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Global Warming To Hit Thailand's Rice Production

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OSLO (Reuters) - The U.N. panel of climate experts overstated how much of the Netherlands is below sea level, according to a preliminary report on Saturday, admitting yet another flaw after a row last month over Himalayan glacier melt.

A background note by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said a 2007 report wrongly stated that 55 percent of the country was below sea level since the figure included areas above sea level, prone to flooding along rivers.

The United Nations has said errors in the 2007 report of about 3,000 pages do not affect the core conclusions that human activities, led by burning fossil fuels, are warming the globe.

"The sea level statistic was used for background information only, and the updated information remains consistent with the overall conclusions," the IPCC note dated February 12 said.

Skeptics say errors have exposed sloppiness and over-reliance on "grey literature" outside leading scientific journals. The panel's reports are a main guide for governments seeking to work out costly policies to combat global warming.

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Out of the huge mass of material documenting the final collapse of the man-made global warming fraud, I have found one article which may be of interest as it sums up the whole thing neatly.

In sum, Henk Tennekes was director of the KNMI, the Dutch Meteorological Institute until he was forced to resign, because he refuted AGW claims and refused to fall into line with the official line on AGW, incurring the wrath of both his bureaucratic seniors, and junior science colleagues, who wanted to laze around rather than trying to do hard science.

He was routinely ridiculed in the media, and turned to teaching college courses to retirees to make ends meet.

Now, the Netherlands' largest newspaper De Telegraaf, finally feeling able to speak out, has published an interview with Tennekes, headlined: "Henk Tennekes - he was right after all."


“I worry a lot these days. I worry about the arrogance of scientists who blithely claim that they are here to solve the climate problem, as long as they receive massive increases in funding. I worry about the way they covet new supercomputers. Others talk about ”stabilizing the climate“. I’m terrified of the arrogance, vanity and recklessness of those words. Why is it so difficult to demonstrate a little humility?

"The notion that the climate is the biggest catastrophe of our time, is pure grandstanding. Who’s taken in by all this climate talk? Moreover, the general public is systematically exposed to nightmare scenarios."

It's a good read, a good insight into the rotten structures that supported AGW, and perhaps one that Thailand's relevant ministries should read.


The mainstream media has committed collective suicide. They were losing circulation hand over fist before, and their hysterical agit-prop in defence of this fraud has eroded any remaining credibility they might have had.

In March 2009, George Monbiot, the Guardian's Alarmist-in-Chief, even had the gall to create a deck of cards (remember the Iraq invasion?) with pictures of climate "deniers" instead of Iraqi officials. The smug little p*ssant was at least bright enough to see when the game was up, and has been desperately backtracking over the past 2 months, to very little effect.

The US mainstream media largely still refuses to give up, instead writing a series of increasingly helpless suicide notes.


A German site has put together this stunning graphic of measurements of the Mediaeval Warm Period (the one which the IPCC tried to eradicate) from all over the world.

As Professor Phil Jones of CRU has stated, if the MWP was generally warmer than today, there isn't anything exceptional about today's temperatures or temperature increases, and so the theory of man-made global warming collapses.

It was, there isn't, and so, it does.

No need for Thai rice farmers to worry.


Scientists, journalists and the general public everywhere are trying to climb down from the great global warming band wagon with some dignity and slowly side step away.

The problem is that so many people have invested so much of themselves in the whole AGW movement that backing out now is very difficult. People just don't like to admit that they have been 'had'.


The whole edifice of AGW is built on the sand foundations of "peer review".

"The science is settled. It's peer reviewed."

This article, by Frank Furedi (google him) puts the whole subject of peer review into perspective.

This article, by Frank Furedi (google him) puts the whole subject of peer review into perspective.

An excellent summary of the present situation, IMHO.

I would also suggest that the current situation is the result of the corruption of the western educational system that has taken place over the last 40-45 years, during which there has been a massive shift from education to indoctrination. The whole man-made global warming nonsense is the culmination of 2 generations of indoctrination.

