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Will Want A German Shepherd


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For future reference...where in Thailand will I be able to get a pure bred German Shepherd puppy ?

I have lots of info. on this as I compete in Shutzhund (obedience/protection/tracking). The ONLY place to start is The German Shepherd Association of Thailand - a serious, intelligent, dedicated, uncorruptable bunch of people (wow! if only they ran the country)!!! Telephone Number 02-279-3621. They have all litter details so explain what you want and they will tell you what is available.

I have five shepherds including sables and all blacks but they are all working animals and I have no litters planned right now. The quality of pedigree GSDs in Thailand is high and the recent import of a sieger dog by a Thai individual (he paid 3 million baht and this is all documented with the club) means there will be some excellent pups in the near future. Expect to pay 20,000b - 30,000b for a really good quality dog from pet bloodlines.

Working dogs from Shutzhund lines are in great demand in Thailand so expect to pay a little more and unless you are training the job for 'nerves of steel' protection work, this kind of dog is not needed. Best of luck and any probs. please PM me.

If somebody recommends a breeder, I probably know them or of them and can give you the lowdown. NOTE: If you want to train the dog for handler protection work, then a serious world class trainer is available at PR Bang-Na - a Thai guy whom I would rank as world number 2 in this field. He uses PATIENCE - something lacking far too much now in Western style protection work. You can get the number for him from the number I gave you for the club above.

Great choice you have made here in my opinion - the WELL TRAINED shepherd, when it really counts knocks the socks off Rottweillers/Akitas/Dobermanns (all though Dobes are my favourite - just the mad world they live in and their insane perspective on life). Again, best of luck and remember that when all your mates have buggered off and you have nothing to offer anybody, your dog will still be there to lick the wounds!

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I have lots of info. on this as I compete in Shutzhund (obedience/protection/tracking). The ONLY place to start is The German Shepherd Association of Thailand - a serious, intelligent, dedicated, uncorruptable bunch of people (wow! if only they ran the country)!!! Telephone Number 02-279-3621. They have all litter details so explain what you want and they will tell you what is available.

Wow, I had no idea there were serious dog associations in Thailand. I knew there were lots of breeders and that people were willing to import dogs for top-dollar (a friend of mine just paid 2 million for an absolutely STUNNING Siberian Husky for his dog farm), but I was under the impression that he bred and trained the dogs for competitions outside of Thailand. I'll have to ask him more about it, but are you saying that they have competitions (like Shutzhund) here in Thailand? That'd be interesting to watch. Where can I get more info on it?

You're right about one thing, though. Working dogs are the only way to go. I can't stand those little yappy show-dogs and I truly believe they are an abomination done upon the canine species by humans :o, heheh. Sheperds are a bit big for me, though, and competition and protection are not big concerns for me. I just like a smart and capable companion animal. I used to have a mid-size sheperd/sheltie mix that was absolutely brillant (her only drawback being that she shed like she had five dogs worth of hair on her, :D ).

The only pure-bred I've ever owned was a high-strung Brittany Spanial, that was absolutely useless for hunting and dumb as a post too. So I've always favored mild-tempered mutts, especially older dogs, because they just have the right combination of "street smarts" and affable personality. That sheperd/sheltie mix I had was an excellent hunter in her own rights and could pull a sled as well as any dog (she just LOVED snow). Plus I trained her myself to respond to both voice and hand signals. I also used to roller-blade about 8 miles a day with her. She'd pull me for the first 4 miles, and when she got tired, I'd sling her over my shoulders and she'd grab on with her paws, stick her nose into the wind and set tongue to flapping. Great workout for both of us (I remembered when I first moved out East, I took my dog into the vet, who was used to seeing lazy, fat city dogs. As she was examing my dog, she exclaimed, "My God! Your dog is BUFF!" Heheh, she said she'd never seen any dog with such rock-hard muscles, but I guess that's why my dog could give a rabbit a 30 yard headstart and still run it down). Dang, she was a great dog.

Anyway, I haven't had a dog since I moved to Thailand (no, the bug-eyed Chihuahua my wife has doesn't count as a dog in my book, since it's smaller than our cats). I've been thinking about getting one, but my normal method of adopting a decent stray doesn't seem to be a good idea since Thai soi dogs aren't to my liking. I've heard friends sing the praises of Border Collies and the breed has always interested me. I've heard they are bred for their smarts (and can be quite a handful if not properly trained), and that something I'd like in any dog I own.

Got any info on Collies or Shelties in Thailand? No disparagement of Sheperds intended. I think they are a fine breed and definitely among the brightest dogs in the world, however, they are just a bit too big for me. Something around 45lbs (20kg) is the ideal size for a dog in my book.

Edited by Pudgimelon
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borders are great but they herd!! anything> children, chickens, cars etc... and in training, you have to take the herding instinct in to account.as they dont heel so well since they tend to try to herd you also while you are trying to heel him/her which makes for zigzag walking :o .. borders do good in agility btw

always liked shelties and there are the smooth ones , i expect that a regular sheltie would have even more of a bad hair day in thailand (hot spots etc) due to humidity and heat.

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always liked shelties and there are the smooth ones , i expect that a regular sheltie would have even more of a bad hair day in thailand (hot spots etc) due to humidity and heat.

Yeah, my dog looked like a 40lbs German Sheperd, but shed like a sheltie for sure. Thought about bringing her here, but unfortunately, she died of old age right before I made the trip. It probably would have been tough on her to adjust to this heat. She hated Florida when I lived there, but went absolutely bonkers for snow and ice.

I've got friends who have Goldens here, and I really pity their dogs, they look truly uncomfortable in this weather and suffer from a lot of skin rashes.

I hear Huskies actually do quite well here, oddly enough, but I'd venture a guess that Shelties and Collies would have a tough time just like the Goldens. What about Sheperds? Do they mind the weather or do they have weather related skin problems too?

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