute" out.

yes i believe this is true.A line from hotel california 'you can check out any time but you can never leave"even when your gone from thailand your heart is still there.

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I knew the people involved. I believe the version here is a serious distortion of what actually happened and that such second hand and, I think, baseless gossip is not helpful to anyone and potentially very hurtful to those involved. If you don't know more than such unsubstantiated rumours why post it? I'm not going to go into what happened because this is not the place for such but I will say that comments such as those by Loaded are inaccurate.

You say it happened, but then you say it's 'baseless gossip'. Which is it? Everything which isn't experienced first hand could be termed as rumor, which would apply to 99% of what you read in a newspaper. Are you going to say that WWII or 9-11 were rumors? If you have any added info, then offer it up or shut up. Don't hide behind your bruised moral turpitude. You're acting like a kid who says 'yes, the house burned down, but I'm not going to tell you what caused it, because you hurt my feelings by saying it was Jane playing with matches, and it wasn't.'

So the question has been answered if anyone had added info, Neilrob did that, so what is the point in keeping this "maybe..could have..not sure ..." thread open?

Some of us want to know about a fellow farang. If he died of a very unfortunate chain of events, then that's one thing. If he was murdered, that's another.

"Pardon me if the story is sketchy, but it was told to me at one sitting a reliable source, who was directly in touch with the man and his wife. ........

If could be just a run of terrible luck, or it could be some foul play by the wife. ........."

You don't deserve to be pardoned. If you are going to accuse or speculate publicly of somebody committing homicide or murder with no evidence whatsoever you deserve pity. Shame on you.

Shame on me for conveying a message? Shame on me for postulating what might have happened?

Are you in the business of shoveling out shame? I hope you don't work as a detective.

If the widow is innocent, then that's good. Either way, there should be at least a modicum of investigation. Has there been an autopsy?

Edited by brahmburgers
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People may read, but do they not comprehend????

"or it could be some foul play by the wife." Might this not be considered as accusing?

It was posted in the original post as a man from "Glasgow", could that not be mistaken for where he was from

This forum has gotten so filled with members so quick to get their negative comments posted just to see their name in lights, that it is past bordering on rude. A guy is dead. Maybe the guys wife is sad, maybe she is happy, but why throw stones when one really knows nothing.... The point is a guy is dead and some family, somewhere, is saddened.

And that goes not only for this thread.... but throughout the whole of the internet. Hiding behind a nic emboldens normally nice people to become real jerks with their comments. Something they would never think of doing in a face to face conversation with the talked about person.

and yea, I'm probably guilty of it too. In a couple years we will hear about the new mental personality disease this is causing

Just my opinion

Not sure I understand all that you say, or what you admit to be guilty of.

However, if this thread is to continue, let's keep on topic and perhaps agree that this tragic case is worthy of more than a "discussion" here.

I agree with some of your comments in respect of posts in general.

RIP to the deceased.


Edited by piercefilmlid
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I knew the people involved. I believe the version here is a serious distortion of what actually happened and that such second hand and, I think, baseless gossip is not helpful to anyone and potentially very hurtful to those involved. If you don't know more than such unsubstantiated rumours why post it? I'm not going to go into what happened because this is not the place for such but I will say that comments such as those by Loaded are inaccurate.

You say it happened, but then you say it's 'baseless gossip'. Which is it? Everything which isn't experienced first hand could be termed as rumor, which would apply to 99% of what you read in a newspaper. Are you going to say that WWII or 9-11 were rumors? If you have any added info, then offer it up or shut up. Don't hide behind your bruised moral turpitude. You're acting like a kid who says 'yes, the house burned down, but I'm not going to tell you what caused it, because you hurt my feelings by saying it was Jane playing with matches, and it wasn't.'

So the question has been answered if anyone had added info, Neilrob did that, so what is the point in keeping this "maybe..could have..not sure ..." thread open?

Some of us want to know about a fellow farang. If he died of a very unfortunate chain of events, then that's one thing. If he was murdered, that's another.

"Pardon me if the story is sketchy, but it was told to me at one sitting a reliable source, who was directly in touch with the man and his wife. ........

If could be just a run of terrible luck, or it could be some foul play by the wife. ........."

You don't deserve to be pardoned. If you are going to accuse or speculate publicly of somebody committing homicide or murder with no evidence whatsoever you deserve pity. Shame on you.

Shame on me for conveying a message? Shame on me for postulating what might have happened?

Are you in the business of shoveling out shame? I hope you don't work as a detective.

If the widow is innocent, then that's good. Either way, there should be at least a modicum of investigation. Has there been an autopsy?

"Everything which isn't experienced first hand could be termed as rumor" an enlightened thought

Sorry Mr. Burger, I for one are not going to bother giving you any of the first hand factual information that I have about the situation.

Since you are so hot to know why not just stop in at the police station and make all your inquiries?

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I knew the people involved. I believe the version here is a serious distortion of what actually happened and that such second hand and, I think, baseless gossip is not helpful to anyone and potentially very hurtful to those involved. If you don't know more than such unsubstantiated rumours why post it? I'm not going to go into what happened because this is not the place for such but I will say that comments such as those by Loaded are inaccurate.

I agree. If Character assasination is allowed on TV without any evidence I think it reflects more than poorly on TV.

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There are questions about the veracity of this topic. For that reason I have closed it as I don't want anyone's reputation tarnished over speculations.

OP can post support if more reliable evidence comes up and we may consider to reopen the topic.


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