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Crackdown On Pattaya Beach Road Prostitutes

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They should better clear the beach road of the bad semelling garbages everywhere, look that Restaurants and Hotels not put all their garbages at the public containers on the beach. Those businesses should have their own garbage storages. They should also clear up all the motorblye rentals who occuppies all the parking spaces acround the beach road, because there is impossible to parking a car on a public parking space unless you go in a shopping centre. This is for me more "the reason" why i avoid the Pattaya beach, because i can't park my car.

BTW how can they check which one of the "chicks sitting on the beach is a "prost", and which one isn't?

Tattoos, just look to see if they have any its sort of a hookers uniform.

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Permit me to compliment you on your "...dog with two dicks..." metaphor. I first heard the phrase when working in in 'Dixie' (southeastern USA) some time ago and was left to think that no one else had ever even heard it!

Around Pattaya there's more likelihood of seeing a 'dick with two dogs'!

'many a true word is spoken in jest'

Great observation

nice one!


I didn't know they had any beaches in Pattaya ! There have been rumours floating around for years that the beer bars were to be closed down for good. Same as what they did in Manila , Phillipines. The social elite of Bangkok dont like them. Probably will happen one day. Everything changes overtime.
If it will happen, 80% of foregners not visit Pattaya anymore. At the meditarian sea you'll find much more nice and clean beaches (Italy and South France) than in Thailand. And in those countries is a "classy life", no smelly dirty markets, smelly garbage containers, no dirty beaches, nice and clean roads, nice yacht harbers, street cafes, old castels, museums, historic buildings (no boring shophouses), etc. If this happen, Real Estates Companies Shopping Centres, Restaurants, Hotels most of them wil close down, epecially housing prices are almost similar than in Europe or US. So whe someone whould come overhere? The different is only that: Overhere you can't own your house. So i guess Pattaya will never change, unless they want get out of all tourists.
It is much more environmentally friendly to catch and release.

Catch and release?? That sounds more like a colorfull description of S.O.P. at nearly all of Thailand's massage shops, than what's happening on the beaches. And I doubt something that messy could be friendly to the environment. Oh wait. That can't be right.. there IS no "love for sale" in the LOS. I forgot. :)

My impression has always been that the girls that hang down by the beach are infected with HIV or too addicted to drugs to be able to hold a job at any bar.

Maybe I'm wrong and its the sweet innocent ones who don't know how to get a job at a bar, but I've always rather thought that punters who take beach girls have a death wish anyway, and to what lengths should we go to protect them from themselves.

Kindof harsh I know, but they're obviously willing to engage in very risky behaviour and will come a cropper one way or another anyway

So you're a bar owner then? :D

Very unfair comment, these girls simply prefer to work for themselves (or so I'm told), :) .

BTW how does one tell a Russian mafia prostitute from an ordinary Thai prostitute?? Serious question, but if you folks want to add punchlines, please feel free....within the rules, of course.

Of course, they're all free spirited, independently minded entrepreneurs who don't want to be tied down by the rules imposed by "The Man". Well obviously their clients are discerning gentleman not threatened by a strong independent woman and wanting something more than a submissive bar girl. (With a one in three chance of getting something more)

Some of them are that and some not and have other reasons for not wanting to work in a bar. And what crap are you on about "strong indepedent woman"? And your statistics are based upon what? What is something more? Do not speak in riddles.

Silly question - but why do the police wait for late at night - there are lots of "girls" hanging around in the daytime - or are they just relaxing?

It's too hot.

The police run the bars: bar fines, kick backs etc. Freelancing must be discouraged... get back in the pen girls

They should better clear the beach road of the bad semelling garbages everywhere, look that Restaurants and Hotels not put all their garbages at the public containers on the beach. Those businesses should have their own garbage storages. They should also clear up all the motorblye rentals who occuppies all the parking spaces acround the beach road, because there is impossible to parking a car on a public parking space unless you go in a shopping centre. This is for me more "the reason" why i avoid the Pattaya beach, because i can't park my car.

BTW how can they check which one of the "chicks sitting on the beach is a "prost", and which one isn't?

Tattoos, just look to see if they have any its sort of a hookers uniform.

I met one who had PAY before you ENTER just above it

They should better clear the beach road of the bad semelling garbages everywhere, look that Restaurants and Hotels not put all their garbages at the public containers on the beach. Those businesses should have their own garbage storages. They should also clear up all the motorblye rentals who occuppies all the parking spaces acround the beach road, because there is impossible to parking a car on a public parking space unless you go in a shopping centre. This is for me more "the reason" why i avoid the Pattaya beach, because i can't park my car.

