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Google Adsense

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I was reading on another website about how Google Adsense can be used to a decent second income on a popular website. Someone mentioned that advertising revenue from Google Adsense depends on click rates, and clicks from less developed countries such as Thailand count for less than clicks from other countries. So, just to satisfy my curiosity, does anyone have any more information to share on this subject?

Here's a link for anyone new to the subject: https://www.google.com/adsense/


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cat5, your question doesn't make much sense, since the internet is global.

Nothing prevents you from running a Norvegian site from within Thailand.

Regarding Adsense Performance of Thai traffic: if I was a global advertiser, I would exclude Thailand from the target market for the ads, since many clients from Thailand will have trouble to pay their order by credit card.

Edited by manarak
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The whole key as you mentioned is a popular website

To get a website popular enough to earn a decent second income with google adsense is like trying to win the lottery

You are obviously just one of life's failures. If you even made a bit of effort to learn how to build a popular website you would realise that it's very easy. I have built 100s and I know of lots of other people with very little experience who have done the same. Do your keyword research and taget niches that are popular but not too competitive and you will easily have 1000s of people coming to your site.

So quit making pathetic remarks without any evidence to back them up.

Just because you can't do it doesn't mean it's difficult. It just means that you can't do it.

Edited by w11guy
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cat5, your question doesn't make much sense, since the internet is global.

Nothing prevents you from running a Norvegian site from within Thailand.

Regarding Adsense Performance of Thai traffic: if I was a global advertiser, I would exclude Thailand from the target market for the ads, since many clients from Thailand will have trouble to pay their order by credit card.

I think you have misunderstood what cat5 is asking. It seems to me he's asking how much money you can make from adsense if the clicks originate in Thailand compared to if they originate elsewhere. For example, someone in the US may click on your ad and you may get paid 10c. If someone in Thailand clicked on the same ad you'd probably get paid much less - maybe only 1-2c.

I also don't think you realise what adsense is. If you are making money from adsense, you want as many people as possible to see your ads. The people who click them aren't buying from you, they're buying from the people who placed the ads. You make your money by having the ads displayed on your website.

Edited by w11guy
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cat5, your question doesn't make much sense, since the internet is global.

Nothing prevents you from running a Norvegian site from within Thailand.

Regarding Adsense Performance of Thai traffic: if I was a global advertiser, I would exclude Thailand from the target market for the ads, since many clients from Thailand will have trouble to pay their order by credit card.

Google is payable via Bangkok Bank at ATMs, call center and via internet and branch counters - Adsense is within that no?

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To begin make interesting money (100s of dollars) on adsense you need to have at least 4000 people per day visiting your website .

Does anyone know the number of visitors to stickman's site? I estimate that his goodlead sense plus local adverts from bars etc that he must be making 1000s of USD per month..??

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  • 1 month later...

I make a fairly decent amount from google adsense and it's actually a lot easier than some of the previous posters would have you believe, you just need a system...

The system that has worked for me is as follows;

I picked 2 keywords on the same subject that people search for, i.e. "carp fishing tackle", this term actually pays up to $10 per click when someone clicks on the ad on my website. The second keyword is "carp rods", this gets searched over 5000 times daily but has low competition so is easy to get on the first page of google for...

I then wrote 4 articles, 2 about carp fishing tackle & 2 about carp rods. Next I bought a domain and posted the articles on to my one page adsense template website...

After getting a few backlinks I quickly appeared on the first page of google for the search term "carp rods", this site now brings me in around $20-$30 dollars daily. I have since built over 20 of these sites which all give similar results.

Do the maths and you'll see it is still possible to make a nice bit of money from adsense.

For those interested I learnt this technique, got the adsense website and a list of 5000 high paying keywords from here: http://bit.ly/agZUHr

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nice plug, djk!

In reality, it is far more difficult than you say.

cat5, your question doesn't make much sense, since the internet is global.

Nothing prevents you from running a Norvegian site from within Thailand.

Regarding Adsense Performance of Thai traffic: if I was a global advertiser, I would exclude Thailand from the target market for the ads, since many clients from Thailand will have trouble to pay their order by credit card.

I think you have misunderstood what cat5 is asking. It seems to me he's asking how much money you can make from adsense if the clicks originate in Thailand compared to if they originate elsewhere. For example, someone in the US may click on your ad and you may get paid 10c. If someone in Thailand clicked on the same ad you'd probably get paid much less - maybe only 1-2c.

I also don't think you realise what adsense is. If you are making money from adsense, you want as many people as possible to see your ads. The people who click them aren't buying from you, they're buying from the people who placed the ads. You make your money by having the ads displayed on your website.

I'm on both sides: I'm a client of adwords and a publisher on adsense.

Publishers are the people who make money from adsense (=webmasters who publish adsense).

By saying that advertizers (= website owners advertizing on adsense, not publishers) would probably exclude Thailand as a target country, I wanted to explain why the clicks are paid less.

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Based on experience, its Not as easy as this post makes it seem, BUT, you can make money with adsense with hard work and a good niche.Takes 3-6 months to ramp up and good SEO skills help.


I make a fairly decent amount from google adsense and it's actually a lot easier than some of the previous posters would have you believe, you just need a system...

The system that has worked for me is as follows;

I picked 2 keywords on the same subject that people search for, i.e. "carp fishing tackle", this term actually pays up to $10 per click when someone clicks on the ad on my website. The second keyword is "carp rods", this gets searched over 5000 times daily but has low competition so is easy to get on the first page of google for...

