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Biggest Thai Home Builder Moving Abroad To Expand Company

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Biggest Thai Home Builder Moving Abroad to Expand Company

Brian Mertens, 02.08.10

Forbes Asia Magazine

post-13995-1265453380_thumb.jpg Thongma Vijitpongpun; 52 *

Thailand's property king is moving into India and Vietnam.

The success of one Thai property tycoon might owe less to bricks and mortar than to fish guts. Growing up in the coastal province of Chonburi 40 years ago, Thongma Vijitpongpun would help his father hawk fish maw soup from a pair of hampers slung on a shoulder pole, selling to a clientele of laborers. Thongma, then just 10, couldn't understand why his father charged half the going price. "I used to ask him, 'Why don't you just substitute pig skin for fish bladder, like the other hawkers? Why not use pig blood instead of chicken blood?'" His father explained that he wanted to give his customers good quality and make it affordable. "That idea influenced me a lot," says Thongma.

And so he didn't acquire his real estate fortune in big gulps, taking large profits from a handful of deals the way some players do. Instead he did it the hard way, pleasing tens of thousands of small customers with good, economical products. He builds town houses for the Everyman, the low- or middle-income Thai who wants a home in Bangkok for the sticker price of an entry-level automobile. That's made Pruksa Real Estate the biggest developer in the country. And since founding it just 17 years ago, Thongma, 52, has earned a fortune that FORBES ASIA valued last September at $430 million and ranked No. 13 in Thailand.

An engineer by training, Thongma decided to make those houses the way Henry Ford turned out Model Ts--by mass production. Instead of constructing homes one by one, brick by brick, he started rolling them off his own assembly line in a Pruksa factory that cranks out precast cement wall panels that are simply transported to the construction site, hoisted into place and painted. Plumbing, wiring and window frames are built in.

Thongma says this technology beats elbow grease on several counts. Construction time is cut from half a year or more to only 45 days for a typical town house. Costs are cut because it takes less manpower in Thailand's perennially tight labor markets. Pruksa also saves by buying materials and components in bulk, typically with long-term contracts that shield it from price fluctuations that have savaged other developers.

Henry Ford famously said Model T buyers could have any color they wanted, as long as it was black, and as it happens, Pruksa town houses all look pretty much alike. But Thongma claims that prefabrication ratchets up quality several notches. Precast construction provides better protection against climate and fire, so customers pay lower insurance premiums. The precast panels act as load-bearing walls that eliminate the need for bulky columns, so usable space is increased.

The technology is adopted from France and Germany, but the prefab concept is at home in Thailand, where for centuries houses have been built with precarpentered wall panels. Pruksa also sometimes uses the speedy tunnel-form method, which involves pouring cement into wall molds built on the construction site.

Thongma says Pruksa's approach lets it offer homes at prices 15% cheaper than rivals. Whatever the price, the company sold more than 11,000 houses and apartments last year, more than any other Thai company. In 2009, for the first time, Pruksa (formerly Preuksa) made FORBES ASIA's list of the best 200 companies in the region with less than $1 billion in annual revenue. Pruksa estimates that it reached $569 million in revenue last year--a 46% jump over 2008 in baht terms. That will mostly likely put it ahead of Land & Houses, which has been Thailand's largest developer by revenue. Bangkok's KGI Securities puts Pruksa's 2009 profit at $108 million, up 51% in baht. Thus emboldened, Thongma plans to launch projects in Vietnam, India and the Maldives this year, which could contribute $42 million in 2010 revenue. He's studying the Philippines, Indonesia and China.

Expanding abroad poses serious challenges, but Pruksa's time looks ripe, given urban Asia's vast need for low-cost housing. UN Habitat figures show a shortfall of nearly 4 million units in the Philippines and almost 12 million in Indonesia. Vietnam needs 4.5 million homes, according to FMO, a Netherlands development bank. China is in the midst of a three-year program to build more than 7 million low-cost homes.

Pruksa's track record owes something to Thongma's meticulousness, especially on costs and pricing. Before founding his company in 1993 he worked for a construction company where he was charged with drawing up bids for projects. His boss frequently bumped up Thongma's long-deliberated appraisals, only to lose the tender, so he realized he might do better on his own. One early decision proved smart during the 1997 financial crisis. Unlike other property companies at that time, Pruksa didn't keep a land bank, preferring to acquire sites at exacting prices when it initiated projects. So the meltdown left the company riding high while rivals became mired in debt and unsold land.

