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Thai Immigration To Collect Global Arrest Warrants In New Online System

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Me I moved to the Philippines and built a house in the hills of one the many islands, its my piece of heaven in a world gone mad, it quickly coming to a complete police state and everything you do will be monitored, but first they will have to find me, do the best thing, drop off the radar and fly low, your not free anymore. Time will tell in 2 or so years from now. :)

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Well, this scares the shit out of me. Can anybody tell me if I have anything to worry about in the short or long term?

I am 'wanted' on a misdemeanor charge in California. I spit on somebody and they pressed charges calling it battery. I was just visiting for a wedding at the time and promptly came back to Thailand, ignoring my responsibilities to go to court etc. It is such a minor matter I figure I'll just deal with it whenever I go back to California again. The bail on it is just $2,500 (very low) and it is listed as a 'can cite' warrant - meaning that if I come in contact with law enforcement in the US they can give me a citation to appear in court, they do not have to arrest me. So if picked up in Florida, for instance, if they somehow discovered this warrant there is basically no chance they would extradite me over it and probably wouldn't even take me into custody.

If Immigration picks up on this are they likely to deny my Visa extension and/or actually deport me....?


If this system helps get rid of the foreign trash in Thailand then I am all for it. My gf was stalked/harassed by a Norwegian ex boyfriend who even got violent at one stage. he grabbed her violently and then when she screamed he smacked her in the face. Thankfully a heap of Thais came running over so like the dog that he is, he ran away. She called the cops and had witnesses but they did nothing. She went to the immigration dept and they went to see him to tell him to leave her alone but did not deport him??? Apparently he needs to hit her again or get caught with drugs to be deported.

He has a history of dealing in drugs but until he gets caught he is free to stay. If this system starts up then maybe there will be a chance that it will pick him up and the other low lives that pray on Thailand

Only a matter of time before there will be no where to hide in the world. All the governments will be connected. Of course the honest folks have nothing to fear but it seems we are getting closer and closer to Orwell's 1984 where pervasive government surveillance is the rule. I am happy that some of the scum will be dealt with but fearful of government control over every aspect of our lives.

You truly believe in fairytales. The honest folks have nothing to fear..... Hmmm when did you came out of your egg? Honest folks have lots to fear, only lots of those are very ignorant or simply naif.

The no bail for foreigners policy combined with the appalling conditions in Thai prisons lead me to believe there is a lot to fear. Try googling Prince Christoph von Hohenlohe or Brian Dunn.


Sounds like a serious plan. Very much welcome if implemented to the spirit. Else of course the fears of bringing in laws to govern excessive control over ordinary people and possible abuse of power to harass the innocent. Any criminal act is not welcome. Sincerely hope this new system that is mentioned does show some results. I don't really understand how it would work. However hope it works. :)

Over the years, indeed, if one looks carefully, the nuisance created by the 'foreigners' is on the rise. Not only in Pattaya alone but elsewhere too. Places once known to be escape from such crap are becoming a meeting grounds for troublemakers. I would for instance give example of Koh Samui. The number of cases of complaints made at the local police for offensive and rude behavior by foreigners is on the rise. Not just legally criminal but also socially criminals are dominating the island. Loud pompous and inconsiderate to others. Abusive to native Thai people and .... it is indeed frustrating to see this. I sincerely hope this trash is dealt with through this new system.


April Fools come early... not possible for the BIB to implement anything like this. Let's face it they are not that bright. Not to mention they are known to blow more smoke up one's arse then actually implementing anything useful. I quite imagine this is the last we will hear about this for another year or two. :)

Only a matter of time before there will be no where to hide in the world. All the governments will be connected. Of course the honest folks have nothing to fear but it seems we are getting closer and closer to Orwell's 1984 where pervasive government surveillance is the rule. I am happy that some of the scum will be dealt with but fearful of government control over every aspect of our lives.

Dont kid yourself about the "honest folk have nothing...". Google is leading the way to saving everything, even the links that are clicked or accepted and then regretted after you see the content.


I am sure all Governments are already connected as far as criminals are concerned. It is just conflicting laws that prevent extradition but they can keep tabs on the criminals whereabouts.



If the BIB spent as much time catching criminals as they do devising plans to relieve foreigners of cash, there might be some hope for this country. As it is, this is just another plan for Pattaya BIB to extort money from Pattaya foreign residents.

