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Thousands Of Us Marines Converge On Pattaya As Part Of “cobra Gold”


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This years US/Thai Joint Military Exercise known as Cobra Gold has now come to an end and the thousands of US Military personnel involved in the exercises are now free to enjoy what Pattaya has to offer. It is thought that around 5,000 US Navy personnel are now in Pattaya taking some well earned rest and recuperation and it is thought they will spend around 100 Million Baht during their short visit. Walking Street in South Pattaya appears to be their favored destination at night as they enjoy the many bars and restaurants on offer. We spoke with the Tourist Police who report that they have encountered no major problems with the Navy personnel who are here in Pattaya so far and have found them to be polite and well behaved. They are expected to be here in Pattaya until 24th February, however a further US Navy Vessel is expected to arrive late on Friday and will be docked at the Sriracha Port until 7th March.








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I imagine with the us military un pattaya,the prices of just about everything is much more.Thai's get spoiled

Yes those US military guys with their 7 figure bonuses, prices will no doubt go through the roof and become out of reach for us mere mortals.

They do a sh7tty job for bugger all money and are on the whole very well behaved so why think like that.

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^wouldnt be so sure of that. I think most will be rather discrete about it still.

Perhaps but in future no more risk of being kicked out and having careers ruined. Its good to know sometimes things do move in the right direction.

Calm down Jingthing I think this is General Topics


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^prices for these lads do go up, however not for the locals. :)

You mean there is Thai price, Tourist price, Ex-Pat price and now US Military price?

And does that sweet little 21yo Isaan girl opt to charge the fit athletic army boy who is of a similar age 1000bht more thus risk losing a client, safely knowing she can get her usual 1000bht from fat sweaty know it all expat?

Im thinking the gossip that gets conjured up in the bars of Pattaya may not be wholly accurate on this one.

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The Cobra Gold Exercises have been a yearly event for at least 2 decades now. I remember taking part as a merchant seaman in 1988. Nothing really new about it.
Do not confuse the Marines with the Navy. Very much different people with a long tradition of animosities.

No confusion. At that time the Marines' heavy equipment was delivered and offloaded by US merchant ships prepositioned out of Diego Garcia. Their lighter gear and the Marines themselves were delivered by US Navy Amphibious ships. Once the exercises ended everyone went ashore in Pattaya together. Even then the troops were for the most part well behaved and everyone had a blast.

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