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Expats' association of thailand


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Hi, All --

I feel it's time for an update on what's going on with The Expats' Association of Thailand, plus I hope to get some feedback.

We continue to grow, small step by small step, and are gradually moving closer to formal establishment as a registed non-profit foundation in Thailand.

We've had several fascinating speakers since my lost posting, with attendance ranging from about 10 to about 30.

This coming Sunday (November 2nd) we will be meeting as usual 3-5 P.M. at the Bourbon Street Restaurant in Washington Square.  The restaurant's web site has a good map at http://www.bourbonstbkk.com/map.html for those unfamiliar with the location.

For this particular meeting we will focus solely on Association business, with a general meeting for all members as well as a meeting after that of the Governing Board.  (We now have a President, Vice-President, and 10 Members of the Board.)  As part of the focus on the group itself, we will have an open-mike question-and-answer forum so members can ask their fellow Association members and guests for input regarding their questions about living here in Thailand.

We hope you will come, whether your currently a member or not -- and bring a friend.

With warm regards,

Kurt t. Francis, Vice-President

Expats' Association of Thailand

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  • 4 weeks later...

Any updates on the Bangkok Expat Club?

Is there 2 rival clubs going on or what? Have either survived?

Seeing as though I will be getting involved in my own little business here in Bangkok very soon I would be interested in meeting up with some other people in similar situations..............

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The Bangkok Expats Club is still operating behind the scenes, hopefully be bigger and better this year than the last.

lots of the committee and members have being busy or away at the end of last year, hope we can get moving and continue helping the expats and locals in the NEW Year.

atiga (committee)

[email protected]

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Is this the one that met at Subway? I don't know what is going on but some members who have signed up never received their cards and no accounting of dues was given. A number have asked for refunds but cant reach the person in question.

I don't want to mention names but I find it highly questionable for a person to start a club, collect the dues, then leave and say that the new members are running the club.

Yes, I attended 1 meeting and found 3 members but no founder. He was missing for 3 weeks. Maybe the club has found him. I wish the club good luck but if it is run by some long time resident who sets it up, collects the dues, and fades away saying that he wants the new members to run it and he is going to be in the background then I would urge caution here.

This IS NOT to be confused with the The Expats' Association of Thailand. My understanding is that they have a board of directors, held weekly meetings, had guest speakers, and have legally registered the club as a non-profit. I only attended a couple of meeetings but the club is geniune. And the founder is actively involved! I would recommend people to contact this club if you are interested.

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To Ml or who ever you are ?

How can you judge a club by only attending 1 meeting?

Nobody has ever complained or disapproved of the club, only people who are jealous or dont like to see working thai or farangs have a good time toghether.

We WILL BE MEETING in the near future for people who are really interested in living and working in Thailand.

Memberships are still valid and if people dont want to attend then dont.


We are not here to judge or slander anyone.

the choice is yours !!


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I am confused. Is there 2 expat clubs? From what I remember there was one that originally met in Soi 33 in The Office. Then there were some meetings held in Subway and now there are meeting held in Bourbon Street.

Which one is which? Who are the committee members of each club? Is there any website available or any online forum?

Atiga - where do you hold your meetings?

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There are 2 expat clubs. One is actually set up with board members, guidelines, scheduled meetings, guest speakers, etc. They are called the Expat Association of

Thailand. The person is charge (no names) is doing is best to outreach other members and in my opinon is a very nice person. I cant say that I am close to him but I have met him on 3-4 occassions. He is working very hard to get the club going and is certainly using his own funds to get it off the ground. The members in this club have lived in LOS for a long time and are eager to share their experiences with newbies.

I do not want to go into the history of how the 2 clubs divided but the Bangkok Expats Club by another person (European) started a club which met at Subways a few times. He collected membership fees of 500 baht and issued no receipts! Members were only given an email address to contact the person.

There were a couple of meetings then the founder disappered! He did not answer any ones email and no one had his address or phone number! I showed up for one meeting and there were 4 people that recently arrived to LOS (3 months to 9 months). Nothing was said and the concensus was to give the founder another chance. Well, I suggested that they contact the police and the very next day the founder replied and said that he was taking a backseat in order for new members to run the club. He was to remain behind the scene.BS!!!Well, I am no idiot but if someone says he will collect money and and be a silent president of an organization smacks to me of a con.

How are you providing support to newbies? Who are the members that are offering advice and giving support. Please tell us who this commitee is? Future meetings? When was the last meeting?

Give me a break! I find it strange that a geroreilly poses a question about the club and the next response is from atiga 17 MINUTES LATER!. There were no responses or activity on this forum for months.

