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Passport Or A Copy

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I am preparing to send all the paperwork over to my wife in Thailand to apply for her UK Settlement Visa. I just need to know if a copy of my passport will be ok as I don't really want to send the original it as I will need it in the meantime.

If a copy is ok, would it need to be certified?

My passport is the same my wife showed them for previous Visitor Visa's that I was the sponsor for.



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I have to admit I did not certify my passport on any of my wifes applications over the years and it did not get questioned. I suspect they can check validity very easily at the Embassy but common sense says certify it anyway. There does not appear to be a problem doing it yourself.

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As already stated you need to send a certified copy.

'Certified' just means copying your photo page plus any other page with visas/stamps relevant to your entering/exiting Thailand then just sign and date each page yourself.

It DOESN'T mean you have to get a solicitor or other professional person to sign/certify it.

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