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Dedicated Hosting In Thailand


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Does anyone use dedicated web hosting in Thailand and can recommend a company.

No flaming please, but, due to the current configuration we need MS Server and MSSQL Server.

I've Googled around and there are companies out there that do offer what we need but I'd appreciate a recommendation from someone with experience from a provider.



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Why would you be looking in Thailand for this ? You would be using FTP to upload your site anyway. FTP to a Thai host or a foreign host is still FTP and there is no local company who can match the big overseas providers in terms of price and reliability.

Local companies are terrible at hosting and support personnel dont speak great English either. I use a host company in Hong Kong which is really good - but you can pretty much pick one from anywhere and do all the registration and payments online.

Edited by richardt1808
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I use a company called Visual Web, which is Bangkok based. They source from an American host, but their service is impeccable, always replies instantly, and are really helpful. No problems with English either, as one of the guys there is non-thai.

Our solution is MS based with MSSQL as well, works like a charm.

Don't know about prices if they are cheap or expensive compared to Thailand hosts, I know they cost more than in Europe, quite a bit more. But we wanted to use a Thai company to get all the proper tax invoices and all.

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^ That's actually not true anymore. Often prices in Europe are now lower than USA.

But presumably the OP needs a server here in Thailand. CAT offers rackspace in Bangkok I think starting from 3,000 baht/m for 1U and a bit of bandwidth. Then add a server @ 150,000 or more (yes, we're talking server blades here, not desktop pc's). Support level same as you're used to from your ISP (i.e. more or less non-existing). Sorry.

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I suggest forget Thailand and choose one.com, often rewarded as being best AND cheapest.

Serious webdesigners don't host in Thailand.

More options are:

All exact links you find here

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My son is using This service and he is very happy as far as reliability and customer support is concerned, though they appear to be quite costly for the higher end packages.

I am using bizland.com in the US at $120 per year and am very satisfied.


:):D:D $120 per year ????????????? Wow that's a real rip-off !!!! With one.com you pay only $1,45 per month.....

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Thanks for all the constructive responses. Plenty for me to investigate today.

Our main server is in the UK. We have people updating our database all day here in Bangkok and the connection speed it patchy at best. I was thinking that I could set up a mirror to our live website/database here in Bangkok and have that database maintained. I'd write something to populate the live database with the new data early morning Thai time (when we have fewest active customers in the UK).

The benefit of this would be that we can test the data before it goes live, we have a backup of our database in case there's a problem with our live database (happened before and took days to sort out) and if our live server crashes (happened once in 8 years - but you never know) then I can point the name servers to our Thai site while the live server gets sorted out.

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:):D:D $120 per year ????????????? Wow that's a real rip-off !!!! With one.com you pay only $1,45 per month.....

Well, I didn't say they are cheap.

I've been with them since '98 or '99 and got only great service.

Response time by e-mail is usually 1-2 hours 24/7. They even helped me once with html coding questions.

Storage is now 100GB and Bandwidth 1TB/per month (yes Byte!)

Online payment facilities are also included (though I'm not using them).

So I am satisfied and $120 is ok with me.

Their customers are mostly SMEs


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$120 per year ????????????? Wow that's a real rip-off !!!! With one.com you pay only $1,45 per month.....

...for space on a server that is teetering on the brink of overload and with no support worth mentioning if anything goes wrong? Cheap hosting isn't cheap when you factor in the cost of downtime. I'd rather pay more for quality hosting any day - and $120 is still cheap IMHO.

I gave up on shared hosting some time ago and got a VPS. My sites run much faster because I have dedicated resources. I rarely have any problems and when I do technical support responds within 15 minutes. Costs a lot more (about $45/month) but if you care about reliability and speed/bandwidth its worth it. And when I think how much time I lost solving problems on shared hosting accounts I'm well ahead.

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I agree with Crushdepth ^

Apart from maintenance or upgrades twice a year (2-5 hours) which are announced well in advance there has never been any down time since we joined them.

In my opinion we get value for our money.


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Just two hours ago I received a notice from our hosting service that they upgraded us to 200GB storage and 2TB bandwidth/month.

Though they still charge us $120.-/year but new subscribers are now offered the same package for $60.-/year as a promotian.

