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What Thais Say About Farangs


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This has certainly been discussed before but I do not find a dedicated thread on the subject.

Would those of you who speak Thai care to share what they might have overheard said about farangs while locals assume you do not understand what is being said?

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Normally the opposite to what you think or even not at all or big nose / white skin / fat / smart / tight / polite etc

Why what do you think has been said about you?

What do you say about Thais?

Probably, extend more negativity towards them than such dreamt-up angst and presumptions as 'we' might have regarding such thoughts. Certainly is quite self-important to give this too much thought.

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Several years back as a handsome teenager with my half-Thai, half-Canadian friend, we were browsing around an adidas shop and talking about the shirts and shoes and yadda yadda (in english), and the sales girl was semi-mockingly translating in Thai what were were saying, to the other sales girl. Then my friend turned to her and asked in flawless Thai if they had this shirt in size L.... her face went so red :)

But otherwise no, I cannot really report any kind of badmouthing, apart from what was posted above, how Thai guys just cannot understand what farangs find attractive about dark-skinned girls...

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I have never found Thais very coy about telling anyone what they thought of them. They may tell lies about the past, what they did yesterday etc but giving their opinion about any individual they seem to have the norm asian open policy of telling the truth to your face. My mother in law even asked me why I like to play golf with men all the time was I gay??? If I gain a few pounds no problem someone telling I am a bit fat or you no fat no more when I lose. I have a little mole on my nose and so many ask me about it. So if you have thin skin I would say avoid thais especially the ones you might call a friend.

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In Issan Thai people thing your wife or gf is a bar girl when they see them with farangs. Sad but true.

I personally have experianced this on a number of occasions.

and knowing my wife was never a bar girl does not perturb me in the slightest.

Certain Thai's like to put farang wife's down as well as there children if one lives in a village. Have witnessed my 3 year old being told your papa no love you your mama no love you being told my child cry's in her sleep in fear from having to listen to that crap this happens when i am not there. If they cannot put you down personally they take cynical pleasure in putting down your children.

If i am not happy then why should you.

NOT ALL THAI'S are like this but unfortunately i have experienced this.

You just have to get thick skinned and let it pass, same as tea money that is if you wish to live in some sort of harmony

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In Issan Thai people think your wife or gf is a bar girl when they see them with farangs. Sad but true.

I'm not sure about that, never experienced that in Isaan.

In Bangkok, it was true a few years back when being with a farang was considered "bad manners".

These days, no difference, most Thai girls in Bangkok would not mind having a farang boyfriend/husband.

And quite a few would prefer having a farang boyfriend/husband... :)

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some good advise i received about 5 years ago.. was out with a farang bloke one day and I commented on his fluent Thai, he said you are better off not speaking it as you wouldn't have to listen to the garbage they talk.

I took that advice and never learnt Thai.. :)

Edited by William Osborne
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In Issan Thai people thing your wife or gf is a bar girl when they see them with farangs. Sad but true.

Unfortunately (and in my extremely humble opinion) in a large number of cases the way the wives present and project themselves would lead people to come to that conclusion however inaccurate.

If a woman is clip clopping her way in heels across the Pullman Khon Kaen lobby with a denim skirt that's borderline decent length with gold dripping from every part of the body saying "Teerak me wait car long time mak mak" to the westerner in tow folks aren't likely to think "There goes a neurosurgeon"

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An Aussie mate of mine who can speak, read, write and translate Thai was carrying a box of files in an elevator when 2 Thai girls got in. He is a huge bloke, approx 190cm and 120kg and an ex rugby player so he caught their attention. One of the girls asked the other if she could 'take' a man of that size and her friend said no way, are you crazy?? The girl then told her friend that she reckons she could handle him and they both laughed. Listening all the while my mate then struggled to press the button for the floor he was getting off at while carrying the box and one of the girls asked her friend if she should help him. He turned to her and told her in fluent Thai that thanks, but he doesn't need any help. He reckons the look on their faces was priceless.

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... so what, who gives a dam_n..?

Do you ask your neighbor frequently too, they guy at the intersection,

next to you in his car, the passenger in the airplane, the waitress at Star_ucks?

Does really it matter what "they" think?

Who thinks what about me, my heritage, or my "better half" - up to them -

free entertainment, happens in their imagination only!

In other societies it's this, in others that, it's da <deleted> mind of da sicko's!

Who cares?!

even if my "better half" is a street cleaner... better a genuine human being then a made up barbie,

princess or status obsessed china doll !

Who needs a porcelain face one can not even touch only look at!?

Keep it... I don;t need it!

Edited by Samuian
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In Issan Thai people thing your wife or gf is a bar girl when they see them with farangs. Sad but true.

Unfortunately (and in my extremely humble opinion) in a large number of cases the way the wives present and project themselves would lead people to come to that conclusion however inaccurate.

If a woman is clip clopping her way in heels across the Pullman Khon Kaen lobby with a denim skirt that's borderline decent length with gold dripping from every part of the body saying "Teerak me wait car long time mak mak" to the westerner in tow folks aren't likely to think "There goes a neurosurgeon"

You nailed it. Why can't people have a bit of style? In Thailand, if you want people to respect you, you have to be dressed in clean clothes and be neat.

