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If you think this is bad, take a look at some of the OPs other posts.

To the OP:

Why didn't you pick up the offending old ladies flowerpot and throw it through the windscreen of the offending car?

Better still, sell your car and buy a bike instead.

You remind me of some of my neighbours in England, boundary crazy.

But over here life is taken more casually, so chill out and RELAXXXXXXX.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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The I'm all right and bugger everyone else mentality is extremely irritating. :)

Never were truer words spoken IMHO. I was thinking rather the same thing about the mentality illustrated in this thread, and there was some Pink Floyd lyrics came to mind, which I'm sure anyone over the age of 40 can guess, Jack, but that's what it comes down to, and thing that Thailand needs to teach its middle-class is that they might think that they are as good as the so-called elite because they can afford the payments on a new shiny Honda car, but by the same token the underclass that they were above once upon a time are as good as them now, because anyone can afford to beg borrow or steal a dirty old Honda motorbike, and there are no repayments on those transactions.

Double-parking is a very efficient method of showing the world that you are not worthy of the car you just parked.

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What can you do? You want to beat the crap out of the inconsiderate prik but we are just passing thru and a visitor. Try walking more or taking public transportation whenever you travel to a crowded area that has too few parking. Not a good alternative but maybe keep you sane

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Judging by this thread, this problem happens very often. I did at one point nearly key his car and let the air out of his tires but that would of made things worse.

When he turned up I had to walk off because I was fuming that he could not even say sorry to me. I wanted to have a go but again where would it have gotten me?! We just have to put up with this shit I suppose because had I started on him the guards would probably have sided with him!!!

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If it happens often you can purchase a hydraulic car jack pretty cheap & just move the trash down the road. Sugar in gas or diesel works wonders if your real pissed & will take about the time he gets home for the engine to lock up or seize & punch a rod through the block. The jack would be my first option.

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If you think this is bad, take a look at some of the OPs other posts.

To the OP:

Why didn't you pick up the offending old ladies flowerpot and throw it through the windscreen of the offending car?

Better still, sell your car and buy a bike instead.

You remind me of some of my neighbours in England, boundary crazy.

But over here life is taken more casually, so chill out and RELAXXXXXXX.

bondries have nothing to do with it! My car was blocked for an hour and the guy who blocked it did not even say sorry. That's the point of this post.

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Yes that's a very unpleasant attitude, it doesn't matter what they drive, car, trucks, lorries, bikes, coaches, anything, they will act on the same manner, hi-so or lo-so, all the same, not a word or even a gesture of sorrow, nothing, people coming into your house without being invited, not saying "hello" and helping theirself with what they like.....now, i don't considere myself an unwelcoming person but they REALLY drive you into something you don't want to be, regarding the parking problem by being a "vandal" or the likes you would put yourself at a serious risk to project your person into the next tragedy for the news, i for one would have no problems in even blowing up the vehicle of those not so altruistic people but that's not right, i really like the idea to find a copper to hand out a deserved fine to the culprit, the problem is that they are not always around when we need them and also they might not like our idea.

I remember when i was in BKK, a school in our neighbourood was putting the same song every day, sometime even more times during the same day, the english words on it where costantly repeating "To be number 1" , now i don't know what the rest of the song was about but i am wondering how people are interpreting those words, maybe not the way they should....

Edit: forgot the word "vehicle"

Edited by surayu
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try calling the culprit a bann nok or buffalo in thai and see if it gets a reaction. hence putting the ball back in there court, and a possible case for losing face. after all what have you got to lose, they are in the wrong in the first place. whats the worse thing that could happen. if all goes pear shaped whos the local boy in brown going to side with. the thai whos saying the farang called me a name, or the farang stating his case that he couldnt move his car for over an hour.

just because you are foreigner staying in their country doesnt mean that you dont have a voice to put your opinion across on something you know is moraly wrong.

something i learned a long time a go whislt living in isreal on a kibbutz(the people have much the same kind of mind set, as thais) blinkered, stubborn, self absorbant, not open to debate or discussion, unless you are willing to stick to your guns and stick up for yourself. as i am sure our local resident mod will confirm.

as my thai wife taught me from the very first meal that i shared with her rather large 20 plus family members. "you eat, and eat quickly. you no take food, you hungry!"

from that day on at meal times im the first to put my sticks in and grab a large peice of duck, chicken or pork. with the typical reaction from my mother-in-law of, ah good nong seven/7 hungry, whislt ordering the younger members of the family to pile my plate up with all the delicious food that she has cooked.

moral of the story. dont be so affraid! stick to your principles if you believe them to be wright, if you dont youll be treated in a way that doesnt sit comfortably with you for the remander of your stay in thailand.