I would be more than happy to meet with you to discuss this in person. I am NOT slandering the club but I DO DETEST foreigners ripping off newbies. I have advised some members to report this to the police bit they have declined to do so because of the small fee of 500 baht. In fact tell me the next meeting and I will attend. Will you be there?

I think the admins. should investigate this club and ask hard hitting quesions. If they cannot prove they are legitimate then they should be banned from posting on your site. Do you really want con men on this site ripping off newbies?

Ask for the membership list and email them directly. You can keep it confidential. Ask who are the committee members. Ask for the dates that they met. Ask how much membership fees they collected and ask to see the accounting. What are they doing with the money? I have my theories and the names and number of persons involved but I will keep my mouth shut.

I will offer an apology on this website if I get confirmation from one of the adms. that all questions were answered and they are above board.

I hope I have not violated any rules. I do know the names who are involved in the respected clubs but I have kept to the spirit of the forum rules and have not mentioned names. I apolgize for coming on strong. I met a few newbies that joined who wanted their money back and were felt they were cheated! This is not fiction.

J. please don't say that I am jealous and I want organizations to fail. I would love to see legitimate and legal clubs for expats. I rarely get angry but when I come across a con it gets my blood boiling.

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I think the admins. should investigate this club and ask hard hitting quesions. If they cannot prove they are legitimate then they should be banned from posting on your site. Do you really want con men on this site ripping off newbies?

He is blocked since a week back for another reason, for harassing our Admins with inappropriate emails.

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Wow - there seems to be a whole story there.........maybe in time I will get to hear the real details.

Anyway, is the Thailand Expat Association the one that has their meetings in Bourbon Street or where do they have theirs? Any idea who to contact for details of meetings?

Mine is just a genuine inquiry as I am taking over a restuarant soon so any help from people who have "been there, done that" would be most welcome.


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To All,

seems there is some confusion here ?

YES there are 2 expats clubs.

NO nobody has being ripped off.

YES we want to help new and old expats living in thailand.

THE BEC (Bangkok Expats Club) has committee and members from Thailand, Uk, Denmark, USA, Malaysia etc

We want to HELP NEW and old expats here so not to fall into the same schemes and traps we all have fallen into before?

Soon I will post when and were the next meeting will be, we are a social Business club looking to help ALL THAI and FARANG live closer in harmony understanding each others cultural problems so we can live and work toghether peacefully.

I have being here 3 years and own my own company and love every minute in THAILAND.

This is the land of opportunity if you dont think so the airport is north of here . BYE.


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Peterexpat who has just joined today. Can you please tell us the dates of your meetings for the past 2 or 3 months? I can immediately verify the dates as geniune or not by calling several members that have joined. I assume you have a mailing list and you contact the members when meetings are held.

I will be the first person to apologize if you give me this information. Yes, I will attend the next meeting, so please give us the date.

You didn't answer the questions about the dues being paid by the organzier who prefers to remain behind the scenes. Why were there no receipts given? Why doesn't anyone have the organizer's phone number? Or where he lives?

I am curious if this is a membership drive for new members. And new dues issued without receipts.

Please answer these questions.

THE BEC (Bangkok Expats Club) has committee and members from Thailand, Uk, Denmark, USA, Malaysia etc

This is so funny. I can name the people and their girlfriends and the behind the scenes European man. Bangok is a small town and word travels fast. I believe the total count is 4 possibly 5 people. Come on. Why has this club been silent for so many months and now they are active again? I smell something funny.

My main question remains unanswered. What has been done with the money?

Anyway, I will not respond to this thread anymore. I am not going to repeat "what is being done with the money?" over and over again. There are many other questions that remain unanswered. I am sure there will be lots of new members to Thai visa in the next few hours or days to respond to this thread. TIT. I can't bother. You can spin your story to your hearts content.

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Hi, All --

I just read Monitor Lizard's latest posting, and it appears there is still confusion about the existence of 2 clubs. I e-mailed him to try to clarify the situation, and I want to post it here for the benefit of any others who may remain confused.

Hello, Monitor Lizard:

I just read your latest posting regarding the BEC, and since you have elected not to follow that thread any longer, I wanted to drop you a line.

There are (or were) 2 clubs. The one the behind-the-scenes European started, and the one with which we carried on when he disappeared after ONE meeting. That was the "Bangkok Expats' Club." We who decided to carry on initially changed the name of our little group to the "Bangkok Expats' Association," but later, on advice of legal counsel, we altered that to the Expats' Association of Thailand (this last change having nothing to do with the fact we were a spin-off from the original B.E.C.)