BTW how can they check which one of the "chicks sitting on the beach is a "prost", and which one isn't?

Tattoos, just look to see if they have any its sort of a hookers uniform.

I met one who had PAY before you ENTER just above it


She could probably make more money selling tourist snaps than selling cheap bonks

I didn't know they had any beaches in Pattaya ! There have been rumours floating around for years that the beer bars were to be closed down for good. Same as what they did in Manila , Phillipines. The social elite of Bangkok dont like them. Probably will happen one day. Everything changes overtime.

Well if the "social elite of Bangkok" don't like bars, but they have not even made a serious try to close them down in Bangkok yet (wonder who owns them...) then I feel that Pattaya would be lower down on their agenda. Unless of course the plan is to preserve the nightlife in Bangkok but shut down the Farang playgrounds first.

In reality it is not going to effect to many people just the desparate gutter crawlers and the sex tourists for the large majority of us who really cares.

Bit of an "elitist" attitude :)


They do it now and again, but a show only, I walked past the Police Station yesterday on Beach road and there were loads of girls and some very nice lookers too

I didn't know they had any beaches in Pattaya ! There have been rumours floating around for years that the beer bars were to be closed down for good. Same as what they did in Manila , Phillipines. The social elite of Bangkok dont like them. Probably will happen one day. Everything changes overtime.
If it will happen, 80% of foregners not visit Pattaya anymore. At the meditarian sea you'll find much more nice and clean beaches (Italy and South France) than in Thailand. And in those countries is a "classy life", no smelly dirty markets, smelly garbage containers, no dirty beaches, nice and clean roads, nice yacht harbers, street cafes, old castels, museums, historic buildings (no boring shophouses), etc. If this happen, Real Estates Companies Shopping Centres, Restaurants, Hotels most of them wil close down, epecially housing prices are almost similar than in Europe or US. So whe someone whould come overhere? The different is only that: Overhere you can't own your house. So i guess Pattaya will never change, unless they want get out of all tourists.

and over there most people who come to Thailand to live cannot afford a house.


I'd rather see a baht bus driver round up, or groups of kids hauling butt on motobikes round up. Harrassing hookers in a city built on prostitution is a bit silly.

I didn't know they had any beaches in Pattaya ! There have been rumours floating around for years that the beer bars were to be closed down for good. Same as what they did in Manila , Phillipines. The social elite of Bangkok dont like them. Probably will happen one day. Everything changes overtime.

Well if the "social elite of Bangkok" don't like bars, but they have not even made a serious try to close them down in Bangkok yet (wonder who owns them...) then I feel that Pattaya would be lower down on their agenda. Unless of course the plan is to preserve the nightlife in Bangkok but shut down the Farang playgrounds first.


The "social elite" I know of Bangkok stay away from Pattaya. It is looked upon as the armpit of Thailand by them with the shirtless, fat farangs running around and with all the beer bars in the open. They prefer to go to Hua Hin. If some of the BKK Thai families come to Pattaya for the weekend, they basically stay at a five star hotel and don't leave the resort.

They should better clear the beach road of the bad semelling garbages everywhere, look that Restaurants and Hotels not put all their garbages at the public containers on the beach. Those businesses should have their own garbage storages. They should also clear up all the motorblye rentals who occuppies all the parking spaces acround the beach road, because there is impossible to parking a car on a public parking space unless you go in a shopping centre. This is for me more "the reason" why i avoid the Pattaya beach, because i can't park my car.

BTW how can they check which one of the "chicks sitting on the beach is a "prost", and which one isn't?

the "prost " are the ones eating bananas

I didn't know they had any beaches in Pattaya ! There have been rumours floating around for years that the beer bars were to be closed down for good. Same as what they did in Manila , Phillipines. The social elite of Bangkok dont like them. Probably will happen one day. Everything changes overtime.

Well if the "social elite of Bangkok" don't like bars, but they have not even made a serious try to close them down in Bangkok yet (wonder who owns them...) then I feel that Pattaya would be lower down on their agenda. Unless of course the plan is to preserve the nightlife in Bangkok but shut down the Farang playgrounds first.


The "social elite" I know of Bangkok stay away from Pattaya. It is looked upon as the armpit of Thailand by them with the shirtless, fat farangs running around and with all the beer bars in the open. They prefer to go to Hua Hin. If some of the BKK Thai families come to Pattaya for the weekend, they basically stay at a five star hotel and don't leave the resort.

It's not just the social elite of BKK that say away from Pattaya, many of us farangs do also! But I think you mean the Beach/2nd Road areas. Plenty of hi-so's if you head a little further south...just look at the condo parking lots. Filled with BMWs, Mercedes, etc....all from BKK....

