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Thai Dogs Vs Farang Rights. What Comes First?


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I have dogs all my life. All working dogs from cross bred bad arse pig dogs through racing Grehounds to training German Shephards for the show ring, obedience and agility. Also all my mates had packs of dogs mostly pig dogs but also hunting dogs. Among them the odd nut case. But the mental instability displayed in the odd dog here is nothing to what I have experienced in Thailand.

I have been challenged by generally one dog within a a pack countless times in Thailand all across the country during the middle of the day, including our own soi area in Udon. I enjoy walking so it is not uncommon to cover 10 to 15 km a few times a week around whichever city we are in. Always the same. Walk past a pack of dogs, and about 10 meters past them one of them (the pack leader) will begin growling. No way in hel_l do I leave my back unprotected to a menancing dog so it is face up, advance back at them, and as most of them will immediately run it is then sort out time with the one aggressive pack leader. To date I have been lucky enough to face them down. Key word is luck. I don't run my chance on luck anymore. Don't agree with poisoning them as I have seen my mates dog die from accidential 1080 posioning and would not deliver that fate to any dog. I have something similar now to what Ian Forbes described. My walking staff. One end that the wooden shaft pulls off to release a sharpened steel spike. Haven't had to use it yet. To date the sight of me with the stick, on the back of a few threats with the staff has been enough for the local soi dogs to back off around our area. But that also may be that from our upstairs front window which gives an excellent look into the soi, they are often peppered with sharp stones from my shanghai :)

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Problem: How to get rid of only the the aggressive mutts?


Viagra laced pork.

I like how you think all hippy style .. make love not war :)

We need to find that guy in Phuket about 6 months ago who knew how to talk sweetly into the ears of certain bitches.

Dog Whisper he wasn't.

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I cannot cycle or run the 1km soi between home and a main road, instead take a longer route to avoid the ownerless soi dogs.

A local US lady feeds some of them, and has 'trained' a group of them to run with her when she rides her motorbike to the shop, so of course now they chase other motorbikes too; after Xmas this caused a woman with child to crash on our corner - a tight 90 deg bend where she had no chance but to slow down; all very slow speed but could have been worse.

I would happily poison the lot, and sleep easy, if I had access to an effective, quick method.

My dogs loves running after my bike sometimes i let him run with me through the village. People who dont know me (not that there are many of those) might think he is chasing me trying to bite me. He barks his heart out and follows me and after that he is completely dead and tired and lies down somewhere in the house.

I haven't seen him chase anyone else on a bike but me. Strange thing is the other dogs seem to like chasing me too when i do this with him. Not that there is a problem because i know them but its strange.

So can say its not always the fact that they will chase anyone once taught this. The other of the two dogs is too lazy to chase me and just waits for me to come back and then ambushes the other dog who is tired at this point.

I try not to let him follow me too many times and when i do it i usually do it during the hotter hours of the day when nobody is around to take offense of it.

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Problem: How to get rid of only the the aggressive mutts?


Viagra laced pork.

I like how you think all hippy style .. make love not war :)

We need to find that guy in Phuket about 6 months ago who knew how to talk sweetly into the ears of certain bitches.

Dog Whisper he wasn't.

Sorry i don't know who your referring too

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I can see that I don't need to fear a visit by most of you guys. My dogs would scare you shitless, the way they sound and carry on. Anyone comes close to our 100 meter driveway and all hel_l breaks loose.

We've got another little building project going on right now and you always know when the workers are showing up in the morning or there is a delivery. They bark until they get close enough to get a good sniff.

We teach our neighbors and welcome guests how to act, while leaving salespeople to fear for their lives. Seldom does anyone have the courage to get out of the car, uninvited.

Each dog and each situation has to be evaluated separately. Please don't paint all dogs with the same brush. Having never met a dog that I couldn't deal with, I am perhaps a little to one extreme. Some of you guys are way too far on the other end of the spectrum, however.

