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Any Experience Dealing With Someone Using Yaabaa?


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I believe I know a woman who is likely using it to some extent. Local Thai, young at 19, attractive, likeable. I noticed a few signs in behavior, occasional twitchy motions when she is resting, few other personal things but nothing over the top though. After doing some internet reading and seeing that it's usage is widespread in Thailand as well as some of the behaviors associated with it, I finally decided to do what I don't, and that is have a quick look in her handbag (looking for evidence of such, not for anything else!) Saw a small pouch, with a small plastic bottle, some tubes, and straws as well, and along with it a few lighters. Oh yah and some very small plastic ziploc bags that were empty (thank goodness). I have zero experience with drugs but this is enough to seem fairly ascertained that it's something more than cigarettes.

In any event, this young woman has a wonderful young daughter she showed me (saw pics, videos) that is only 1 year 1 month old and absolutely adorable. I can tell she really likes her daughter, and I have no doubt the little kid wants her mom to be around for a long time, but I sense this young woman may end up not. Anyhow I very causally just asked her a question in conversation if she had heard of yaabaa, mentioned that I heard a lot of people in Thailand use it. She said yes, and fortunately I didn't cause her to lose face as I hadn't put her on the spot but just said "some Thai people." Just asked her if she thought or knew that yaabaa is bad, and she said yes, it's bad. Left it at that.

I am not going to turn myself into a full time nurse here, but I just wonder if there's anything I can say, a few words or a chat, that might get a person like her to get off the stuff. I read that it not only does physical damage but causes people to engage in riskier behavior (unsafe sex, thinking you have super powers or nothing can hurt you, etc). It doesn't necessarily appear she's a full blown user (not psychotic), but I read that once a person tries it even one time, they want more and can't say no. Not only the fact that she's a likeable young lady, she isn't even 20, she's attractive and should be getting better out of life, but she has that 1 year old incredibly cute and impressive daughter. Comments and knowledge appreciated. I wouldn't let this young woman turn my life into hers, but I simply cannot see "walk away" without at least trying to suggest her in the right direction. I did a forum search but only some older news articles came up. Surprisingly google also didn't have much on personal accounts I was looking for. Is it really true that yaabaa can't be kicked and drives many people fast to their graves?

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The effects of drugs are often exaggerated, i have done xtc in the past and even known friends to do cocaine without it affecting their life. They used it like once a month or so to blow of steam. They kept regular jobs and had no problems what so ever. They were not white trash but people with nice jobs and a house.

Drugs can be managed if you have a strong will but a small portion of humans is easily addicted to almost anything, gambling, games, drugs you name it. This is not the case for every one. But if she is carrying loads of stuff with her it sounds more like she is more then a casual user.

If you are talking a true addict then it would be a lot harder to make her kick the habit. Maybe impossible if she uses it as a flight from reality and her life is bad.

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The effects of drugs are often exaggerated, i have done xtc in the past and even known friends to do cocaine without it affecting their life. They used it like once a month or so to blow of steam. They kept regular jobs and had no problems what so ever. They were not white trash but people with nice jobs and a house.

Drugs can be managed if you have a strong will but a small portion of humans is easily addicted to almost anything, gambling, games, drugs you name it. This is not the case for every one. But if she is carrying loads of stuff with her it sounds more like she is more then a casual user.

If you are talking a true addict then it would be a lot harder to make her kick the habit. Maybe impossible if she uses it as a flight from reality and her life is bad.

Tweekers are a different breed..there is no way to manage it.

They have to be physically removed from the source to stay away from it. It is the worst drug I have seen in over 20 yrs of law enforcement.

She will lie, steal, cheat..anything to get her hands on it. Unless you are prepared to be around a person 24/7 to assist with her getting away from it, you're looking at banging your head on the wall and watching her life swirl down the drain.

Yaabaa is just bad shit, period.

I could give you 1000 of examples of the crap I have seen meth heads do, but I won't.

