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German Tourist Stabbed To Death In Phuket


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Agreed geriatrickid.

I have 2 buddies. One lived and worked there many years, married to a Thai. The other traveled there and is a bit of an arrogant know-it-all.

The resident tinted the windows of his car so people couldn't see a farang was driving. The arrogant visitor buddy rents the most expensive car he can and thinks the guy with darkened windows is stupid.

I'll go with the guy who has lived and worked there in his tinted window rig anytime.

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the 100 deaths of australians in thailand in the year to june '09 may be the highest rate,

but i wouldn't say it is because thailand is the most dangerous place.. as in being murdered or attacked.

besides what would be a few heroin overdoses..

what other country lets you ride around on a motorbike drunk, speeding and with no helmet?

most of these deaths would be for their own stupid actions.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Even though the now-published version of events seems quite believable (and I'm sure there are witnesses who have come forward) the "an-expat-can-do-no-wrong" and "all-Thais-are out-to-get-us" brigades here on TV will still spin this (as they believe the Thai authorities are doing). What a freakin' quagmire of he said/she said... I don't know exactly what happened but I'm tending to believe its a little from column "A" and a little from column "B". Its a shame that either side felt the need to escalate a "happens-all-the-time" incident into what it became... Condolences to family and friends of the victim.

So, the 'cousins' are free. According to police they were not involved. Why did witnesses first say the three of them attacked Wolf. Is the police also going to believe Wolf was drunk as claimed by the attacker? There seem to be no more witnesses at present. Is there someone on this forum who believes any Thai is going to testify against a fellow Thai to help a foreigner? Maybe this is what people mean when they say family is very important for Thais.

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... what makes me think is that the guy claims the german took him in a headlock.

Its quite a fighting style unusual for thai ( which is stabbing, kicking, running ) and very usual for western blokes.

So not everything might be a lie he claims.. in the end, nobody knows for sure - except there have been witnesses.

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