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No doubt the dog situation is out of control in this country. They are treated as the equivalent of India's sacred cows. It is really whacko. Malaysia has the right idea - loose dogs are generally not tolerated and they have "dog shooters" who cut the population down from time to time. Unfortunately, I think you will never see that here.

Sadly not, cant believe the dog lovers loony rubbish they spout here. A dog that roams free and bites anyone is a dead dog for me, any dog roaming a street is not a loved dog its just a bone idle owner who cant be arsed to take care of it properly. (pardon the pun)

Add onto all of this the hazard to motorists, cyclists and motorcyclists etc Lost count of the time I see half a dog in the road and seen them get whacked smashing up peoples cars etc costing I dont know how much.

Sheesh I love the ways some of you guys can justify this crap.

Here in the village they dont come close to the roads.. just the roads in the village where cars and motorcycles should drive slowly anyway.

The dogs that roam free here can go into the houses most of the time too, its just that they open the doors. So yes they are cared for here and they are washed a lot too by the owners.

These are not soi dogs just dogs that walk free (but always stay close to their owners house). I do however agree that any dog that bites should not be outside. But people should not complain too much if a dog barks a bit when they pass. (i take care of my dogs when they do but there is a difference between barking and attacking a person)

This is Thailand the Thais let their dogs walk free.. no way that you or anyone can change that. But here in my village they certainly dont let agressive dogs walk free. There is a dog who always barks at me when i pass.. do i get scared .. no .. i just ignore him or stare him down.

I think many people make mountains out of ant hills. Sure there are dangerous dogs but the majority is not. We dont stop driving cars because they kill either.

What you describe is not what I see where I live. Loose dogs apparently belong to no one and are mangy with various skin ailments. Some have scratched the fur off their bodies. At night they run in packs tipping over garbage cans and strewing garbage over the road. At certain times of the year and again at night, howl like wolves at the slightest provocation. They are not only a hazard in terms of biting people, but they wander in and out of the roadway, in front of cars and motorcycles. Many lay in the middle of the road playing "chicken" with the vehicles. Fortunately, where I live on a dead end street, in a small sub-division, people keep their dogs in check. Outside, its a different story.

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[quote name='yabaaaa' post='3364442'

Here in the village they dont come close to the roads.. just the roads in the village where cars and motorcycles should drive slowly anyway.

The dogs that roam free here can go into the houses most of the time too, its just that they open the doors. So yes they are cared for here and they are washed a lot too by the owners.

These are not soi dogs just dogs that walk free (but always stay close to their owners house). I do however agree that any dog that bites should not be outside. But people should not complain too much if a dog barks a bit when they pass. (i take care of my dogs when they do but there is a difference between barking and attacking a person)

This is Thailand the Thais let their dogs walk free.. no way that you or anyone can change that. But here in my village they certainly dont let agressive dogs walk free. There is a dog who always barks at me when i pass.. do i get scared .. no .. i just ignore him or stare him down.

I think many people make mountains out of ant hills. Sure there are dangerous dogs but the majority is not. We dont stop driving cars because they kill either.

What you describe is not what I see where I live. Loose dogs apparently belong to no one and are mangy with various skin ailments. Some have scratched the fur off their bodies. At night they run in packs tipping over garbage cans and strewing garbage over the road. At certain times of the year and again at night, howl like wolves at the slightest provocation. They are not only a hazard in terms of biting people, but they wander in and out of the roadway, in front of cars and motorcycles. Many lay in the middle of the road playing "chicken" with the vehicles. Fortunately, where I live on a dead end street, in a small sub-division, people keep their dogs in check. Outside, its a different story.

Different folk different stroke i guess. I live not to far from BKK and all the dogs here have "owners" That does not mean they are inside all day. Most are just outside but hey have a house they return to all the time. There they are fed and usually get their medicine against fleas and so on. Real street dogs with ailments your talking about are not present here.

The dogs in general are well behaved but some do fight with other dogs and yes at night dogs seem to bark sometimes. When my dogs hear that they usually join in and i try to get them to shut up.