As I said, it's just bad shit, and nothing and nobody can stand in their way to get what they are after.

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Talk of E and coke is not the same of talking of meth. Different grade of addiction, so don't say I've done and is easy to quit because is naive and selfish and dangerous. :)

Answering to the OP, I would try to calm talk with her and try to understand.

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The effects of drugs are often exaggerated, i have done xtc in the past and even known friends to do cocaine without it affecting their life. They used it like once a month or so to blow of steam. They kept regular jobs and had no problems what so ever. They were not white trash but people with nice jobs and a house.

Drugs can be managed if you have a strong will but a small portion of humans is easily addicted to almost anything, gambling, games, drugs you name it. This is not the case for every one. But if she is carrying loads of stuff with her it sounds more like she is more then a casual user.

If you are talking a true addict then it would be a lot harder to make her kick the habit. Maybe impossible if she uses it as a flight from reality and her life is bad.

Tweekers are a different breed..there is no way to manage it.

They have to be physically removed from the source to stay away from it. It is the worst drug I have seen in over 20 yrs of law enforcement.

She will lie, steal, cheat..anything to get her hands on it. Unless you are prepared to be around a person 24/7 to assist with her getting away from it, you're looking at banging your head on the wall and watching her life swirl down the drain.

Yaabaa is just bad shit, period.

I could give you 1000 of examples of the crap I have seen meth heads do, but I won't.

As I said, it's just bad shit, and nothing and nobody can stand in their way to get what they are after.

So strange that i have seen many ppl on xtc and cocaine with regular lives who work regular jobs and use it once in a while. Its just a small portion that can't handle it. Maybe meth is different i have no experience with it at all.

What are tweekers ? Im sorry this is not my native tongue im from Holland and unlike the popaganda shown in other countries we have much less users and abusers and problems while we are far more liberal then the USA. Unfortunately now we have some idiot Christians in our government who clamp down on our successful drug program.

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Talk of E and coke is not the same of talking of meth. Different grade of addiction, so don't say I've done and is easy to quit because is naive and selfish and dangerous. :)

Answering to the OP, I would try to calm talk with her and try to understand.

Like i said i have no experience with it i was talking those other drugs and i thought cocaine had a pretty bad rep too. (never done cocaine myself).

Do you have experience with it yourself or just hearsay ? Just curious not flaming here.

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I know its harsh, but if you don't really know this girl. WALK AWAY. You will open yourself up to all manner of negative stuff if you get involved.

Ok, seriously. HAve you thought about how drug dealers deal with people who try to reduce demand for their product?

Have you thought about what type of people could deal drugs with impunity in Thailand?

if you can join the dots in answering those two simple questions, you might well wish to consider the viability of your intervention.

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Talk of E and coke is not the same of talking of meth. Different grade of addiction, so don't say I've done and is easy to quit because is naive and selfish and dangerous. :)

Answering to the OP, I would try to calm talk with her and try to understand.

Even with meth there's different grades. In Thailand it's either yaba or ice that they're using. Ice is more pure but you can't really compare meth heads in for example the States to Ice users in Thailand. Ice is not cheap at about 3000 baht a gram and because of this it's mainly used as a party drug by aspiring hiso's while yaba use is more frequent among the lower classes of thai society.

"Saw a small pouch, with a small plastic bottle, some tubes, and straws as well, and along with it a few lighters. "

These are typically used in Thailand for smoking Ice so I guess that's what she's using.

Edited by meom
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Talk of E and coke is not the same of talking of meth. Different grade of addiction, so don't say I've done and is easy to quit because is naive and selfish and dangerous. :)

Answering to the OP, I would try to calm talk with her and try to understand.

Even with meth there's different grades. In Thailand it's either yaba or ice that they're using. Ice is more pure but you can't really compare meth heads in for example the States to Ice users in Thailand. Ice is not cheap at about 3000 baht a gram and because of this it's mainly used as a party drug by aspiring hiso's while yaba use is more frequent among the lower classes of thai society.

