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Thai Dogs Vs Farang Rights. What Comes First?


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If you are going to feed strays it would be nice if you would spay or neuter them as well. Our menagerie of four dogs and a cat have all been fixed. For the males it was quite easy and done on a table in the yard. The female went to a good vet.

Sqeemishly trying to get that image out of my mind. Not the sort of imagery I look for on a Friday. Did it suddenly get a lot colder here? :)

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If you are going to feed strays it would be nice if you would spay or neuter them as well. Our menagerie of four dogs and a cat have all been fixed. For the males it was quite easy and done on a table in the yard. The female went to a good vet.

At least your talking good sense now VF, maybe we can get along. I don't think I'll get too close to the table in your yard though :)

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I know all the common breeds and what they were originally bred for. And, for the most part, dogs breed true to their type. However, there are always a few that are rogues... and I've met many. Fighting dogs were bred to fight and kill each other. And, no matter how many owners of fighting dogs say their pet is safe, I won't believe it. There are too many statistics showing otherwise.

I also know there is a pack mentality when dogs get together and the alpha male WILL dictate what happens. The others will follow along behind and to what the alpha male does.

The percentage of very nasty dogs that bite people is small, BUT THEY DO OCCUR! To say differently shows ignorance. However, there ARE ways to deal with dangerous animals of all types, but it takes a lot of knowledge and utmost confidence to do so. Not everyone can do it.

Do you honestly think the dogs chasing deer/sheep was not the fault of the owners??

As for the rest of your rant, watch 'The Dog Whisperer'. The breed is not the problem AS LONG AS THE OWNER KNOWS HOW TO DEAL WITH IT. If they don't then again, its the owner who is responsible (they shouldn't have the dog) - not the dog who hasn't been taught to behave properly.

I grew up with a staffy and he was the softest, gentlest, most intelligent dog you could ever ask for. However, he couldn't be trusted with other dogs - so was never allowed to be in that situation. i.e. the owner (my father) made sure a problem would never occur.

Moving to another point you made "However, there ARE ways to deal with dangerous animals of all types, but it takes a lot of knowledge and utmost confidence to do so. Not everyone can do it.". You're absolutely right, BUT owners who are unable to control their dogs can always use a muzzle as soon as they are aware there's a problem.

As for the chasing/aggressive soi dogs, I keep repeating - keep a can of pepper spray in your pocket. DON'T spray it in their face, just near them. Not only will they run away immediately, they will keep away from you in future. It worked wonderfully for me.

I don't disagree with MOST of what you said here, but to say that breeding for certain traits in an animal is not a valid point just shows your ignorance about animals in general. You don't have to teach a young cat to kill a mouse or bird. It will do it naturally. But, if raised with birds and mice from the time it was VERY young, a kitten MIGHT not revert back to natural tendencies. Hunting dogs do not have to be trained to hunt. They do it naturally. Breeds such as Labradours and other retrievers don't have to be taught to retrieve or swim. They do it naturally because those were the traits bred into them. All the many herding dogs don't have to be taught to herd animals. They will herd children or ducks if they don't have any other animals available. And, fighting dogs WERE taught to be aggressive. Just because there are a few that don't fight does not mean the breed as a whole are not potentially dangerous.

I know some adult tigers and lions that are like big pussycats, but that doesn't mean a mature lion or tiger is not a potential threat. The same can be said for venomous snakes. With their handlers they can be harmless, but not necessarily with strangers.

I do agree entirely with your statement that it is the owners responsiblity to make sure their animals are well taken care of and kept from bothering or harming anyone else. What brought this whole discussion is free roaming dogs that nobody seems to be concerned with. Asia is FULL of free running soi dogs. And, as I already stated, most are just nice dogs. But, there are a few that are not, and are potentially dangerous.

We have a LOT of soi dogs in our neighbourhood and I get along with all but one or two. Just yesterday, one seemed to adopt me and followed me on a 4 km walk into town. It had to be chased away when I went into a cafe for a meal. It was kind of a cute little pooch and I still wonder if someone might have abandoned it... as so many dogs are here in Chiang Mai.

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Dogs are like human beings, some of them are gracious, some of them are kind, some of them are temperamental, even some of them are born bandits.

The environment also form the characteristic of the dogs.

I had experience feeding a dog in Chatuchak, I didn't know whether it was a soi dog or it belonged to someone; The dog looked in a good condition.

I asked my 4 years old daughter to give the fried rice (our food leftover), my daughter was scared so she simply threw the food to the dog.

