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Pakistan Man Nabbed At Airport With 1kg Heroin In Stomach

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Tragic how there'll always be some people who think they wont get caught.

thats why in US drugs are called dope. Not sure if same slang is in Australia, G.B etc, but the word, dope can be used as slang for drugs, as well as being a slang for stupid.


Firstly I would just like to say that anyone caught doing this knows the penalty before he or she does it, and therefore does not get any sympathy from me.

Secondly If I was ordered to poo by anyone I reckon I would be sitting on the John for weeks.... it is just not something you can do to order.

WIKI has this to say, "The whole digestive system is around 9 meters long. In a healthy human adult this process can take between 24 and 72 hours."

They saw that package in his stomach and just asked him to go to the toilet?

Vomiting could have been a better option.

Do they know the difference between the stomach and the intestines?

I am sure they know the difference in the Thai language, before going off with stupid comments like that go read it in Thai and tell me if it makes more sense then.

The facts are the nabbed a drug trafficker it looks like, good on them. Possibly next time they can get Sensei to come check their grammar and the contents of the toilet so they can be sure which part of the body the drugs were present in when x-raying.

There is no way you can pass a kilo of little baggies of horse through your bowels

They were going to take it back out the top when the guy got to where he was going.

Was he arriving or departing? It's slightly unclear.

If he former, the phrase 'coals to Newcastle" springs to mind.

Even taking heroin from Thailand to Pakistan is coals to Newcastle.


There is no way you can pass a kilo of little baggies of horse through your bowels

They were going to take it back out the top when the guy got to where he was going.

Actually one can easily pass them through the bowels .... it's a very common way of smuggling drugs.

WIKI has this to say, "The whole digestive system is around 9 meters long. In a healthy human adult this process can take between 24 and 72 hours."

They saw that package in his stomach and just asked him to go to the toilet?

Vomiting could have been a better option.

Do they know the difference between the stomach and the intestines?

Again, A criticism before any real facts are known. Why jump on Thai officials at every chance? They caught the guy!! Nuf Sed!

No matter what Topic is Posted, some Respondendants try to turn it into another opportunity for Thai bashing.

Heroin, taken in small amounts recreationally, is not as dangerous as drinking alcoholic drinks, and not as addictive as nicotine or coffee.

If the tide of human cultural development had been tweaked a slightly different way, heroin might be served (and abused) in social situations worldwide (as alcohol is), and alcohol might be designated as the satanic evil that nearly everyone perceives heroin to be.

Vested interests have no small part to play in societies' perceptions. Also, those drugs which can be controlled, such as beer and wine and hard liquor, are tolerated, whereas drugs which can be readily produced and marketed by the little guys (heroin, opium, ganga) are made to look like the devil incarnate.

Quick: how often do you hear of traffic accidents and deaths being caused by heroin?

Same question re; domestic violence.

Also: how many billions of lost hours of productivity can be attributed to heroin and alcohol respectively?

Plus: How much has alcohol use increased insurance rates for all of us, compared to heroin use?

You must be joking, or do you believe in this???

If he is saying that alcohol is worst drug on the planet, in terms of total numbers of ruined lives, injuries and deaths, he IS absolutely correct, no JOKE.

Heroin aint 'pretty'; he never said that.

Cigarettes,as a matter of fact, kill more people than heroin and cocaine combined.

I've always thought it was a JOKE that the drug, alcohol, is legal and the others are not. [at least in some countries it's legal]

Was he arriving or departing? It's slightly unclear.

If he former, the phrase 'coals to Newcastle" springs to mind.

How often do you stop at customs on the way out?


I suppose those security checks we have on the way to our departure gate might be considerd as a sort of " customs " to some people ?


Leaving now involves scans of luggage and detectors directly after outgoing immigration, as well as at the skybridge access. The other week arriving at Singapore everyone's [not just from Bangkok] luggage was being scanned after customs.


We can only conclude that this is a very rare occurrence in Thailand. If the authorities in Amsterdam, Brussels, Madrid or in Santa Domingo would have to report these things, the entire local "Thai visa" site would have been filled with messages like this. In Europe, the US or Latin you will not find one but 30 people in a plane having this rubbish in their stomach.

The bottom line is that it seldom happens.

Dear me, you do delude thyself, don't you?

Was he arriving or departing? It's slightly unclear.

If he former, the phrase 'coals to Newcastle" springs to mind.

Dont they ever learn these drug dealers.There goes another loooooong sentence,or worse!

Was he arriving or departing? It's slightly unclear.