Im sure there are places where dogs are a nuisance but not here they are all nice here. But sure the dogs bark at some people and some people are scared of them. The moment i see my dogs (usually just 1) bark at someone i will grab the dog or scare the dog away. They are not aggressive but just love to bark and follow people a bit (only certain people 99% no problems)

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I am Farang (Australian) not one of thier own. My son is mixed and my wife is Thai (mixed) but still thai. I love my Family and love Thailand. Maybe I have different objectives to you.

I just dont believe something that absurd, i have been here now for 4 years and have seen crazy things but this is a bit too crazy. Here in my village if a dog attacked me i would not have a problem. If you were attacked by my dog and you kick it and you did nothing to make him attack you it would be me who would be paying you. This is what has been explained to me by other Thais who leave their dogs walk free.

Robblok I respect you and what you are saying. I do but please do not insinuate that I am lying. What I say is the absolute truth. I am talking about a group of dogs that came to stay in a home that we always walked past. The dogs were there because of the family moving in to look after the home whilst the owners were in England. Maybe they were protecting territority. Thais love thier dogs is true. I have spoken to the English guy and his wife since they moved back and there are no hard feelings towards them. The wife did say tho that she hates the brothers dogs as they are trained to fight.

I can believe you mate! No problem, I believe anything here, they will try anything on, especially that "veiled threat" about your visa, they know how important that would be to you, if I was you, I would have tried to have had a chat with a lawyer, if it wasn't as expensive as 40K.

The problem is, at the end of the day, if you are a foreigner here, espescially a WHITE foreigner, they know they can seriously do you over in the cash stakes.

If you didn't cough up the cash for the dog business, they would probably find another way of getting at you..."more than one way to skin a cat" (or a dog, as the case may be) And once the REAL SOI dogs (BIB) are involved, then you are into a hiding for nothing!

Edited by billyliar
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Here in the village they dont come close to the roads.. just the roads in the village where cars and motorcycles should drive slowly anyway.

:):D :D :D :D :D :D

The dogs that roam free here can go into the houses most of the time too, its just that they open the doors. So yes they are cared for here and they are washed a lot too by the owners.

Your kidding? I have never seen a dog in a Thai person's home. Never. And it is pretty darn rare that most of these mutts get a wash.

This is Thailand the Thais let their dogs walk free.. no way that you or anyone can change that.

It will be changed as the culture matures. Happens all over the world. Not that long ago dogs roamed free in all countries around the world. Not now...and for good reasons.

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Here in the village they dont come close to the roads.. just the roads in the village where cars and motorcycles should drive slowly anyway.

:):D :D :D :D :D :D

The dogs that roam free here can go into the houses most of the time too, its just that they open the doors. So yes they are cared for here and they are washed a lot too by the owners.

Your kidding? I have never seen a dog in a Thai person's home. Never. And it is pretty darn rare that most of these mutts get a wash.

This is Thailand the Thais let their dogs walk free.. no way that you or anyone can change that.

It will be changed as the culture matures. Happens all over the world. Not that long ago dogs roamed free in all countries around the world. Not now...and for good reasons.

Rare it might be, here it happens for sure at my neighbors place and the lady washes the dog almost everyday because the dog likes to go swimming.. you can imagine that you don't want that in your house.

So far it hasn't changed so its still allowed.

The motorcycles are going slow here because there are a lot of speed bumps in the village.

So what im saying is true here, doesn't mean its like this all over the place.

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No doubt the dog situation is out of control in this country. They are treated as the equivalent of India's sacred cows. It is really whacko. Malaysia has the right idea - loose dogs are generally not tolerated and they have "dog shooters" who cut the population down from time to time. Unfortunately, I think you will never see that here.

Sadly not, cant believe the dog lovers loony rubbish they spout here. A dog that roams free and bites anyone is a dead dog for me, any dog roaming a street is not a loved dog its just a bone idle owner who cant be arsed to take care of it properly. (pardon the pun)

Add onto all of this the hazard to motorists, cyclists and motorcyclists etc Lost count of the time I see half a dog in the road and seen them get whacked smashing up peoples cars etc costing I dont know how much.