"Saw a small pouch, with a small plastic bottle, some tubes, and straws as well, and along with it a few lighters. "

These are typically used in Thailand for smoking Ice so I guess that's what she's using.

Dob her in, take her and her bag of S**T to the cops and they will make her give up who she is buying from and who she is selling to. Bl**dy drugOOOO's :D:D

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What are tweekers ? Im sorry this is not my native tongue im from Holland and unlike the popaganda shown in other countries we have much less users and abusers and problems while we are far more liberal then the USA. Unfortunately now we have some idiot Christians in our government who clamp down on our successful drug program.

Tweakers are people that are tweaking :D

Tweaking occurs at the end of a meth binge when taking more meth has no longer any effect and you're stuck with a feeling of emptiness and dysphoria.

This is usually the stage where meth addicts can get violent etc.

When taking meth first there is a rush, followed by a high, followed by a binge which is the attempt to extend the high by taking more, followed by tweaking, followed by a crash during which you usually fall asleep. After the crash it's back to "normal" :)

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Dob her in, take her and her bag of S**T to the cops and they will make her give up who she is buying from and who she is selling to. Bl**dy drugOOOO's :):D

Instead of dobbing her in you can take her to one of the following treatment centers:

1. Thanyarak Institute, Thanyarak District, Pathumthani Province. Tel. 0 2531 0080-8

2. The Winner House (Bann Pichitjai) Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, On Nut Soi 90, On Nut Road, Pravej District, Bangkok. Tel. 0 2329 1353

3. Communita Incontrol Rehabilitation Center, Lumlukka District, Pathumthani Province. Tel. 0 25631006-7 (Branches at Mae Sod District, Tak Province and Kusumal District, Sakol Nakorn Province)

4. Rebirth Therapeutic Community Center for Men, Jombung District, Ratchaburi Province. Tel. 0 3226 1038-40

5. Rebirth Therapeutic Community Center for Women, Bangkla District, Chachoengsao Province. Tel. 0 3854 1693

6. Northern Narcotics Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, Mae Rim District, Chiang Mai Province. Tel. 0 5329 7976-7

7. Northeastern Narcotics Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, Muang District, Khon Kaen Province. Tel. 0 4322 5103-5

8. Southern Narcotics Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, Muang District, Songkhla Province. Tel. 0 7424 5062

9. Operation Dawn Foundation, P.O. Box 4, Mae Chan, Chiang Rai Province 57110

10. Tawan Mai House, Bang Bor District, Samut Prakan Province

11. Santisuk House, Nong Yai District, Chonburi Province 12. Nimit Mai, Muang District, Chiang Mai Province. Tel. 0 5327 7049, 0 5328 2495

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As several posters have indicated meth use is about the worst to deal with. Unlike cocaine etc it is not a drug that people manage to just use occasionally and it does serious long-term damage to the brain. Its use is indeed very widespread in Thailand.

Getting people off meth/ice is a difficult undertaking and impossible unless the person is either motivated to quit or involuntarily committed to a residential program (and in that last case, big risk of relapse).

You can try talking to her but unless she evinces a serious desire to quit I'm afraid there is nothing you can do.

regarding the baby if there is clear evidence of neglect or the baby being put at risk there are places you can report that, otherwise the only other thing you might do is inform other family members (grand-parents, the father etc) if you know them and hope they keep an eye on things and intervene if needed.

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Really you should not get involved. I have a lot of personal experience in this and this is my honest advice. If you really care, and there is some way to achieve the following, you could try telling a caring older Thai figure about her situation. It should be a family member. And they should genuinely care about her. Beyond that, please, don't make it your problem, which in all liklihood is what will happen if you try to help.

p.s. it sounds like ice, but ice users usuall use yabaa in between ice to "top up" or if they run out of money for the main event.