Pattaya would be a good place to start. Although I've only been there once and will probably never go there again, it is one of the seediest places I've ever been. Just an observation... :)

I agree. But such action would really depopulate the place. It is a hide out for criminals on the run.


You'd imagine that a database of domestic criminals, convicts and sex offenders would be more pressing in terms of crime reduction and prevention

I'm glad to see that us expats are worthy of a new online, sparkly, all whistles and bells database to help our governments track down felons and protect the interests of our public, whilst the Thai public are worthy of no such help or protection.

For every international arrest warrant, I'm sure there are 1000's of outstanding domestic warrants / court summons that sit collecting dust. A

Don't worry about this system, UK will not release its arrest data information to overseas, due to Data Protection Act, when UK issue a Euro Warrant, it is submitted to europol. For international warrants they still have to be extradition orders which are filed through the British Embassy to the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs. And according to sources there are only 8 extradition orders from the UK.

UK will not give information out about domestic arrest warrants, as this breaks data protection laws and international laws. And the arrest warrant is only valid in the UK.

For the UK warrant to become valid abroad, they have to apply through the Home Office, and to Thailand they need 100% evidence to Extradite you, and cannot just extradite just on hearsay.

And it still has to be filed via the British Embassy in Bangkok to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

So if its just minor offences for theft, shoplifting, minor fraud etc, you will not be extradited.

If the offences include aggravated features, drug smuggling, drug dealing, rape, child offences, assault, manslaughter or murder you can guarantee the police will be looking for you, that is if an extradition order has been filed.

80% of failed to appear in court cases, never get extradited, and just wait till you get processed through the criminal system again.

Easiest way out of this is to change your name by statory declaration before June 2011, and change your british passport. After this date all name changes will be recorded against all government databases for Identification purposes.

And for those who had funds swiped under POCA who have not been to court, and its nearly 6 years. Write to your bank saying the POCA order has now expired and you want your funds returning, due to no arrests or court appearances. And mention that you will take legal action. Address it to the compliance manager at the branch. Guaranteed within 14 days you'll get your money back.

I helped a lad get over 400K back, and he gave me 25k for helping him.

Yes I have legal knowledge.

Well Earl you can be on my team as they say...Not that I'am hiding or anything but....On a serious note what people do forget is that their passports have a chip in them now and when leaving the Uk its noted/scanned..So anyone on a social security scam had better watch out.You can't fiddle benifit now and then go abroad as your number will come up! About time too...


plan to build a system, :D lol they cannot build anything that works :) 'fried air' as usual.

how about the most simple but postponed plan to end plastic bag supply in pukeket shops ?

though the only thing that is seriously and all time updated in this bananarepublic are visa- and immigration rules (focus on foreigners most easy targets, but be blind for your own shitty system) ofcourse this dreamed tool for the wellknown we-hate-farang system might be high on their santaclaus wish list !

guess they are getting wet dreams now about 'what are we gonna do with all the money from thaksin' :D:D:D:D:D:D

Of course the honest folks have nothing to fear.

That depends on your government's definition of "honest". For instance, if you're a advocating democracy in China, or patronizing prostitutes in the United States, or anonymously discussing politics in parts of Australia, you're no longer in the "honest" bunch.

At first, the connected systems will catch serious criminals, then they'll sweep up the parking ticket evaders... just look at the (non) offenses that UK extradites people for to Poland, say.

Well put and a good response to all the naive people out there who say "if you aren't breaking the law you have nothing to worry about"


If this system helps get rid of the foreign trash in Thailand then I am all for it. My gf was stalked/harassed by a Norwegian ex boyfriend who even got violent at one stage. he grabbed her violently and then when she screamed he smacked her in the face. Thankfully a heap of Thais came running over so like the dog that he is, he ran away. She called the cops and had witnesses but they did nothing. She went to the immigration dept and they went to see him to tell him to leave her alone but did not deport him??? Apparently he needs to hit her again or get caught with drugs to be deported.

He has a history of dealing in drugs but until he gets caught he is free to stay. If this system starts up then maybe there will be a chance that it will pick him up and the other low lives that pray on Thailand

The pending changes would not do anything to help your girlfriend have him deported faster - unless he had arrest warrants in Norway.

Thai's don't take domestic violence as seriously as we do in the west. I would go so far as to say it is nearly acceptable for a man to hit his girlfriend or wife. It is not surprising the police didn't do anything. To them that is like you turning somebody in for spitting on the sidewalk or littering.


