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Gen Chaovalit Appointed As Supreme Commander Of People's Army Of Thailand


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I think it is time to up the stakes and play hardball. If Thaksin is in Dubai then insist on his extradition. If it is not provided freeze all funds in Thailand and send all nationals from that country home.

Indeed. If some American outlaw in a third world country set up a People's Islamic Army with a treasonous agenda meant to overthrow the US government, and appointed a retired general as its supreme commander, what would the American government do? Probably more like cruise missile strikes.

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Good point H90. People's Amry sound really like Vietnam, North Korea and other communist country armies. Why would someone choose a stupid name like that? I wonder...

Because most of Thaksins guys are former communist/socialist movement. A lot symbols are borrowed from them.

The red color, peoples uprising, uprising of the masses against the elite. A lot of these communist talk....just a bit outdated.

Of course communist ideas and Thaksin doesn't fit together. No way a communist can have a super rich corrupt capitalist as leader.

By posing as the "Peoples Army" they automatically tap into an anti-army resentment. The army threatened and bought off whole areas of the North and North East to get rid of the communist threat when there appeared a chance for the commies to get a foothold in the countryside. The army quietened down the commies in the countryside and then everyone be it politicians, business or army did absolutely NOTHING for them. There was no plan for real rural development and this has been going on for the last 40 years.

Thaksin doesn't have to be of the people, he simply needs to be for the people, because it isn't much of a competition when the only other alternative went to Eton and Oxford. Simple tabloid comparison, but nonetheless true.

Despite all their promises and supposed development, what happened? The commies didn't get in, the people were told stick with us come hel_l or high water and we will take care of you better than the commies (often this discussion was had at the end of a gun barrel) and the people stayed poor.

The poor have been hoodwinked over and over again in this country be it by politicians, the army, business or some others. Thaksin isn't their answer, but then maybe, he's better than anything else available?

That sums it pretty well....

A lot questions, but for sure Thaksin is not the answer.

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I think it is time to up the stakes and play hardball. If Thaksin is in Dubai then insist on his extradition. If it is not provided freeze all funds in Thailand and send all nationals from that country home.

Indeed. If some American outlaw in a third world country set up a People's Islamic Army with a treasonous agenda meant to overthrow the US government, and appointed a retired general as its supreme commander, what would the American government do? Probably more like cruise missile strikes.

In any country (except Thailand) it is treason to set up a private army with the purpose of taking over power by a civil war or a coup. You either go in jail or in a hospital with soft rubber coated rooms.

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The reds have just moved into Chiang Rai and set up outside the army camp...

Where did you hear about this? Does anyone else have reports of reds near other military bases? With their smaller numbers, (of those willing to fight, not the 500Baht granny brigade), I would think that the reds would gang together in one place to create a unified "people's army", but maybe they have a different strategy?


On a side note, why are the numbers of readers always blocked out for contentious issues? I see from the main page that there are 4832 guests, 952 members, 26 anonymous members, and that this post has gotten 2522 page views, but there isn't any indicator at the bottom of the page of who is reading it now. Is this to stop hysteria? Groupthink? I'm just curious... :)

I think davidwright is refering to the usual 500 Baht granny brigade which might stand in front of some army coup with footclapers demonstrating against a new military coup.....

At least I hope so. I can't imagine that the red can get any manpower for peoples army.

Someone always tries to spread the rumor that they have Myanmar merchants. But I doubt that anyone from outside want to really fight with the Thai Army.

Yes it looked no more than that. Have since heard that they are moving their mobile stage around Chiang Rai..Maybe to look like they are in lots of places..Short on numbers I think

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Actually, I would reverse it and say the first paragraph was the more intelligent. The second one makes assertions about "Thai culture".....what exactly is this "Thai culture" that is apparently a source of great beauty? Is Thailand today so very different from Medieval Europe where priests and the upper class held absolute sway...it required many uprisings and the intervention of Martin Thaksin Luther to start Europe on the road to Enlightenment.

Europe had Christian Puritanism (you are born in sin & must suffer) which was essentially slavery of the soul & invented the first factories & workhouses through their religious 'work-ethic'. Thailand has largely Buddhism as religious base, with a different & more user-friendly set of beliefs re; birth & ascending to heaven.

Also of course Thailand doesn't need a road to Enlightenment & industrialisation, blood-soaked or otherwise, they have already got mobile phones & computers and everything!

Europe,America & Russia have also got huge social,poverty,infrastructure & unemployment issues right now, its not only Thailand that has problems. The difference in those other countries is that the state & police don't mess around.

On the Thaksin issue, he is a clown. I think the rest of the world views him as a hapless comic parody of a 'give me my toys back' spoilt child.