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The only badmouthing of falangs I ever heard, was that "Falangs smell bad."

Do not take care of personal hygiene. And smelling some my self even having to move to a different seat at a bar because of the smelly ones, but never heard it outside of the bars in Pattaya.

Cheers: :)

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some good advise i received about 5 years ago.. was out with a farang bloke one day and I commented on his fluent Thai, he said you are better off not speaking it as you wouldn't have to listen to the garbage they talk.

I took that advice and never learnt Thai.. :)

My listening skills are relatively fluent and I have to concur with the opinion of your friend. There have been to many occasions over the years of times where i wished i couldn't understand the conversations going on with the proximity of my hearing. As has been already said, I think for the most part that most Thais don't really give foreigners a second thought. The majority of conversations are about food, how hot it is, or gossipy speculations about fellow Thai acquaintances that are not around. For most Thai people, our existence here is of no consequence directly to their lives and so they don't give a toss to even think about our day to day lives...and fair enough. However, very often when they do talk about 'farangs' it is often to make us the but of a joke, speculate about our financial status, or our abilities between the sheets. I partly blame the Thai media, because you'll know that if you've ever seen a 'farang' in a Thai movie or show that we are almost exclusively portrayed as the villain or bumbling idiots.

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In Issan Thai people thing your wife or gf is a bar girl when they see them with farangs. Sad but true.

Unfortunately (and in my extremely humble opinion) in a large number of cases the way the wives present and project themselves would lead people to come to that conclusion however inaccurate.

If a woman is clip clopping her way in heels across the Pullman Khon Kaen lobby with a denim skirt that's borderline decent length with gold dripping from every part of the body saying "Teerak me wait car long time mak mak" to the westerner in tow folks aren't likely to think "There goes a neurosurgeon"

:):D Flub me thats funny..is this from your own experience? :D only joking

Gold and teerak two constant variables that equals a poor farmers daughter married to rich old falang...wonder where they met?

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In Issan Thai people thing your wife or gf is a bar girl when they see them with farangs. Sad but true.

Unfortunately (and in my extremely humble opinion) in a large number of cases the way the wives present and project themselves would lead people to come to that conclusion however inaccurate.

If a woman is clip clopping her way in heels across the Pullman Khon Kaen lobby with a denim skirt that's borderline decent length with gold dripping from every part of the body saying "Teerak me wait car long time mak mak" to the westerner in tow folks aren't likely to think "There goes a neurosurgeon"

You nailed it. Why can't people have a bit of style? In Thailand, if you want people to respect you, you have to be dressed in clean clothes and be neat.

Yeah theres nothing like total shallowness!!

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I was in a Big C store once with my wife, when a Thai male walked past and made the comment 'wife for rent'. The verbal assault he received from my wife was spectacular, I almost felt sorry for the guy.

Edited by Garry9999
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You nailed it. Why can't people have a bit of style? In Thailand, if you want people to respect you, you have to be dressed in clean clothes and be neat.

Yeah theres nothing like total shallowness!!

It is not only talking about Farang - you often see groups of Thais, maybe sitting in the restaurant with their boss from work, or just a fmily group sitting with the Grandfather around the meal table.

Because the "Pi" or "PuYai" of the group is talking, often complete and utter BS , the subordinates are nodding and agreeing and deferring and not daring to contradict or even question, even when it is completely obvious what utter nonsense they are listening too.

You only have to see some minor government functionary giving a press conference to get an impression of this syndrome.

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"..Listen, IF you could speak or understand thai at all; you would be shocked at just how insignificant you are here to the these people.

They don’t give two sh*ts about foreigners living in the glorious “Land ‘O Thais” unless it directly impacts them on a financial basis.

Plain and simple, THEY DON’T CARE !!!.."

really??? In truth they care in degrees ( on the scale of 0 to 10) from 0 ( as you surmise) to 10, from financial reasons to more altruistic reasons, the full gamut, just like ALL human beings

signed: They care baby, they care

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Some Thais respect foreigners and have some positive things to say about us.

I think they are the ones that have lived abroad and have benefited from the experience.

They will divide us into a "good person" vs "bad person" category. Jai dee vs Jai dam, in essence.

Most, I am afraid, think we are little more than walking ATM machines.

Xenophobia is very high in Thailand (seems to be growing each day).

If you are not Thai, you are outside of the "circle of positive human beings."

If you are not white as white can be, you are somehow inferior (that applies even to Thais).

In addition, it is assumed you know nothing about Thailand and can never understand Thailand.

Sadly, the people who have the most difficulty understanding Thai culture are Thais who have never left the country and experienced what it is like to live in a different culture (the vast majority of Thais).

But try telling them that. It will not make sense to them.

It is like a fish trying to understand the water it never notices because it is immersed in it.

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Some Thais respect foreigners and have some positive things to say about us.

I think they are the ones that have lived abroad and have benefited from the experience.

They will divide us into a "good person" vs "bad person" category. Jai dee vs Jai dam, in essence.

Most, I am afraid, think we are little more than walking ATM machines.

