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Gen Chaovalit Appointed As Supreme Commander Of People's Army Of Thailand


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Gen Chaovalit Appointed as Supreme Commander of People's Army of Thailand

Core supporters of Thaksin Shinawatra reveal that the former prime minister has appointed General Chaovalit Yongchaiyud as the Supreme Commander as the People's Army of Thailand. The news comes as core leaders of the red shirts return to Thailand today from a trip to Dubai to discuss political issues with Thaksin.


-- Tan Network 2010-02-04


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This has to be a <deleted> story or there is something very nasty brewing here.

I fear you may be right. This is all getting a little silly now.


Its more like self-defence. The army has a deserved reputation as killers of innocent , defenceless, protesting civilians.

I suppose the message being sent out is "we are not just going to let you slaughter us, we WILL fight back", but im sure this position will be officially clarified shortly

Nonsense, 1992 is a long time ago now and I don't recall Thaksin opposing the army then, he was too busy making sweet deals with the top brass.

The army showed considerable restraint last Songkran with the red hooligans and don't say they were all blue shirts disguised.

Thaksin would love an army coup or crackdown to justify his holy democracy stance.

He needs some naive reds to die 'in the name of democracy'.

He must provoke, provoke, provoke but the army isn't falling for it.

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The post needs a comma at the very least. But;

He is convicted.

He is on the run.

Many think his orders about the war on drugs

are defacto sanctioning of murder to get the numbers up.

And revenge for Oaks OD'ing by some reports.

(Whether this line is keepable is a question...)

The red shirts at Songkran were vigilantes.

And their actions at many sites have smacked of vigilateism.

He even calls them his Peoples Army of Thailand now and appointed Chavalit leader.

Which has the sound of many communist freedom fighter armies of lore.

Sounds rather south American to me. I bey "The Brain" is thrilled with this one...

One thing to stand up for the political side another to be leading

a tiny opposition army, against a REAL army

Saed Deng is clearly and openly working for him,

and making threats in his interests.

Core supporters of Thaksin Shinawatra reveal

Not directly atributable, but clearly more PR verbiage.

Bet this is Jatuporn or his moutpiece spouting off,

and I bet Chavalit is thrilled to tears to know he is

a revolutionary army commander at his age...

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Nothing like a nice civil war to pave the way for democracy - half the population on one side and half on the other. Is that what you mean? In what way is that a solution to Thailand's woes?

Glad to see someone is taking a principled stand and standing up to the Military that are bullying the democracy of Thailand and its people.

But id hate to see this as another excuse for the military to prove what a bunch of mass murderous power thirsty scoundrels they.

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As with all things, Newtons Law of Motion will come in to play soon, but as this is Thailand there's usually small delay to let the opposing side build up maximum momentum.

I understand Chavalit is generally considered a bit of a buffoon, but is he that incompetent to make a miscalculation on a level like this?

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What is the "Peoples Army of Thailand".

This has to be a <deleted> story or there is something very nasty brewing here.

3 lines, no quotes & no source, and everyone starts jumping up and down.

As I said, it is one or other.

When names like Chavalit get bandied around as being Supreme Commanders of the People Army of Thailand, it sounds extremely worrying, simply because of the names involved.

That said, the odds that Chavalit would have his name put to something quite so contentious is open to debate also.

Beyond that, one would have to ask why is TAN printing such uncorroborated stories, but much like true propagandists, say something often enough it becomes truth.

A story like this doesn't really gain the hearts and minds of the Thai people to support Thaksin, or does it? I mean a "People's Army", surely needs a "People's Government" and a "People's Country" doesn't it?

Either way, I worry when I hear proclamations like this making it into the news.

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As with all things, Newtons Law of Motion will come in to play soon, but as this is Thailand there's usually small delay to let the opposing side build up maximum momentum.

I understand Chavalit is generally considered a bit of a buffoon, but is he that incompetent to make a miscalculation on a level like this?

I have heard that Thailand is often believed to be on a different planet, but I didn't know that even gravity was different here.

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Nothing like a nice civil war to pave the way for democracy - half the population on one side and half on the other. Is that what you mean? In what way is that a solution to Thailand's woes?
Glad to see someone is taking a principled stand and standing up to the Military that are bullying the democracy of Thailand and its people.

But id hate to see this as another excuse for the military to prove what a bunch of mass murderous power thirsty scoundrels they.

So you have no problem if the army slaughters thousands of innocent civilians like they have done countless times in the past. :)

Do you think the people have no right to defend themselves against this evil ?

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The post needs a comma at the very least. But;

He is convicted.

He is on the run.