We do issue receipts. Until the holiday season, we met every Sunday, first at The Office Bar & Grill, which was the original venue, but from about the beginning of September on we switched to a more family-oriented venue, Bourbon Street Restaurant, whhere we met up until before Christmas. Our next general meeting is tentatively set for January 18, 2004, 3-5 P.M., in Bourbon Street -- and you are most welcome to attend, if you like.

Let me assure you those of us in from the start -- I was one of the 2 who originally agreed to help the founder try to get the B.E.C. off the ground -- were just as displeased as everyone else was, and, I gather, remain, in many cases. I know I spent untold hours trying to clarify and move away from the original guy. I don't have the slightest idea what he was all about, what his game was, what has happened to him -- nothing. Nor, frankly, do I care about him any longer, as long as he stays away.

In that last statement I don't mean to come across as hostile, not to anyone, even the European -- he no longer matters to me. And I *certainly* don't want to come across as hostile to you.

Given all the confusion and the terrible start, I cannot honestly blame anyone who chooses not to come to our meetings, either, although I'm Vice-President of the Association. But I and the others would gladly welcome you should you care to drop around for a visit.

Please feel free to contact me if I may be of any assistance or provide any information.

With warm regards,

Kurt T. Francis, Vice-President

Expats' Association of Thailand

I hope this helps clear up all the confusion.

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  • 4 months later...

Pattaya Expats Club. Founded in 2001 and still going strong.

Join the weekly Saturday meeting 11.30 am. at The Green Tree Restaurant, located on the corner of Pattaya Beach Road and Soi 1.

Enjoy a great meeting with informative speakers, meet new and old friends, enjoy good food at VERY reasonable prices, special "happy hour prices" during the meetings. Join the Pattaya Expats Club to become a member. Only 200 baht for two years membership or 500 baht for life membership. As a member you can get discounts at about 200 places in Pattaya. Visit our website: www.pattayaexpatsclub.com or send us an email on [email protected]

You can also call 0-1815-4580 to obtain information about meetings etc.

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Given all the confusion and the terrible start, I cannot honestly blame anyone who chooses not to come to our meetings, either, although I'm Vice-President of the Association. But I and the others would gladly welcome you should you care to drop around for a visit.

Please feel free to contact me if I may be of any assistance or provide any information.

With warm regards,

Kurt T. Francis, Vice-President

Expats' Association of Thailand

I hope this helps clear up all the confusion.

Hi Mekongkurt,

Despite of I have just readen about the story of the club, I still want to join an expat' club.

I'm arrived in thailand 3 months ago, and I really want to meet new people.

Can you tell me when and where are your next meetings.

What do you do during those meetings, which nationalites I will meet and so on...



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  • 3 months later...

Much confusion but I guess we can only move on.

Kurt, is meeting still on every Sunday? The last posting I saw was on May and nobody replied to the forum to confirm meetings.

My family is relocating to Bangkok for 2yr posting. Would love to join your group if it is still active. Appreciate if you could keep me posted. :o

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  • 9 months later...

With all the expats in Bkk, one would think getting the club to go and prosper would be easy. But I guess that is not the case. Cetainly is a shame for all those expats that need and benefit from association and support of those with experience in Thailand.

Maybe someone could start another shot at it ?

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just curious...

in the states, discounts can be gotten for health insurance for people who are in association such as a "club".

would a bangkok expat club be able to provide members with discounts in health insurance? ..versus gettting it alone?

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With all the expats in Bkk, one would think getting the club to go and prosper would be easy. But I guess that is not the case. Cetainly is a shame for all those expats that need and benefit from association and support of those with experience in Thailand.

Maybe someone could start another shot at it ?

Doesn't ThaiVisa sort of do this already? I don't induldge but I believe that they do have get togethers to satisfy the need for real face time.

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Hey, why don't we just start one? I can book the conference room in my "mooban" for a weekly meeting and also organise some finger food....... I still remember the first month I came... quite in need of friendly help....

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I would be the first one to go to that place for sure.......well indeed, one reason might be that THAIVISA is so very much helpful, so most people dont see any need to meet up in person, if they can get the information they need by just typing a few phrases in here.....pity, in a way.....

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Hey, why don't we just start one? I can book the conference room in my "mooban" for a weekly meeting and also organise some finger food....... I still remember the first month I came... quite in need of friendly help....

I don't think you need permission to announce a get together...but its probably better in a more public place in case everyone decides to get really drunk and frisky.

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With all the expats in Bkk, one would think getting the club to go and prosper would be easy. But I guess that is not the case. Cetainly is a shame for all those expats that need and benefit from association and support of those with experience in Thailand.

Maybe someone could start another shot at it ?

If you take the "teachers", bar owners and racketeers out of the equation there probably ain't that many expats left.

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