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Gen Chaovalit Appointed As Supreme Commander Of People's Army Of Thailand


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Nothing like a nice civil war to pave the way for democracy - half the population on one side and half on the other. Is that what you mean? In what way is that a solution to Thailand's woes?
Glad to see someone is taking a principled stand and standing up to the Military that are bullying the democracy of Thailand and its people.

But id hate to see this as another excuse for the military to prove what a bunch of mass murderous power thirsty scoundrels they.

So you have no problem if the army slaughters thousands of innocent civilians like they have done countless times in the past. :)

Do you think the people have no right to defend themselves against this evil ?

Boris -

Are you at all aware of what was going on when Thaksin was in power? Many would say the last time an arm of the Thai state was guilty of slaughtering innocent civilians was during the "war on drugs" instigated by Thaksin. I cannot think of any examples since then - perhaps you could enlighten us? The coup against Thaksin was bloodless, and great restraint was shown during the Songkhran riots when Thaksin's supporters were running around commiting their own violent acts. I really think people should read a bit of recent history before making accusations in this or any other forum.

I really get the feeling that many of the people commenting in this forum were not even here during the Thaksin era and cannot remember the atmosphere of intimidation, fear, and bullying that prevailed then. I imagine this "People's Army" would be nothing more than bullies if the past record of the people involved is any indication. Principled stand? You have got to be kidding!

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However unlikely, should "Regime Change" by a "People's Army" succeed in Thailand, even if this was brought about by selfish and manipulative plutocrats, "The People" would, for a while, be in charge. They might not be so easily tricked again by the greedy power mongers who started the "People's revolution"...

Don't forget that a revolution always eat his own children, the French an Russian revolution are perfect examples of it; Revolution always create more poverty and suffering for the poor, see above

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However unlikely, should "Regime Change" by a "People's Army" succeed in Thailand, even if this was brought about by selfish and manipulative plutocrats, "The People" would, for a while, be in charge. They might not be so easily tricked again by the greedy power mongers who started the "People's revolution"...

Don't forget that a revolution always eat his own children, the French an Russian revolution are perfect examples of it; Revolution always create more poverty and suffering for the poor, see above

And the French and Russian Revolution produced more murders, plight and sorrow then the regimes they overthrew.

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former prime minister has appointed General Chaovalit Yongchaiyud as the Supreme Commander as the People's Army of Thailand

Am I dreaming? A convicted fugitive has appointed a Supreme Commander....

Jeezus what kind of madness is going on here?

Unfortunately, it is likely you are not dreaming. Delusional maniac comes to mind.

He is preparing to take his last stand (must be feeling the economic pinch).

Can you imagine the financial and social repurcussions should he ever return to power?

Thailand's standing and reputation in the world (what is left of it) will drop to the bottom of the list.

That will definitely be the last nail in Thailand's coffin.

Could it happen? TIT. Anything can happen.

I don't want to be here if it does happen.

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If this is going where I think it might go, I just hope that the confrontation doesn't take place in Bangkok, or any populated area. Let the boys play war somewhere that won't injure civilians.

Meridian, you're just as guilty of fomenting the troubles as any Thai elite. Look at your statement "hope...doesn't take place in Bangkok, or any populated area." The Mango-centric attitude is a big part of the problem. Maybe a little short course in geography and demographics would do you some good. Here goes:

Just outside of Bangkok (and Pattaya and Phuket) there is a place called Thailand, where the majority of the nation's 65+ million people live. And a little history lesson and reality check. In civil war, your actions are only deemed treasonous or seditious if you lose.

The government (Abhisit and Suthep) is irrelevant to these events. This is now between the army and its backers, and Thaksin.

Neither of those two sides, nor the government for that matter, want to face a real people's army clamoring for democracy.

I'm sorry, but you seem to misunderstand me. I wrote "I just hope that the confrontation doesn't take place in Bangkok, or any populated area. Let the boys play war somewhere that won't injure civilians."

I agree that many of the problems that Thailand has are because of the ruling elite solidifying their positions, (commercial, as well as military and governmental), on the backs of the poor in rural areas. I don't think that Abhisit, the military, or Thaksin will change that. They are all inherently cronyist in their back-room actions, with Thaksin just being the best at creating spin. If there was a true "people's movement" that promoted economic equality and poverty reduction, (then we can get on to issues of Democracy. A heady ideal, but difficult to attain even in the so-called "developed world".), I would gladly support it as vocally as I could. I think we agree that this is not Thaksin's goal, however.

The jist of my post was that I hope that this doesn't turn into another clash like we saw during Songkran, (as I think it will be more difficult to restrain both sides again), but I also hope that if it does boil over, that it will happen somewhere that it won't effect the local population. In other words, throw both sides in a field somewhere and let them sort it out away from the innocent civilians. The intention of those sentences was merely to express hope that the conflict effects only those within the demographic that is expected within a conflict.