The dog kept laying down and did nothing, just looking to my daughter.

Then I collected the food back into the styrofoam container and put the container in front of it; Slowly it stood and started eating the food.

I told my daughter that when she gives food to anybody or anything, she has to give it politely.

However, if you ask me about what would I do if I were the OP, then I'd consider the poisoned pork.

It is quite reasonable that the pack of dogs is quite dangerous, hence somebody has to do something to eliminate the possibility of problem to someone else.

We know that there is death penalty for human, who is considered dangerous for the rest of the population.

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People do have dreams of what their perfect world would look like. In mine there would be no annoying screams from other's ill-mannered little brats. My desires do not give me the right to go around beating or poisoning them, however.

Just because someone has an irrational fear of dogs does not make all barking dogs a hazard. The villagers around here seem to be reassured by the sound of their dogs.

For those with over 600 dogs a year added to the single street they live on, you have my sympathies but that is hardly common, and I'm sure you are not misrepresenting the facts. :)

Why do a few dog owners have to make such dumb statements?

When I was a kid a group of us who were living in small-town-America were our riding our bikes. Two German shepherds chased us, and because I was in the lead, they went after me. I was remarkably fortunate...none of their bites connected with skin, but there were teeth marks ripped through my loose-fitting pants in several places. The moronic owner came out and said, "Oh, they're very gentle dogs. They wouldn't hurt you."

If you had stopped and refrained from trying to kick the dog, you would not be hounded by your present day dog phobia.

pure speculation and spurious reasoning. he could also be dead.
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I can understand there is a different attitude towards dogs in Thailand verses the WEST; however, if a Thai is going to "claim" the community dog by placing a collar around him, the good Buddhist also needs to do the rest of his good deed by: 1) offering the dog shelter 2) giving it food and water 3) giving it proper shots/ medication. Just allowing the dog to run around isn't any better than a Westerner who believes in dogpounds; infact, maybe a dogpound is more respectful.

A few years ago I was getting a ride on a "motor-bike taxi" and one of those "community dogs" unexpectedly ran in front of the bike becoming an instant speedbump. The motorcycle tipped to its side trapping the dog and also the two of us... the dog was yelping endlessly and meanwhile the driver and myself both had scraped knees and elbows. The surrounding Thais didn't care about us..they cared about the dog's welfare. Next time that happens, I'll start yelping like a dog.

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Kuffki, agree entirely with your first point - and he considers himself a dog lover.....

If its the 'local' soi dogs then you're right - feed them and they'll adore you.

I feed all the local soi dogs and also always have a bag of food with me all the time. So i also feed dogs from other soi's.

Or if out about and i see a soi dog that looks hungry i always leave some food for them.

OH great the more food the more they breed, well done!!! :) seems to me you are part of the problem.

Are you sure you not mentally sick? hOW the heck do you relate feeding them to breeding?Does your ignorance really know no bounds?!

Last time I cheked the more food available for any species the more they breed until saturation level which usually ends in violence as they fight for food/resources, maybe you have a different understanding of this?

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I equate not eating with not living, which then makes it hard to breed, so I say he is right. I also say feed your own dog but don't feed strays, the reason for the millions of diseased mongrels walking the streets is that people feed them.

Half of the time if not most they are sick because of what they eat. they scavenge all around trash and this is where the diseases come from.

in other cases, they could have something mild but due to malnourishment the sickness gets worse.

Yes you may not like seeing them around, but they have just as much right to be on this planet as you and me, so rather then taking a role of a GOD, may be a good idea to consider helping.

Do you have any idea how many of them use to have a home when they were puppy, but once they grew up they were no longer cute-so out the door they go.Sad, very very Sad

The right thing to do would be to round up all the strays, euthanize them and then continue a policy of rounding up strays like civilized countries do. How many diseased suffering dogs do you see in North America. Tough love is required, but obviously you prefer to see decades of suffering so you can feel good about making a dog wag its tail.

I agree with you, but i do not see Thai government rushing over to implement the policy. I do not even see the rush to have a strict policy that shops do not sell sick animal and take all care and vaccinations. As very often once buyers find out their pet is sick, they either do not have the money or desire to pay for medical and just put them out-spreading the disease.

So unfortunately it is not about what is ideal, but what we can do to improve situation as individuals, and feeding them to make them less aggro and hopefully not as sick is better then just ignoring them-as they not going away anytime soon

You dont get it do you FEEDING THEM increases the problem its the worse thing you could do. Let me know when where you live has so many dogs you cant afford to feed yourself for feeding them. :)

How about for each one you feed you neuter it?