I then wrote 4 articles, 2 about carp fishing tackle & 2 about carp rods. Next I bought a domain and posted the articles on to my one page adsense template website...

After getting a few backlinks I quickly appeared on the first page of google for the search term "carp rods", this site now brings me in around $20-$30 dollars daily. I have since built over 20 of these sites which all give similar results.

Do the maths and you'll see it is still possible to make a nice bit of money from adsense.

For those interested I learnt this technique, got the adsense website and a list of 5000 high paying keywords from here: http://bit.ly/agZUHr

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this is a very deep subject, probably better researched on an internet marketing forum.

but the simple answer is Yes you can make big monies..

the more complicated answer is that it is MUCH more complicated than it seems (or that some would have you believe)

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this is a very deep subject, probably better researched on an internet marketing forum.

but the simple answer is Yes you can make big monies..

the more complicated answer is that it is MUCH more complicated than it seems (or that some would have you believe)


Internet marketing has low startup costs and low barriers to entry.

Sounds awesome?  

Not really.  Your competition is everyone else in the whole world who has a modicum of interest and dedication...  And people from 3rd world who are happy making $10/day working 10 hours doing this.  And high school kids who are happy making a few bucks.  This business is a lot harder than having a Brick and Mortar business where you sell widgets and your competition is one guy down the street.  

Of course just like every industry there are some great success stories.  After 15 years of web cams being around, some Russian teen comes out with chatrullette and things take off immediately and he is getting millions of visitors which translates to good advertising money.  Right idea+right timing+right execution and promotion = big money, but there are far more failures than successes.  

Edited by witold
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Based on experience, its Not as easy as this post makes it seem, BUT, you can make money with adsense with hard work and a good niche.Takes 3-6 months to ramp up and good SEO skills help.


I make a fairly decent amount from google adsense and it's actually a lot easier than some of the previous posters would have you believe, you just need a system...

The system that has worked for me is as follows;

I picked 2 keywords on the same subject that people search for, i.e. "carp fishing tackle", this term actually pays up to $10 per click when someone clicks on the ad on my website. The second keyword is "carp rods", this gets searched over 5000 times daily but has low competition so is easy to get on the first page of google for...

I then wrote 4 articles, 2 about carp fishing tackle & 2 about carp rods. Next I bought a domain and posted the articles on to my one page adsense template website...

After getting a few backlinks I quickly appeared on the first page of google for the search term "carp rods", this site now brings me in around $20-$30 dollars daily. I have since built over 20 of these sites which all give similar results.

Do the maths and you'll see it is still possible to make a nice bit of money from adsense.

For those interested I learnt this technique, got the adsense website and a list of 5000 high paying keywords from here: http://bit.ly/agZUHr

Not necessarily, choosing the right keywords as in my above method results can happen quite quickly...

Searching for "carp rods" on google US, my site is curently ranked number 6 on the first page of results, this took just 2 weeks to achieve with minimal SEO work done. This phrase gets over 5000 daily searches, each ad click is worth between $7-$10.

Edited by djk
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This poster 'djk' .... I'd probably believe it more if the link in the post about making

$20-$30 dollars daily
on over 20 sites didn't lead to .... 'The IM advantage'.....(big yellow sign) 'BUY NOW' because
you must act now because we are going to be raising the price considerably next week
. Yeah, I believe it, it must be true, the 'carp rod' fairy pays every Tom Dick and Harry 10 bucks for hosting an ad on their site which someone clicks on. Have to remind myself not to become an adsense client when I commence work on the carp rod start-up I had planned.
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  • 1 year later...

I make a good income via adsense. I wouldn't use Thai websites but you could try that of course.

There is a very important skill you need to learn if you want to make money with Google adsense and that is SEO.

You have 2 option. Either you make a huge hightraffic website or you build many smaller niche websites. I have several small websites that earn €15 a month but after I build them I hardly have any work on them.

Then I have other websites that make €200 from adsense. You also need to see if adsense is the best choice for monitisation. If you have a website about LED TV's then maybe amazon advertisement would be better as you can get 4%(I believe) commission if you sell one TV. However LED TV's will also generate a high click value so you could test that to see which makes more money.

I'm not going to explain the whole process but in short here is what I do.

1. Go to Google keyword tool and find a keyword phrase that people look for but where there isn't to much competition.

2. Build a website around those keywords with lots of original content and fully SE optimized

2. Build links to get that page in the top 3 (preferably number 1 position)

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this is a very deep subject, probably better researched on an internet marketing forum.

but the simple answer is Yes you can make big monies..

the more complicated answer is that it is MUCH more complicated than it seems (or that some would have you believe)


Internet marketing has low startup costs and low barriers to entry.

Sounds awesome?

Not really. Your competition is everyone else in the whole world who has a modicum of interest and dedication... And people from 3rd world who are happy making $10/day working 10 hours doing this. And high school kids who are happy making a few bucks. This business is a lot harder than having a Brick and Mortar business where you sell widgets and your competition is one guy down the street.

Of course just like every industry there are some great success stories. After 15 years of web cams being around, some Russian teen comes out with chatrullette and things take off immediately and he is getting millions of visitors which translates to good advertising money. Right idea+right timing+right execution and promotion = big money, but there are far more failures than successes.

There is a learning curve and it takes hard work. Most people fail and I have failed many times, it's the ones who continue that eventually succeed. And yes there is competitiveness but I don't compete with people from 3rd world countries, I hire them :)

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