Given the interrest in Thailand from the USA & Europe, I doubt very much that Thaksin will be around for long if he crosses the line between laughable outcast and warmongerer. Vested interests and all that, maybe he will meet with a accident when the joke isn't funny any more.

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Thanks for that, you've now set my mind completely at rest. :) Cheers! Rman :D

So is the point at issue what is good for one individual, or what is good for 65+ million of them? Do people feel that the country will be saved or in even deeper <deleted> if the former PM returns? A "People's Army"? Have "the People"" been asked whether they want such an army, what its objectives are, who is in it and who is out, what it intends to achieve? Does not seem all that democratic if no-one was consulted. Just which "People" does this army represent?

Anyway, better stock up on food, water, and fuel...it may be a long time before the "victor" emerges. Let's hope there is something left worth winning at the end.

Worry not RMan...... go back to your sanuk sanuk..... unlikely to be another showdown in Dodge City today...

Better to stock up on the imported brews as the inevitable import tariffs will be raised to pay for any of this jaw-jaw....IMHO, naturally.

regards, Brewsta

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One unfortunate consideration is that when "The People's Army" won in Vietnam, and the Khmer Rouge took over in Cambodia, they had little clout with which to influence the western world, for all the terrible things that happened inside their borders.

However unlikely, should "Regime Change" by a "People's Army" succeed in Thailand, even if this was brought about by selfish and manipulative plutocrats, "The People" would, for a while, be in charge. They might not be so easily tricked again by the greedy power mongers who started the "People's revolution"...

"The People" have a towering resentment against the Elite and the Hi So rich, justifiably in many cases... Many of them also harbour massive resentment a third readily identifiable group within Thailand, and that is the Farang/Ex-Pat community and rich looking western tourists...

Under those circumstances we could be held hostage or worse... and would afford the "People's Army" a considerable bargaining chip when dealing with the governments of the western world.

After all, every regional Immigration office holds our addresses on file, and tourist hotels are easily identifiable.

Edited by Murgatroyd
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BP stating that Palop will give a press conference this evening to clarify the issue.

My feeling is that this announcement will pull people off the fence, but not in the way Thaksin is hoping. He's basically pitching himself against the army and therefore ultimately somebody very big and close to many Thai people.

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Gen Chaovalit's Close Aide Claims He Will Not Accept Supreme Commander Post

UPDATE : 4 February 2010

Reports indicate that General Chaovalit's close aide has come out to revlea that the general will not be accepting the post of Supreme Commander for Thaksin's People's Army.

From http://www.tannetwork.tv/tan/ViewData.aspx?DataID=1024557

So as it seems it can get even more silly.

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Thaksin is just causing trouble. His mental instability shows itself a little more every day. I would suggest people take a deep breath, relax, and see things for what they are. A few desparate people trying to "manufacture" instabilty in order to cause trouble for the sitting government. Nothing will come of it. Thaksin can only afford a "People's Platoon" judging from the turnout at the recent Red Shirt "Protests".

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One unfortunate consideration is that when "The People’s Army" won in Vietnam, and the Khmer Rouge took over in Cambodia, they had little clout with which to influence the western world, for all the terrible things that happened inside their borders.

However unlikely, should "Regime Change" by a "People’s Army" succeed in Thailand, even if this was brought about by selfish and manipulative plutocrats, "The People" would, for a while, be in charge. They might not be so easily tricked again by the greedy power mongers who started the "Peoples revolution"...

"The People" have a towering resentment against the Elite and the Hi So rich, justifiably in many cases... Many of them also harbour massive resentment a third readily identifiable group within Thailand, and that is the Farang/Ex-Pat community...

Under those circumstances we could be held hostage or worse... and would afford the "People’s Army" a considerable bargaining chip when dealing with the governments of the western world.

No "The People" wouldn't be in charge for a second.

Thaksin would be in charge and he and his Elite and Hi So will fill his pockets.

No change for the "The People".

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But he'll be smeared with the title for all eternity. Not the baggage one needs if it all falls in a heap

Gen Chaovalit's Close Aide Claims He Will Not Accept Supreme Commander Post

UPDATE : 4 February 2010

Reports indicate that General Chaovalit's close aide has come out to revlea that the general will not be accepting the post of Supreme Commander for Thaksin's People's Army.

From http://www.tannetwork.tv/tan/ViewData.aspx?DataID=1024557

So as it seems it can get even more silly.

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Itd bring down prices. :)

Are you sure about that? I'm not...

Of course. Imported Western products will probably be more expensive but anything made in Thailand, foods and any service that revolves around human resources will be significantly cheaper. land and home prices will fall. It'd be like a dream come true for farang who earn income outside of Thailand.

Not to mention empty airports and hotels.

Fingers Crossed!!

