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Face: In The Face Of An Accident

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Actually there is a no claims bonus here, and if you were the cause of the accident doesn't your premium go up...

i don't know about the premium going up but i think if you were not the cause of the accident it still counts as a claim. any accident ='s bye bye to no claims bonus... at least that is how i think it is.

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Of course it's about face. The accident had nothing to do with it. However, your pursuit after the fact did. It must be enshrined somewhere in local transport law or regulations that the at-fault party is required to "flee the scene." You interfered with that solemn duty.

Same thing with rear-ended by a juvenile moto-cy driver upcountry. The bike was not driveable, a crowd had gathered, and therefore you interfered with the kid's solemn duty to flee.

Fleeing avoids, albeit only temporaily sometimes, confrontation. Confrontation causes a loss of face. Ergo, fleeing saves face.

Now pay up! :)


Yes, you have a point.

Its lose lose isn't it. If I Was a poor farmer in a beat up 30 year old Datsun 620 then I should have considered the shunt a blessing and been thankful for the free paint tranfer. Gone about my. As I was in my 4x4 SUV I should pity the fool who swiped me and help them save face by not drawing attention to their poor driving. This way I could ensure my safe passage to the next life where 70 virgins would greet me with loving arms.


I should have shot out the tyres and then robbed them! Then their Karma would be forever blessed!

As I was in my 4x4 SUV I should pity the fool who swiped me

4X4 SUV Loz? More like a black GMC van with a red stripe down the side. :)

Actually there is a no claims bonus here, and if you were the cause of the accident doesn't your premium go up...

i don't know about the premium going up but i think if you were not the cause of the accident it still counts as a claim. any accident ='s bye bye to no claims bonus... at least that is how i think it is.

No this is not true if your not at fault for the accident and the other person has not done a runner then your insurance no claims is not effected.

I also think that if you have a accident then you take pictures with your mobile and phone your insurance and say nothing to anyone until he arrives. It is up to him who is at fault and they will try and protect there company from paying out if they don't have to just like any other insurance company.




Without question this type of in-car CCTV system with recording on SD cards (4 hours per 2GB card) seems a must have feature in every car owned or driven by non-Thais in this country.

Allow the guilty party to make their police report first - then show the evidence during your police report (in a separate room) - then they are quilty of making a false report as well if they blame you etc.

Such systems are sold in Pattaya and BKK I believe.


My wife and I had just come out of our lawyers office. We got into our car and before I had started the engine we heard a loud bang and felt the car shudder. A lady on a motorcycle had driven into the rear of our parked car (don't know the reason, take your pick; not paying attention to the road / picking her nose / could not control the bike properly due to the hundreds of shopping bags hanging off the bike / using her mobile whilst riding / etc). We exited the car and helped the lady stand up (not injured) and inspected the damage to my car. The lady appologised straight away, admitting the accident was her fault. My wife took out her camera and photographed the scene, she then telephoned our insurance company. The lady, on realising we were not just going to say "Mai pen rai" and let her leave, decided to call for back up. Her brother and his friend appeared within minutes, had a few words with the lady and then started verbally assaulting me and my wife. At this point our lawyer was leaving his office and on seeing us at the side of the road he wandered over to see what was happening. The insurance guy turned up. Our lawyer handed him his card and left for his appoinment elswhere. The insurance guy listened to my wife's version of events, then listened to the lady's version. He took his own notes and his own photographs. The friend of the lady's brother the loudly stated that the police should be called and I should have to pay for the damage to the motorcycle because I was a farang. The insurance guy handed the lad his own phone and said "go ahead, call the police, your friends sister has no driving license, no government insurance, and I will state that in my opinion she was totaly at fault". The lady's brother then tells his friend to shut up and go sit in their car. The brother and the insurance guy then negotiate the price to be paid for the repair of my car. They reach a deal and the lad pays cash to the insurance guy. The next day I take my car to the garage and it gets repaired. No paperwork for me and nothing comes off my insurance.

