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Red-shirts Protest At American Embassy


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Red-shirts Protest at US Embassy against Visa for Army Chief

TAN network

UPDATE : 3 February 2010

A group of red-shirt supporters turned up at the US Embassy in Bangkok to protest against the issuance of visa for Army Chief General Anupong Paochinda to visit the country on Friday.

The group claimed he was involved in the 2006 military coup.

Source: http://www.thailandoutlook.tv/tan/ViewData...?DataID=1024482


-- Tan Network 2010-02-03


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Ummmm let's see .....

America and Thailand ... allies. Cobra Gold.... ships coming to port in Thailand etc.

Army chief --- head of the armed forces for an ally.

Reds .... supporters of a fugitive from justice.

This isn't gonna go very far!

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Ummmm let's see .....

America and Thailand ... allies. Cobra Gold.... ships coming to port in Thailand etc.

Army chief --- head of the armed forces for an ally.

Reds .... supporters of a fugitive from justice.

This isn't gonna go very far!

Ruuning out of options. where else they can turn. let wait and see

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The coup was never considered illegal by the international community, and the military allowed an election to happen again. Why wouldn't the US give a visa to someone who was in the military during the coup?

The reds continue to further lose the plot...

Edited by Meridian007
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The coup was never considered illegal by the international community, and the military allowed an election to happen again. Why wouldn't the US give a visa to someone who was in the military during the coup?

The reds continue to further lose the plot...

No they don't continue to 'loose the plot" as you say. They are continuously being denied any say at all. With the tight control of the media, oppression of some sort or another of their, what they consider to be 'legitimate' views by what they consider to be an illegal regime, its no wonder that they resort to tactics such as they have been forced to adopt.

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The coup was never considered illegal by the international community, and the military allowed an election to happen again. Why wouldn't the US give a visa to someone who was in the military during the coup?

The reds continue to further lose the plot...

No they don't continue to 'loose the plot" as you say. They are continuously being denied any say at all. With the tight control of the media, oppression of some sort or another of their, what they consider to be 'legitimate' views by what they consider to be an illegal regime, its no wonder that they resort to tactics such as they have been forced to adopt.

Edited by excaliguy
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The coup was never considered illegal by the international community, and the military allowed an election to happen again. Why wouldn't the US give a visa to someone who was in the military during the coup?

The reds continue to further lose the plot...

No they don't continue to 'loose the plot" as you say. They are continuously being denied any say at all. With the tight control of the media, oppression of some sort or another of their, what they consider to be 'legitimate' views by what they consider to be an illegal regime, its no wonder that they resort to tactics such as they have been forced to adopt.

Same rhetoric the PAD employed.

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The coup was never considered illegal by the international community, and the military allowed an election to happen again. Why wouldn't the US give a visa to someone who was in the military during the coup?

The reds continue to further lose the plot...

No they don't continue to 'loose the plot" as you say. They are continuously being denied any say at all. With the tight control of the media, oppression of some sort or another of their, what they consider to be 'legitimate' views by what they consider to be an illegal regime, its no wonder that they resort to tactics such as they have been forced to adopt.

These Reds have their own newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations, web sites, etc. etc. Why do you say they are experiencing "tight control of the media"? I am very curious as to the evidence of this oppression. Do enlighten us.

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The coup was never considered illegal by the international community, and the military allowed an election to happen again. Why wouldn't the US give a visa to someone who was in the military during the coup?

The reds continue to further lose the plot...

No they don't continue to 'loose the plot" as you say. They are continuously being denied any say at all. With the tight control of the media, oppression of some sort or another of their, what they consider to be 'legitimate' views by what they consider to be an illegal regime, its no wonder that they resort to tactics such as they have been forced to adopt.

'they consider' to be an illegal regime? Yes the current government and the two prior to that are so bad that ALL nations are boycotting Thailand. The UN is sanctioning Thailand etc etc ....