Many think his orders about the war on drugs

are defacto sanctioning of murder to get the numbers up.

And revenge for Oaks OD'ing by some reports.

(Whether this line is keepable is a question...)

Accusing somebody of committing a crime without evidence is a crime in Thailand, in other countries it would fall under the defamation laws which are not criminal. This poster has called Thaksin a murderer, that is defamation, the only defence would be that the defamed person has been convicted for an act worse than the one he is accused of here making this accusation lower than what he actually is, therefore not defaming him.

In this matter the poster is clearly posting defamatory comments based on law. Many people thinking he is a murderer is no defence in this matter, you can think whatever you want, but you can not say it without the proof to back it up.

Edited by tonywebster
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As with all things, Newtons Law of Motion will come in to play soon, but as this is Thailand there's usually small delay to let the opposing side build up maximum momentum.

I understand Chavalit is generally considered a bit of a buffoon, but is he that incompetent to make a miscalculation on a level like this?

Some how I don't think "Big Jiew" was consulted before hand about this appointment.

Chicken Supreme of Thailand, well I bet he could tuck into that one easily enough. :)

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So is the point at issue what is good for one individual, or what is good for 65+ million of them? Do people feel that the country will be saved or in even deeper <deleted> if the former PM returns? A "People's Army"? Have "the People"" been asked whether they want such an army, what its objectives are, who is in it and who is out, what it intends to achieve? Does not seem all that democratic if no-one was consulted. Just which "People" does this army represent?

Anyway, better stock up on food, water, and fuel...it may be a long time before the "victor" emerges. Let's hope there is something left worth winning at the end.

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If this new army is the 'peoples' army i guess this infers that the current army is not . Clever name - use an army to divide the conscripts in the 'real' army from their rulers - divide and conquer.

Wonder if or where Sah Deang will fit in??

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Thaksin's "People's Army of Thailand".

Treason is one of the first things that springs to mind.

Unfortunately, this will harden the resolve of the judges rather than intimidate them IMO.

Treason was also my first thought, and why I doubt Chavalit knew about his before hand.

So likely more off the record disinformation... lets get them worried regardless of the logic.

If TRUE on the other hand treason is quite logically charged.

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PM Believes Formation of People's Army Just a Scare Tactic

PM Abhisit Vejjajiva told reporters that he believes reports about General Chaovalit Yongchaiyudh appointed as the commander of the People's Army of Thailand is just scare tactic used by former PM Thaksin Shinawatra and the anti-government red-shirt group to instigate fear and chaos in Thailand.

TAN http://www.tannetwork.tv/tan/ViewData.aspx?DataID=1024545

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On the positive side - Thailand does seem overpopulated. So perhaps the fact that certain elements in Thai society seem obsessed with pushing the country into a bloody civil war - it will at least have some positive outcome.

On the sad side - I, like many in this forum, came here as so many Thai people are wonderful, calm, caring and friendly. Just basically decent people. And Thai culture has been beautiful and has the potential to produce a cooperative harmonious society. Thailand is rich in natural resources and rich in its culture. It already has everything it needs to be a great place - but it seems all that will be thrown away and many of those decent people will have to suffer some more, so as 'elites' can struggle for power and money.

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Suthep vows not to tolerate "illegal forces" of red-shirt movement

BANGKOK: -- Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban Thursday vowed not to tolerate a people's army to be set up by the red-shirt movement.

Suthep, who is in charge of security affairs, said he would not allow anyone to use "illegal forces" to pressure the government to comply with his or her demand.

Suthep was responding to an announcement by Pheu Thai Party member Gen Pallop Pinmanee, who vowed to set up a people's army to fight for "the return of democracy".

Suthep said he believed Pheu Thai chairman Chavalit Yongchaiyudh would not take the so-called role of supreme commander of such illegal army.


-- The Nation 2010-02-04


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PM urges public to remain calm following Thaksin's threat of forming people's army

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva Thursday urged the public not to panic after former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra announced the formation of the people's army with Pheu Thai chairman Chavalit Yongchaiyudh serving as the supreme commander.

Abhisit said Thaksin made the latest move as part of his on-going campaigns to terrify the public.

"All people should not be frightened. Please be assured that our country is under the rule of law and if everybody respects the law, we will survive through all the situations. Please don't panic but don't be careless," the prime minister said.

He added that Chavalit used to be the prime minister and used to serve the country for years as a military officer so he should know whether he should accept that role or not.


-- The Nation 2010-02-04


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This is just a friendly reminder: Posts which are factually untrue and responses to them were removed. We encourage people to post their views and opinions, but do take care not to make accusations which are stated as fact when they are not.


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