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I Am Tired Of People Moaning About Why There Thai Partners Cant Get Visa's


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<br />[<font color=#0000ff">quote name='theoldgit' date='2010-02-07 12:54:33' post='3324231]<br />
I don't go to the Swedish embassy a lot, maybe once or twice a year, but every time I go I see droves of girls looking to apply for visa to Sweden. A lot of these are clearly bar girls (yes, it's that easy to spot one) so I'm sure there are quite a lot of BG's applying to the UK/US etc (definitely a lot more than a couple a week).
<br /></font><br /><br />I don't see the problem here, what is wrong if they are bar girls.<br />Its just a job, and they apply and applications are the same for all, some people need to push this girls always in the wrong corner.<br />Have some respect for them and the work they doing.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

have some respect for what they are doing?

do you think they want to do this?

they are no better than slave to corrupt organized crime syndicates, the ones who unfortunately always seen to get their victims visa.They have little choice, often sold off by their own parents!

read " my name is Lon" based on fact, written by stephen leather

So them respect the true way, by helping them make a decent living in their own land .More stringent rules to enter may help this.At the moment it seems to be only the true ( i will not say decent, working girls are- they just are not as lucky as some to have a country that actually cares about them) who get hassled.

Yes, many single thai ladys on a plane are traveling to work.

Selling themselves to make some fat cat rich.A disgusting thing to exist in 2010

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So, I get a retirement visa, which I have to renew every year and on top of that I have to report to the MFA every 90 days, is that correct?

Almost, you obtain a visa, normally an O Visa from The Thai Embassy or Consulate, Hull is the easiest and can be done by post, then basically at some stage you extend your permission to remain based on your retirement, you don't actually renew your visa. It's quite an easy process which you can study in length nearer the time, don't forget to then obtain a re-entry permit if you ever leave the country otherwise you have to start all over again on your return.

Then every 90 days you have to report to your local Immigration Office, or if you leave and return to Thailand the clock starts again for the 90 day reporting, a pretty easy process which can even be done by post.

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Thanks for all the info. Although, unless we win the lottery, this is still approx 10 years away.

However, doesn't detract from my point; which is that the procedure to enable a Thai to live in the UK with their Brit partner is simpler than the other way round.

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Thanks for all the info. Although, unless we win the lottery, this is still approx 10 years away.

However, doesn't detract from my point; which is that the procedure to enable a Thai to live in the UK with their Brit partner is simpler than the other way round.

Maybe the Euro Lottery on Friday :)

But you have hit on another point there, you mentioned extension of stay based on retirement whereas you can also get an extension of stay based on marriage, this has a smaller financial requirement but, I understand, it's far more complicated.

But yes you are right, once you have jumped through all the hoops, it's far easier for a Thai partner living in the UK and she/he will be accepted as a person with the right to be there, will be able to own property, benefit from the NHS, etc etc, unlike you or I who are a farang with no rights and always be pretty low down the pecking order.

I am pretty much off topic now, I'm sorry.

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If the girl complies with the rules, has the funds and has no intention to overstay why on earth should she not be granted a visa?

As far as the UK is concerned; show that all this is true and she will be.

nor should there be a "genuine relationship" requirement.

As far as the UK is concerned there is no requirement for a visitor to have a sponsor at all. However, if one is applying based upon one's relationship with a sponsor, then obviously one has to show that this relationship is genuine.

What do you mean by genuine? Do you mean they must have met and spent time with one another, been in regular contact, demonstrably 'an item', held long, loving telephone calls, exchanged daily emails for months/years, given gifts/presents, know each other's full names, addresses, DOBs, favourite colour, name of first pet, yadda yadda.

Yeah, now I understand. Absolutely NO difference whatsoever!!


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As for USA young (20 something), single females applying for tourist visas, with no family connections or sponsors? Good luck. How the recent Nigerian "underpants bomber" got a visa is unbelievable. I have never heard an explanation.