Oh wait, is there a single government in the world that sees the current Thai government as 'illegal'? hmmm nope! The US didn't like the coup! They didn't pull the ambassador though, and normalized the only sanction they placed on Thailand after the next elections. (Note that sanction wasn't decided on or a knee-jerk reaction, it was (is) a law passed by congress about selling arms .. and nothing else, I doubt anything would have changed if that law had not been on the books.)

As someone else rightly pointed out .. the Reds have their own access to media, but not even thy believe what the red media says :)

As far as oppression of Reds views? That doesn't wash either .. they are allowed to gather peacefully and protest loudly ... even long after the volume of their rhetoric would be disturbing people trying to sleep. They are even allowed to have posters of their leader, a convicted felon that is a fugitive from justice in Thailand, on the stage with them. In fact he still calls in to shows and gets press the world over with his little rants. I seem to remember recently Thaksin claiming he will form a government in exile if there is another coup. (Wouldn't that be Abhisit's prerogative?)

The other Red tactics are certainly to be admired though! Cinderblocks through car windows. Dragging a man from his car and then beating him before killing him. etc etc! Yeah .. they are an admirable group of people!

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Since no one in Thailand has the balls or tits to stand up to the Red shirts here it is. The Foreign Embassy and consulates here in Thailand are foreign territory. It does not belong to Thailand or it's people.

Stay out. You know it is funny in our country colors are for gangs that represent gangs and are not allowed in our schools. You are setting very bad examples you act like children. Time for you Thais to grow up.

I will repeat myself Stay out of our Embassy and our consulates. You are not welcome. PERSONA NON GRATA.

If Thai people wish to pursue threating our embassy and our consulates you will face criminal prosecution as well our foreign people here in Thailand will pull our business's and the tourists from here and issue more warnings

abroad for the instability here in the Kingdom.





I am not threating anyone but when Thais take things too far you get outsiders pissed off and thats where you got me now all pissed off. If you think it is in your best interest to cut off your food supply go right ahead. I will tell you people around the world will give much more help to Haiti before they send any money to Thailand, so keep shooting yourself in the foot. keep scaring off the farang. But think how you are going to feed your families and take care of the sick etc,etc without the farang here. You just show the world that you men are no more of a man than the ladyboys and katoeys and gays. Thats why Thailand does not have real men you can not produce them.

Edited by pissedoff
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The Foreign Embassy and consulates here in Thailand are foreign territory. It does not belong to Thailand or it's people.

That is a misconception and the consulates/embassies are not sovereign territory of the foreign state. They are covered under the Vienna Convention of Diplomatic Relations (1961), specifically the following:

Article 22,

1.The premises of the mission shall be inviolable. The agents of the receiving State may not enter them, except with the consent of the head of the mission.

2.The receiving State is under a special duty to take all appropriate steps to protect the premises of the mission against any intrusion or damage and to prevent any disturbance of the peace of the mission or impairment of its dignity.

3.The premises of the mission, their furnishings and other property thereon and the means of transport of the mission shall be immune from search, requisition, attachment or execution.

Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations

The reason for the misconception is probably that the Vienna Convention states that the local government foreswears the right to enter an embassy, and diplomatic immunity protects the diplomats working inside. However, this does not mean that that space is somehow transmuted into US (or other) soil or legal territory for purposes of law enforcement.

More information here > Diplomatic mission

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you really sounded like.... you really are pissed off, aren't you?

boy, that surely is a mouth full....

are you issuing such strong warnings to us or to them.... lol

we are not yet at war with these folks and they are not encroaching our supreme territory as yet either.... did you see the, now you see them, now you don't, marines et al stationed at several strategic locations around the u.s. supreme soil on both side of thanon vit-ta-u or what we americans call wireless road....? at the moment, both buildings are secured.... with the life of our arm forces boys and girls on the line 247.... many thanks to each of them as well....

i feel strangely comforted after having read your such strongly worded warning, even though i can not agree with every thing you said.... thank you anyway.... now--only if any of them will listen....