Sheesh I love the ways some of you guys can justify this crap.

Here in the village they dont come close to the roads.. just the roads in the village where cars and motorcycles should drive slowly anyway.

The dogs that roam free here can go into the houses most of the time too, its just that they open the doors. So yes they are cared for here and they are washed a lot too by the owners.

These are not soi dogs just dogs that walk free (but always stay close to their owners house). I do however agree that any dog that bites should not be outside. But people should not complain too much if a dog barks a bit when they pass. (i take care of my dogs when they do but there is a difference between barking and attacking a person)

This is Thailand the Thais let their dogs walk free.. no way that you or anyone can change that. But here in my village they certainly dont let agressive dogs walk free. There is a dog who always barks at me when i pass.. do i get scared .. no .. i just ignore him or stare him down.

I think many people make mountains out of ant hills. Sure there are dangerous dogs but the majority is not. We dont stop driving cars because they kill either.

Oh dear.....................nah I wont bother.

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Embalm the dog?

Thanks to everybody. Most considerate. And lots of good ideas.

But. I'm not Thai. Couldn't do this. Mind it, I could kill it, but not poison. Firearms are out of the question. This leaves airgun shooting heavy pellets? Or an arrow/bow? Or better still, underwater speargun?

Question is how legal are these weapons in Thailand? Self-defense is ok for locals, but do we have the same rights? I THINK I SAW AN AIRGUN FOR SALE, using big (5mm) steel pellet-balls and a small gas cylinder as power source. Is it legal? (I think I know the answer - legal for Thais, but NO-NO to me).

Thanks to all, once again. :)

Why on earth are you looking to kill it when pepper spray will sort out the problem?? Something v wrong there.

Have to say Robblok that my dogs bark at Thais, they ignore Westerners! V odd.

No, when a dog bites a human, and means it, then the dog's time is over on this Earth. If a dog did this to my small girlfriend what was done to the OP it would be dead, period. Pepper spray is a band-aid, antifreeze is a solution. I just value human life much higher than dogs......or any other animals for that matter.

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No, when a dog bites a human, and means it, then the dog's time is over on this Earth. If a dog did this to my small girlfriend what was done to the OP it would be dead, period. Pepper spray is a band-aid, antifreeze is a solution. I just value human life much higher than dogs......or any other animals for that matter.

not sure about that, theres some scumbags out there that i would rate lower than a dog! maybe even lower than a buffalo

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No, when a dog bites a human, and means it, then the dog's time is over on this Earth. If a dog did this to my small girlfriend what was done to the OP it would be dead, period. Pepper spray is a band-aid, antifreeze is a solution. I just value human life much higher than dogs......or any other animals for that matter.

not sure about that, theres some scumbags out there that i would rate lower than a dog! maybe even lower than a buffalo

Not going to argue that, haha. But when an animal has shown the ability and willingness to sink their teeth into a human being.....as worthless or valuable as that human being may or may not be.....it has shown a willingness that can't be tolerated anymore. You, your child, lover, or family may be the next person walking down the beach (in this case). In this situation they are obviously uncontrolled and violent and no one else is going to fix the situation. I would personally sleep easier knowing the beach is safe now for the community and my family.

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No, when a dog bites a human, and means it, then the dog's time is over on this Earth. If a dog did this to my small girlfriend what was done to the OP it would be dead, period. Pepper spray is a band-aid, antifreeze is a solution. I just value human life much higher than dogs......or any other animals for that matter.

not sure about that, theres some scumbags out there that i would rate lower than a dog! maybe even lower than a buffalo

Not going to argue that, haha. But when an animal has shown the ability and willingness to sink their teeth into a human being.....as worthless or valuable as that human being may or may not be.....it has shown a willingness that can't be tolerated anymore. You, your child, lover, or family may be the next person walking down the beach (in this case). In this situation they are obviously uncontrolled and violent and no one else is going to fix the situation. I would personally sleep easier knowing the beach is safe now for the community and my family.