Edited by OxfordWill
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Well if you can’t get her to stop the least you can do is to give her some options that to a certain extent will reduce some of the harmful effects of meth use.

For example lack of sleep and severe dehydration will turn anybody into a paranoid psychotic eventually most of which can be prevented by drinking lots of water during use and to set a time limit when to stop use after 24-36 hour.

Vitamin C and multi vitamins containing magnesium seem to be useful as well since they can minimize some of the neurological damage.

Lots of things that can be done actually so no need to just give up on her.

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Well if you can’t get her to stop the least you can do is to give her some options that to a certain extent will reduce some of the harmful effects of meth use.

For example lack of sleep and severe dehydration will turn anybody into a paranoid psychotic eventually most of which can be prevented by drinking lots of water during use and to set a time limit when to stop use after 24-36 hour.

Vitamin C and multi vitamins containing magnesium seem to be useful as well since they can minimize some of the neurological damage.

Lots of things that can be done actually so no need to just give up on her.

Your quite knowledgeable, thank you for posting. I don't know people who use it but its always nice to learn more about things.

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I echo the sentiments of those who suggest you not get further involved. It would be different if she were a family member. But she is not. You barely know her. This is a most pernicious drug. It cannot be compared to others. If you stay involved you'll be hooked yourself before you know it.

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Thank you guys for a lot of wise and useful advice. As to the girl situation I think it's more likely she will turn Portlandstone into a yabaa user than give up here habit. Sex on yabaa or ice is rather nice and that's why people use these drugs. Going out party is just an excuse to hook someone up for later adventure in bed.

It's also in the realm of personal freedoms of Thai people that they believe they have the right to fuc_k themselves up if they choose to. So my advise would be try to minimise the damage but don't be too hard on her because she will not understand it comes from the care over her wellbeing.

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It actually sounds like Ice not Yabba. Ice requires more tubes etc and is in powder form, whereas as yabba is small red tablets that are smoked usually using the inside of cigarette packets. Ice is an awful lot stronger. It is used widely across Thailand now as it is now being made in the area. When you see big police busts of cough tablets, they are being used to make Ice.

I have seen quite a lot of Ice and yabba addicts. I on the islands where it is rife amongst bar boys. I would say Ice has a much greater effect. I knew a lot of bar boys who were using yabba. In 5 months they all changed to Ice and all lost about 5 kilos each. Skin is scabby. Massive dark circles. Basically look dead. Scary scary stuff. Also know of a lot of stories of scams, thefts etc to fund a habit. My friends sister pretty much bakrupted her family because of it.

Only thing is, unless she wants to stop, there really isn't much you can do to help her. I have seen these drugs screw up a lot of relationships. Do you really want to even be involved? One thing that seems to unite meth heads is their inability to be honest and truthful. Their only aim is to keep a constant money supply going to fund their next hit. Don't want to be harsh, but are you helping her in this respect? She may quit, but it won't be because of anything you can do. Get out now. Tell her if she wants to come to you for help, then she can, but make it clear that no money will be involved.

Read this blog - fascinating insight into the mind of a Thai yabba user.

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Ice requires more tubes etc and is in powder form, whereas as yabba is small red tablets that are smoked usually using the inside of cigarette packets.

Ice can be in powder form but normally looks more like glass.(picture here http://www.justice.gov/dea/images_methamphetamine.html

Yabba tablets can be any color although yesterday red or pink might be the favorite color :)

Edited by meom
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Dont want to sound harsh but RUN!

Want to know what she will look like soon then take a look at the future here:


Face facts, she has a baby, that you haven't seen in person and that has been left with someone else, so how much does she really care about it? Would you leave your child with someone else while you pimp yourself out, could you?

Dont fall for the bulls**t story no doubt told with watering puppy eyes that she loves her baby.

If she loved the baby it would be with her and she would be breast feeding it, not you.

Nor would she be doing meth, it's no secret what it does...

This story has already been written. RUN...

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