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Finally Happy!


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I am in Thailand now for almost five years. In the beginning I was afraid and really glad to have someone around me that spoke both Thai as well as English.

I found out that in most cases, it is a wrong choice. In general these people are just money chasers who want only one thing, and that is to undress you financially.

All this time I lived in Chiangrai, I did not know better. Sometimes, when I passed Chiang Rai because I was on my way to Mae Sai, I thought... This is a real dead city.. I never would want to live here.

Until I met my "Girl" here, she worked at the Little Duck doing massage we met through internet. She hardly spoke any English but with hands and feet, expressions and patience we learned to communicate.

She is the first one that did not only "Take" from me but also loves to give. And she gives a lot.

She had/has a small house in the middle of nowhere, it looked like a piggery but it had walls, a roof and windows which is, for most Thai, enough and I promised myself absolutely Not to live here.

We started to visit the house a few times, to meet her family who lives nextdoor, and slowly I saw the beauty of the neighborhood, her land, the possibilities of the house etc. So four months ago we decided to go move to this small house, overhaul it, build some new things etc.

Through the months I started to really love this environment, the family always helping, her two sons who call me Poh already. I can tell you many things... it is so different from the rest of the world.

Now our small house is a beaut. Not finished yet but it will come. We have three pigs, more than 70 chicken, vegetables and fruits. We live like like small farmers with the luxury of everything the land gives us.

Tomorrow we marry for Buddha.

A big party arranged by the neighborhood, they are already busy working for two days. Everything is taken care of. These are the things I really missed in Both Holland as well as Chiang Rai where everyting is build around money.

We would love to invite all of you celebrate this wedding with us to meet my beautiful wife, I love her with all my heart and my soul and I am 100% sure she loves me the same, her family and the surrounding we live in.

We all would be very honoured.

Our address is:

65 Moo 15 Sancharoen

T. Donsila A, Wieng Chai.

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Good Luck and All The Best


Yes, I second that.

Thanks Jantje for your great posting!

Also from me the best wishes!

I hope I can join you and your princess for a 'proost' on the happy happening.

Have a great day!

Limbo :)

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While I don't live in Chiang Rai (under consideration), I don't want to miss a chance to send my best wishes to a man who is deliriously happy (and also because, I'm half Dutch) and getting married tomorrow. All the best to you, your village and your wonderful Thai girl! :)

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It sounds like you live on the road 1306. I have wondered around that area a few times on my motorbike and it has a nice remote feel to it.

A nice place to carve out your own little piece of heaven. Welcome to the club. (Happily married for more than ten years and living in the Rai.)

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Congratulations, cmjantje.

I won't be able to attend your celebrations but thank you for the invitation. What a nice thing to do!

My wife and I wish you the best and the fullest of futures.

Quote: Kaoboi Bebobp: "While I don't live in Chiang Rai (under consideration), I don't want to miss a chance to send my best wishes to a man who is deliriously happy (and also because, I'm half Dutch) and getting married tomorrow. All the best to you, your village and your wonderful Thai girl!"

Kaoboi Bebobp, I suspect your wedding will be just a bit cooler than the one being celebrated here. Congratulations to you as well. Maybe one day you'll talk her into making this place home, for both of you. If you do, you and cmjantje will have some common ground to start a friendship on.


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What a Lovely post, Cmjamtje makes a nice change to read something like that. Much better than the doom and gloom.

Myself and my wife. Wish you and your wife, Every happiness in your future life together.

Thank's for the Invite It's just a tad too far from the UK. Kennkate.

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I was tempted to drive the 50 or so kms to see the nuptials but I have a visitor taking up my time and I also suspect it may be hard to find and the wife is busy with a family ordination today.

I've left my congratulations in cmjantje's comments box in his profile, a more permanent record perhaps than open forum. (Where I have also made them).

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So isn't anyone going to have the good manners, to follow up and ask how things when on the happy day? :)

Yeah just got married, very happy with his new Wife, doing whatever, last thing on his mind is signing on to TV at the moment


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Of course I can tell you about yesterday And today.

Yesterday was Beautiful. First we had the celebration of course and after that the party started. I was very glad to meet some of your TV members, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

The party ended around 9 in the evening.

About 150 people came, eated, drank, sung, danced... It was really heartwarming.

5 boxes of whiskey, 10 boxes of beer, one whole pig (was not enough, we had to order 10 kg more)... Everything was finished.

The people (the women) who worked all day, cooking things, serving the food and drinks, the karaoke.. really everything was perfect. If I say that I never had a party like this I lie, because I had it yesterday.

Today around 7 in the morning the men and women came back to clean everything and after that we had an afterparty.


Now it is 23.00, and I go to bed as a really happy ( and mao nitnoy) man!

THIS is why I love Thailand! Too bad it took me 60 years :)

I really hope you all have or will get the same happiness like I have now!

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Of course I can tell you about yesterday And today.

Yesterday was Beautiful. First we had the celebration of course and after that the party started. I was very glad to meet some of your TV members, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

The party ended around 9 in the evening.

About 150 people came, eated, drank, sung, danced... It was really heartwarming.

5 boxes of whiskey, 10 boxes of beer, one whole pig (was not enough, we had to order 10 kg more)... Everything was finished.

The people (the women) who worked all day, cooking things, serving the food and drinks, the karaoke.. really everything was perfect. If I say that I never had a party like this I lie, because I had it yesterday.

Today around 7 in the morning the men and women came back to clean everything and after that we had an afterparty.


Now it is 23.00, and I go to bed as a really happy ( and mao nitnoy) man!

THIS is why I love Thailand! Too bad it took me 60 years :)

I really hope you all have or will get the same happiness like I have now!

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It is refreshing to hear from someone so very happy with his lot in life. So happy in fact that he is willing to tell us twice. :D (double post)

A broad welcoming smile, a firm handshake, an easy unassuming air and a joy that radiates with an unmistakable flush of satisfaction and fulfillment.

These moments should be bottled and saved, for they are rare. Then uncorked and savored again during less fortunate days. That his wish for all come true. That we all experience the happiness that he has now.

For the cynics, he was just waiting for someone to ask. :)

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Of course I can tell you about yesterday And today.

Yesterday was Beautiful. First we had the celebration of course and after that the party started. I was very glad to meet some of your TV members, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

The party ended around 9 in the evening.

About 150 people came, eated, drank, sung, danced... It was really heartwarming.

5 boxes of whiskey, 10 boxes of beer, one whole pig (was not enough, we had to order 10 kg more)... Everything was finished.

The people (the women) who worked all day, cooking things, serving the food and drinks, the karaoke.. really everything was perfect. If I say that I never had a party like this I lie, because I had it yesterday.

Today around 7 in the morning the men and women came back to clean everything and after that we had an afterparty.


Now it is 23.00, and I go to bed as a really happy ( and mao nitnoy) man!

THIS is why I love Thailand! Too bad it took me 60 years :)

I really hope you all have or will get the same happiness like I have now!

Nice One.. :D

Have a Great Long Life Together

I can tell you didn't have to be prompted to report back on such a long lovely day


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