Bingo! Give that man a kewpie doll from the top shelf. The reason is because most immigration and customs officials are prudish types who never got laid and can't stand the thought that somebody else might be having fun. The immigration officials are are more hung up on preventing sex than they are about preventing actual criminals from entering the country.

Bang on. There's the odd immigration 'expert' who falls into that category too.

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When we eventually retire to Thailand I will have to renew my retirement visa every 90 days!

Sorry to correct you on a small point 7by7, must be a first, when you retire to Thailand you will enter on a visa and then extend permission to remain in The Kingdom based on your retirement, and you will need to extend this every year. The 90 days is a reporting requirement. :)

And it all starts to unravel for the immigration 'expert'. Oh dear!

It is also disingenuous in the extreme for 7by7 to claim it is easier for a thai to settle in the uk than it is for a brit to settle in thailand.

Scandalously disingenuous, in fact. Take 'Mr Average Thai' and see how far he gets with living legally in the UK for the rest of his life. Then take 'Mr Average Brit', and see how far he gets with living legally in thailand for the rest of his life. Much, much easier for Mr Average Brit. Thais CANNOT settle for life in the UK without the help of a UK national. Brits CAN settle for life in thailand without the help of a thai national.

Big difference.

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When we eventually retire to Thailand I will have to renew my retirement visa every 90 days!

Sorry to correct you on a small point 7by7, must be a first, when you retire to Thailand you will enter on a visa and then extend permission to remain in The Kingdom based on your retirement, and you will need to extend this every year. The 90 days is a reporting requirement. :D

And it all starts to unravel for the immigration 'expert'. Oh dear!

Show me where I have ever claimed to have any sort of expertise on Thai immigration.

The rest of your posts are your usual misinformed rubbish.

It is perfectly possible for a Thai, or any other, national to obtain UK residence without the aid or sponsorship of a British national or resident. Work permits being the most obvious route. As theoldgit says, once ILR has been obtained then that person will have all the rights of any other legal UK resident, except voting. For that they would have to become a British citizen, much easier for them to do that than for a Brit to become a Thai citizen.

You can now reply with your usual silly comments about my 'mincing' etc. :)

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Thanks for the info but both times l had to leave immediately, my point is if she was a Brit we could have jumped on a plane together, no prob.

With respect, had you previously obtained a long term visit visa for her then you could also have jumped on a plane together.

My point being that all countries have entry requirements.

Were you and your wife living in the UK together then she would have only needed 2 applications; the initial visa followed by ILR after 2 years. Citizenship after 3 years if she wanted, but that, of course, is not mandatory.

Whereas a Brit living in Thailand either has to do regular visa runs or, if they have a proper visa, regularly report and regularly renew that visa. Although I think I read somewhere that some form of permanent residence is possible, but it takes a lot longer than the 2 years required for the UK.

So, in your opinion who has it simpler; a Brit living in Thailand or a Thai living in the UK?

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Methinks there is a little troll under the bridge....

sorry, but why is this ' trolling '? just becuase i have said something that is not 100 % positive about thailand ? I have not said anything bad about thailand either. This is just my opion. I am not a troll at all.

But you did say that the girlfriend/wife getting a Visa into the UK is easy,I dont think there will be many Brits on this

Forum who would agree with that viewpoint,especially after sweating over the application to conform with the Immigration laws as most of us had to go through.

Entry to the UK is not a pushover anymore!

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When we eventually retire to Thailand I will have to renew my retirement visa every 90 days!

Sorry to correct you on a small point 7by7, must be a first, when you retire to Thailand you will enter on a visa and then extend permission to remain in The Kingdom based on your retirement, and you will need to extend this every year. The 90 days is a reporting requirement. :)

So, I get a retirement visa, which I have to renew every year and on top of that I have to report to the MFA every 90 days, is that correct?

Absolutely correct,Ive been doing it for 7 years.

Good news is: once you have paid 1900 bahts for the OA 1 year Visa,there is no more to pay for 90 day check ins or for the rest of the year.

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When we eventually retire to Thailand I will have to renew my retirement visa every 90 days!

