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Visa advice sought

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I'm British, not yet near retirment age & am married to a Thai. Just completed a CELTA in London & plan to move to the LoS next January for the purpose of finding work as an ELT.

As I see it I have three options when it comes to applying for a Thai visa.

Non-Imm. 'B' - As I do not intend or wish to accept a position until I check things out in the LoS first, this would seem to be a non-starter given the requirements (e.g. letter from employer).

Non-Imm. 'O' - As I'm married to a native I could apply for a muti-entry on the basis of a planned vacation to the LoS, this would give me up to 12 months of time in the LoS. Then one I had a job I could apply Non-Imm. 'B' (have to leave & come back of course).

60 Day tourist (option of extending for further 30 days in the LoS) - Easy to apply for. Gives me up to 3 months in the LoS. Then one I had a job I could apply Non-Imm. 'B' (have to leave & come back of course).

Question. Which one of the above is recommended & why please?

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Multi Non-O is the best choice! Bring your wife, copy of marriage certificate and copy of wife's Thai Id card to the Emabssy/Consulate. Both originals and copies are recommended.

What is your nationality, and where do you plan to apply?

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I've got a kid but never married the missus. If I took my kid's birth cert on a visa run would it help things at all??

Just wondering.

I know a guy in a similar position as you and he did take his daughters Birth Certificate (Oringinal and a few copies) and it did help him.

Also take copies of the mother’s  I.D. Card (both sides on 1 page) signed by her,  with a  Blue Point Pen.


And as long as both your names are the same, as in your passport and her I.D. card and on the B. Cert.

Hope this helps you.


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Yes, bring original and one copy of berth certificate and an explaining letter to the consular mission.

Thanks for that Geroge, and Kan. What is this letter to expain things about. Do I write it myself. My kid has my surname on her birth cert, and passport.

All I need is a 1 year multi "O" and was planning on going to Perth for it. So with the paper work from my daughter it should smooth things along. Am I correct??

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Multi Non-O is the best choice! Bring your wife, copy of marriage certificate and copy of wife's Thai Id card to the Emabssy/Consulate. Both originals and copies are recommended.

What is your nationality, and where do you plan to apply?

British & the Thai Embassy/Consulate in London

Thanks for the advice.

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Lets assume that I have obtained a bright shiny Non-Imm 'B' visa from Hull, I arive in the LoS & get a 90 day stamp. I then find employment with a school & have to work a period of time until a WP is issued.

Technically I am working illegally, aren't I? So what happens if immigration or the police ask questions, how does one deal with that? Will they give me a hard time, imprison me, export me etc.

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