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Food Education/looking For Advice


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hello all,

i'm a teacher here in chiang mai and i'm working on a project with my 12th grade students. Their project will to be to put on a presentation to educate our school community concerning the ill effects of the globalization of food and the food industry. their task will be to produce an evening that (hopefully) will include:

Creating and distributing pamphlets that discuss the impact of meat production on the environment/Perhaps promoting the idea of a "meatless monday"

Consumer comparison demonstrations (local markets vs. supermarkets; benefits to your community and your health)

Food samples with local foods - vegetarian and non-vegetarian

Creating and distributing a city guide of local markets/restaurants that promote being a 'localvore'

Distributing a simple guide that gives suggestion on how to choose a healthier food over a processed food.

A viewing of the film "Food Inc." with hopefully an introduction and question/answer discussion after.

Now, i can already hear half of you groaning and know you are eagerly ready to offer your opinion and take this thread into a completely different direction than its intent. I respectfully request that you save that for the pub, over a pint with your mates.

I'm writing because I'd like to know if some of you 'in the know' in this area could suggest a local 'foodie' with enthusiasm and passion for the topics mentioned above, who would wholeheartedly support this idea and help me and my kids out. Most importantly, I think i'm looking for someone who could take the lead in introducing the film, and facilitate the question and answer bit we hope to have after the film. and, of course, if they could help in any of the other areas mentioned above, that would be great too. Obviously, they would have to be familiar with the healthy Chiang Mai food scene, would be comfortable with public speaking and be familiar with both Thai and farang food. (I know, its a lot to ask, I'm just throwin it out there and seeing what sticks)

I thank you in advance for your constructive suggestions.

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Nice to see a food thread of a different variety.

Pun Pun organic farm may be a useful resource, they have a restaurant in the grounds of Wat Suan Dok.

Also, Phrao organic farm and the Prem (organic) cooking academy and farm .

I realise that you're not necessarily focusing on organic produce with this project but you do tend to find more enthusiasts in organic food circles . . . must be something to do with the lack of additives.


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hardly fair to indicate a direction of anti food globalisation and anti meat / meat production and then "respectfully" tell members to "keep their differing opinions to the pub" where one asssumes they are less valid than a lack of open debate in scholastic circles.

given i would support the benefit of local produce and i strongly believe in local markets for fresh produce i am sorry that you dont feel able to allow a more open debate within the forum and also, it may seem, within your pupils.

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His Majesty already has alot of this type of information from which you may either be able to secure materials, or learn from his ideas. It's all on the website about "Settakit Paw Piang" (or 'Sustainable Economy'). I have to check the spelling and then look for some pages to point you to. I will have to get back to you on this. From what I've read before, it's about planting local herbs and plants near the house in a 'victory garden' type of mentality. It also speaks of what is naturally edible in the wilds or as weed volunteers all around Thai rural and urban communities. I could swear that there's also nutritional info on the subject too.

As what I've seen is all in Thai, you might need to set some of your Thai or Luk Kreung kids about finding the most pertinent parts and then translating... for your, or the local Farang community's benefit.

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Hey again Teacher Lis. That wasn't so hard actually. Here's the website. There is an Eng flag you can click on to get some of the same info as in Thai, but I don't believe it's as extensive the Thai info. Still better to have your kids do some poking around to find the agricultural and neighborhood tips.


Good luck to you n your chillins.

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