Pruksa board member Kanchit Bunajinda, a Bangkok director at Lombard Investments, says two other key factors have helped turbocharge the company's growth: savvy incentives for management and an intensive use of consultants. Pruksa listed in 2005 not only to pay down debt but also to have shares on hand to lure talent. The company has more than ten business units, each run by an executive vice president who's given considerable autonomy and paid bonuses linked to long-term growth and profit. Its enterprise resource planning system gives division managers daily updates on performance, making incentive pay crystal clear. Kanchit adds, "Pruksa has used outside consultants to improve operations over a broad spectrum--management structure, human resources, engineering, production techniques, information technology. The goal is to trim risks while growing quickly." Pruksa recently spent $720,000 on a Boston Consulting Group study for an eight-year growth plan to steer the company toward generating $3 billion a year in sales by 2017.

That quintupling of revenue will require more than Pruksa's vertical strategy of making its own houses, so the company also has horizontal ambitions, spreading out beyond its core products, geographic markets and customer segments. It's starting to target premium customers with new brands among its growing roster of 13, which include low-rise boutique condominiums under The Seed nameplate and luxury villas branded The Plant. It's launched 15 condominium projects in recent years and aims to do for condos what it has done for town houses, using better technology to eventually reduce construction time from one year to three months for an eight-story building. Long focused on Bangkok, it's now initiating projects up-country. But the company won't give up on housing for the masses--its low-end projects qualify for corporate tax abatements that fatten profits.

Not all has gone swimmingly. A condo building in Bangkok's Chinatown flopped because the units were too big and costly for the neighborhood. Thongma says the company learns from its mistakes. "Out of 15 projects, only one condo failed," he says.

Demographic factors will soon slow housing demand in Thailand, so Pruksa needs to venture abroad to reach its $3 billion target. But can a Thai outfit that's little known outside the country compete with entrenched local players? Thongma says Pruksa has an edge because it is three companies in one: developer, manufacturer and builder. Rivals are simply developers that outsource construction. In Thailand two or three other companies have tried to copy Pruksa's approach, but none matches its speed. Thaninee Satirareungchai, a property-sector analyst at KGI Securities, says Sansiri Public Co., for example, takes three times as long to build a house as Pruksa: "They say they can't compete." (For its part, Sansiri makes no apology for taking more time to build. Investor relations officer Boonrawee Verasophon says her company balances the need for speed against aesthetic factors.) Thongma says a company must reach a certain volume before a precast factory makes sense--at least 3,000 houses a year. The company gained a decisive edge after opening its first factory in 2005. Now it has three jet-hangar-size buildings operating around the clock, with plans for more.

But in Vietnam, where plans call for a low-cost town house project in Hanoi's seaport area, can Pruksa cut through the bureaucracy quickly enough to reach critical mass? Many developments get stuck in the sticky process of compensating and relocating existing residents. Thongma claims that it will be "no problem" getting cooperation because this project matches the government's policy to promote affordable homes.

Similarly, Indian officials, who see a national housing gap of 24 million units, are likely to welcome a developer such as Pruksa, says Samantak Das, head of India research at Knight Frank, a property consultancy in Mumbai. The government wants competition and technology to boost its drive for low-cost housing priced between $16,000 and $100,000. Pruksa has four projects in Mumbai, Chennai and Bangalore, where Thongma says Indian companies take a year to build the kinds of houses Pruksa does in 45 days. "They all outsource," he says. "If they want to build like Pruksa, it will take them time to learn and a lot of people. It's not so easy."

But India will surely be a challenge. A property-market downturn over the past year is driving local developers that focused on high-end projects into the low-cost segment where Pruksa wants to compete. And the market favors flats rather than Pruksa's specialty of town houses and villas because of the scarcity of plots around densely packed cities. Pruksa might need to study how Indian developers deal with red tape. To build in Mumbai, for example, requires permits from as many as 15 authorities. Pruksa has waited six months to get the green light for its project in that city, while the savviest players can get it in as little as a month. "I worry about India," says analyst Thaninee.

But Thongma, unfazed, says: "We have problems in Thailand, too." Perhaps his confidence owes to his early years, when he coped with his family's poverty by working his way through high school and winning a scholarship to university. Or it could reflect one of his few personal indulgences: reading Buddhist sermons, which counsel equanimity above all. As Pruksa hacks its way into thorny markets abroad, equanimity might be exactly what's needed.


* Thongma Vijitpongpun; 52, FASTER BUILDER



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