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What Does Pizza Company Use For Cheese?


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Another quality Italian Pizza.... :D

I don't like eggs on my pizza, but do keep up to good work trawling the net for pics, makes me hungry now :D

Both pics of Italian pizza look like a half-dried-up mud puddle, crusty dirt around the edges, with a few odd things drying up in the middle. Tastes like it too.

On the other hand, I believe the Blue Ribbon Award goes to Chicago Deep-Dish Pizza! Even visually, alone, it's like comparing apples and oranges.


I don't think we really need another 20 page Pizza debate do we?

Eat whatever makes you happy - NY, Chicago, Japanese :) , mediterranean. It's all good.

My bias comes from walking around cities in the med early on cool mornings and walking by lil bakeries and the smell of fresh margherita pizza dragging me in. Hungry now. :D

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Wow, I fully agree, this time :), with you, BkkJames. Time to stop.

BTW, evviva la pizza margherita!

What can I say Anguid, I have a soft spot for Italian food. Unfortunately said soft spot has grown over the years despite my ongoing attempts at a beer diet.

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Hmmm Italian pizza? :)

in fact that's not pizza, not in the classical sense. it's a type of focaccia pizza style bread sold in deli shops and eaten on the go, no cheese on it. For someone who claims to have travelled extensively in Italy, confusing the two things really shows that you don't know what you talking about; btw that looks delicious to eat as a snack

I've been to Italy. I noticed a cat walking over the cheese in a restaurant.

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Another quality Italian Pizza.... :)

I don't like eggs on my pizza, but do keep up to good work trawling the net for pics, makes me hungry now :D

On the other hand, I believe the Blue Ribbon Award goes to Chicago Deep-Dish Pizza! Even visually, alone, it's like comparing apples and oranges.


Have to agree with you toptuan. Best pizza I ever had was in Chicago - deep dish pizza at Gino's Pizzeria East. America triumphs again - although compared to Italian pizza (snack) there really was no contest.

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I have been to Chicago and saw a rat eating cheese out of the fridge. What is your point?

I have some extra time, so I'll explain it to you.

We are talking about Italian pizza vs. American pizza. The restaurant to which I was referring was in Italy where Italian pizzas were offered.

Now you seeing a rat eating cheese 'out of the fridge' may be referring to where you were staying in Chicago, i.e. your apartment. And perhaps that is not an extraordinary event for you. Either way, it's not relevant to the topic.

On the other hand, my observation was.

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Now you seeing a rat eating cheese 'out of the fridge' may be referring to where you were staying in Chicago, i.e. your apartment. And perhaps that is not an extraordinary event for you. Either way, it's not relevant to the topic.

On the other hand, my observation was.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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I have been to Chicago and saw a rat eating cheese out of the fridge. What is your point?

I have some extra time, so I'll explain it to you.

We are talking about Italian pizza vs. American pizza. The restaurant to which I was referring was in Italy where Italian pizzas were offered.

Now you seeing a rat eating cheese 'out of the fridge' may be referring to where you were staying in Chicago, i.e. your apartment. And perhaps that is not an extraordinary event for you. Either way, it's not relevant to the topic.

On the other hand, my observation was.

Sorry for not reading between the thinly sliced swiss cheese lines of a post. Italian vs American pizza. You said you saw a cat walk across the cheese in Italy. I replied I saw a rat eat some cheese Chicago - that's in America right?

Guess your observation is relevant after all. :)

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I have been to Chicago and saw a rat eating cheese out of the fridge. What is your point?

I have some extra time, so I'll explain it to you.

We are talking about Italian pizza vs. American pizza. The restaurant to which I was referring was in Italy where Italian pizzas were offered.

Now you seeing a rat eating cheese 'out of the fridge' may be referring to where you were staying in Chicago, i.e. your apartment. And perhaps that is not an extraordinary event for you. Either way, it's not relevant to the topic.

On the other hand, my observation was.

Sorry for not reading between the thinly sliced swiss cheese lines of a post. Italian vs American pizza. You said you saw a cat walk across the cheese in Italy. I replied I saw a rat eat some cheese Chicago - that's in America right?

Guess your observation is relevant after all. :)

That's not what I posted. Don't paraphrase in an attempt to make your point. The result causes you to appear foolish.

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There's cheese on that!

How can you expect people to believe you are an expert on pizza when you don't even recognises melted cheese.

For the record I quite like Italian style Pizza but I still think that the Yanks make the best Pizza. It's teh same with Indian food, I quite like authentic Indian Food but prefer the English version of it.

I think you not only suffer from twitching fingers, you also unfamiliar with this type focaccia type of pizza bread. Go back and do your homework

Or Dominos or Pizza Hut or any other non italian mozzarella offering. Have any of these Americans tasted real mozzarella I wonder?

They probably have....in prepacked slices! :)

have you? out of interest what is "real mozzarella"?