I think people who say this is hard to do, really under estimate the ease as to how this type of thing can be set up, it is old and easy technology. People also under estimate other countrys eagerness to participate. As to getting deported for things like fines or what is called in Australia -summary offences and the like, one has to consider the cost effectiveness of such actions. With that in mind small infringements will not be worth their time being put on their radar.

Thailand is never going to care if you have 3000$ in speeding fines back home and you would rather spend that money in Pattaya. (unless of course you are under suspicion from the AFP or FBI etc for some other major crime and they can use it to get you back.)

It will however help to curb the reuptation of some of these places (Phuket/Pattaya etc) as a safe and neutral meeting place for organised crime/money laundering etc)It will help them to disperse international 'consorting' etc. Unless you are a wanted criminal for something significant I cannot see how it could possibly worry you at all. It just means that there will be less foreign 'gangsters' in Thailand and more room for home bred ones.

Well, this scares the shit out of me. Can anybody tell me if I have anything to worry about in the short or long term?

I am 'wanted' on a misdemeanor charge in California. I spit on somebody and they pressed charges calling it battery. I was just visiting for a wedding at the time and promptly came back to Thailand, ignoring my responsibilities to go to court etc. It is such a minor matter I figure I'll just deal with it whenever I go back to California again. The bail on it is just $2,500 (very low) and it is listed as a 'can cite' warrant - meaning that if I come in contact with law enforcement in the US they can give me a citation to appear in court, they do not have to arrest me. So if picked up in Florida, for instance, if they somehow discovered this warrant there is basically no chance they would extradite me over it and probably wouldn't even take me into custody.

If Immigration picks up on this are they likely to deny my Visa extension and/or actually deport me....?

No way man they won't spend the money to send you back. They will just bang you up in the Bangkok Hilton till you pay up. :):D:D


Actually I think it would be very easy for the Thai Immigration to fix the problem in one day. Insist that any one coming to Thailand for more than a month provide proof from there home country that they have a clean criminal record.

Then all they need do is find jobs for all the newly unemployed girls and boys and for many of there own staff who would have nothing to do. :)


Yes amazing we are nearly in 1984..... ummm its 2009......dude govts have control already, except we the ignorant arent aware how much they already know......lol

Only a matter of time before there will be no where to hide in the world. All the governments will be connected. Of course the honest folks have nothing to fear but it seems we are getting closer and closer to Orwell's 1984 where pervasive government surveillance is the rule. I am happy that some of the scum will be dealt with but fearful of government control over every aspect of our lives.
If this system helps get rid of the foreign trash in Thailand then I am all for it. My gf was stalked/harassed by a Norwegian ex boyfriend who even got violent at one stage. he grabbed her violently and then when she screamed he smacked her in the face. Thankfully a heap of Thais came running over so like the dog that he is, he ran away. She called the cops and had witnesses but they did nothing. She went to the immigration dept and they went to see him to tell him to leave her alone but did not deport him??? Apparently he needs to hit her again or get caught with drugs to be deported.

He has a history of dealing in drugs but until he gets caught he is free to stay. If this system starts up then maybe there will be a chance that it will pick him up and the other low lives that pray on Thailand

The pending changes would not do anything to help your girlfriend have him deported faster - unless he had arrest warrants in Norway.

Thai's don't take domestic violence as seriously as we do in the west. I would go so far as to say it is nearly acceptable for a man to hit his girlfriend or wife. It is not surprising the police didn't do anything. To them that is like you turning somebody in for spitting on the sidewalk or littering.

Why would they deport him on heresay? (not trying to diminish what he did. Domestic Violence is not considered a big no no here. Look at how some parents beat the absoloute S*it out of their kids and not unusual for husbands to do the same... (makes us look good anyhow if not unfairly a bit weak in the eyes of some Thais) Having him Charged with anything will likely just cause him to have to hang around for court appearances etc etc also for an indefinite period of time.

Wonder if he is reading this thread?

Pattaya would be a good place to start. Although I've only been there once and will probably never go there again, it is one of the seediest places I've ever been. Just an observation... :)

I really disagree. It sems you have a short vision,. Where did you go in Pattaya, only walking street? I was living for many years in Bangkok and moved to Pattaya 6 years ago and depending on what you need and what you want but it's not worse than Bangkok or other cities. There are plenty of quiet places in Pattaya, of course for those they like night life, bars and so on they are plenty but not in Bangkok or other cities? So you cannot have this kind of comment having been there once and probably went to the "pleasure" places but for what did you go there?