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Nothing like a nice civil war to pave the way for democracy - half the population on one side and half on the other. Is that what you mean? In what way is that a solution to Thailand's woes?
Glad to see someone is taking a principled stand and standing up to the Military that are bullying the democracy of Thailand and its people.

But id hate to see this as another excuse for the military to prove what a bunch of mass murderous power thirsty scoundrels they.

So you have no problem if the army slaughters thousands of innocent civilians like they have done countless times in the past. :)

Do you think the people have no right to defend themselves against this evil ?

Steady on Boris, the taksinestes have committed themselves to wage war on the people of Thailand that don't agree with their ideas!! Even if the PM was put in his position by dubious means doesn't mean that the oppositition should start organising a rebelious militia!! dam_n it man, that's treason!!


Edited by TPI
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As with all things, Newtons Law of Motion will come in to play soon, but as this is Thailand there's usually small delay to let the opposing side build up maximum momentum.

I understand Chavalit is generally considered a bit of a buffoon, but is he that incompetent to make a miscalculation on a level like this?

I have heard that Thailand is often believed to be on a different planet, but I didn't know that even gravity was different here.

good one :)

Regardless, this "force" appears to of collapsed under its own weight :D

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Suthep vows not to tolerate "illegal forces" of red-shirt movement

BANGKOK: -- Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban Thursday vowed not to tolerate a people's army to be set up by the red-shirt movement.


-- The Nation 2010-02-04


Same as saying to mushrooms not to grow in one night .

how many liberation army's being to be declared same way in the past among st the world , and became later official goverments........

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A plan posted on the internet. If your going to over turn a government you don't post about it on the internet, but your enemy may be inclined to do it for you. Their version that is. Nation ask Thaksin directly or forget about it. Its kind of like sa dang's site, if it was bad for the government it would have been removed but they are making use of it.

No I am not going to bother reading 16 pages of spun up BS about this.

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What is the "Peoples Army of Thailand".

This has to be a <deleted> story or there is something very nasty brewing here.

:) Oh goody, I wonder if the redshirts went to Dubai with the Blue Diamond, how else could Chavilit's name be connected ?

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When reading everything, it seems Thaksin has some serious mental problems or he takes drugs (people on cocaine act similar).

One day whining how unfair everything is and how loyal he to Thailand and the Monarchy is.

Next day....peoples uprising, he will lead the peoples army victorious from Isaan to Bangkok....

That does not sound complete healthy.

He does show definite signs of delusion and mental instability. Whether it is organic, drug induced, or just being fed BS by his cronies here - the ones who just visited him in Dubai. They have a lot to lose by telling him its a lost cause. He's funding them. What if he was told "if you build it (an army) they will come" by his pals? They would have left Dubai with a nice wad of cash for the undertaking. They're just getting it while they can. They could have said his old buddy Chavalit would sign on and lead the people into Bangkok. Hey, its getting so crazy anything is possible.

Yes everything is possible, but I don't think that his cronies want to catch a bullet for him. So I think that they try to squeeze as much money as fast as possible out of him.

Army...yes dear leader

10.000 men....yes dear leader

heavy weapons.....yes dear leader

attack, kill the enemy.....yes yes yes dear leader

Back in Thailand some barking and hoping that Thaksin get the newspapers and than nothing. At least I hope it is like this.

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Why can't the government just give him his money (did he not make most of it legally)?

Why do they have to make so much problems... Invite Thaksin back, have a new election (1 person 1 vote)... Get the UN or someone inn to control the voting... The losers would bend down and agree to work for the best of the country, improve the lives of all Thais.

I think that the current government is worried that Thaksin would win again, even if he has been out of the country for several years... Last time there was an election, who won? (yes, everyone buys votes, that is how they do it here).

PS. Do you guys think that Thaksin got a fair trial?

Is this whole thing just a power play from him in hope that he will get his money?

Why are they still holding his money? If he evaded Taxes, deduct that, send him the rest and tell him to never come back.

I think most of the problems now are fulled by the newspapers so they can sell more, stop writing about this, don't let people read about everything (NO MORE FREE PRESS) and it might go away, or will it?

I feel sorry for Thailand, BUT, what comes around, goes around...

The reds want Thaksin back as they get a share of his/Thailands money passed down through the heads of villages! Simple as that.Its all about greed.

I'd say it's more about poverty, than greed. If i didn't have enough money to cloth or feed my kids, i'd do whatever i takes to put shoes on their feet and food on the table. The comments about greedy thais when direct to 'reds' are always interesting to read as they are normally posted by people with enough disposable income to buy a computer, rent an ADSL line and who have enough free time to be able to join these discussion. Namely middle class 'yellow' supporters.