As I was in my 4x4 SUV I should pity the fool who swiped me

4X4 SUV Loz? More like a black GMC van with a red stripe down the side. :)

LOL. that made me laugh out loud!

So you're saying that you have an accident here caused by a Thai you should be prepared for a gun or knife attack?

Normally I'd just call my insurance and not start arguing with people.

How many accidents do you have Phil :)

My wife and I had just come out of our lawyers office. We got into our car and before I had started the engine we heard a loud bang and felt the car shudder. A lady on a motorcycle had driven into the rear of our parked car (don't know the reason, take your pick; not paying attention to the road / picking her nose / could not control the bike properly due to the hundreds of shopping bags hanging off the bike / using her mobile whilst riding / etc). We exited the car and helped the lady stand up (not injured) and inspected the damage to my car. The lady appologised straight away, admitting the accident was her fault. My wife took out her camera and photographed the scene, she then telephoned our insurance company. The lady, on realising we were not just going to say "Mai pen rai" and let her leave, decided to call for back up. Her brother and his friend appeared within minutes, had a few words with the lady and then started verbally assaulting me and my wife. At this point our lawyer was leaving his office and on seeing us at the side of the road he wandered over to see what was happening. The insurance guy turned up. Our lawyer handed him his card and left for his appoinment elswhere. The insurance guy listened to my wife's version of events, then listened to the lady's version. He took his own notes and his own photographs. The friend of the lady's brother the loudly stated that the police should be called and I should have to pay for the damage to the motorcycle because I was a farang. The insurance guy handed the lad his own phone and said "go ahead, call the police, your friends sister has no driving license, no government insurance, and I will state that in my opinion she was totaly at fault". The lady's brother then tells his friend to shut up and go sit in their car. The brother and the insurance guy then negotiate the price to be paid for the repair of my car. They reach a deal and the lad pays cash to the insurance guy. The next day I take my car to the garage and it gets repaired. No paperwork for me and nothing comes off my insurance.

dam_n, that is my kind of learning Curve!

So bassically the bullying failed and reality set in. Bit like what happened to me. :)

Rubbish,,, 50% of thai drivers are not fit to be on the roads

Rubbish,,, is it more than 50% that are not fit to be on the road :)

having done the Thai driving test I can understand why

For some reason I thought this thread was about 'face'. I was obviously mistaken, it is just another thread about what bad drivers the Thais are. Ho Hum.

are you suggesting they are good drivers on the whole or poor drivers on the whole? I think the figures for deaths on the road in Thailand speak volumes.

or are you not suggesting anything other than people should not have an opinion if it is different to your opinion?

I'm suggesting nothing regarding the relative driving merits of Thais compared to each other or anybody else. I am merely stating an observation that this thread is not about 'face' anymore, it is deteriorating into a thread about what 'bad' drivers the Thais are. People can hold whatever opinions they like. Is that simple enough for you?

My wife and I had just come out of our lawyers office. We got into our car and before I had started the engine we heard a loud bang and felt the car shudder. A lady on a motorcycle had driven into the rear of our parked car (don't know the reason, take your pick; not paying attention to the road / picking her nose / could not control the bike properly due to the hundreds of shopping bags hanging off the bike / using her mobile whilst riding / etc). We exited the car and helped the lady stand up (not injured) and inspected the damage to my car. The lady appologised straight away, admitting the accident was her fault. My wife took out her camera and photographed the scene, she then telephoned our insurance company. The lady, on realising we were not just going to say "Mai pen rai" and let her leave, decided to call for back up. Her brother and his friend appeared within minutes, had a few words with the lady and then started verbally assaulting me and my wife. At this point our lawyer was leaving his office and on seeing us at the side of the road he wandered over to see what was happening. The insurance guy turned up. Our lawyer handed him his card and left for his appoinment elswhere. The insurance guy listened to my wife's version of events, then listened to the lady's version. He took his own notes and his own photographs. The friend of the lady's brother the loudly stated that the police should be called and I should have to pay for the damage to the motorcycle because I was a farang. The insurance guy handed the lad his own phone and said "go ahead, call the police, your friends sister has no driving license, no government insurance, and I will state that in my opinion she was totaly at fault". The lady's brother then tells his friend to shut up and go sit in their car. The brother and the insurance guy then negotiate the price to be paid for the repair of my car. They reach a deal and the lad pays cash to the insurance guy. The next day I take my car to the garage and it gets repaired. No paperwork for me and nothing comes off my insurance.

