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Interesting Thai Facts


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I have been reading up on some interesting facts about thailand on Richard barrow's site....there are some really fun facts but some others are downright weird. Any one to verify the ones below?

The man is entitled to sue his new wife in a court of law and get his dowry back, if it is found that the bride had had sex with another man before, and so - not a ‘virgin’ at the time of marriage.

After spending the night together (unmarried couple) the female is entitled to ask the man to marry her - and give a dowry. If the man doesn't want to get married, the women is entitled to seek compensation ie....money

It is illegal in Thailand, to leave your house if you are not wearing underwear

It is illegal in Thailand for men (and women of course) to go bare-chested in public. You must wear a top at all times!

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After spending the night together (unmarried couple) the female is entitled to ask the man to marry her - and give a dowry. If the man doesn't want to get married, the women is entitled to seek compensation ie....money

Yep, I knew about this one...it's happened to me on an endless number of occasions, I just cut the chase and agree the compensation fee before hand now :)

Edited by thecatman
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After spending the night together (unmarried couple) the female is entitled to ask the man to marry her - and give a dowry. If the man doesn't want to get married, the women is entitled to seek compensation ie....money

Yep, I knew about this one...it's happened to me on an endless number of occasions, I just cut the chase and agree the compensation fee before hand :)

Apparently this is true, just checked with the gf. She says it happened to her younger brother and the neigbour's daughter few years ago. The neighbour's family came and negotiate a marriage or settlement and it is bounded by law!

The other facts she says she has not heard of them before

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It is illegal in Thailand for men (and women of course) to go bare-chested in public. You must wear a top at all times!

News Update......After a crackdown recently enforcing this law with multiple arrests and imprisonment it was discovered that the entire expat population of Pattaya had been reduced by 75%. A further raid netting people wearing tacky gold chains and "Sex Instructor-First Lesson Free" t-shirts brought the number down to zero. The only people managing to escape were ex-Delta Force, SAS and Navy Seal Team members and those who claimed to have the personal telephone number of the Police General of Chonburi. :)

Edited by mca
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It is illegal in Thailand for men (and women of course) to go bare-chested in public. You must wear a top at all times!

Years ago, my M-I-L got all flustered when I was driving my car without a shirt on. "Polit lock. Polit lock", she kept saying.

Thought she was talking her usual <deleted>, but there may have been something behind it after all!

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the bare chestd law was probably from the time siam was moving from a 'prmitive' country where the women went bare breasted and the men just wore pakanu to a 'western//british' way of thinking when even the issaan 'native wear' have scotish style dress including white stockings!!! cant remember actual dates and stuff...

as for the other laws, very similar to muslem and jewish law about husbands marrying supposed virgins and then findng out that the 'property' is damaged; the sin sot would have been different for 'used property', therefore the husband can nullify the marriage; as for the virgin girl caught with her pants down (skirt up), the parents want compensation on 'property' that has now become 'damaged' and therefore cannot demand a good bride price...

orthodox jewish famiies still have this, as do muslem families that i know of.... and btw, my first thai boyfriend, a hi/so bastard (didnt know then what i know now), broke up with me in uiversity in the states because (athough i was a prize, a virgin at 18 until i became his girlfriend) i was 'damaged goods' for his hi/so thai parents (because good girls dont sleep with men). too bad i didnt think of demanding marriage or a compensation for that... :))

as for underwear, cant think of any explanation othet then, again, thailand trying to westernize in a country where most poor people probaaly didnt own underwear and either wore pakanu w/o or as in husband's case til he got to israel, just went combat in jeans (very sexy actually)



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It is illegal in Thailand for men (and women of course) to go bare-chested in public. You must wear a top at all times!

News Update......After a crackdown recently enforcing this law with multiple arrests and imprisonment it was discovered that the entire expat population of Pattaya had been reduced by 75%. A further raid netting people wearing tacky gold chains and "Sex Instructor-First Lesson Free" t-shirts brought the number down to zero. The only people managing to escape were ex-Delta Force, SAS and Navy Seal Team members and those who claimed to have the personal telephone number of the Police General of Chonburi. :)

Now we know why they arrested that SWAT Instructor yesterday, he must have lost that phone number

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And can anyone verify this rumor about a Thai law?