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Poisoned Pork is the best bet. What if you where a lil girl? Or any child or elderly person who may have been seriously torn to peices by the pack. I would killem on that General Principle

This is terrible solution. Subjects too many innocent animals to a horrible death. Stray dogs are a way of life here. I have two dogs that have been attacked several times by strays and it is extremely inconvenient to say the least. I have had several trips to the vet to get my dogs stitched up. Still, I would never consider poison. Dogs consider where ever they happen to settle as theirs. We are to them trespassers and who is to say we aren't.

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Embalm the dog?

Thanks to everybody. Most considerate. And lots of good ideas.

But. I'm not Thai. Couldn't do this. Mind it, I could kill it, but not poison. Firearms are out of the question. This leaves airgun shooting heavy pellets? Or an arrow/bow? Or better still, underwater speargun?

Question is how legal are these weapons in Thailand? Self-defense is ok for locals, but do we have the same rights? I THINK I SAW AN AIRGUN FOR SALE, using big (5mm) steel pellet-balls and a small gas cylinder as power source. Is it legal? (I think I know the answer - legal for Thais, but NO-NO to me).

Thanks to all, once again. :)

You must consider what could happen to you if you kill a dog that belongs to a Thai. Remember, your life is quite cheap to them and they could have you poisoned for a very small fee.

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I can see that I don't need to fear a visit by most of you guys. My dogs would scare you shitless, the way they sound and carry on. Anyone comes close to our 100 meter driveway and all hel_l breaks loose.

We've got another little building project going on right now and you always know when the workers are showing up in the morning or there is a delivery. They bark until they get close enough to get a good sniff.

We teach our neighbors and welcome guests how to act, while leaving salespeople to fear for their lives. Seldom does anyone have the courage to get out of the car, uninvited.

Each dog and each situation has to be evaluated separately. Please don't paint all dogs with the same brush. Having never met a dog that I couldn't deal with, I am perhaps a little to one extreme. Some of you guys are way too far on the other end of the spectrum, however.

If I lived near you, your dogs would be clubbed frequently.

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No, when a dog bites a human, and means it, then the dog's time is over on this Earth. If a dog did this to my small girlfriend what was done to the OP it would be dead, period. Pepper spray is a band-aid, antifreeze is a solution. I just value human life much higher than dogs......or any other animals for that matter.

I don't agree here it depends on the situation, a vicious attack on a child.. sure kill the dog or a warming bite to someone who should not be on your property big difference. But then again most people here love thinking in good / bad or black / white.

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I like dogs. When I was growing up we always had dogs, but mostly hunting dogs: pointers and retrievers. I have been bitten by labradors, cocker spanials, English spanials, dobermans, German shepards, collies, mongrals and gawd knows how many different terriers. But, I've only really been ATTACKED by a Pitt bull. That pitt bull wanted to do some serious damage to me and that is why I killed it. Many dogs will bite if they feel threatened and many will if some stranger comes onto their own turf. That is why so many property owners in Thailand have dogs. The dogs give an early warning that strangers are on the property... or near the property. It helps prevent thefts.

The soi dogs of Asia are a different story. 98 percent of them are good dogs. Mostly they just scrounge for food and sleep where they can. They DO have a pecking order and the Alpha male wanders around showing his dominance occasionally. But, there is always a few nasty ones that can't be trusted. I think those are the ones that need to be culled. No civilized country would stand for having a nasty dog walk around free. But, Thailand is a country without logic.


This little dalmatian cross couldn't have been a nicer pooch and how could I resist not giving him a snack from the table.


This little shitzu made a nice morning snack.


This old bassett was a friendly pooch, but has now gone off to doggy heaven


This is what you usually see with soi dogs... let sleeping dogs lay.


Even the grumpy ones will leave you alone if you don't bother them first. But this old gal DOES need a bra!


And the mangey ones DO pass on their diseases to other dogs. Many dogs in Thailand suffer from lung and heart worms.


But, like so many others have said here... GET RID OF THE DOGS THAT ATTACK OR BITE WITHOUT PROVOCATION!