If he former, the phrase 'coals to Newcastle" springs to mind.

Dont they ever learn these drug dealers.There goes another loooooong sentence,or worse!

What ever the sentence its not enough mule or fool will they never learn good quote who cares good on Thai Officials may their equipment render many more success stories

Heroin, taken in small amounts recreationally, is not as dangerous as drinking alcoholic drinks, and not as addictive as nicotine or coffee.

If the tide of human cultural development had been tweaked a slightly different way, heroin might be served (and abused) in social situations worldwide (as alcohol is), and alcohol might be designated as the satanic evil that nearly everyone perceives heroin to be.

Vested interests have no small part to play in societies' perceptions. Also, those drugs which can be controlled, such as beer and wine and hard liquor, are tolerated, whereas drugs which can be readily produced and marketed by the little guys (heroin, opium, ganga) are made to look like the devil incarnate.

Quick: how often do you hear of traffic accidents and deaths being caused by heroin?

Same question re; domestic violence.

Also: how many billions of lost hours of productivity can be attributed to heroin and alcohol respectively?

Plus: How much has alcohol use increased insurance rates for all of us, compared to heroin use?

You must be joking, or do you believe in this???

Am not joking. What part of the above do you not believe, and why specifically? (facts, not rant).

Heroin, taken in small amounts recreationally, is not as dangerous as drinking alcoholic drinks, and not as addictive as nicotine or coffee.

If the tide of human cultural development had been tweaked a slightly different way, heroin might be served (and abused) in social situations worldwide (as alcohol is), and alcohol might be designated as the satanic evil that nearly everyone perceives heroin to be.

Vested interests have no small part to play in societies' perceptions. Also, those drugs which can be controlled, such as beer and wine and hard liquor, are tolerated, whereas drugs which can be readily produced and marketed by the little guys (heroin, opium, ganga) are made to look like the devil incarnate.

Quick: how often do you hear of traffic accidents and deaths being caused by heroin?

Same question re; domestic violence.

Also: how many billions of lost hours of productivity can be attributed to heroin and alcohol respectively?

Plus: How much has alcohol use increased insurance rates for all of us, compared to heroin use?

You must be joking, or do you believe in this???

If he is saying that alcohol is worst drug on the planet, in terms of total numbers of ruined lives, injuries and deaths, he IS absolutely correct, no JOKE.

Heroin aint 'pretty'; he never said that.

Cigarettes,as a matter of fact, kill more people than heroin and cocaine combined.

I've always thought it was a JOKE that the drug, alcohol, is legal and the others are not. [at least in some countries it's legal]

Geez isn't that amazing. Would never have known that if you hadn't told us

Because millions and millions more people smoke cigarettes or have a beer .........totally dumb irresponsible statement if ever there was one.

Take heroine folks and give up cigarettes it won't do you so much harm :) eejit!!!

The minute you inject heroine :; life over mate. Junkies would steal their mothers last penny to get a fix, even kill you.

It's a million times more harmful and if as many people took heroine as smoke or drink there would be total anarchy in the world.

//racist comment deleted by Admin//

Heroin, taken in small amounts recreationally, is not as dangerous as drinking alcoholic drinks, and not as addictive as nicotine or coffee.

If the tide of human cultural development had been tweaked a slightly different way, heroin might be served (and abused) in social situations worldwide (as alcohol is), and alcohol might be designated as the satanic evil that nearly everyone perceives heroin to be.

Vested interests have no small part to play in societies' perceptions. Also, those drugs which can be controlled, such as beer and wine and hard liquor, are tolerated, whereas drugs which can be readily produced and marketed by the little guys (heroin, opium, ganga) are made to look like the devil incarnate.

Quick: how often do you hear of traffic accidents and deaths being caused by heroin?

Same question re; domestic violence.

Also: how many billions of lost hours of productivity can be attributed to heroin and alcohol respectively?

Plus: How much has alcohol use increased insurance rates for all of us, compared to heroin use?

You must be joking, or do you believe in this???

If he is saying that alcohol is worst drug on the planet, in terms of total numbers of ruined lives, injuries and deaths, he IS absolutely correct, no JOKE.

Heroin aint 'pretty'; he never said that.

Cigarettes,as a matter of fact, kill more people than heroin and cocaine combined.

I've always thought it was a JOKE that the drug, alcohol, is legal and the others are not. [at least in some countries it's legal]

Geez isn't that amazing. Would never have known that if you hadn't told us

Because millions and millions more people smoke cigarettes or have a beer .........totally dumb irresponsible statement if ever there was one.