Edited by nakachalet
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you really sounded like.... you really are pissed off, aren't you?

boy, that surely is a mouth full....

are you issuing such strong warnings to us or to them.... lol

we are not yet at war with these folks and they are not encroaching our supreme territory as yet either.... did you see the, now you see them, now you don't, marines et al stationed at several strategic locations around the u.s. supreme soil on both side of thanon vit-ta-u or what we americans call wireless road....? at the moment, both buildings are secured.... with the life of our arm forces boys and girls on the line 247.... many thanks to each of them as well....

i feel strangely comforted after having read your such strongly worded warning, even though i can not agree with every thing you said.... thank you anyway.... now--only if any of them will listen....

Thank You. And I am sorry for harsh words they are not against you or members of the forum. It upsets me that this never ends. It seems like they the Thais really dont understand how this is affecting many of the foreign visitors and more so the foreign people that live in Thailand and that have business and family out here and we have to provide for our loved ones and with such turmoil in this country and the many things that I have witnessed. If Thai people want to know I would love to tell them that you are hurting us and you have been doing it for years and now it has come to a boiling point. Ask yourself why are the Farang here? What have they done for Thailand? Stop saying what Thaksin did for Thailand. Start remembering that we were here before Thaksin and we will be here after Thaksin. We are the bread and butter! Start treating us with some dignity and humanity. About what I said in my post well yes frankly I am angry. I want Thais to stop looking at our countries and getting our countries involved in your political struggles. And most of all I need Thais to stop attacking and stealing from the Farang and blaming the Farang for all your problems. I need the Thais to stop thinking that it is legal for police to ask you or your driver for money because we are Farang. It is time that Thailand puts controls on Prostitution if they are going to make it legal if not as far as I am concerned prostitution is illegal in Thailand and they should start to in force laws that they make. Stop being the hipocrits that you are and do what you say not say what you dont do. Sorry to all who I may have hurt by my earlier post to all of those who understand how I feel thank you. I wish to see Thailand get over the hurdles they have ahead as well I wish the Thais to grow be free have a real democracy and be self reliant,but first all Thais must be willing to let go of the past and look towards a bright future.

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and for all practical purposes.... as it is delineated....

the soil where the u.s. embassy buildings occupied is absolutely and categorically

OFF LIMIT to any and all person foreign or demestic,

excepting those specificlly granted permission to enter by authorized person....

which include u.s. citizen et cetera....

CAN thai high ranking officials enter the soil where the embassy occupies....?

absolutely not.... not unless the chief extends his blessing....

entering without specific permission is construed as an act of aggression....

well, maybe we should post that in thai language and esan dilect.... for the demonstrators' benefits.... lol

The Foreign Embassy and consulates here in Thailand are foreign territory. It does not belong to Thailand or it's people.

That is a misconception and the consulates/embassies are not sovereign territory of the foreign state. They are covered under the Vienna Convention of Diplomatic Relations (1961), specifically the following:

Article 22,

1.The premises of the mission shall be inviolable. The agents of the receiving State may not enter them, except with the consent of the head of the mission.

2.The receiving State is under a special duty to take all appropriate steps to protect the premises of the mission against any intrusion or damage and to prevent any disturbance of the peace of the mission or impairment of its dignity.

3.The premises of the mission, their furnishings and other property thereon and the means of transport of the mission shall be immune from search, requisition, attachment or execution.

Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations

The reason for the misconception is probably that the Vienna Convention states that the local government foreswears the right to enter an embassy, and diplomatic immunity protects the diplomats working inside. However, this does not mean that that space is somehow transmuted into US (or other) soil or legal territory for purposes of law enforcement.

More information here > Diplomatic mission

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on the other hand, we also should remind ourselves that the land itself belongs to the original owner, we are operating under the umbrella of diplomatic immunity clause....

but let it not be mistaken....

after uttering repeated verbal warnings in the comprehensible local language, individuals ignoring such repeated warnings and keeping on advancing, thus threatening the life and safety of others.... are jeopardising their own lives and safety.... meaning....????

as previously posted--Article 22

1.The premises of the mission shall be inviolable. The agents of the receiving State may not enter them, except with the consent of the head of the mission.