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If I lived near you, your dogs would be clubbed frequently.

No, only once, and that only if you got lucky. :)

Also my dogs would never be clubbed.. they dont get close enough and run away the moment someone makes a swift movement. That is why i dont worry too much when they bark at someone. They never get close and are real scared of sticks and stuff like that. Would be an other story if you try to come in the house or hit me. Then there is a big chance they would bite.

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If I lived near you, your dogs would be clubbed frequently.

No, only once, and that only if you got lucky. :)

Also my dogs would never be clubbed.. they dont get close enough and run away the moment someone makes a swift movement. That is why i dont worry too much when they bark at someone. They never get close and are real scared of sticks and stuff like that. Would be an other story if you try to come in the house or hit me. Then there is a big chance they would bite.

My meaning was a little different. If someone comes on to my land and tries to club my dogs…well I might feel the need to adapt some earlier posts to fit my passion for justice. :D

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Poisoned Pork is the best bet. What if you where a lil girl? Or any child or elderly person who may have been seriously torn to peices by the pack. I would killem on that General Principle

This is terrible solution. Subjects too many innocent animals to a horrible death. Stray dogs are a way of life here. I have two dogs that have been attacked several times by strays and it is extremely inconvenient to say the least. I have had several trips to the vet to get my dogs stitched up. Still, I would never consider poison. Dogs consider where ever they happen to settle as theirs. We are to them trespassers and who is to say we aren't.

So you are saying that if a pack of stray dogs settle in the soi near your home, it is correct to let them consider this as their territory, and they have the right to chase/bite whomever passes through that soi?

This because they dont know any better?

You can argue that stray dogs are a way of life here, but the fact is that the authorities has already classified them as a pest and a problem.

If anyone in my family got attacked by dogs , including me, Poisoned Pork would be my sollution as well. Even of this dog was owned by someone.

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If I lived near you, your dogs would be clubbed frequently.

No, only once, and that only if you got lucky. :)

Also my dogs would never be clubbed.. they dont get close enough and run away the moment someone makes a swift movement. That is why i dont worry too much when they bark at someone. They never get close and are real scared of sticks and stuff like that. Would be an other story if you try to come in the house or hit me. Then there is a big chance they would bite.

My meaning was a little different. If someone comes on to my land and tries to club my dogs…well I might feel the need to adapt some earlier posts to fit my passion for justice. :D

why even bother with the crap posturing, nobody cares to visit you pack leader. will you be sniffing butts and licking balls next or just howling at the moon?

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why even bother with the crap posturing, nobody cares to visit you pack leader. will you be sniffing butts and licking balls next or just howling at the moon?

You don't threaten a man's family, canine or human, especially on his own property. It just isn't done. :) That is why.

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not read all posts so sorry if this has been written b4. if dog has collar on means it has owner and they should pay all costs plus some, being a farang doubt this would happen. a small cannister of pepper spray works they only need it once then next time they see you a lot of barking from a distance, or if your up wind cs gas. i have taken in 2 abandoned dogs both pit bulls thai soi dogs brick it as soon as we go out. pepper spray the little sods.

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If I lived near you, your dogs would be clubbed frequently.

No, only once, and that only if you got lucky. :)

Also my dogs would never be clubbed.. they dont get close enough and run away the moment someone makes a swift movement. That is why i dont worry too much when they bark at someone. They never get close and are real scared of sticks and stuff like that. Would be an other story if you try to come in the house or hit me. Then there is a big chance they would bite.

My meaning was a little different. If someone comes on to my land and tries to club my dogs…well I might feel the need to adapt some earlier posts to fit my passion for justice. :D

You seem to pleased that your dogs are scaring the crap out of people who are clearly not robbing you or doing you any harm. If this is happening on the road or other public areas, the right thing to do would be to give your dogs a little 2nd party training with a length of bamboo. That is the only responsible thing you can do when dogs have a sociopathic owner and the cops are useless. it is a shame though because the dogs would be receiving what the owner deserves.

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