Sorry to correct you on a small point 7by7, must be a first, when you retire to Thailand you will enter on a visa and then extend permission to remain in The Kingdom based on your retirement, and you will need to extend this every year. The 90 days is a reporting requirement. :)

So, I get a retirement visa, which I have to renew every year and on top of that I have to report to the MFA every 90 days, is that correct?

Absolutely correct,Ive been doing it for 7 years.

Good news is: once you have paid 1900 bahts for the OA 1 year Visa,there is no more to pay for 90 day check ins or for the rest of the year.

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When we eventually retire to Thailand I will have to renew my retirement visa every 90 days!

Sorry to correct you on a small point 7by7, must be a first, when you retire to Thailand you will enter on a visa and then extend permission to remain in The Kingdom based on your retirement, and you will need to extend this every year. The 90 days is a reporting requirement. :D

And it all starts to unravel for the immigration 'expert'. Oh dear!

Show me where I have ever claimed to have any sort of expertise on Thai immigration.

The rest of your posts are your usual misinformed rubbish.

It is perfectly possible for a Thai, or any other, national to obtain UK residence without the aid or sponsorship of a British national or resident. Work permits being the most obvious route. As theoldgit says, once ILR has been obtained then that person will have all the rights of any other legal UK resident, except voting. For that they would have to become a British citizen, much easier for them to do that than for a Brit to become a Thai citizen.

You can now reply with your usual silly comments about my 'mincing' etc. :)

Ooo touched a nerve there, me thinks...

So, 'Mr Expert On All Things UK Immigration', how many single, average wage, thai people have successfully resettled into the UK and how many single, average wage, brits are living indefinitely in thailand? Just give me broadbrush figures. Time for you to answer a question for a change.

It's all a numbers game, innit? Do. The. Math.

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I was talking about getting and staying!

A Thai going to live in the UK with their Brit partner has to make a grand total of two applications, and there is no need to report regularly to anyone.

A Brit living in Thailand with his/her partner has to make an application every year to renew their visa and report to Immigration every 90 days. You reckon that's simpler and easier! :)

I always endeavour to answer questions put to me, if i don't know the answer then I'll say so. You, on the other hand.....

The system changed in 2008/9 from work permits to a points based system; the total for both for 2008/9 is 570 (source).

Not a great deal, especially when compared to settlement to join family/spouse/partner/etc. (2,385), but over the years it all adds up.

I don't know the figures for Thailand, but as you claim to be such an expert then perhaps you will provide the figures for Thailand for Brits. How many work visas, how many retirement/family visas and how many in Thailand without a visa and doing visa runs?

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have some respect for what they are doing?

do you think they want to do this?

they are no better than slave to corrupt organized crime syndicates, the ones who unfortunately always seen to get their victims visa.They have little choice, often sold off by their own parents!

read " my name is Lon" based on fact, written by stephen leather

So them respect the true way, by helping them make a decent living in their own land .More stringent rules to enter may help this.At the moment it seems to be only the true ( i will not say decent, working girls are- they just are not as lucky as some to have a country that actually cares about them) who get hassled.

Yes, many single thai ladys on a plane are traveling to work.

Selling themselves to make some fat cat rich.A disgusting thing to exist in 2010

I don't think that they want to do this job, even i don't wan't to do my job but the only reason i do it is the get money to pay for my family and try to get a better live.

Victims of corrupt organized crime syndicates are every where not only in Thailand one story doesn't mean that they all have the same problem and been victims from this syndicates.

Your looking true your own eyes isnt the same, if they can start a decent relationship with a guy who is willing to help there family little bit and they will improved there own live as well, nothing wrong with that.

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Perhaps that English language test should include testing natives too. More hard? to easy ? Deary me...

I hope the UK goverment makes getting a visa for the UK more hard from bangkok becuase now it is to easy.

Yes I noticed more mistakes than I would expect as well. We all do it when we're in a hurry and not looking at what we're typing but some of these are repeated.

alot isn't a word as far as I know.