Believe me, there are not only criminals and prostitutes in Pattaya. Yes they are some but in other cities and countries to, open your eyes and come again!

Pattaya would be a good place to start. Although I've only been there once and will probably never go there again, it is one of the seediest places I've ever been. Just an observation... :)

Then you have never travelled my friend if you think Pattaya is seedy, you only have a short journey to Cambodia from here and Vietnam,you have blinkered vision

Pattaya ain't Club Med. No one is saying there aren't worse places, but parts of Pattaya are pretty vile.


So, if your identity is stolen and someone commits fraud, such as illegal financial transfers etc., you could end up in a world of hurt. There are also some pretty lose definitions of sex offenders, in which a person has just turned of-age is accused of sleeping with an under-age girl who is 1 year his junior.

It's not that you can't get your name cleared by a court, it's that once you get put on a list--such as the terrorist watch list--good luck at ever getting taken off it.

Pretty scary stuff.

If this system helps get rid of the foreign trash in Thailand then I am all for it. My gf was stalked/harassed by a Norwegian ex boyfriend who even got violent at one stage. he grabbed her violently and then when she screamed he smacked her in the face. Thankfully a heap of Thais came running over so like the dog that he is, he ran away. She called the cops and had witnesses but they did nothing. She went to the immigration dept and they went to see him to tell him to leave her alone but did not deport him??? Apparently he needs to hit her again or get caught with drugs to be deported.

He has a history of dealing in drugs but until he gets caught he is free to stay. If this system starts up then maybe there will be a chance that it will pick him up and the other low lives that pray on Thailand

The pending changes would not do anything to help your girlfriend have him deported faster - unless he had arrest warrants in Norway.

Thai's don't take domestic violence as seriously as we do in the west. I would go so far as to say it is nearly acceptable for a man to hit his girlfriend or wife. It is not surprising the police didn't do anything. To them that is like you turning somebody in for spitting on the sidewalk or littering.

Why would they deport him on heresay? (not trying to diminish what he did. Domestic Violence is not considered a big no no here. Look at how some parents beat the absoloute S*it out of their kids and not unusual for husbands to do the same... (makes us look good anyhow if not unfairly a bit weak in the eyes of some Thais) Having him Charged with anything will likely just cause him to have to hang around for court appearances etc etc also for an indefinite period of time.

Wonder if he is reading this thread?

Good point.

As for him reading this thread, it would not bother me either way. He is a dog who I would gladly put down if he had the balls to approach when I am around but the sad thing about people like him is that they will never take the chance of harassing someone who will fight back. Instead preferring instead to bully women and children as it makes them feel powerful. As we all know they usually are inadequate in most aspects of their life so women and children are all that they are capable of over powering.

In regards to the original topic, the world already has this information so why not use it to remove the imported oxygen thieves from the country and then they can concentrate on their home brewed scum.

Thailand is full of foreign pimps; drug dealers and paedophiles. Of course the pimps refute that they are anything but bar owners but we all know the truth.

I wonder if they would think the same of some one making money off their daughters bodies?

Well, this scares the shit out of me. Can anybody tell me if I have anything to worry about in the short or long term?

I am 'wanted' on a misdemeanor charge in California. I spit on somebody and they pressed charges calling it battery. I was just visiting for a wedding at the time and promptly came back to Thailand, ignoring my responsibilities to go to court etc. It is such a minor matter I figure I'll just deal with it whenever I go back to California again. The bail on it is just $2,500 (very low) and it is listed as a 'can cite' warrant - meaning that if I come in contact with law enforcement in the US they can give me a citation to appear in court, they do not have to arrest me. So if picked up in Florida, for instance, if they somehow discovered this warrant there is basically no chance they would extradite me over it and probably wouldn't even take me into custody.

If Immigration picks up on this are they likely to deny my Visa extension and/or actually deport me....?


For you and others like you, your days are numbered.

Some of these posts prove that Thailand and other South East Asian countries have become a refuge for the world`s undesirables.

The sooner they implement this system, the better.


Don't anyone hold their breath but, it will happen and there will be no safe place to hide.

I don't think that YanTree should fret but many wanted undesirables should.

When the day comes, I will celebrate as the scum who scuttle here to escape a criminal charge are the ones who drag Pattaya down.

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