I didn't know they had any beaches in Pattaya ! There have been rumours floating around for years that the beer bars were to be closed down for good. Same as what they did in Manila , Phillipines. The social elite of Bangkok dont like them. Probably will happen one day. Everything changes overtime.

Well if the "social elite of Bangkok" don't like bars, but they have not even made a serious try to close them down in Bangkok yet (wonder who owns them...) then I feel that Pattaya would be lower down on their agenda. Unless of course the plan is to preserve the nightlife in Bangkok but shut down the Farang playgrounds first.


The "social elite" I know of Bangkok stay away from Pattaya. It is looked upon as the armpit of Thailand by them with the shirtless, fat farangs running around and with all the beer bars in the open. They prefer to go to Hua Hin. If some of the BKK Thai families come to Pattaya for the weekend, they basically stay at a five star hotel and don't leave the resort.

When have you seen a shirtless fat farang running? :) Even when the bars have just opened? :D

And I mean anywhere not just in Pattaya. :D

Purrrrlease don't post any pictures to prove your point......some of us might be eating while we're on the web.


It's going to be interesting to see where all this is going ...on one hand you have a crackdown on bars and particularly bar fines as the authorites feel there is a possibility that prostitution maybe going on! Then we have the "clean-up" in beach road raising the question as to where 20,000 girls of the night will go to, ...can't see it as back to Issan. Maybe it will revert back to the late 70's when there were no bar fines and girls simply wandered around?

Pattaya was built on this industry and it's cash flow for expansion has depended on it. I cannot see these current moves having much effect over all but were they in the long run to be successful it would be a shot in the foot exercise and probably be the start of a rapid decline as you can take your pick of resorts worldwide that don't have this particular facility but have everything else.

Shame they concentrate on the Thai ladies and not the Russian Mafia prostitutes. I have nothing against the females, only their scumbag bosses. Of course, this exercise is really only about beer money anyway. I hope Pattaya's finest enjoy their ice cold Beer-Chang tonight, for tomorrow promises to be an interesting day! :)

You got it bud. :crazy:And the ruskies are creeping in everwhere, the world over.

There was a serious organized crime problem in the US. Good luck Thailand, best to pay attention early. Those guys know how to do business and could ruin a country fast.

As may be confirmed by an organisation whose tentacles have spread in Pattaya from Walking Street to Third Road. You name it, they're into it. Express any dissatisfaction with the level of service and you are surrounded by big men in no time at all. The Russkies stay in the background and use a frontman whose cocksure visage glares down from hoardings all over the place.

I didn't know they had any beaches in Pattaya ! There have been rumours floating around for years that the beer bars were to be closed down for good. Same as what they did in Manila , Phillipines. The social elite of Bangkok dont like them. Probably will happen one day. Everything changes overtime.

Well if the "social elite of Bangkok" don't like bars, but they have not even made a serious try to close them down in Bangkok yet (wonder who owns them...) then I feel that Pattaya would be lower down on their agenda. Unless of course the plan is to preserve the nightlife in Bangkok but shut down the Farang playgrounds first.

I guess, the HS Elite anyway don't like that the average "Isaan Lady" marries a Farang, get whealty and get smart (learn how to speak english and get information over the internet, build houses in Isaan, buying new cars etc). But how many HS Elites got properties in and around Pattaya? Who gonna buy all those expensive overpriced houses, condos and land, what the HS Elites try or develope and selling for skyrocket prices to the farangs, if no farang would living here? And farangs come overhere to find a partner. I don't know many farang who living alone. Pattaya is not only the playground, most of peaple comes overhere to meet someone.

It's going to be interesting to see where all this is going ...on one hand you have a crackdown on bars and particularly bar fines as the authorites feel there is a possibility that prostitution maybe going on! Then we have the "clean-up" in beach road raising the question as to where 20,000 girls of the night will go to, ...can't see it as back to Issan. Maybe it will revert back to the late 70's when there were no bar fines and girls simply wandered around?

Pattaya was built on this industry and it's cash flow for expansion has depended on it. I cannot see these current moves having much effect over all but were they in the long run to be successful it would be a shot in the foot exercise and probably be the start of a rapid decline as you can take your pick of resorts worldwide that don't have this particular facility but have everything else.