Should be

"visas" not "visa's"

"their" not "there"

"too easy" not "to easy"

missing apostrophes in don't, doesn't, what's, can't and won't

Many of the others might just be mistakes such as the lack of capitals for words such as Bangkok, Thai, Thailand, I and Europe.

You shouldn't use "But" to start a sentence either, at least not more than once.

As for "a visa for there ' partner ' until they" you've lost me their ... sorry that should be there. You've got me doing it now :D

Sorry getting carried away now.

As for the subject of the post you may be partly right. I'm not sure which type of visa you're referring to. My gf is going to Bangkok on Tuesday to get a visitor's visa to come to the UK in May so she can meet my family. I intend to move to Thailand eventually. I have know her since July 2008 and met her in Thailand twice in 2009 for about 5 weeks in total. Since we are both working it's difficult to do much more although we speak every day. I'm 55 and at 4 or 5 weeks a year it would take a long time to spend even 6 months together by which time I might have passed away :)

Of course if Thailand took the same attitude then the whole thing would be impossible.

I suppose it's a case of trying to separate the honest people who want to come here to visit or live in a gnuine relationship and those who visit and don't leave and those who have "fake" relationships.

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I was talking about getting and staying!

A Thai going to live in the UK with their Brit partner has to make a grand total of two applications, and there is no need to report regularly to anyone.

A Brit living in Thailand with his/her partner has to make an application every year to renew their visa and report to Immigration every 90 days. You reckon that's simpler and easier! :)

I always endeavour to answer questions put to me, if i don't know the answer then I'll say so. You, on the other hand.....

The system changed in 2008/9 from work permits to a points based system; the total for both for 2008/9 is 570 (source).

Not a great deal, especially when compared to settlement to join family/spouse/partner/etc. (2,385), but over the years it all adds up.

I don't know the figures for Thailand, but as you claim to be such an expert then perhaps you will provide the figures for Thailand for Brits. How many work visas, how many retirement/family visas and how many in Thailand without a visa and doing visa runs?

I neither know nor care. All I'm bothered about is a level playing field when it comes to choosing who I want to bring into the country.

570, eh? Cor!!

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Quote - Yes there are probably one ore two people a year who fall for a bar girl and want to take them on the first available flight home, they are few and far between and are pretty soon weeded out by the authorities.

I don't gink so, one or two a year? No way, more like hundreds and many get refused. One or two a year, hahaha - made me laugh that one, thanks for cheering me up!

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I see that UKBA has announced that a level of English proficiency will now be required for those wishing to enter the UK on a Student Visa, now that I do agree with.

I assume there will be different requirements for anyone coming to the UK to learn English.

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Quote - Yes there are probably one ore two people a year who fall for a bar girl and want to take them on the first available flight home, they are few and far between and are pretty soon weeded out by the authorities.

I don't gink so, one or two a year? No way, more like hundreds and many get refused. One or two a year, hahaha - made me laugh that one, thanks for cheering me up!

So you gink that there are hundreds that want to their new bar girl home on the next available flight?

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I neither know nor care.

Then why ask the question? :)

All I'm bothered about is a level playing field when it comes to choosing who I want to bring into the country.

You admit that you have never been involved in a UK visa application, but if the time ever comes when you are you will find that there is.

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I neither know nor care.

Then why ask the question? :)

All I'm bothered about is a level playing field when it comes to choosing who I want to bring into the country.

You admit that you have never been involved in a UK visa application, but if the time ever comes when you are you will find that there is.

Except there isn't. Have you been paying attention at all?

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So you say from you vast lack of any experience in this area whatsoever. :)

If you are ever in the position of wanting to sponsor a visa applicant you will find out how wrong you are.

Yeah, it's just soo easy, innit? :D

Have a wander 'round my neighbourhood some time; then you'll see our two-tiered immigration service. But this is not an issue in the stockbroker belt, is it? I don't know whether you've got your head in the sand or just up your backside!