Take heroine folks and give up cigarettes it won't do you so much harm :) eejit!!!

The minute you inject heroine :; life over mate. Junkies would steal their mothers last penny to get a fix, even kill you.

It's a million times more harmful and if as many people took heroine as smoke or drink there would be total anarchy in the world.

//racist comment deleted by Admin//

I've tried heroin a few times when I was just out of h.s. It made me mellow - didn't have a care in the world. Ironically, that's what most business people and housewives pay trillions of dollars a year to try and achieve: less stress and worries.

I'm not advocating heroin any more than I'm advocating any of the many prescription drugs that purport to give similar results - it's just you should know at least a bit of what you talk about before opening your mouth and making statements. ...otherwise you sound like the millions of sheep who have been well-indoctrinated by governments and special interest groups (legal drug dealers, etc) to blindly believe what they want you to believe.


I don't think he'll be departing or arriving anywhere for at least 20 years. More like checking in... to the Bangkok Hilton! F&^king Idiot! Must be getting a bit crouded in there by now!

for sure, now he is "Departing...."

Dead wrong, he is coming in.

The Thai drug supression department have almost destroyed all the groups bring in heroin from the golden triangle into Thailand. Or they have made the trade unlucrative and uncertain. For years this drug has been exported from south asia in huge quantities dirt cheap.

And about him getting the death penalty just because he is not western, thats simply not true, if he was Nigerian he will be eligible to go home 8 years from today. Something about a 'treaty'. I keep wondering what the kingdom get for their leniency.

The leaders of the "armies" and groups that controlled the Burmese area, etc.of the golden triangle "surrendered" to the Bumese government and are now living lives of luxury in Burma and even have influence in the government, etc.. Money is power. They now control the production of meth/yabaa from their lavish palaces. Meth production is easier to hide and more lucrative than opium poppy fields.

We can only conclude that this is a very rare occurrence in Thailand. If the authorities in Amsterdam, Brussels, Madrid or in Santa Domingo would have to report these things, the entire local "Thai visa" site would have been filled with messages like this. In Europe, the US or Latin you will not find one but 30 people in a plane having this rubbish in their stomach.

The bottom line is that it seldom happens.

Dear me, you do delude thyself, don't you?

Well good to see the BIB getting it right for once!! It's sending a clear message for all who's thinking of "trying it on" through the Immigration at the Airport.

On another note! Drugs will be smuggled into All countries not just Thailand, but 'Mythbuster' please don't dramatise and I think you need to take a drugs test yourself "30 people in a plane" indeed !!!.


Was he brought to the airport under gunpoint by criminals and forced to do this -or his family would be hurt- or was it for his own benefit ?

Guess the local police just focus proudly on their catch, who can also have being trapped, abducted and being an innocent victim himselves. Criminals are very, very intelligent more then most people want to know. Who can afford a kilo pure heroine does not work alone !

Why not let him pass, being followed at his destination and have the real network rolled up ? Because most police corpses have a very hungry ego more then they use the brains.

I guess this guy is totally innocent, just being used as carrier and not chose to do this but forced, professional drugs gangs know how to protect themselves, they can't be catched, they can't be known just another totally innocent person will be mangled by the dumb justice system.

If this is also the case here... very sad for him and his family.

Was he brought to the airport under gunpoint by criminals and forced to do this -or his family would be hurt- or was it for his own benefit ?

Guess the local police just focus proudly on their catch, who can also have being trapped, abducted and being an innocent victim himselves. Criminals are very, very intelligent more then most people want to know. Who can afford a kilo pure heroine does not work alone !

Why not let him pass, being followed at his destination and have the real network rolled up ? Because most police corpses have a very hungry ego more then they use the brains.

I guess this guy is totally innocent, just being used as carrier and not chose to do this but forced, professional drugs gangs know how to protect themselves, they can't be catched, they can't be known just another totally innocent person will be mangled by the dumb justice system.

If this is also the case here... very sad for him and his family.

I think that if he was a forced "mule" then that is a shame.

Normally, smugglers do so for cold, hard cash and in a lawless, poverty-stricken, failed state like Pakistan finding such willing persons would not be difficult.

Above all, the consequences of being caught smuggling drugs in Thailand can be dire.

Don't do it!

Heroin, taken in small amounts recreationally, is not as dangerous as drinking alcoholic drinks, and not as addictive as nicotine or coffee.

If the tide of human cultural development had been tweaked a slightly different way, heroin might be served (and abused) in social situations worldwide (as alcohol is), and alcohol might be designated as the satanic evil that nearly everyone perceives heroin to be.