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I agree with you, but i do not see Thai government rushing over to implement the policy. I do not even see the rush to have a strict policy that shops do not sell sick animal and take all care and vaccinations. As very often once buyers find out their pet is sick, they either do not have the money or desire to pay for medical and just put them out-spreading the disease.

So unfortunately it is not about what is ideal, but what we can do to improve situation as individuals, and feeding them to make them less aggro and hopefully not as sick is better then just ignoring them-as they not going away anytime soon

You dont get it do you FEEDING THEM increases the problem its the worse thing you could do. Let me know when where you live has so many dogs you cant afford to feed yourself for feeding them. :)

How about for each one you feed you neuter it?

No actually i do not get it, but it seems you do. so why do not you start the program to neuter them i am sure a large number of people would not mind to give some money to such a cause.

Or the best you can do is sit on the computer and winge about the problem yet would not move a finger to actually do something?

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No actually i do not get it, but it seems you do. so why do not you start the program to neuter them i am sure a large number of people would not mind to give some money to such a cause.

Or the best you can do is sit on the computer and winge about the problem yet would not move a finger to actually do something?

I prefer to kill them its a lot easier and that would be my solution, however I am not averse to folk like you neutering, it was a suggestion to you. I did not start the topic. As you dont "get it" theres no point in me repeating why feeding leads to more dogs. OK Ill try again just for the hel_l of it....... NO FOOD = NO DOGS is that easier?

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For Yabaaaa: nO SORRY still do not get it.There is plenty of food for them around, the only difference is food i feed them is full of vitamins to keep them healthy, while food they get from the trash and around the streets is not, which contributes to more diseases to be spread, does not mean they will go away or die.

Since you prefer to kill them, then why do not you?

Does your braveness again only reserves to computer? Like a true internet warrior!

You seem to have lots of suggestions yet you would not move a finger to do anything. May me its time to start acting rather then suggesting.

Which one of the following 3 would you consider best to describe yourself




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Yabaaa, whats your solution for all those beggers and disabled people? also kills them?They sick and dirty and stay around the streets, beg for food and annoy people.

What about all poor Cambodian who have kids and still make for kids and all stay on the streets begging, kill them as well?

Those sick Africans, sick with hiv and so on, kill them as well?

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Kuffki, you're pushing the envelope with your insults!

I am sorry but what did you find insulting?

The fact that he/she believes that dogs are nuisance and all should be killed?

or the fact that he is fighting the battle behind the computer?

I believe in helping animals so i get my back side off the sofa every day, have few less beers and feed them, while he/she sits behind the computer and suggests what needs to be done.

If you believe dogs should be neutered-start the campaign and do it

If you believe dogs should be killed-do the same

But do not sit there behind the computer screen and preach that they annoy and spread desease so they should be killed.

Let me ask you this, what desease can a dog give you that could be fatal? comparing to humans? NOTHING. Anything you can get from a dog can be easily cured, not the same goes for humans.

Really this kind of thinking is really not far from jihads point of views.

So what was insulting?

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Kuffki, you're pushing the envelope with your insults!

I am sorry but what did you find insulting?

The fact that he/she believes that dogs are nuisance and all should be killed?

or the fact that he is fighting the battle behind the computer?

I believe in helping animals so i get my back side off the sofa every day, have few less beers and feed them, while he/she sits behind the computer and suggests what needs to be done.

If you believe dogs should be neutered-start the campaign and do it

If you believe dogs should be killed-do the same

But do not sit there behind the computer screen and preach that they annoy and spread desease so they should be killed.

Let me ask you this, what desease can a dog give you that could be fatal? comparing to humans? NOTHING. Anything you can get from a dog can be easily cured, not the same goes for humans.

Really this kind of thinking is really not far from jihads point of views.

So what was insulting?

Whats insulting is your lack of research :)http://www.vetmed.lsu.edu/animal_bites.htm I wont mention rabies, here boy good doggy.

Edited by yabaaaa
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Let me ask you this, what desease can a dog give you that could be fatal? comparing to humans? NOTHING. Anything you can get from a dog can be easily cured, not the same goes for humans.


You've heard of RABIES haven't you? :)

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Let me ask you this, what desease can a dog give you that could be fatal? comparing to humans? NOTHING. Anything you can get from a dog can be easily cured, not the same goes for humans.