It seems to me that what is happening is a concerted drive to move the sex industry away from the area between 2nd Road and the beach including Walking Street and relocating it to the area bounded by 2nd Road, Pattaya Klang, 3rd Road and Pattay Tai thus enabling the freed-up area to be developed with posh hotels and rip off posh malls. How many mongers care about the proximity of the beach? Thus the family section of the market get the sun and the beach and the tattooed, shaven headed morons in singlets get the ladies out of the view of most. A win/win situation?

I would go even further and allocate sufficient land to establish a 'Sin City', and more land to hold those nonsensical 'tourist attracting' events on a showground away from the business and residential areas. The traffic chaos caused by holding events on the beach tees me off no end.

Shame they concentrate on the Thai ladies and not the Russian Mafia prostitutes. I have nothing against the females, only their scumbag bosses. Of course, this exercise is really only about beer money anyway. I hope Pattaya's finest enjoy their ice cold Beer-Chang tonight, for tomorrow promises to be an interesting day! :)

You got it bud. :crazy:And the ruskies are creeping in everwhere, the world over.

There was a serious organized crime problem in the US. Good luck Thailand, best to pay attention early. Those guys know how to do business and could ruin a country fast.

As may be confirmed by an organisation whose tentacles have spread in Pattaya from Walking Street to Third Road. You name it, they're into it. Express any dissatisfaction with the level of service and you are surrounded by big men in no time at all. The Russkies stay in the background and use a frontman whose cocksure visage glares down from hoardings all over the place.

What is the name of medication for paranoia?

It is unbelievable how people are commenting on Russian mafia and would not know the first thing about it.

Are you Russian? do you actually know any Russians?

it really pisses me off when people start to talk about thing they have no idea about.

What interests would Russian Mafia have in some little shops or bars?????

You clearly are scared of your own shadow!

I am Russian born, my father who i speak with on regular basis is in Russia and my step brother works for so called mafia and i can assure they have no interest in little money and little people and last thing they would do is risk anything over nobody.

Unlike Thai mafia, Russians are not into little tea money, they interest spread into weapons, prostitution (on large scale, importing and supplying girls) and drugs(but not 1-2 grams but tonnes of it.Basically anything that makes millions of dollars not Thai baht

I can also assure that if they have a problem with you, you will not be "surrounded by big men in no time at all"(as you stated), you will shot on the spot by one man, they really do not need men to deal with one person.

People keep on about sex tourism.

For the "normal" tourists the sex scene is one of the major attractions; they may not indulge, but they don't half like to look! :)

Take it away and Pattaya will be that much less colourful.

For a sex tourist it would be like Disneyland without the rides.

Whatever anyone else says, I'm totally convinced that as a major tourist destination Pattaya isn't viable without the girls. It wouldn't die completely, but it would be a fraction of its former self and bring a fraction of its former income into Thailand.

In my opinion of course.

But a much nicer and a more family friendly place.

People keep on about sex tourism.

For the "normal" tourists the sex scene is one of the major attractions; they may not indulge, but they don't half like to look! :)

Take it away and Pattaya will be that much less colourful.

For a sex tourist it would be like Disneyland without the rides.

Whatever anyone else says, I'm totally convinced that as a major tourist destination Pattaya isn't viable without the girls. It wouldn't die completely, but it would be a fraction of its former self and bring a fraction of its former income into Thailand.

In my opinion of course.

But a much nicer and a more family friendly place.

Agreed. And you never know...it could attract a different type of tourist. Somewhat like Hawaii, Greece or Bali. They don't have the sex tourism there but do really good with tourist $$$$$. NYC cleaned up it's act many years ago and it is now a way better place to visit...unless of course you are looking for girlie shows!

People keep on about sex tourism.

For the "normal" tourists the sex scene is one of the major attractions; they may not indulge, but they don't half like to look! :)

Take it away and Pattaya will be that much less colourful.

For a sex tourist it would be like Disneyland without the rides.

Whatever anyone else says, I'm totally convinced that as a major tourist destination Pattaya isn't viable without the girls. It wouldn't die completely, but it would be a fraction of its former self and bring a fraction of its former income into Thailand.

In my opinion of course.

But a much nicer and a more family friendly place.

Agreed. And you never know...it could attract a different type of tourist. Somewhat like Hawaii, Greece or Bali. They don't have the sex tourism there but do really good with tourist $$$$$. NYC cleaned up it's act many years ago and it is now a way better place to visit...unless of course you are looking for girlie shows!

Yes I agree. At the moment Pattaya has a world wide reputation as the worlds toilet full of sex offenders and dirty bars and women. A world wide attitude as a place to be avoided at all costs unless you are into that seedy side of life. I think they are doing a great thing in trying to clean up the place but it will be huge job and take many years maybe 100 or more for pattaya to be seen as a family holiday destination.

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