Vested interests have no small part to play in societies' perceptions. Also, those drugs which can be controlled, such as beer and wine and hard liquor, are tolerated, whereas drugs which can be readily produced and marketed by the little guys (heroin, opium, ganga) are made to look like the devil incarnate.

Quick: how often do you hear of traffic accidents and deaths being caused by heroin?

Same question re; domestic violence.

Also: how many billions of lost hours of productivity can be attributed to heroin and alcohol respectively?

Plus: How much has alcohol use increased insurance rates for all of us, compared to heroin use?

You must be joking, or do you believe in this???

Am not joking. What part of the above do you not believe, and why specifically? (facts, not rant).

Ok gotta toss my hat into this ring.

Heroin, taken in small amounts recreationally, is not as dangerous as drinking alcoholic drinks, and not as addictive as nicotine or coffee.

Absolute rubbish! How many people do you know using heroin recreationally? Once a person has graduated to heroin they are generally a full blown addict. Some people do of course use it rarely and recreationally, this is the rare occurrence. Remember you mentioned heroin, not morphine or opium.

Many many people use alcohol recreationally "in small amounts" with little or no consequences on their lives and health.

Ever seen anyone coming off of heroin? Now look at the people without their morning coffee or cigarette, the smokers and coffee drinkers aren't generally crapping their pants 6 times a day.

Vested interests have no small part to play in societies' perceptions. Also, those drugs which can be controlled, such as beer and wine and hard liquor, are tolerated, whereas drugs which can be readily produced and marketed by the little guys (heroin, opium, ganga) are made to look like the devil incarnate.

I would argue to say that beer and wine are easier to produce then the drugs you mentioned, 2 weeks after starting a batch of beer in your basement you can be drinking it. The ones you mentioned take a little longer to grow. Cannabis would be no more difficult to control then tobacco.

Same question re; domestic violence.

You show me your facts and figures, I'll show you mine. Again alcohol is a factor in more cases of domestic violence then opiates, agreed. It is the most readily available drug, so the most abused. If the laws were reversed you would see the same picture just each of us would be talking about different drugs.

Also: how many billions of lost hours of productivity can be attributed to heroin and alcohol respectively?

Once again, most readily available drug. The difference is, how many functioning alcoholics do you know? I know quite a few, now same question, how many functioning smack heads do you know? I know a few, percentage wise no where near the same figure.

Plus: How much has alcohol use increased insurance rates for all of us, compared to heroin use?

A lot more then you think, however alcohol and nicotine have increased it more due to "readily available and legal" However if you factor in the cigarette tax and alcohol tax which in Canada anyways make up 85% of the cost of a packet of cigarettes and put that towards medicals I think you would see a very different picture.

For a 2 pack a day smoker at $10 per pack = ((10x2)x.85)x365=$6,205 per year to cover his/her insurance premium. On an average of 30 years smoking = $186,150. That should cover most medical costs.

Basically this, if you were talking about morphine in terminally ill patients you would have a valid point that there is little damage to the physical body from the morphine, but your not, your talking about heroin. There is no Quality Control in the production, you have no idea what has been added, and many many people die annually from heroin overdose, bad drugs, etc. It is a major reason for the spread of Hep C and HIV, what does that cost your government and medical systems?

look at Holland, has legalizing drugs has solved all their social problems?

Before you tell me I don't know what I am talking about and should educate myself first, your right, I don't read High Times. You might want to look at my bio to see what I do do however.

Sadly many probably dont get caught, so lets give this new machine some credit here. If those will stop or slow down this traffic, then some really good things come out of it.

Wasn't the new machine. Was a regular old x-ray that they make people have if they suspect them of carrying internally. The new machine does not get the guts of it so to speak.


Oh wow, I love people quoting the random statistics about legalising drugs...

It is true that the heroin itself is surprisingly undamaging to the body directly, but the lifestyle it inevitably leads to is very damaging.

Can you please find unbiased statistics and compare the damages on a PER HEAD basis? I think you'd find the problems per head of people who have used heroin vs the problems per person who have drank alcohol would be far worse.

The logic of saying "I've never heard of heroin causing traffic accidents, but alcohol has a lot" - therefore we should make heroin as prolific as alcohol and seee what happens? That's idiotic.

Keep it in context.. these circular arguments are just so stupid and I'm not sure what thought process is behind them. I've tried a few illegal things in my time, but I thank god for our childrens sake that their legality made us assume there were serious dangers involved.

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