Not suprisingly, the revolt against this nonsense is increasing to a peak and the facts are emerging in parallel with peoples' disgust of decades of increasingly strangling government control and taxation, and collusion and corruption between big government and big corporations. Case in point for the latter is General Electric's choice to run NBC at a massive deficit in order to push their propaganda campaign for multi-billion dollar government subsidies of so-called "alternative energy" technology.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, our fingers are crossed for a bumper crop harvest of mangos, hopefully starting next week. Any ideas on how to get 70 rai of rice field back into production?


Red Menace: Stop the Ug99 Fungus Before Its Spores Bring Starvation


The pathogen has already been detected in Iran and may now be headed for South Asia’s most important breadbasket, the Punjab, which nourishes hundreds of millions of Indians and Pakistanis. What’s more, Ug99 could easily make the transoceanic leap to the United States. All it would take is for a single spore, barely bigger than a red blood cell, to latch onto the shirt of an oblivious traveler. The toll from that would be ruinous; the US Department of Agriculture estimates that more than 40 million acres of wheat would be at serious risk if Ug99 came to these shores, where the grain is the third most valuable crop, trailing only corn and soybeans. The economic loss might easily exceed $10 billion; a simple loaf of bread could become a luxury. “If this stuff gets into the Western Hemisphere,” Steffenson says, “God help us.”



"A vast iceberg that broke off eastern Antarctic earlier this month could disrupt marine life in the region, scientists have warned.

They say the iceberg, which is 78km long and up to 39km wide..."


"A vast iceberg which broke off the Antarctic continent this month could disrupt the world's ocean currents and weather patterns, scientists warn.

Australian researchers say the iceberg - the size of Luxembourg - could block an area that produces a quarter of the world's dense and very cold seawater.

They say a slowdown in the production of this water could result in colder winters in the north Atlantic.

The iceberg is currently floating south of Australia. "


"A vast iceberg that broke off eastern Antarctic earlier this month could disrupt marine life in the region, scientists have warned.

They say the iceberg, which is 78km long and up to 39km wide..."


"A vast iceberg which broke off the Antarctic continent this month could disrupt the world's ocean currents and weather patterns, scientists warn.

Australian researchers say the iceberg - the size of Luxembourg - could block an area that produces a quarter of the world's dense and very cold seawater.

They say a slowdown in the production of this water could result in colder winters in the north Atlantic.

The iceberg is currently floating south of Australia. "

"This area around the Antarctic coastline, of which the Mertz Peninsula is one part, produces about one quarter of the Antarctic's bottom water, but the Mertz polynia is a major contributor," Dr Young said.

It will not block an area that produces 25% of the worlds cold seawater, it is in a part of an area that produces 25% of the worlds cold seawater, and it will still produce cold seawater but potentially less. The scientists in this piece seemed more concerned about the penguins.

The Ug99 fungus seems to be a more compelling concern. But in our sensationalist fear mongering media climate, who can tell anymore what is serious and what is breathless hype?


Exclusive! World Doomed!

The MSM does this because many of their readers seem to like it, they seem to have to worry about something.

The new scares coming along soon are:

* No fish left in the sea in fifty years time (BBC). [industry body: “World fish supply has been boringly stable for the last 35 years”.]

* "Climate change could be accelerated dramatically by rising levels of methane in the Earth’s atmosphere, scientists will warn today. [Professor Nisbet told The Independent at the weekend that the new figures did not necessarily mark a departure from the trend. "It may just be a couple of years of high growth, and it may drop back to what it was," he said.]

* Water. Because water vapor is the dominant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, accounting for the majority of the Earth's natural greenhouse effect, water vapor emissions during human activities are again coming under increasing scrutiny by US government regulators. [Regulate water in the atmosphere. Yeah, right.]