Edited by tigerfish
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People used to park in the handicapped parking at our local Tescos all the time until they started to block it with traffic cones. Says everything but it would happen in any countrywhere there are no fines for doing that sort of thing.

Until they start to enforce traffic rules properly and hit people where it hurts the most this sort of thing will go on country wide. By that I mean writing a ticket and making people go and pay it in the appropriate department, not just give some cash to a cop.

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There's only an thin layer of glass between you and putting that car in neutral yourself (for all the pretend "vigilantes" on here). J

Glad I have a driver and don't have to deal with this kind of silliness though.


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Glad I have a driver and don't have to deal with this kind of silliness though.

"Sorry I'm 2 hours late picking you up Asseeyah. Somebody blocked the car in." :D

"Were you having a Starbucks again, Piak?... I think we both know that that's not in your job description. You love to dust, Windex is your friend, and if anyone's going to be double parking, it's you."


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It has to do with the fact that if they have a car they are superior to the rest of the world, no different than how they drive

Traffic signs, red lights, zebra crossings, left turns on Red, are all just guides to these "hi so" people

Not many hi-so people in Issaan, but they are still the rudest drivers I have met anywhere in the world. Having been driven around in the UK, my Thai wife sits in the passenger seat shaking her head and muttering 'selfish' on a regular basis over here. I love most things Thai, but not their driving.

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I was blocked in once whilst parked outside a 7-11. Wifey and I returned to the trusty Triton and couldn't move.

After 10 minutes the wife went and found a policeman who proceeded to write out a ticket, waited for the guy to return and relieved him of 400 bht.

When he saw me the guy started shouting about 'Only blocking in a Farang'. I am pleased to say the cop gave him a lecture about the inconvenience he had caused.

Got blocked many times at Hkt airport. One time, had to wait about 45 minutes. Stayed in the car all the time while security guys were looking. When this guy turned up a policeman fined him. He was shouting abuse and wanted to attack me but the guards could restrain him. I felt very guilty :) said I'm sorry and will never do it again...

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This doesn't happen only in Thailand. A friend of mine just moved from a hiso gated community in Guadalajara Mexico because of the same problem, most days he could not exit his driveway and he elicited no cooperation from the offending drivers/parkers. He is Mexican/American and speaks Spanish, so is not treated as a 'farang'. I also remember the same thing happening in Panama. Maybe just growing pains we must endure in third world countries?

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I was blocked in once whilst parked outside a 7-11. Wifey and I returned to the trusty Triton and couldn't move.

After 10 minutes the wife went and found a policeman who proceeded to write out a ticket, waited for the guy to return and relieved him of 400 bht.

When he saw me the guy started shouting about 'Only blocking in a Farang'. I am pleased to say the cop gave him a lecture about the inconvenience he had caused.

Got blocked many times at Hkt airport. One time, had to wait about 45 minutes. Stayed in the car all the time while security guys were looking. When this guy turned up a policeman fined him. He was shouting abuse and wanted to attack me but the guards could restrain him. I felt very guilty :D said I'm sorry and will never do it again...

Oh you are awful but I like it. :)

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alot of people on TV get parking rage...

Its funny to hear you'd trash someones bike / car / motor / tires over something so simple...

I know its annoying getting stuck in but, for the guy who said he's "moved bikes" and then knocked em over, you gotta be a fakking baby man, a BABY! its funny ahahah i'd pepper spray yah for that, hope no thais see ya doin it either

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Haha, none of you boys would survive as a car owner in Paris, that's for sure...


Oh yes - Parisians - now your talking!

Researchers spend a lot of time constructing indices for stuff like cost of living. It would be great to see a proper piece of analysis on a selfishness index.

Which country in your opinion has the most selfish people?

Edited by SantiSuk
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alot of people on TV get parking rage...

Its funny to hear you'd trash someones bike / car / motor / tires over something so simple...

I know its annoying getting stuck in but, for the guy who said he's "moved bikes" and then knocked em over, you gotta be a fakking baby man, a BABY! its funny ahahah i'd pepper spray yah for that, hope no thais see ya doin it either

Hmmm lets see your kid/Wife/Mother/Boyfriend (insert anyone) has just slashed open his hand in the house, you rush out to the car to get him to hospital beofre he bleeds to death, pretty simple now isnt it, mai pen rai no need for any anger, now that really wouldnt do would it.

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