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yes but the problem is that non of thaksin supporters would like to do a long march. They were taken per bus to the demonstrations, brought back, than they get their 500 Baht.

So I guess you've bought the Suthep line that these are all bought and paid for supporters. A rather naive view. Why don't you take a drive around in Isaan...off of highway 2. If the number of larger than life-size pictures are any indication, you will be hard-pressed to believe that Thaksin isn't the current PM. I did it at New Years. Zero pictures of Abhisit anywhere. Zero pictures of Prem anywhere. In 7 provinces, I counted about 5 or 6 pictures of Newin.

You underestimate the man's popularity at your own risk. Certainly the army and the government, with their overblown reactions to every rumor, don't. Those "uneducated farmers" are smart enough to realize that all the elites, hi-so's, and politicians are a bunch of greedy liars. But they're sticking with the first and only one to ever give them a slice of the pie, no matter how miniscule.

yes most love Thaksin, but most won't do anything without getting paid. A few yes, but all the demonstrations till now needed a lot of funds, well organized the waste majority came with organized buses.

Not many would do anything on their own.

You saw on the not paid demonstrations...how many people came? between 100 and max. 2000 mostly of the communist fraction.

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PM urges public to remain calm following Thaksin's threat of forming people's army

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva Thursday urged the public not to panic after former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra announced the formation of the people's army with Pheu Thai chairman Chavalit Yongchaiyudh serving as the supreme commander.

Abhisit said Thaksin made the latest move as part of his on-going campaigns to terrify the public.

"All people should not be frightened. Please be assured that our country is under the rule of law and if everybody respects the law, we will survive through all the situations. Please don't panic but don't be careless," the prime minister said.

He added that Chavalit used to be the prime minister and used to serve the country for years as a military officer so he should know whether he should accept that role or not.


-- The Nation 2010-02-04


Whilst that is re-assuring, I think the Media has a crucial role to play in this in that they should be interviewing Chavalit and asking for his response to this announcement. Hopefully that would allow the Government and the population to make a judgement as to how seriously, or not to take this matter.

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yes but the problem is that non of thaksin supporters would like to do a long march. They were taken per bus to the demonstrations, brought back, than they get their 500 Baht.

So I guess you've bought the Suthep line that these are all bought and paid for supporters. A rather naive view. Why don't you take a drive around in Isaan...off of highway 2. If the number of larger than life-size pictures are any indication, you will be hard-pressed to believe that Thaksin isn't the current PM. I did it at New Years. Zero pictures of Abhisit anywhere. Zero pictures of Prem anywhere. In 7 provinces, I counted about 5 or 6 pictures of Newin.

You underestimate the man's popularity at your own risk. Certainly the army and the government, with their overblown reactions to every rumor, don't. Those "uneducated farmers" are smart enough to realize that all the elites, hi-so's, and politicians are a bunch of greedy liars. But they're sticking with the first and only one to ever give them a slice of the pie, no matter how miniscule.

yes most love Thaksin, but most won't do anything without getting paid. A few yes, but all the demonstrations till now needed a lot of funds, well organized the waste majority came with organized buses.

Not many would do anything on their own.

You saw on the not paid demonstrations...how many people came? between 100 and max. 2000 mostly of the communist fraction.

pure hyperbole, try and be objective for once

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yes but the problem is that non of thaksin supporters would like to do a long march. They were taken per bus to the demonstrations, brought back, than they get their 500 Baht.

So I guess you've bought the Suthep line that these are all bought and paid for supporters. A rather naive view. Why don't you take a drive around in Isaan...off of highway 2. If the number of larger than life-size pictures are any indication, you will be hard-pressed to believe that Thaksin isn't the current PM. I did it at New Years. Zero pictures of Abhisit anywhere. Zero pictures of Prem anywhere. In 7 provinces, I counted about 5 or 6 pictures of Newin.

You underestimate the man's popularity at your own risk. Certainly the army and the government, with their overblown reactions to every rumor, don't. Those "uneducated farmers" are smart enough to realize that all the elites, hi-so's, and politicians are a bunch of greedy liars. But they're sticking with the first and only one to ever give them a slice of the pie, no matter how miniscule.

yes most love Thaksin, but most won't do anything without getting paid. A few yes, but all the demonstrations till now needed a lot of funds, well organized the waste majority came with organized buses.

Not many would do anything on their own.

You saw on the not paid demonstrations...how many people came? between 100 and max. 2000 mostly of the communist fraction.

pure hyperbole, try and be objective for once

all the previous demonstrations....where were all the millions of supporters?

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Warfare puts a 20-year dent in population growth. In 20th century, it happened twice to Germany.

Modern warfare murders 8 noncombatants for every soldier killed.

