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Thailand Will Host World Economic Forum In 2011


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Thailand will host World Economic Forum East Asia in 2011

DAVOS, Switzerland: -- Jan 31 (TNA) -- Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Sunday that Bangkok will host the World Economic Forum (WEF) East Asia in 2011 in part due to the confidence that foreign governments and international business leaders gave him for his performance as chairman of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) last year.

Mr. Abhisit, now attending a three-day 40th WEF 2010 in the Swiss city of Davos which ends later Sunday, said next year’s Bangkok meeting would be significant for Thailand, especially after Thai oil giant PTT Pcl is now a member of WEF, and Krung Thai Bank has just applied for membership and is awaiting confirmation.

Their applications for WEF membership are considered positive signals and the organiser of the meeting gained more confidence seeing Thailand as host of the event next year, said Mr. Abhisit.

Participants attending the meeting in Davos have high expectations that the Asian region could help spur global economy, he said, adding that he had held talks with the Swiss President and Economics Minister Doris Leuthard, Belgian prime minister Yves Leterme and had an audience with the Duke of York on ways to widen investment in Thailand.

Mr. Abhisit in his weekly television and radio address, broadcast from Bangkok, said Thailand’s economy has been showing signs of stronger recovery during the past several weeks.

He said total investment value seeking promotional privileges from the Board of Investment during 2009 stood as high as Bt700 billion, higher than the target by about 60 per cent. This year’s target is set at approximately Bt500 billion.

The Thai government budget spending for fiscal 2011, starting October 1, will be in deficit, Mr. Abhisit said. It is estimated that the government’s revenue in fiscal 2011 would be around Bt1.65 trillion while the expenditure would be slightly more than Bt2 trillion.

However, investment budget during the year would increase to Bt340 billion, or up nearly 60 per cent due to the economic recovery, he added. (TNA)


-- TNA 2010-01-31


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I am not into or indeed to interested in world economics as there is nothing I can do change anything! I read this purely out of curiosity.

What a load of typical Thai BS

Mr. Abhisit in his weekly television and radio address, broadcast from Bangkok, said Thailand’s economy has been showing signs of stronger recovery during the past several weeks.

Has this anything to do with it being high season? The rest of it is just talk about a load of massaged figures!

I know/hope I will be corrected but didn't Thailand borrow a ton of money from somewhere last year? Have they paid it back?

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I doubt that the Duke of York could offer anything useful by way of advice in attracting investment in Thailand. His Koo Stark episode has been long gone.

Oh, I don't know. I'm sure he's tops for selling Lynx or Sea King helicopters and other military hardware he's probably had first hand experience of using during his time in Service. Nothing like the royal seal of approval for moving things off the shelf, if you get my drift. :)

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I doubt that the Duke of York could offer anything useful by way of advice in attracting investment in Thailand. His Koo Stark episode has been long gone.

Oh, I don't know. I'm sure he's tops for selling Lynx or Sea King helicopters and other military hardware he's probably had first hand experience of using during his time in Service. Nothing like the royal seal of approval for moving things off the shelf, if you get my drift. :)

The last time I looked Thailand neither manufactured or marketed Lynx or Sea King helicopters. On the other hand he does know a bit about being a 'helicopter' and has a reputation for running his mouth off just like his old man. More likely to piss peeps off than getting them to invest.

BTW anybody know who is bringing a smile to his face these days? I do hope she is more attractive than the horse faced adventurer his elder brother settled for.

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