* Britain facing food crisis as world's soil 'vanishes in 60 years' (SMH) [We haven't had a food scare for, oh 20 years? That was the global cooling=starvation hoax]

* Ocean acidification, caused by rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, "the consequences of which are predicted to be catastrophic." [Debunked so many times it's getting dull. Acidification of the oceans: Physically impossible at the very small changes in partial pressure of CO2 that we can cause.]

I think we've passed "peak" MSM and they will go into a rapid decline....

* Britain facing food crisis as world's soil 'vanishes in 60 years' (SMH) [We haven't had a food scare for, oh 20 years? That was the global cooling=starvation hoax]

Thailand has the agricultural capability to feed all of southeast Asia ... and then some.

In the US, farmers are paid with tax dollars to NOT grow food.

With electricity and irrigation, African countries would have the capability to eliminate starvation and famine in that continent.

Hoax indeed, for purposes of political manipulation, to the degradation and abuse of fellow human beings.

That's the fact Jack!

(And with respect to that nonsensical post about some "iceberg" breaking away from Antartica, as soon as the Earth finishes the change of seasons, that piece of ice will be frozen back into place. Contrary to popular opinion, these sorts of things happen regularly during seasonal changes. Endangering Aus/NZ or larger ecologies is just more FUD-dy journalism. FUD being fear, uncertainty, doubt. Never forget the basic tenet of the control freak .... a confused society is a controllable society.)


Another little snippet, this from the Met Office. That's the same Met Office which is a global authority on the impending "global warming".

The national weather service has until now published an outlook for the country's weather three months in advance.

But after predicting a "barbecue summer", before a wet July, and a "mild winter", before heavy snowfall and the coldest winter temperatures in 30 years, the seasonal forecast has been quietly ditched.

Instead the Met Office will give a monthly outlook that is updated every week.

Dave Britton, of the Met Office, admitted last night that it was just too difficult to give an accurate forecast for the seasons using the current science.

"Although we can identify general patterns of weather, the science does not exist to allow an exact forecast beyond five days, or to absolutely promise a certain type of weather.

"As a result, 'seasonal forecasts' cannot be as precise as our short-term forecast," he said.

And they tell us the science is settled?


Climate and weather aren't the same thing - you don't have to be able to predict exactly what the weather will be on 6th March 2050 to be able to predict that it will be on average hotter in forty years than it is now; in other words, not knowing everything is not the same as knowing nothing.

Climate and weather aren't the same thing - you don't have to be able to predict exactly what the weather will be on 6th March 2050 to be able to predict that it will be on average hotter in forty years than it is now; in other words, not knowing everything is not the same as knowing nothing.

Give us some examples of accurate climate predictions then.

Climate and weather aren't the same thing - you don't have to be able to predict exactly what the weather will be on 6th March 2050 to be able to predict that it will be on average hotter in forty years than it is now; in other words, not knowing everything is not the same as knowing nothing.

You are right climate and weather are not the same thing...it is MUCH harder to predict the climate than the weather.

With weather meteorologists can see weather fronts moving in and can predict the likely weather to a reasonable level but are still prone to get it totally wrong even one day ahead.

With climate there are so many variables that are just not understood making predicting climate far more complex.

AGW is just an unproven theory that is falling apart.


Weather is sometimes climate, and sometimes it isn't.

Especially for AGW fanatics:

When it’s really hot somewhere locally, they say it’s evidence of global warming. When it’s really cold, it not only means nothing, “that’s weather, not climate”, but maybe it’s because global warming is disrupting the weather, so it proves global warming.

When we had an abnormally large number of hurricanes back around the time of Katrina, this was a result of global warming, and we could only expect things to get worse. When the next few years were abnormally quiet, including one of the mildest hurricane seasons in history, it meant nothing.

A few glaciers are shrinking faster than normal…global warming. Some other glaciers are growing larger than in recorded history: Not worth mentioning.

The north polar ice cap had a significant melt: global warming. The Antarctic ice sheet grew larger than in recorded history: Silence.

Polar bears dying off: global warming. Polar bears thriving like never before: means nothing.