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So it appears that Thaksin is indeed located in Dubai now, according to this just released Bangkok Post article:

//Quote deleted - link to Bankok Post removed//

So how might UAE comment on the fact that they are allowing individuals to remain there who now apparently advocate armed treason against a sovereign country?

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sorry to say this but you reap what you sew, and this aimed at both sides

umm, sow

Ah sow! :)

Well Chavalit has decided retirement will be easier without fresh army credentials.

Panlop is the next logical Supremo to accept the posting...

Edited by animatic
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Gen Chaovalit's Close Aide Claims He Will Not Accept Supreme Commander Post

UPDATE : 4 February 2010

Reports indicate that General Chaovalit's close aide has come out to revlea that the general will not be accepting the post of Supreme Commander for Thaksin's People's Army.

From http://www.tannetwork.tv/tan/ViewData.aspx?DataID=1024557

So as it seems it can get even more silly.

Ah there is the other shoe dropping.

"The Brain" got up from nappies and almost had a stroke,

and sent a spokes-droid out to kybosh the idea.

Accepting this position would be the same as asking the gov.

to insert the supreme post from behind....

and not be able to sit properly during his upcoming trial.

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Another somewhat contradictory update over on BP. The big red clown show continues.

Perhaps they should all try reading from the same page when deciding who's doing what using what methods :)

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It goes a little bit deeper one may think.

Thinking about that nobody is really interested in justice, whether yellow(Sondhi & Co) or red(Thaksin). When the yellows would be punished for their crime it would be the end of Thaksin's aera as well. What a strange companionship in this case.

Oh yes, even villains seeking justice, why not provide it for all of them?

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What is the "Peoples Army of Thailand".

This has to be a <deleted> story or there is something very nasty brewing here.

About 2 weeks ago the Deed Shirts declared war on the Thai army and things are supposed to start on 26th February

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Gen Chaovalit's Close Aide Claims He Will Not Accept Supreme Commander Post

UPDATE : 4 February 2010

Reports indicate that General Chaovalit's close aide has come out to revlea that the general will not be accepting the post of Supreme Commander for Thaksin's People's Army.

From http://www.tannetwork.tv/tan/ViewData.aspx?DataID=1024557

So as it seems it can get even more silly.

good link - excellent basic 'redistribute wealth & hold rich bad guys to the fire' proposal - BUT link there to the ID of the Bloggerer....'KingTingTong' leads to a 'USA Green Card Ad'.... yawn & regards,

Brewsta :)

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But he'll be smeared with the title for all eternity. Not the baggage one needs if it all falls in a heap
Gen Chaovalit's Close Aide Claims He Will Not Accept Supreme Commander Post

UPDATE : 4 February 2010

Reports indicate that General Chaovalit's close aide has come out to revlea that the general will not be accepting the post of Supreme Commander for Thaksin's People's Army.

From http://www.tannetwork.tv/tan/ViewData.aspx?DataID=1024557

So as it seems it can get even more silly.

Well he did a lot strange things in the past as well....

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Itd bring down prices. :)

Are you sure about that? I'm not...

What happens in Thailand when there are less tourist in hotels, the rates go up !!!!!

Maybe a few expats may sell cheap when there is the second wave of people having the shits and leave for other Asian countries, but in that case, I doubt you will make much capital gains in the next decade if it goes to Civil war. You dont need civil war as such, just the usual annual pain in the bum to have the self destruction as a stable and reliable tourist destination & biz trading for exporters. . Sad but in my opinion True. So many wonderful Thais will be indirectly effected by these cat and mouse games from both sides for employment. That will = crime as well on the streets as folks need food.

Yellow, Red, Blue, Purple, doesn't mater, silliness is bad for all. Logic says to me, a monitored General Election, but letting the people choose is probably not on the agenda.

Just best to mind my own biz, smile and avoid the hot spots. mei pen rai, next....

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Gen Chaovalit's Close Aide Claims He Will Not Accept Supreme Commander Post

UPDATE : 4 February 2010

Reports indicate that General Chaovalit's close aide has come out to revlea that the general will not be accepting the post of Supreme Commander for Thaksin's People's Army.

From http://www.tannetwork.tv/tan/ViewData.aspx?DataID=1024557

So as it seems it can get even more silly.

good link - excellent basic 'redistribute wealth & hold rich bad guys to the fire' proposal - BUT link there to the ID of the Bloggerer....'KingTingTong' leads to a 'USA Green Card Ad'.... yawn & regards,

Brewsta :)

No BKK Post is reporting something different from Panlop.

I recommend to read it....It is pretty funny. About on the level of the news short before the Irak war.....

As well it reminds me on Hitler planning attacks in his bunker with armies which don't exist at all....but nobody is brave enough to tell him that these armies don't exist.

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