2.The receiving State is under a special duty to take all appropriate steps to protect the premises of the mission against any intrusion or damage and to prevent any disturbance of the peace of the mission or impairment of its dignity.

3.The premises of the mission, their furnishings and other property thereon and the means of transport of the mission shall be immune from search, requisition, attachment or execution.

Edited by nakachalet
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The coup was never considered illegal by the international community, and the military allowed an election to happen again. Why wouldn't the US give a visa to someone who was in the military during the coup?

The reds continue to further lose the plot...

No they don't continue to 'loose the plot" as you say. They are continuously being denied any say at all. With the tight control of the media, oppression of some sort or another of their, what they consider to be 'legitimate' views by what they consider to be an illegal regime, its no wonder that they resort to tactics such as they have been forced to adopt.

I certainly agree with you on this.

also, The military brass and its sponsors should be the ones dissolved. This self proclaimed general doesn't deserve to visit the

land of the free.

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For goodness sake.

'Time for you Thais to grow up.'



Over estimating your own importance a little methinks?


Protests OUTSIDE embassies are commonplace. The Red shirts, in my opinion are a bit of a mob* funded by a meglomaniac twit who protests double standards and yet wants the ultimate double standard to be applied so he can be forgiven for all corruption charges and his red shirters believe and lap most of this up, BUT, they have the right to speak to the embassy and protest in front of the embassy about this, just as others choose to protest about injustice in Iraq (done here and around the world), about compulsory drug licensing (done here) and any other thing they decide the goold old US of A is up to.

As far as I know as long as it is peaceful, and they don't come onto the grounds (which I do not believe the red shirters did) then it is an option that people all around the world choose to push their own agendas, and the embassies and Ambassador accept it as part of the job. Whether the Ambassador officially acknowledges the protest is a case of prior arrangement and diplomacy, a subject clearly neither of us know anythign about.

In this case, a remarkably stupid and idiotic agenda from the red shirts on par with pushing for the appointment of Jenna Jameson as Secretary of State or perhaps pushing for the $100 note to feature Michael Jackson and Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan in order to stop people saying it is all about the benjamins in rap videos, and instead say it is all about the MJs, not the BJs. But an option nevertheless that they and many others can choose to use. I don't think they need your approval, but of course, I could be wrong :) .


BTW lest some posters think there is some media blackout, there is a HUGE push from Thaksin to get PR coverage internationally as he has already lost the battle of media coverage he would want locally because the local media are for the most part covering both sides of the story (his typical way of working is to ensure only positive coverage as we saw back in the TRT days); you'll see at protests a HUGE number of professionally produced english signs targeted the international media; something that his PR company have probably suggested will work. Problem is that the international journalists working in this area are getting somewhat bored with the stories he has come out with, and many see him as a spent force, a bitter old loser who did the crime and should now face the consequences rather than running away like a little girly girl without a pair and asking for teacher. But the amount of coverage? He gets plenty; there are red shirt stories on the Thai daily front pages almost everyday. So this myth of lack of media coverage is a joke and cannot be supported at all. Nice try though.


As for your somewhat racist insinuations that all Thais are immature (implied by 'you Thais') and your threat of taking everything away from us, I look forward to seeing the day at which some poster on Thaivisa in fact has the power to command ALL FARANG to stop spending a cent in Thailand; after all not only does the GDP from the activities you name count for less than 10% of total even including indirect activity, but in fact even if ALL FARANG did as you wish, and stopped spending a dime in those areas, it would still reduce tourism by less than 50% of total tourism spend anyhow....because just as farang don't run everything around the world, they are also are not the most important centre of the universe here in Thailand and for the Thai economy either, even for tourism. I for one feel that I do not need to grow up more than I am already:

He's tall

He's sporting wood

He likes eating strawberry pud



With rhymes like that, how on earth can you suggest I need to grow up?

* there are some real twits in the red shirt camp; the one whose name starts with J is the biggest twit for sure. But some of the recent twits from the past are now coming back via PT.

Edited by steveromagnino
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