Xenophobia is very high in Thailand (seems to be growing each day).

If you are not Thai, you are outside of the "circle of positive human beings."

If you are not white as white can be, you are somehow inferior (that applies even to Thais).

In addition, it is assumed you know nothing about Thailand and can never understand Thailand.

Sadly, the people who have the most difficulty understanding Thai culture are Thais who have never left the country and experienced what it is like to live in a different culture (the vast majority of Thais).

But try telling them that. It will not make sense to them.

It is like a fish trying to understand the water it never notices because it is immersed in it.

Every now and again someone posts some wisdom around here. Love the fish analogy.

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I agree that most of the time the topics are nonsense. But yes Thai's do make comments about dark girls with farang. And if you happen to date a paler girl be prepared to answer the same dam_n questions every time. "You are farang, why do you date a pale girl? Farangs only like dark girls"

I have had quite a few instances of guys trying to hit on my wife in Warm Up (a big Thai college student club in Chiang Mai).

Depending on how crude/rude they are and my mood the backlash they get is different, but it never fails to make them look like a deer in the headlights when I interject and tell them to get lost.

usually the convos are "You're cute, do you have a boyfriend?" and many times this happens when I am making my way back to the bathroom. But then there are the cocky bastars who say "Once your done with the farang you should come with me" those guys and the guys who don't skitter off after my wife tells them she doesn't want them are the ones who get an ear full.

And on a final point, just because some people speak ill doesn't mean th whole lot of them do and it is not a valid reason to not try and learn the language if you plan on living in Thailand for a long period of time.

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After I learned a bit of Thai, I got off a bus in Surin and several of the Tuk Tuk Mafia mobbed me to extract a couple hundred baht for the next leg of the journey. Knowing my friend was coming to pick me up, I simply walked on with a "no-thank-you" wave of the hand. Then I hear the distinct "Farang-kee-nok" comment. When you're surrounded by a gang of these types, you just ignore it and keep walking.

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I have a different take on this being single.

When I have taken up a hobby I have spent time in thai shops chewing the fat with the "gang" who tends to adopt any newbies to the hobby and ensure they enjoy it and stay. durring these visits the amount of times a customer has come in and asked how bad the falang is being fleeced with a big grin, only to be scowled at by the owner who replies "He speaks thai!!!" is just too often.

With regard to the ling dam stuff. Yeah here in Issan many thai's male and female, teachers to shop clerks (which is not the same gap as back home...) ask me why farang like the black monkey issan girls. I say I don't know. Same reason they come here for a sun tan I suppose...

You can't really win all round here. If you don't buy the gold. You are selfish. If you do buy the gold you are stupid. If don't send her money, you are cheap charlie. If you do send her money you are a mug.

Its lose lose.

...ah, unless of course you were lucky enough to find a young, untainted thai chinese hieress who's father loves you like a son and fronted you the 1 million baht sin sod for the wedding that he paid for because he was so grateful you were marrying his daughter. He was clearly keen to see that those fees on the swiss finishing school didn't go to waste.

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After I learned a bit of Thai, I got off a bus in Surin and several of the Tuk Tuk Mafia mobbed me to extract a couple hundred baht for the next leg of the journey. Knowing my friend was coming to pick me up, I simply walked on with a "no-thank-you" wave of the hand. Then I hear the distinct "Farang-kee-nok" comment. When you're surrounded by a gang of these types, you just ignore it and keep walking.

speak for yourself. I turn around, " Mai tem baht le blow?" Which makes all their friends laugh at them. Then I might ask, "Mai me Marrayard, lor?" if I felt particularly affronted.

Its all a game to them. If you don't join in its only half the fun.

When the know you can be funny back they will stop, try and be friendly (however insincere or not) but, I have never had a violent reaction from firing back a cheeky retort. Fight fire with fire.

or put another way:

Monkey see, Monkey do!

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After I learned a bit of Thai, I got off a bus in Surin and several of the Tuk Tuk Mafia mobbed me to extract a couple hundred baht for the next leg of the journey. Knowing my friend was coming to pick me up, I simply walked on with a "no-thank-you" wave of the hand. Then I hear the distinct "Farang-kee-nok" comment. When you're surrounded by a gang of these types, you just ignore it and keep walking.

speak for yourself. I turn around, " Mai tem baht le blow?" Which makes all their friends laugh at them. Then I might ask, "Mai me Marrayard, lor?" if I felt particularly affronted.

Its all a game to them. If you don't join in its only half the fun.

When the know you can be funny back they will stop, try and be friendly (however insincere or not) but, I have never had a violent reaction from firing back a cheeky retort. Fight fire with fire.

or put another way:

Monkey see, Monkey do!

Since our linguistic genius has for some reason, chosen not to share his secret knowledge with us, leaving many in the dark, may I help?

1st phrase: Literally, "Not a full baht huh?" which means "Slightly crazy yourself?"

2nd phrase: "Don't you have manners?"

I agree, often a rude comment can be good-naturedly deflected with a witty comment. Still, keep in mind the Tuk Tuk mafia is often the lowest of the low and their ilk can even turn a good-natured retort into a reason to retaliate. Not smart with people you don't know.

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