Pleased it worked out for you.

Quote "You shuld pay because you are a farang" I hate hearing stuff like this because it akes me wonder what i'm doing here!!! :)


You should have full a comprehensive insurance policy for your motor vehicle with covers all third party damages.

If you are involved in an accident and the damage is your fault and is assessed at less than your excess (if applicable) or the damage is minor you may pay the damages.

Make it very clear what those damages are that you will pay for. Take a photos if possible.

Other wise make no statements regarding responsibility and hand the matter over to your insurance company, that is what they are there for.

Many Thais do not carry insurance on their vehicles.

Loss of face is just another way of refusing to accept responsibility, it is widely practiced in the West and is termed "shifting the blame" to another person or entity.

("I did not do it, he did").

A young motorcyclist ran into me while I was stationary, this was last year when in a hire car in Udon. I remember very clearly how a crowd of bystanders rallied against me, braying like dogs and lying through their stinking teeth about what had happened. Most had not been there so could not have seen anything! Their ability to believe their own lies and create REAL anger and aggression simply amazed me!

I kept my cool, ignored them and waited for both the car's owner and the insurance guy to turn up.

It all ended OK, the insurance paid for the car (quite considerable damage as the bike was travelling at speed) and I paid 1000 baht for the bike. BTW, the rider was under 16.

It's incidents like this plus other (thankfully) minor incidents I've been involved in or heard about that has shown me what Thais are and can be like - and what they are capable of (particularly with Foreigners) (and between themselves likely, too). I am very wary these days. It's soooo smiley-smiley out there . . . NOT.

Sure, I have met some decent Thais . . . or then . . ./ have I? They can turn nasty in a flash - and with the prejudice and racism that exists here . . .

OK flamers, against all the overwhelming evidence, have a go at me . . .

Interesting. What's your gripe? Payingthe 1000baht? Or being unjustly accused ( Is that a "face" thing?)? " They can turn nasty in a flash" Would you call that prejudice or racism? or were you talking about Thais being prejudiced and racist rather than farangs? :)


what was erksome was having to "trap" the other car into stopping. taking pics is all well and good. but you have to get the fุหหkers to stop first!

A young motorcyclist ran into me while I was stationary, this was last year when in a hire car in Udon. I remember very clearly how a crowd of bystanders rallied against me, braying like dogs and lying through their stinking teeth about what had happened. Most had not been there so could not have seen anything! Their ability to believe their own lies and create REAL anger and aggression simply amazed me!

I kept my cool, ignored them and waited for both the car's owner and the insurance guy to turn up.

It all ended OK, the insurance paid for the car (quite considerable damage as the bike was travelling at speed) and I paid 1000 baht for the bike. BTW, the rider was under 16.

It's incidents like this plus other (thankfully) minor incidents I've been involved in or heard about that has shown me what Thais are and can be like - and what they are capable of (particularly with Foreigners) (and between themselves likely, too). I am very wary these days. It's soooo smiley-smiley out there . . . NOT.

Sure, I have met some decent Thais . . . or then . . ./ have I? They can turn nasty in a flash - and with the prejudice and racism that exists here . . .

OK flamers, against all the overwhelming evidence, have a go at me . . .

Interesting. What's your gripe? Payingthe 1000baht? Or being unjustly accused ( Is that a "face" thing?)? " They can turn nasty in a flash" Would you call that prejudice or racism? or were you talking about Thais being prejudiced and racist rather than farangs? :)

I too would have a 'gripe' if I were forced to pay for something that was obviously the fault of somebody else.

Being unjustly accused is not a face thing, it is being unjustly accused for financial gain by the party at fault.

If what the poster says is true then the crowd did turn ugly when he refused to be bullied into paying up.

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