It is illegal to use Durian as a weapon.

I always thought it looked like a medieval mace on the end of a chain and stick. Just enlarge the mace a bit and color it yellow. Bingo!


It is illegal to injure people no matter what the weapon is.

Edited by anchan42
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It is illegal in Thailand for men (and women of course) to go bare-chested in public. You must wear a top at all times!

About 15 yrs ago in Patong Beach many katoeys danced bare chested near the side of the road. When I asked why the police didn't arrest them, an old hand told me "officially they're still men so the police can't do anything". Of course I believed this (and actually still do (a little)) as I see bare chested thai men all the time anywhere.

I wouldn't be surprised if you were right though.

As I think of it, I wonder if it was this guy who told me the way to preserve a corpse (in this heat) needed just a couple of bottles of Maekong every other day poured in the throat before well shaken and there wouldn't be any bad smells. Needless to say I believed this as well.

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Well I suppose 100% of us poor foreigners should be suing our wives for not being virgins, having a couple of kids and a few husbands ongoing when we first slept with them.... :)

Golden rule:

Agree on how much, before you even loose your underwear and how long? Rates are different for short time or overnight wives!!!!

Longer than that; cost you everything you own overseas!!! :D

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how do all these threads disintergrate into thai wife blablabla threads-- at any rate... about durians, i havent a clue.. but for clothing here is the clue:

The traditional Thai dress for women is a long tube skirt (known as a pha sin), pulled up to just below the breasts. Women went mainly topless until the last century, and the influx of Western culture and the arrival of missionaries(my bold). However, for modesty, a shawl or piece of fabric could be wrapped around the upper torso

get back on topic...



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how do all these threads disintergrate into thai wife blablabla threads-- at any rate... about durians, i havent a clue.. but for clothing here is the clue:
The traditional Thai dress for women is a long tube skirt (known as a pha sin), pulled up to just below the breasts. Women went mainly topless until the last century, and the influx of Western culture and the arrival of missionaries(my bold). However, for modesty, a shawl or piece of fabric could be wrapped around the upper torso

get back on topic...



back on topic? you mean jewish orthodox and muslim practices?

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The man is entitled to sue his new wife in a court of law and get his dowry back, if it is found that the bride had had sex with another man before, and so - not a ‘virgin’ at the time of marriage.

that, i'm sure, will make comforting reading to all those who had married (ex) trollops and / or single mothers :) the irony is that they paid sin-sot in the first place

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The man is entitled to sue his new wife in a court of law and get his dowry back, if it is found that the bride had had sex with another man before, and so - not a ‘virgin’ at the time of marriage.

that, i'm sure, will make comforting reading to all those who had married (ex) trollops and / or single mothers :) the irony is that they paid sin-sot in the first place

a written copy of the law, laminated and carried in the wallet would certainly prove effective.

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perhaps we could discuss the crazy laws in the states: no entering restaraunts or stores bare chested or in singlets (those white tank type things) for men; no bare breastedness allowed in most states....

however, in this case, started because of missionaries since everyone in lower class/peasants went shirtless and it was acceptable.

and yes, ts, to give people perspective on things that they arent familiar with like virgins/vs non virgins getting bride prices i mention my reference point which isnt, unforutnately or otherwise either OZ, ye olde england, nor the US of A which woudl be the reference point for most of the posters here. and most anglos wouldnt know about bride prices since i dont think marriage contracts include those clauses-- i think shotgun wedding would be the closest situation to the 'girl caught with skirt up' thai style. shotguns are more persuasive if less lucratie to the parents of the bride.



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Except the one for women going out bare chasted, I don't really believe that those laws exist. I could not find any reliable source to confirm otherwise. Having been in this country all my life, I have never once heard those laws enforced by court or police.

Going out not wearing underware is illegal??? How the heck they going to check that? Check points with girls in bikini perhaps :)

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