Well I doubt Thailand is able to organize anything on German dimensions.

Half the Army would attack the wrong countries because they hold the map upside down.

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What is the "Peoples Army of Thailand".

This has to be a <deleted> story or there is something very nasty brewing here.

The Red Shirts are Coming! the Red Shirts are Coming!

According to one Yellow supporter, who Posted in Military against the reds, they already hold sway in the province of Chiang Mai.

The worst thing about the situation in Thailand is both sides have some real screws loose and really poor perceptions of stabilty.

I have actually come to the conclusion they 'like' gang warfare politics.


It looks like a big one is brewing, a big one!

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all the previous demonstrations....where were all the millions of supporters?

prove your stats, prove that they only show up for the money, prove the numbers. If you can't you are posting pure hyperbole.

Just because you think something is fact because it ties in with your yellow thinking does not make it fact. Too many posters on here post pure speculation about the red shirts yet jump up and down and get upset when the same is done about the yellows. If you can not prove your figures or show a link to official figures for what you are saying then I suggest in your post you should add 'in my opinion', and since your opinion pretty much counts for diddly squat we can choose to see your figures for what they are, pure hyperbole.

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yes but the problem is that non of thaksin supporters would like to do a long march. They were taken per bus to the demonstrations, brought back, than they get their 500 Baht.

You underestimate the man's popularity at your own risk.

An underestimation on top of an underestimation is that the Red movement will go even in Thaksin plane was to crash in the sea.

They will do it with or without him; if him as president is the quickest way to the front of the line, but many Reds don't even like Thaksin.

The Reds big understimation is the ugliness, in Thailand, of proposing a Republic. The chances are good, but it will be a MESS to get their.

Their is a solution that both sides like, the ones I've talked to.

MORE IMPORTANTLY the Silent Majority likes my concepts. Most Thais do not consider themselves Red or Yellow and are disdainful of the ongoing factional fighting over getting at the pig trough.

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What is the "Peoples Army of Thailand".

This has to be a <deleted> story or there is something very nasty brewing here.

The Red Shirts are Coming! the Red Shirts are Coming!

According to one Yellow supporter, who Posted in Military against the reds, they already hold sway in the province of Chiang Mai.

The worst thing about the situation in Thailand is both sides have some real screws loose and really poor perceptions of stabilty.

I have actually come to the conclusion they 'like' gang warfare politics.


It looks like a big one is brewing, a big one!

maybe it is what is needed for Thailand to move forward. Some growing up needs to be done on both sides and a bloody nose does tend to bring one to their senses

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this conflict has gone on for many years now

during this time the players have found out many things about each other = growth

this is part of the resolution process

finding out what both sides want

it seems they are at that point now where they begin to show their hand

desperation on one hand and legitimate power on the other

perhaps its time to bring out the trump card before its to late?

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Tony - you are a funny man. The red shirts are not about democracy. They are about Thaksin's money. It must be a small amount nowadays, cause only a handful of redshirts are showing up to "this protest" or "that protest". Even his "People's Army" turned out to be one angry relative with a bb gun. lol

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I think that the current government is worried that Thaksin would win again, even if he has been out of the country for several years...

Is it really "several years" since mid-2008 ? :D

My, how time flies ! :)

Gen Chaovalit's Close Aide Claims He Will Not Accept Supreme Commander Post

UPDATE : 4 February 2010

Reports indicate that General Chaovalit's close aide has come out to revlea that the general will not be accepting the post of Supreme Commander for Thaksin's People's Army.

From http://www.tannetwork.tv/tan/ViewData.aspx?DataID=1024557

My own immediate reaction, on seeing this thread this morning, was to wonder whether he'd confirm or deny the claim. Glad to see that at least this part of the story is immediately denied.

When reading everything, it seems Thaksin has some serious mental problems or he takes drugs (people on cocaine act similar).

One day whining how unfair everything is and how loyal he to Thailand and the Monarchy is.

Next day....peoples uprising, he will lead the peoples army victorious from Isaan to Bangkok....

That does not sound complete healthy.

He does show definite signs of delusion and mental instability. Whether it is organic, drug induced, or just being fed BS by his cronies here - the ones who just visited him in Dubai. They have a lot to lose by telling him its a lost cause. He's funding them. What if he was told "if you build it (an army) they will come" by his pals? They would have left Dubai with a nice wad of cash for the undertaking. They're just getting it while they can. They could have said his old buddy Chavalit would sign on and lead the people into Bangkok. Hey, its getting so crazy anything is possible.

I suspect your theory on who might be feeding DL a false picture, of the true situation back home in Thailand, may be true, in which case they're doing both Thaksin & Thailand a serious dis-service.

Lastly, on the name, 'Peoples Army of Thailand', would that make its members 'PATsies', I wonder ? :D

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