Here is the communication I had with them:

Date Type

02/03/2010 4:15 AM EST Ticket Created

02/03/2010 4:15 AM EST ....................... contacted BizLand

Subject: Price for charter membership question

Customer Quote: Dear Sir,

My log-in: ...............

Membership: Charter

Current storage: 100GB, Bandwidth: 1,000GB

charged as US$ 119.95/year

From your main page I see that this type of membership is now:

Storage 200GB, Bandwidth: 2,000GB

cost: US$ 59.95/year

Can you please kindly explain why I still have to pay the old price?

Best regards



02/03/2010 4:15 AM EST Updated Ticket: Work in Progress

02/03/2010 6:05 AM EST BizLand contacted ................. (Resolved)

Comment: Hello ...........,

Thank you for contacting Support.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. While we always make every effort to keep our prices low, from time to time we do find it necessary to make pricing adjustments. Unfortunately, we had to increase the price for the hosting packages due to the following reasons:

1. Rising cost of technology and support resources.

2. To control inflation.

Also, we make regular changes to our hosting plan so that we can match the market requirements. Hence, you may find periodic changes in our products and services.

The current price of $59.95 is only for the new signups. Since you are one of our valuable customers, I have provided 200Gb of disk space and 2000GB of bandwidth for your account '..............'.

If you have any further questions, please update the Support Console.


Mel Burnham

Customer Support


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Just for fun, try using the 200 GB disk space you're being offered. Just upload a couple of movies ... oh, that will probably be outlawed by their TOS ... well then a whooole lot of mp3's .... oh that would be illegal as well, well find out if there is anything that is big that you can upload to fill 200 GB and see if they will still have you as a customer. I dare you.

Try having a look for dedicated servers and see what a server, not a single client but a full server with 200 GB of available disk space cost. It's in the area of $160/month and up. The only way you can sell this for $10/month is by not actually providing it.

Edited by Phil Conners
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Just for fun, try using the 200 GB disk space you're being offered. Just upload a couple of movies ... oh, that will probably be outlawed by their TOS ... well then a whooole lot of mp3's .... oh that would be illegal as well, well find out if there is anything that is big that you can upload to fill 200 GB and see if they will still have you as a customer. I dare you.

My thoughts exactly, those are in 99.9% of totally meaningless "free" upgrades for them to throw at the customers. No one uses 2TB bandwith anyway and 200GB as PC says, is very hard to fill up with just pictures.

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Okay, I understand all the points made in the above posts and agree with them.

We'll never be able to use the offered capacity but let's say you want to share a few .iso files of 4+ GB each.

I've done it in the past (not public, only within family with direct links) without any problems.

Also used the host server to back-up data from time to time (have local (home) back-ups of course). The back-ups ran into about 40GB.


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I think you will find that most hosting companies TOS also prevent you from storing ISO or backup files as well. All you can use the 200 GB for is your actual website data, and even then, they normally have a clause that allow them to cancel your account for any reason that they find deteriorate their servers performance. They are pretty water tight. You got away with it, they probably happened to have plenty of free space on that server but I think it was probably pot luck.

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I would suggest you approach an ISP and get a dedicated server installed by the hosting company. The ISP will install and configure to your specification, so you they will install sql server if you wish. The server farm will monitor the server, and you will have full admin privileges. This will not be cheap, as you will have to pay for a sql server license. But what is sure is that your DB is the only DB running on the server. If you use shared hosting, your DB instance could be sitting side by side with 100s or 1000s of others.

I use an ISP in the USA. But if you don't want your data hosted in the USA because of data protection, there are ISPs in Europe, Asia that can do this. Get back to me and I can discuss further with you.

Kind regards,


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I think you will find that most hosting companies TOS also prevent you from storing ISO or backup files as well. All you can use the 200 GB for is your actual website data, and even then, they normally have a clause that allow them to cancel your account for any reason that they find deteriorate their servers performance. They are pretty water tight. You got away with it, they probably happened to have plenty of free space on that server but I think it was probably pot luck.

You are quite correct.

The last time I read the TOS was when I signed up and today again where it is quite clear that what you say is correct.

I knew that .exe, .zip and .rar files were not allowed.

Every two months or so I did upload an .iso file(4-6GB), gave my family the link and once everybody had downloaded it (2-3 weeks) I deleted the file and got away with it.

Also have a few .xlx and .mdb files (<1GB each) up there as back-ups which I update frequently. So far no problem.


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