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New Pattaya Police Chief Continues Cleaning Out The Trash


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New Pattaya police chief continues cleaning out the trash

Something tells me he's going to be a very busy man for a very long time :)

As far as I know Pattaya, there could be thousands of Osama’s and other ‘trash’. Lots with fake passports, so how do they know who is who, ? Don’t you think that there’s a lot of homemade trash as well? Good luck, hope you’ve got the yellow Hummer to show them who you are……………..

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This guy seems to making every effort to do his job and it is appreciated by a lot of people. Many of the people who will be arrested and deported are not very nice people and they cause a lot of problems for both Thais and Farangs.

I can understand the cynicism of many posters, but there are a few honest and good guys in the group. I hope this is one of them.

Sawasdee khrap Scott, I hope you’re right………………….

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This guy seems to making every effort to do his job and it is appreciated by a lot of people. Many of the people who will be arrested and deported are not very nice people and they cause a lot of problems for both Thais and Farangs.

I can understand the cynicism of many posters, but there are a few honest and good guys in the group. I hope this is one of them.

Yes I agree but he has a huge job ahead of him. Personally I think a job that he or anyone else can not do. I love Thailand and the people of Thailand but places like Pattaya and now Phuket have tarnished the true image of Thailand. These places depict Thailand as a land of who**s and this is wrong. The people that go to these places are chasing one thing. Thailand is awonderful place.

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This guy seems to making every effort to do his job and it is appreciated by a lot of people. Many of the people who will be arrested and deported are not very nice people and they cause a lot of problems for both Thais and Farangs.

I can understand the cynicism of many posters, but there are a few honest and good guys in the group. I hope this is one of them.

100% agree.

People should be giving him their support and not criticise someone who has a tough job ahead, the results that will hopefully benefit us all.

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They are fullfilling Interpol's red and yellow notices, since Interpol opened a branch in pattaya, looks like they have joined forces into working together.

Also British Police Soca have opened up offices in Bangkok.

This explains why Col.Rongwerm got re-assigned. Like "Sifu" these fugitives were probably all his mates.

Why not SIFU for all, guys take your money, buy a Hummer and help him to clean this untidy town of unbelievable fun for the rich people who made lots of money like the Rus…….M a….. people.

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I wish the new police chief "choke dee" in his endeavors. Interesting that Interpol has set up an office in Pattaya presumably looking for small fish when they probably had ample opportunites to get the biggest fish of all, Thaksin, during his many global excursions. Wonder why they don't set up a new office in Cambodia? :)

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This guy seems to making every effort to do his job and it is appreciated by a lot of people. Many of the people who will be arrested and deported are not very nice people and they cause a lot of problems for both Thais and Farangs.

I can understand the cynicism of many posters, but there are a few honest and good guys in the group. I hope this is one of them.

Thank you for taking the high road on this one. So far, the fellow is trying to make a positive impact. Instead of belittling the gentleman, it would be nice if his efforts were supported and encouraged. After all, he is delivering on what so many people in TV have been demanding.

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Is it actually possible there is a straight brown short who will actually clean the scum bags from Thailand? I would live in hope but well done so far! :)

I would argue no, as to rise to such a position usually requires one to gain quite a few stains on your brown shirt as you feed and allow others to feed at the trough !

I would hope that your (probably) deserved cynicism is unfounded in this case. It would appear that the man has been given a job to do

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An absolute worthless joke. One Korean and thousands of criminals in one of the largest brothels in the world. Who is kidding who?

Oh yea of little faith, it is the second positive move in one week, give the guy a little credit. Or go live somewhere that you like.

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an extremely difficult task, but he seems to be honest about it.

Not to forget the locals here up in higher places. It's a change of inheritance for many, at least that is what one told me a long time ago and that person was really connected to the hi-so.

I also seen a change on Sukhumvit in Bangkok recently. One person pointed out to me that a certain group/person, selling drinks on the footpath is directly a relative to Sondhi. He was described to me as "men" in Thai which means "stinks" or "bad smell".

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I'll be impressed when he cleans up the tuk tuk drivers, the jet ski operators....