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Wow this forum has really gone down hill... a banned OP, 3 side arguments going on between testy old men, and half the posts in incoherent english. I guess it's pointless to point out, but the main problem with the OP's argument is that people have a right, in my opinion, under our U.S. Constitution or your English equivalent, to form relationships with whoever they please and not have them unnecessarily burdened. Sure immigration has an absolute and sovereign right to ban people from entering the country, but the number of Thai or other girls from foreign countries that 'jump ship' when they arrive in the US or UK is a drop in the ocean compared to all the breached student visas, work visas, and illegal immigration. -THOSE are the people that need to be cracked down on, random people from south that have no attachment or loyalty to our countries besides making money. People that have honest, evidenced relationships shouldn't be bullied around just because it's easy for immigration to do so, and for heavans sake, I've said it a million times, let the guy gurantee her stay! and if she really jumps ship MAKE HIM PAY A FINE or something until he finds her!!! easiest solution in the world

I don't gink so, one or two a year? No way, more like hundreds and many get refused. One or two a year, hahaha - made me laugh that one, thanks for cheering me up!

Hundreds, even if they all jumped ship, is entirely inconsequential, and probably a worthy price to pay so as to not offend the citizen's right to choose their own mates.

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Have a wander 'round my neighbourhood some time; then you'll see our two-tiered immigration service. But this is not an issue in the stockbroker belt, is it? I don't know whether you've got your head in the sand or just up your backside!

I have explained to you in another thread at great length how your impressions about a 'two-tiered immigration service' are completely wrong; that you refuse to believe the truth is your problem, not mine.

Your 'stockbroker belt' comment shows that you are as ignorant of Surrey as you are of the UK immigration system. Have a look at the Surrey table here. Not the largest South Asian population, true, but by no means the smallest. Particularly in the Surrey/London border area where I live (London figures here). (I have used South Asian for my example as this is the group you have been banging on about. There are also large groups of West Africans, West Indians, Chinese, Philippines etc. There's a Thai temple in Wimbledon and another in Woking, so quite a few Thais, as well.)

Your entire premise is based upon false rumour and misinformation. I'm bored with it, and I'm sure most of the other members were bored with it a long time ago.

Give it a rest.

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Wow this forum has really gone down hill... a banned OP, 3 side arguments going on between testy old men, and half the posts in incoherent english. I guess it's pointless to point out, but the main problem with the OP's argument is that people have a right, in my opinion, under our U.S. Constitution or your English equivalent, to form relationships with whoever they please and not have them unnecessarily burdened. Sure immigration has an absolute and sovereign right to ban people from entering the country, but the number of Thai or other girls from foreign countries that 'jump ship' when they arrive in the US or UK is a drop in the ocean compared to all the breached student visas, work visas, and illegal immigration. -THOSE are the people that need to be cracked down on, random people from south that have no attachment or loyalty to our countries besides making money. People that have honest, evidenced relationships shouldn't be bullied around just because it's easy for immigration to do so, and for heavans sake, I've said it a million times, let the guy gurantee her stay! and if she really jumps ship MAKE HIM PAY A FINE or something until he finds her!!! easiest solution in the world
I don't gink so, one or two a year? No way, more like hundreds and many get refused. One or two a year, hahaha - made me laugh that one, thanks for cheering me up!

Hundreds, even if they all jumped ship, is entirely inconsequential, and probably a worthy price to pay so as to not offend the citizen's right to choose their own mates.

Don't say English or you'll have the the Scot, Welsh and Northern Ireland mobs on your back. Your later use of UK is much safer believe me although from my experience it can confuse some Thais as the think the UK is England

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As for USA young (20 something), single females applying for tourist visas, with no family connections or sponsors? Good luck. How the recent Nigerian "underpants bomber" got a visa is unbelievable. I have never heard an explanation.

Bingo! Give that man a kewpie doll from the top shelf. The reason is because most immigration and customs officials are prudish types who never got laid and can't stand the thought that somebody else might be having fun. The immigration officials are are more hung up on preventing sex than they are about preventing actual criminals from entering the country.

Hi Ian.

A lot of your posts seem to be well thought out

but this ain't one of them my friend.

What a sweeping statement. I guess you have dealt

with "most Immigration and Customs officials".



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