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Bringing Antidepressants To Thailand?


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Hi folks,

first of all many thanks for this huge and very useful forum! :o

The forum search couldn't help me, and I really don't know whether my question fits in the immigration or health forum, so I put it here:

In July I travel to Thailand for holidays the first time. I have to take antidepressants (Escitalopram and Reboxetin), and since I know that the Thai authorities are very strict on any kind of drugs, I'm quite worried about what could happen at the immigration or customs desk at the airport. The information sheets are only in German. :D

Do I have to declare these meds? Should I bring along a prescription from my doctor? Or is it no problem at all?

Thanks for any help, and greetings from Germany! :D


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Best to get a letter from your doctor to bring with you and make sure you keep your medication in its original container. You can also check on the Thai embassy web site who have a list of prohibated medications with advice on what to do.

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Thanks for your quick reply, daveb,

so I will certainly bring a letter from my doctor stating that I have to take these meds.

Unfortunately I couldn't find that list of prohibited medications you mentioned. What Thai embassy website do you mean?

Do I have to declare them explicitly in the immigration form?

Again thanks for you help! :o


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Don't have to declare you meds, just make sure you have prescription or something from your doc.

I go the the US every 6 months to see a doc and get 6 months supply of injectable medicine, which i bring back to Thailand, have never had a problem. But do carry a letter and prescription from the Dr just to be safe.

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Should be no problem at all. As said above, just in case have a letter from your doctor and the medicine in the original bottle.

Once you are here, you can buy many of these drugs over the counter.

Alternatively, go to the doctor here. They are all to eager to hand them out(money from pharmaceutical companies). They are cheaper here too.

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Warning , Even if you do have a letter from your doctor, and all the prescriptions in place , and if customs want to play hard ball, your medications might fall under the prohibitive list etc.

You will not find such in their web sites. Best you get the FDA Phone number here in Thailand and simply ask them if such is banned or not.

If they say no, then ask them if such letter from your Doctor will be enough. If they say no, then you best get the Permit from the FDA here in Thailand or you will indeed have a major hassle with customs if they catch you.

Read up on the topic here that I posted "Prohibited Items in Thailand"

If they say it is banned, then don't identify yourself over the phone, give a fake name if possible. If you bring it in, your on your own. If you get caught, Thailand has one of the stiffest penalties for bringing in banned dope into Thailand, and you can surely be visiting the Hilton without a doubt.

If such is banned then perhaps you can find some alternative medications that is still acceptable regarding your health and also legal to bring in into Thailand.

Better to be safe than be sorry


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Thanks for your quick reply, daveb,

so I will certainly bring a letter from my doctor stating that I have to take these meds.

Unfortunately I couldn't find that list of prohibited medications you mentioned. What Thai embassy website do you mean?

Do I have to declare them explicitly in the immigration form?

Again thanks for you help! :o


Dont declare chances of you getting stopped remote

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I would ask the local Thai embassy about it. Certainly get a letter and/or prescription in English from your doctor. Maybe you can get a letter from the Thai Embassy, or perhaps have the prescription or letter stamped as "SEEN AT" the Embassy - they usually have a stamp with the official Thai Garuda, but no idea if you can get them to do this - but I am sure it would not hurt to ask.

There is no Customs form to fill on arrival here any more, but they randomly check arriving baggage. I haven't recently seen any farang being stopped, unless it's the backpacker types; more usually it's arrivals from other parts of Asia or the Middle East.

Edited by Greer
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I read a story recently of the PM intervening on behalf of a foreigner who also brought drugs from Canada. The foreigner got detained and put in jail and somehow the PM found out and investigated it and later cleared the foreigner of all charges and even gave him his medications that he brought in.

The Doctors in Canada confirmed that the foreigner needed such and it was prescribed.

In any rate best you have that Doctors Certificate Letter with you just in case and it describes precisely the meds and how much you have in your possession along with the prescription etc. and his Signature and phone number and address along with his Medical Registration ID Number.


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