I'll be impressed if he can find any tuk tuk drivers in Pattaya - no such thing!

There is one, I think he's from Phuket though but he bought one of those knock off GPS units from Chatuchak market.

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As many commentators have pointed out, the police seem to be targeting foreigners with warrants out against them in the their home countries, this cane be seen as a prelude to acceptance into the big boys club of international policing. Start with criminals of other countries, gain acceptance, and assistance from countries with reputable policing and detection techniques, thereby gaining yet more credence.

I'm old enough to remember when Spain was viewed in much the same way as Thailand is now, when the Costa del Sol was known as the Costa del Crime, and Britons took cheap holidays in the sun along that same coastline, isn't that starting to sound like Pattaya. Most Thai's are involved in petty crime, or are the muscle for the real criminals with the money, usually foreigners, so clear up the foreign criminals, keep partner countries happy and put many local criminals out of business as you go.

I realise it's easy to be cynical, especially if you live among the crime and corruption, but the crackdown has to start with the big boys, an age old concept, as seen with the Mafia in America in the 20's, the punks are 10-a-penny, and easily replaced, while the crime kings sit pretty.

The other advantage of these high profile arrests is to instill fear in the lawless Thai's, who will either go on the straight and narrow, or face prison as the crack down goes down the layers of organised crime one by one. Of course the corruption in the Thai police forces will have to be countered, and that can be tackled by training. A better trained force of few is better than cheap and plenty, so expect to see fewer police on the streets, and better paid cops less likely to accept bribes. Who would risk a well paid career and pension for a back hander, only the criminal or insane, or even the criminally insane.

Yes, even in the best trained and equipped police forces there are bad eggs, but they are the exception rather than the rule, and they get caught eventually.

Of course I could be wrong!!!!!


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You can clean out all the trash you want, but it would make more sense to start at home. Maybe there is after all a career after the police for 80% plus of the force. Who knows.

We all know that corruption in all levels of government is endemic, however that is a completely separate issue from what currently appears to be happening. If Thailand eliminates the major Farang criminals from Pattaya, or Phuklet, or BKK, that has to be a good move.

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As many commentators have pointed out, the police seem to be targeting foreigners with warrants out against them in the their home countries, this cane be seen as a prelude to acceptance into the big boys club of international policing. Start with criminals of other countries, gain acceptance, and assistance from countries with reputable policing and detection techniques, thereby gaining yet more credence.

I'm old enough to remember when Spain was viewed in much the same way as Thailand is now, when the Costa del Sol was known as the Costa del Crime, and Britons took cheap holidays in the sun along that same coastline, isn't that starting to sound like Pattaya. Most Thai's are involved in petty crime, or are the muscle for the real criminals with the money, usually foreigners, so clear up the foreign criminals, keep partner countries happy and put many local criminals out of business as you go.

I realise it's easy to be cynical, especially if you live among the crime and corruption, but the crackdown has to start with the big boys, an age old concept, as seen with the Mafia in America in the 20's, the punks are 10-a-penny, and easily replaced, while the crime kings sit pretty.

The other advantage of these high profile arrests is to instill fear in the lawless Thai's, who will either go on the straight and narrow, or face prison as the crack down goes down the layers of organised crime one by one. Of course the corruption in the Thai police forces will have to be countered, and that can be tackled by training. A better trained force of few is better than cheap and plenty, so expect to see fewer police on the streets, and better paid cops less likely to accept bribes. Who would risk a well paid career and pension for a back hander, only the criminal or insane, or even the criminally insane.

Yes, even in the best trained and equipped police forces there are bad eggs, but they are the exception rather than the rule, and they get caught eventually.

Of course I could be wrong!!!!!


I dont think so

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As many commentators have pointed out, the police seem to be targeting foreigners with warrants out against them in the their home countries, this cane be seen as a prelude to acceptance into the big boys club of international policing. Start with criminals of other countries, gain acceptance, and assistance from countries with reputable policing and detection techniques, thereby gaining yet more credence.