There was a Christian chick in my college argumentation class that made a better case than some here. I used to debate climate change deniers in the states years ago. No matter what evidence and support I cited, they refused to look at new information. Or see that their sources were flawed. They resorted to childish name-calling and insulting labels if it was undeniable that their premises were unsupported. So I realized it was like arguing with religious zealots about theology and gave up.

Until one day... when their hero, George W Bush, admitted that even he knew man made climate change existed. :crickets:

It's pretty obvious some here have an agenda by the way they interject this stuff into everything they can. And by the swarming. I sure hope nobody takes this Fox News propaganda seriously.

Especially for AGW fanatics:


The north polar ice cap had a significant melt: global warming. The Antarctic ice sheet grew larger than in recorded history: Silence.

Maybe one at a time is best;

Antarctic ice is not growing -that's just false. The Antarctic ice sheet is really 3 areas; east, west, and Antarctic peninsula. The west and peninsular areas are losing ice. The east area is unchanged, or growing a bit - most studies show.

Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla) (climate change denier) published a report with the headline: "Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007." Inhofe was citing Duncan Wingham who said the Antarctic ice sheet if growing. For only the eastern area is this true or partly true. And he fails to mention that the increased snowfall in that area is induced by climate change. Wingham said parts of the Antarctic ice sheet are growing, and that must have been missed.

That was in 2007 too IIRC. And many of his "prominent scientists" are actually just economists, unknowns, unpublished, and hired-gun climate change deniers. Things are heating up. It's getting hot in here.


journal Science, Antarctic Ice Sheet Is Melting

World's largest ice sheet melting faster than expected

guardian.co.uk, Sunday 22 November 2009 18.00 GMT


The East Antarctic ice sheet, which makes up three-quarters of the continent's 14,000 sq km, is losing around 57bn tonnes of ice a year into surrounding waters, according to a satellite survey of the region.


Collapse Of Antarctic Ice Sheet Would Likely Put Washington, D.C. Largely Underwater

ScienceDaily (Feb. 6, 2009)


The catastrophic increase in sea level, already projected to average between 16 and 17 feet around the world, would be almost 21 feet in such places as Washington, D.C., scientists say, putting it largely underwater. Many coastal areas would be devastated.


Melting of West Antarctic Ice Sheet may affect Earth's rotation

May 22, 2009


A study in the journal Science has found that the melting of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet would change the focus of the planet's gravitational field and sea levels would rise disproportionately around North America and the Indian Ocean.

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet, along with the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and Greenland, is one of the three great ice sheets of the world. Of the three, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is believed to be the most unstable, because much of its base rests on rock that is below sea level. It’s thought that this fact makes it vulnerable to melting and relatively rapid disintegration.

No matter what evidence and support I cited, they refused to look at new information. Or see that their sources were flawed. They resorted to childish name-calling and insulting labels if it was undeniable that their premises were unsupported.

I completely support your position about childish name calling and insulting labels by people who think it is undeniable that their premises are true:

"Skeptics are people who deny the link between smoking and cancer; they are people who say that asbestos is as good as talcum powder, I hope that they apply it [asbestos] to their faces every day.” - Rajendra Pachauri, head of the IPCC.

"People who fail to tackle climate change are acting like an Austrian man who locked his daughter in a cellar for 24 years," Bishop of Stafford, Gordon Mursell.

"Those who disagree are behind-the-times, anti-science, flat-earth climate sceptics,” Gordon Brown, UK Prime Minister

"These do-nothing climate change skeptics are prepared to destroy our children’s future." Kevin Rudd, Australian PM

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is comparing climate change skeptics to those who disregarded the Nazi threat to America in the 1930s, adding a strident rhetorical shot to the already volatile debate over climate change.

"It reminds me in some ways of the debate taking place in this country and around the world in the late 1930s," said Sanders, perhaps the most liberal member of the Senate, during a Senate hearing Tuesday. "During that period of Nazism and fascism's growth — a real danger to the United States and democratic countries around the world — there were people in this country and in the British parliament who said 'don't worry! Hitler's not real! It'll disappear!"

