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Do You Wish You Found Pattaya Sooner?


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I came in 2004. I had already had a few relationships and had already began accumulating a nest egg. I am glad I did not come here in my 20s or I might not have done my extensive travels through Europe, met certain amazing girlfriends, seen the birth of relatives, or started my own business.

I'm glad I did not come in my 50s although better late than never. I presume if I were an employee, I could not get extensive visits in my 30s or 40s. All to say, I think I came at a good time and can't see living elsewhere being better for me at this time.

Do You Wish You Found Pattaya Sooner?

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I have been looking for a place to stay here in Thailand for many years. Lived in BKK for almost a year and have been all over the Kingdom. Pattaya was last on my list...and it was only by chance I even looked here. I remember visiting Pattaya for the first time. Spent one night on Beach road and left the next morning...not to return for several years. Now, I really do like it. It has so much to offer, and not so bad if you avoid Beach/2nd roads.

We are moving to Baan Amphur, so well away from the hustle and bustle of the city...but only a 10 minute drive if you want to enjoy it. Great seafood restaurants, decent beach, and we have met many good people to hang out with.

Do I wish I came here earlier? No, for the same reasons you mentioned. But now, considering the low cost of living, it is perfect.

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I would say you came at the worst possible time--just after it was officially pronounced "dead" by many long-stay expats.

BUT, you have no perspective on what I am saying, so your perception of the place is what it is.......good or bad.

I can only tell you what many others know: 30 years ago, 20 years ago, even 10 years ago it was better in many ways.

Probably the best years were the years when it was still a bit mysterious but still had some Western places.

It wasn't overdeveloped.......no real estate hounds on every corner.........easy visa rules.......inexpensive.......relaxed.

I would say that was about 1980-2000. By 2004 it had all changed largely due to the real estate hounds and Thailand's failed social engineering project.

Some say it has changed for the better (my guess is that most of these people have not been here a long time or are invested in real estate).

Some say it has changed for the worst (my guess is that most of these people know what it was like in the 70s, 80s, and especially the 90s).

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I 'discovered' Pattaya in 1979 when I was in my early 20's and lived here for about 10 years before going elsewhere to make my fortune. I returned to Thailand about 5 years ago and gave Pattaya a reprise for about 3 years before I moved up-country. I get to visit Pattaya if and when I want, usually with returning 'old Pattaya hands' so it's a blast. I wouldn't like to be a lonely old man there though!

Pattaya has changed and I have changed (both for better AND for the worse) and I have found it sooner AND later so best of both worlds. It's still a great place IMHO.

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I would say you came at the worst possible time--just after it was officially pronounced "dead" by many long-stay expats.

BUT, you have no perspective on what I am saying, so your perception of the place is what it is.......good or bad.

I can only tell you what many others know: 30 years ago, 20 years ago, even 10 years ago it was better in many ways.

Probably the best years were the years when it was still a bit mysterious but still had some Western places.

It wasn't overdeveloped.......no real estate hounds on every corner.........easy visa rules.......inexpensive.......relaxed.

I would say that was about 1980-2000. By 2004 it had all changed largely due to the real estate hounds and Thailand's failed social engineering project.

Some say it has changed for the better (my guess is that most of these people have not been here a long time or are invested in real estate).

Some say it has changed for the worst (my guess is that most of these people know what it was like in the 70s, 80s, and especially the 90s).

You make some great points. I have spent the past 7 years traveling around the world looking for a place to retire (70 countries so far). Costa Rica, Panama, Argentina, Chile, Spain, Portugal, Kenya, Italy, Croatia, Greece, Ecuador, Peru, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, etc, etc. And guess what, pretty much every person I meet while visiting these places, says the same thing you said. 'Shoulda been here 20 years ago...'

I know they are right. Samui 15 years ago would have been great. Now, it's a mess. Patagonia was pristine 15 years ago, now you should see the development. I am from Las Vegas. When I moved there in 1975 it was fantastic. Now it's packed with traffic and incredibly expensive.

So, where is that perfect place right now? I know it varies according to a person's tastes (for me, low cost of living, warm weather and being near the ocean). So, after all this, I really do like Pattaya. Sure, 20 years ago would have been better....but it is what it is....and I still like it. Maybe it's a newbie's perspective???