I'm old enough to remember when Spain was viewed in much the same way as Thailand is now, when the Costa del Sol was known as the Costa del Crime, and Britons took cheap holidays in the sun along that same coastline, isn't that starting to sound like Pattaya. Most Thai's are involved in petty crime, or are the muscle for the real criminals with the money, usually foreigners, so clear up the foreign criminals, keep partner countries happy and put many local criminals out of business as you go.

I realise it's easy to be cynical, especially if you live among the crime and corruption, but the crackdown has to start with the big boys, an age old concept, as seen with the Mafia in America in the 20's, the punks are 10-a-penny, and easily replaced, while the crime kings sit pretty.

The other advantage of these high profile arrests is to instill fear in the lawless Thai's, who will either go on the straight and narrow, or face prison as the crack down goes down the layers of organised crime one by one. Of course the corruption in the Thai police forces will have to be countered, and that can be tackled by training. A better trained force of few is better than cheap and plenty, so expect to see fewer police on the streets, and better paid cops less likely to accept bribes. Who would risk a well paid career and pension for a back hander, only the criminal or insane, or even the criminally insane.

Yes, even in the best trained and equipped police forces there are bad eggs, but they are the exception rather than the rule, and they get caught eventually.

Of course I could be wrong!!!!!


You're on to something called "constructive" and should be considered as such.

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A couple of early posters in the thread mentioned the new Interpol office in Pattaya, and a few alluded to the need to catch the local (Thai) criminals.

Sorry, maybe I misunderstand, but exactly why would INTERpol have an over-riding interest in arresting Thais in their own country? I thought they were supposedly to facilitate cross-border investigations and arrests - you know, like ermmm .... foreigners in someone else's country? Could the "Inter" in the name actually refer to "International"?

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I can't see why some are complaining. It seems the BIB are damned if they do, and damned if they don't. Maybe for a change though, there are a few officers up the chain who are committed to getting rid of the criminals, and are finally working with overseas organisations to clean it up. This at least will give the BIB a little more credibility in the future with other police organisations. A lot of the Farang criminals that are around at present are not exactly keeping the lowest of profiles, even if they have diversified somewhat in their operations - hope the BIB and Immigration keep it up.

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New Pattaya police chief continues cleaning out the trash

Something tells me he's going to be a very busy man for a very long time :D

The only thing I know for sure (with enough evidence) is that he started already with an awful mistake in arresting a Belgian biker (Mr. Robert Verdickt) so-called for reasons that the Belgian Justice was in search of him. That is a big lie and totally untrue. The Ministry of Justice in Belgium has vehemently denied this rumour (which was started by this crook himself). His second allegation that Interpol was looking for him was as false as his first lie. This guy is going totally berserk and is only looking for personal success and glory which will bring him inevitably down to the lowest level of incompetent police officers ever in this country. His next job will be in Yala or Pattani. I am sure of it.

Why should Thai authorities have given him a one year visa just 3 months ago, if he was searched at and on a wanted list as a criminal? He has NEVER been sentenced for rape or sex offenses. This is all pure sheer Thai nonsense to justify the crazy action taken by this new crooked police-officer.

Away with him: he's an incompetent and unprofessional medal hunter... He is very dangerous. Send him back to the rice fields or give him a job in Narathiwat. With such a creep no one is safe anymore in this country. :):D:D

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Is it actually possible there is a straight brown short who will actually clean the scum bags from Thailand? I would live in hope but well done so far! :)

Yep Agree this has surely got to be some good news for the majority of us. Lets get rid of all the trash, Falang and Thai, though as somebody said it will be a big job in Pattaya. Getting rid of all (or even just some ) of the pimps and fraudsters and scam artists has got to make it a better place and leave the girls to work totally freelance as they should be. Bars should employ the girls only as bar staff to help sell drinks and keep the customers happy then if they "take time" out to earn some good money for themselves, they need to just make up their lost wages for a few hours (which means no more than 200 Baht "bar fine" at the very most based on their wages and more honestly probably only 100 Baht) The bar benefits anyway from attracting more customers where the girls are "available" for private hire. the deal between girl and client is nothing to do with the bar and legally it must not be either.

So lets clear out the scum for sure and make it a better place for the most of us who are honest folk just here to live peacefully and/or have a good time, and nothing wrong with that for sure.

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