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since today, I dont have access to many of Thai gay websites I used to browse for ages.......i checked at an internet cafe, and same thing happened..... the next case of censorship and oppression of minorities initiated by that self-named GOD OF THAILAND Thaksin ?


they bought new censor device and play with black list. Even know who and where.

by the way, nice gent at CAT Telecom also showed me such thing.

seems like proxy is something really needed nowadays, right ?

they bought new censor device and play with black list. Even know who and where.

by the way, nice gent at CAT Telecom also showed me such thing.

seems like proxy is something really needed nowadays, right ?

How does this device work? To be of any use it would have to be plugged into CAT's core router, but then it would still be impossible to detect who was making any particular request because all ISP web traffic already goes through the ISPs' own transparent proxy servers.

I don't know why CAT would bother with any censorship device since ISPs are already forced to block whatever is on the ICT Ministry's block list (or have their licence revoked) and CAT does a quarterly on-site inspection of proxy logs to make sure it is being done.


there are some new technologies, which can detect "dangerous" content automatic, don't know how exactly, but I read something simillar to spam scanner, it scans webpages for their words/amounts of pictures.

And it is right and important, because like everyone know, in Thailand there is no porn, no prostitution, no gays. so it is a perfect clean country and they really need to take care that no bad influence come inside.

Bye the way I emailed true once and told them to bypass the proxy for me, as the law exist to protect Thai people, but I am a foreigner, they don't need to protect me.


But I got no answer, so I think they still work on it. :D

they bought new censor device and play with black list. Even know who and where.

by the way, nice gent at CAT Telecom also showed me such thing.

seems like proxy is something really needed nowadays, right ?

How does this device work? To be of any use it would have to be plugged into CAT's core router, but then it would still be impossible to detect who was making any particular request because all ISP web traffic already goes through the ISPs' own transparent proxy servers.

I don't know why CAT would bother with any censorship device since ISPs are already forced to block whatever is on the ICT Ministry's block list (or have their licence revoked) and CAT does a quarterly on-site inspection of proxy logs to make sure it is being done.


the people I spoke with didn't have any problem with that. they know it but they are not angree about it, it is normal for them. It seems just we European (or ex-europeans (USA/Australia) get upset about cencorship, or I only spoke with the wrong people....

I would like to know if the average Thai computer user welcomes the gov censorship of the internet or do they find it irksome?

the people I spoke with didn't have any problem with that. they know it but they are not angree about it, it is normal for them. It seems just we European (or ex-europeans (USA/Australia) get upset about cencorship, or I only spoke with the wrong people....

yes, you spoke with right ppl. we don't like big brother, sister and their nephews to watch and censor what we do, browse, look at and look for. it's called freedom. besides, every ISP has its "black'n'white" box. no questions about it. Just differs from one to another. CAT has it too. cannot do anything with it, it's sad but fact.

Only one thing is good - it's very difficult to maintain such devices without heavy workload on them and pretty high cost later.


yes, if true is blocking something, the Thai people arround me, do not question if that is right or not, or who is respondsible.....

they just accept it as a given unchangeable fact, like that the sun is going down in the evening.

I think it must be very hard to be in power here, because you must surf all the time porno pages in the internet, so you know what to block :o:D:D

My experience is that most Thais will not question any authority. Must be good to be in power here.


thats not a reason to accept blocking!

porno illegal: block it

pages about block, lead to cheat the system: block it

communists are dangerous: block it

right wing party: dangerous block it

Terrorists and money laundry: very dangerous, scan the emails for suspectious words...

maybe we should also block pages which only confuse people by bringing missleading informations, like ,fredom of speech NGOs, like webpages which are critic (spelling??) about the party in power.

Maybe good to let the police listen to the phone calls and open letters, to check that nothing is running wrong....

Where is the end??? I don't think that all the porno in the web is good thing, but censorship is even worse.

If it's porno -- as I suspect it is -- there's really no reason to complain.  Pornography is clearly illegal in Thailand.

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