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This does not sound anything like any American pizza that I've ever had outside of maybe the frozen ones at the supermarket. Maybe you haven't figured out that you can order them without all the weird crap that the Thais like. I usually have tomato sauce and cheese and sometimes add pepperoni and mushrooms.

Frankly, the pizza is not the real problem, it sounds as if whoever has ordered these type of pizzas has a few brain-cells missing!

if you now tell us that your personal preference is for few toppings, that's up to you. But up to now you've been extolling the virtues of American oven baked, spongy & base fried crust (that you obnoxiously insist in calling pizza) and that's how it's normally served there and also in the pizza chains around the world. So by your statement anyone patronising American pizza joints have fewer and fewer brain cells.

I was waiting for someone to post an example, see below post; it proves my point. What you can see there is a spongy bread type of baked crust overloaded with cheese (God knows, what mixture went in there) all puffed up. Cooked in a tray (which is a no no for any self respecting pizza joint), which is usually greased with vegetable oil so to make pizza removal easier, you'll ended up with slightly fried base. That's an abomination of baked spongy crust, whatever you wanna call it. The things is old boy, you don't know pizza, because you never tried it. What you refer to is something similar to the below pic. I talk about pizza you talk about spongy fried crust. Two different products altogether. It's your insistence in calling it pizza that causes the problem and for that you and others should be tied up to a lamppost and flogged on your bare arse cheeks until you repeat sorry 25 times :)

On the other hand, I believe the Blue Ribbon Award goes to Chicago Deep-Dish Pizza! Even visually, alone, it's like comparing apples and oranges.


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Certain American hating trolls - who profess to be "pizza experts" - seem to think that they have a psychic ability to discern one type of crust from all the different kinds - even though it is hidden by melted cheese - and they cannot even recognize pepperoni. Bulls___Experts is more like it! 0041-0703-1307-3804_TN.jpg

Edited by Ulysses G.
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if you now tell us that your personal preference is for few toppings, that's up to you.

Many American only prefer a few toppings, but other choices are available if you want more. Have you ever been to America? It is more and more obvious that you have no idea of what you are talking about. In fact, you are full of it!


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Certain American hating trolls - who profess to be "pizza experts" ...

funny you should say that, you have a long track record of pouring vitriol on Italian pizza and Italy by reflex, even if you craftily hide that sentiment behind platitude like "...have anything against Italy or most Italian food. It is just Italian pizza that is lacking". It has been noted and duly filed, your obsessive reference to Italian pizza in all sorts of threads here, even when totally unrelated to food, it has been going on for months and years. So now that tables are turned, you can't even heed your own advice.

Perhaps you should follow your own advice. You are perfectly happy to let people bash American pizza, but get all indignant when the tables are turned.

I'm not an expert, just an ordinary consumer who enjoys pizza as it's meant to be. Some people say that I like to expose blowhard trolls when they're talking out of their arse, some might even suggest you fit that rendition but I'm just too polite to say so

Something he has dreamed up as it is doubtful from everything that he has said that he has even ever eaten an American pizza.

I have and in different cities, unpleasant experience. I have given you plenty of clues regarding pizza making and Melbourne scene, which you profess to be an expert. But you choose never to reply or expand on. So what does that tell us? You admitted that you never tried Italian pizza and never been in Italy. You base your poisonous comments on have eaten pizza in Thailand and hearsay from friends ... lol talking about one being full of it ... . What we have from you is just generic comments w/o backing them up with expertise and knowledge. In fact it's quite an obsession of yours:

This is like the Middle East; No agreements.

do tell us about your deep emotional trauma, you can get help here :)

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what is spongy crust? :) Sounds like you perhaps are not eating a full cooked pizza - one's I normally have are quite crispy.

sponginess in crust is a side effect of having too many toppings, especially vegetables, which can release water during cooking time, hence these overloaded pizzas have lots of moisture in the centre of the crust. The slightly fried effect on the edges is due to oil in the cooking pan. One can forgive UG for his cluelessness as he knows next to nothing about pizza and food in general but I'd expect bit better from you, given your travels and exposure to different cuisines and foods

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have you? out of interest what is "real mozzarella"?

I am referring to fresh buffalo mozzarella as opposed to the dried out grated substitute used in American deep pan pizza.

most restaurants use mozzarella made from cow, only a small percentage use buffalo's and when they do is usually cut in large flat slices. Chains and fast food outlets (not just in America, here in UK too) don't even use mozzarella cheese at all, just a vegetable oil substitute mixed with cheddar (40% - 60%), apparently is to give that American flavour to the recipe, I kid you not

Maybe anguid would care to explain what is parma ham or speck. :)

yes, and maybe you can enlighten us on the difference between San Daniele and Culatello

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I really don't taste any cheddar in American Pizza, Cheddar is a very strong and distinctive tasting cheese with a totally different texture Cheddar takes around 3 months to make, Mozarella takes an hour or two to make, I don't see how substituting cheddar is going to save money.

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