You've heard of RABIES haven't you? :)

Probably only as in "Rabies and gentlemen" :D:D

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Let me ask you this, what desease can a dog give you that could be fatal? comparing to humans? NOTHING. Anything you can get from a dog can be easily cured, not the same goes for humans.


You've heard of RABIES haven't you? :)

Yes that is when you bitten, not by touch or walking past

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Let me ask you this, what desease can a dog give you that could be fatal? comparing to humans? NOTHING. Anything you can get from a dog can be easily cured, not the same goes for humans.


You've heard of RABIES haven't you? :)

Yes that is when you bitten, not by touch or walking past

Your command of English leaves a lot to be desired, Kaffki.

No insult intended, just an obvious fact now.

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Kuffki, you're pushing the envelope with your insults!

I am sorry but what did you find insulting?

The fact that he/she believes that dogs are nuisance and all should be killed?

or the fact that he is fighting the battle behind the computer?

I believe in helping animals so i get my back side off the sofa every day, have few less beers and feed them, while he/she sits behind the computer and suggests what needs to be done.

If you believe dogs should be neutered-start the campaign and do it

If you believe dogs should be killed-do the same

But do not sit there behind the computer screen and preach that they annoy and spread desease so they should be killed.

Let me ask you this, what desease can a dog give you that could be fatal? comparing to humans? NOTHING. Anything you can get from a dog can be easily cured, not the same goes for humans.

Really this kind of thinking is really not far from jihads point of views.

So what was insulting?

Whats insulting is your lack of research :)http://www.vetmed.lsu.edu/animal_bites.htm I wont mention rabies, here boy good doggy.

gOOD point, when the animal bites. So let me think behind my computer as a real warrior. if dog walks around hungry is he/she more likely to bite or not? hmmm that would be a difficult one.

As for your "here boy good doggy." you are nothing but an internet warrior! So please save your pet names for your wife and kids

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Let me ask you this, what desease can a dog give you that could be fatal? comparing to humans? NOTHING. Anything you can get from a dog can be easily cured, not the same goes for humans.


You've heard of RABIES haven't you? :)

Yes that is when you bitten, not by touch or walking past

Your command of English leaves a lot to be desired, Kaffki.

No insult intended, just an obvious fact now.

LOL, I guess when you run out of anything useful or smart to say, you have to resort to this kind of comments

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Dogs are territorial. The more dogs there are, the less "territory" there is for them. The less territory means more dog fights. Combine humans into this equation & you end up with more humans being needlessly savaged. Further combine the <deleted> who feed these rabid beasts & you end up with a huge dog population, which will fight anything for the ever decreasing lump of turf it requires.

The solution is simple...reduce the human population & the dog population should also decrease. Since this is not easily "do-able", stop feeding the dogs & let them die off naturally.

By far the best suggestion, primarily due to the number of humans sharing the same space as the dogs, is to instigate some sort of control measures...like dog catchers, sterilisation etc based upon RSPCA principles of course.

If you feed a dog, take it in as your pet & pay to get all of the vaccinations etc. By letting it live on the street, you are simply a 50% carer & adding to the already HUGE dog problem.

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Let me ask you this, what desease can a dog give you that could be fatal?

Rabies, Scabies, Lyme disease, bleeding to death,

again all the mentioned applies if bitten. also shots for rabies fix the problem.

let me try to put it this way, say you go to the swimming pool and in the pool you have people and dogs. if you were to get a desease, from whom do you think the desease would come from? other people in that pool or the dogs in the same pool.

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Dogs are territorial. The more dogs there are, the less "territory" there is for them. The less territory means more dog fights. Combine humans into this equation & you end up with more humans being needlessly savaged. Further combine the <deleted> who feed these rabid beasts & you end up with a huge dog population, which will fight anything for the ever decreasing lump of turf it requires.

The solution is simple...reduce the human population & the dog population should also decrease. Since this is not easily "do-able", stop feeding the dogs & let them die off naturally.

By far the best suggestion, primarily due to the number of humans sharing the same space as the dogs, is to instigate some sort of control measures...like dog catchers, sterilisation etc based upon RSPCA principles of course.

If you feed a dog, take it in as your pet & pay to get all of the vaccinations etc. By letting it live on the street, you are simply a 50% carer & adding to the already HUGE dog problem.

meet another internet warrior.

Your suggestions have already been discussed and talked about few pages back.

"<deleted>"(from your post) is that what your wife calls you or what you call her?

Edited by kuffki
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