I think the emerging global threats are actually these three:

-The decline of scientific credibility

I have just been reading an excellent book on this very subject. Doubt Is Their Product: How Industry's Assault on Science Threatens Your Health by David Michaels, published by Oxford University Press. This book, exhaustively documented by a professional epidemiologist with most excellent credentials (PhD), documents the common methods corporate interests use to create doubt in the minds of non-scientists and undermine the public's support of the scientific community and then naively hand that support over to the corporations. The literature is extensively reviewed and the author notes that the term "junk science" is most often, if not always, applied to independent scientific research opposed by the corporations because the results might impinge upon profits and that the term "sound science" is most often applied to research that is funded by corporations. It is a fascinating look into the world of corporate deception and how the corporate elite used their financial and political power to increase profits at the expense of public health.


There was a good documentary a while ago about one of the camera crew who actually used to accompany the scientists out to the polar bases to dig the cores etc. for the tests.

The sort of intersting thing is that 18 years ago when he started making the journey, he was pulling his camera gear on sleds most of the time & this last 2 years theyve been paddling boats more often than not.

Climate change doesn't mean its hotter everywhere all the time, it means that the complex patterns of climate are shaken off-stasis & the white-house gets snowed under lalala. Irregular climate events. Some of which are hotter, like in England where I lived 31 years and it chucked it down with rain and damp cold all summer most years and in the last 6 years theres been ppl dropping dead with heatstroke & stuff there.

Asking really old people is a good indicator, my Grandma is 95 and lives in Northern Sweden. They used to get 3 metres of snow which just sat there for 6 months lol. These last years its rain & the roads have been clear a lot.

Humans obviously affect climate. We affect everything, like some tumour. This planet will outlive us in anycase, but this species is extinct in all but name, from plastic-fibre beaches to turbotoxins, Elvis has left the building.

Asking really old people is a good indicator, my Grandma is 95 and lives in Northern Sweden. They used to get 3 metres of snow which just sat there for 6 months lol. These last years its rain & the roads have been clear a lot.

What's your point? To look at one specific area and determine that it is consensus? That's why the MMGW farce has gone as far as it has.

Places that rarely get snow have recorded record snowfalls this year. Washinton DC is a case in point. In the month of February, there was snow on the ground in every state in the US.

Al Gore was due to give a MMGW speech in Washington DC in February but had to cancel because of the 40 inches of snow that fell.

It's a comedy of errors. It would be truly hysterical if the threat of indoctrinative brainwashing of today's school children wasn't so serious.

Climate change doesn't mean its hotter everywhere all the time, it means that the complex patterns of climate are shaken off-stasis & the white-house gets snowed under lalala. Irregular climate events. Some of which are hotter, like in England where I lived 31 years and it chucked it down with rain and damp cold all summer most years and in the last 6 years theres been ppl dropping dead with heatstroke & stuff there.

You demonstrate an important point.

For AGW supporters, any kind of weather can be attributed to "climate change". Hotter=climate change. Colder=climate change. Wetter, drier=climate change. Flood, drought, more butterflies, less butterflies, earthquakes even.

AGW science works like this. We throw the unpopular woman in the lake: If she drowns, she was innocent. If she floats and survives, she’s a witch and we burn her at the stake. We can't lose. Whatever happens, it's "climate change. :) "

Future generations will relegate the AGW zealots to the annals of history along with millenial cults, domesday soothsayers, Jonestown followers and all the rest of the delusional, easily-led masses of people that have ever congregated under a rubric of doom.



No matter what evidence and support I cited, they refused to look at new information. Or see that their sources were flawed. They resorted to childish name-calling and insulting labels if it was undeniable that their premises were unsupported.


I completely support your position about childish name calling and insulting labels by people who think it is undeniable that their premises are true:

So, are you going to stop the pissing match and refute my support? You try to sidestep my refutation of your false claim by getting into a side debate about name-calling. Fail. I'm ready for #2 once we're done with this.

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