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I prefer the quieter Jomtien. Discovering it earlier wouldn't have made any difference because I couldn't afford to retire there even after I discovered it. After I had my finances and pensions organized. I did retire there.

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not specifically Pattaya, but yes, I wish my father had sent me to Thailand when I was 18.

my government did send me to thailand before I was 21 :D the journey there was an experience :) via Aden(the Radfan)lots of shootings ,bombs and fings,then on to singapore,and the war in borneo, then a short interlude in the riots in singapore,then on to sunny thailand, one thing I really learned english travel agents were rubbish in the 60,s :D

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Do I wish I'd found Pattaya(or Thailand even) sooner?,...always knew it was here,been got the t shirt,but the fact of finding it does not neccessarily want me to stay here.

As a recent refugee from a not so distant place,along with quite a few others who managed to sell their properties before the shutters came down,its a good staging area for whatever's next.I have thought of settling here but no I could not.I now miss ... Spain and the Canary islands in particular now the choice of where to live has been denied.The place where I was ousted Goa was idyllic before the screw started to be turned,how I loved the maid service,gardeners, pool guy, chauffeur, the cheapest and the best medical treatment available the world could offer, it was magical,had it far too good by half,we all did,a hidden gem.

I have had a ball with the women here,fill the boots with them,but marry one,definitely not.Your stuck in one room watching English programmed television shes in the other watching Thai TV.It is OK for the short term,but I know of at least six English guys who took their brides to live in the UK,got fed up with them ,then sent them back to Thailand on an extended family reunion,only to find the English husband had cancelled to return leg of their journey back to the UK ,or sold up the house in the UK and and cleared off, only for the wife to call the police telling them there's someone in my house on arrival back in the UK,quite funny really.I know its the end of a relationship here when the girl asks if I can help her,"yes, by all means" straight out of the door,and they all ask eventually.

Not exactly my destination of choice,but I can shift the money and other objects from my ex house in Goa quite easily here.

Those Greek islands would give Thailands beaches/islands a run for the money,thats where I ultimately will spend the summers there

Chang Mai and Rai and all places inbetween must be the most boring places on Earth,all those second hand book shops are surely needed there,just a clump or two of bamboo reeds to break the monotonous view up, I think I'd go for Florida over Thailand if I was a US citizen.

That's it.

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So if every place "was better back then" are we headed for a time where basically everywhere is sh_it?

You want people to say "no." But reality indicates "yes." For many reasons.

We.....all of us.....have done practically nothing to address two of our most pressing problems: unsustainable energy and overpopulation.

We have allowed the mainstream media to be controlled by a few corporations (now we are fed nothing but crap).

We have allowed the globalization of the economy.....creating a global slave labor class.

We have allowed the centralization of the global economy......creating a massive gap between the rich and poor.

We have virtually ignored the impact of our environmentally unsound economy on the life systems of the planet.

Future generations should hang us all for acting irresponsibly.........and just might.

Have a good day.

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^^ Heavy guilt trip there.

Off topic but...

I don't subscribe to this 'we f*cked it up for our kids' bullsh!t. It's called evolution and progress and I am pretty proud of my contributions so far. I will be buggered if I am giving up my Volante, Monte Cristo's and Châteauneuf-du-Pape to go back to the soil just because someone reckons 'we owe it to our children's children.'

PS. I NEVER apply carbon offsetting when flying First Class either. Stuff of nonsense!

Edited by NanLaew
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Do You Wish You Found Pattaya Sooner?

november 1973 was soon enough for me :D

I was going to say that Pattaya was a great place in the late 80ies, I imagine in 1973 it was probably even greater.

As for now :D

for a newbie it was heaven on earth :)

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So, having spotlighted the World's problems maybe now we can get back on topic.

Sorry...........but the question was asked and I answered it honestly rather than ignore the question.

What I said was related to the OPs question.

"Sooner" meant less people pollution, less economic stress, etc.

Most of the places we once liked are now polluted, mainly by people...........too many.

I think I found Pattaya at a good time........mid-80s.

I am glad I had those positive experiences back then when it was different from what it is today.

But I am obviously not happy with the pattern of development that has taken place.

I am not sure if I wish I had found it earlier in the 70s.......maybe it was really good then.

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