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New Un Boss To Be Thai?


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Saturday May 7, 2005 -news in The Netherlands. Translated.


"Kyoto - Asian heavyweights like Japan, South Korea as well as China have started a diplomatic lobby 'behind the screens' to promote the Thai Vice-Premier Surakiart Sathiratai as the new boss of the United Nations.

Next year will be the last year for Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

The last Asian Secretary-General of the UN was U Thant from Birma (Myanmar) between 1961 and 1971."



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china and south korea sponsoring the same candidate as japan?Somebody must of done some serious diplomacy.Or more likely never happen !

Or this is japans way of trying to rectify some of it's more recent blunders. :o and by doing so ensure a good idea never happens.

Edited by roscoe
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There is not a snowball's chance in ###### of Khun Surakiart achieving this position.I will list a few reasons off the top of my head.

1.He is not really a first rate candidate -lacking in charisma,powerful intellect,language skills.

2.He is backed by Thaksin who is tainted by bloodshed in South and own stated dislike of UN.Candidates don't win because they are "marketed" but on their own merits.Backing by China is a negative not a plus!

3.There are better Thai candidates, eg Surin Pitsuwan.

4.He is not well known internationally.

5.All Thai candidates are compromised, unless they have spoken out which Surakiart has not,on the repressive Burma junta.In fact he is complicit in the Thai toadying up.

6.USA. UK to name but two on the UN top table will veto.

This is a typical bit of Thaksin fantasy on the Liverpool FC deal lines.

I would love to see a Thai SG but this isn't the one.

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Isn’t the top spot on a kind of semi-official rotation in which Asia in general is next in line for?

The problem seems to be that if someone from Asia is to be the next top dog there is little to no chance that China, Korea, and Japan would be able to agree to anyone from any of those three countries taking the post. So I have heard a number of rumors about someone from Thailand filling the role as this could be a compromise between the Asian nations – which seems fair enough.

Not sure how Australia and New Zealand fit into things on this front – IMHO not very likely that the others (China, Japan, Korea) would step up to back someone from anywhere near down under unless left with no possible alternatives.

I say just to stir things up lets appoint someone from Taiwan.

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With the recent corruption allegations against some very senior UN officials, including Kofi Anan, what are the chances of the next SG coming from a country where (percieived) corruptability is almost a mandatory entry on one's resume ?

Here are the SG's since the UN started:

Trygve Halvdan Lie Norwegian 1946–53

Dag Hammarskjöld Swedish 1953–61

U Thant Burmese 1962–71

Kurt Waldheim Austrian 1972–81

Javier Pérez de Cuéllar Peruvian 1982–91

Boutros Boutros-Ghali Egyptian 1992–96

Kofi Annan Ghanaian 1997–

No North Americans, 2 from Africa (look on the map, Egypt is on the African continent), 2 Scandanavians, 1 European, 1 Asian and 1 South American.

So, if it's any region's "turn", it should be someone from North America, or even possibly from any English speaking country (UK, New Zealand, Oz, Canada, ect).

Highly doubt an American would get the post, unless they threatened to withhold their membership dues again.

Pretty much gaurantee no Israeli or Arab will get it either. I don't think Canada has anyone suitable, and they'd be considered an American stooge in any event (even if they bent over backwards to screw the Americans, all it would do is piss off the states, and the SG would still be viewed as a stooge).

Probably end up with another SG from a 3rd world country, to appease all those little guys that can't afford their membership dues any ways. How about Bangladesh ?

Edited by Kerryd
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With the recent corruption allegations against some very senior UN officials, including Kofi Anan, what are the chances of the next SG coming from a country where (percieived) corruptability is almost a mandatory entry on one's resume ?

Here are the SG's since the UN started:

Trygve Halvdan Lie              Norwegian 1946–53

Dag Hammarskjöld              Swedish 1953–61

U Thant                              Burmese 1962–71

Kurt Waldheim                    Austrian 1972–81

Javier Pérez de Cuéllar        Peruvian 1982–91

Boutros Boutros-Ghali          Egyptian 1992–96

Kofi Annan                          Ghanaian 1997–

No North Americans, 2 from Africa (look on the map, Egypt is on the African continent), 2 Scandanavians, 1 European, 1 Asian and 1 South American.

So, if it's any region's "turn", it should be someone from North America, or even possibly from any English speaking country (UK, New Zealand, Oz, Canada, ect).

Highly doubt an American would get the post, unless they threatened to withhold their membership dues again.

Pretty much gaurantee no Israeli or Arab will get it either. I don't think Canada has anyone suitable, and they'd be considered an American stooge in any event (even if they bent over backwards to screw the Americans, all it would do is piss off the states, and the SG would still be viewed as a stooge).

Probably end up with another SG from a 3rd world country, to appease all those little guys that can't afford their membership dues any ways. How about Bangladesh ?

Not to be nit-picky – just an interesting point. A friend of mine from college (in the US) had both parents from Egypt and he was not eligible for any African scholarships – he was considered Middle Eastern. :o


Geographically – Africa

Geopolitically – Middle East

I have two maps: one geographic and one geopolitical – and since we are basically talking about a political appointment the geopolitical maps trumps.

Also not sure why you separated Scandinavia from Europe – so my total now reads 1 African, 1 Middle Eastern, 3 Europeans, 1 Asian, and 1 South American.

The early rotation appears screwed but from Mr. Thant on it looks like this – Asian, European, South American, Middle Eastern, African – and now who?

Anyway you cut it there has still never been anyone from North Ameica – or anyone from the other English speaking countries you mentioned. I am all for filling the post with a North American but am in agreement with you that this is not very likely – maybe if Quebec secedes the French will help to get a Quebecian?? Elected to the post – so hurry up Quebec have another referendum. I think that Australia and New Zealand hare kind of stuck in no mans land and also not very likely to be considered – but who knows.

Maybe we can offer it to Mr. Kim from North Korea or to who ever wins the run-off in Iran in exchange for giving up their nukes?

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There is not a snowball's chance in ###### of Khun Surakiart  achieving this position.I will list a few reasons off the top of my head.

1.He is not really a first rate candidate -lacking in charisma,powerful intellect,language skills.

2.He is backed by Thaksin who is tainted by bloodshed in South and own stated dislike of UN.Candidates don't win because they are "marketed" but on their own merits.Backing by China is a negative not a plus!

3.There are better Thai candidates, eg Surin Pitsuwan.

4.He is not well known internationally.

5.All Thai candidates are compromised, unless they have spoken out which Surakiart has not,on the repressive Burma junta.In fact he is complicit in the Thai toadying up.

6.USA. UK to name but two on the UN top table will veto.

This is a typical bit of Thaksin fantasy on the Liverpool FC deal lines.

I would love to see a Thai SG but this isn't the one.

Really good analysis, Boris. A refreshing change from the small town twaddle in the local English-language papers.

I'm really only replying so I can quote your post above. It's easily worth reading twice.

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