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Adopting Girlfriends Baby


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My Thai girlfriend and I are shortly to get married, she has a child from a previous relationship. To make our family complete I want to adopt the child, she is four.

I know nothing in Thailand is straight forward, has anyone been through this procedure or could point me in the right direction.

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we are looking at doing the same thing, any info would help me and my wife too

Unless you both are intending to remain all your lives in Thailand and become Thai citizens, IMHO I would think the question of adoption is best addressed to your respective embassies.

From my own experience I know there are international requirements and national requirements that may vary. Plus some countries offer alternatives that, in many cases, may be more "child friendly".

I am thinking of e.g. name changing plus assuming legal guardianship. A state of affairs where the child grows up with your name and, of course, is treated as a member of your family.

You need to seek full and competent legal advice on your situation, because many of the ways of legally confirming your responsibility for the child in your country, could involve the child's actual presence - being interviewed by a social worker or even a judge - a process undoubtedly designed in the child's interest, but IMHO defeats the object of ensuring your child is kept away from any traumas that could be caused by you assuming parental responsibility.

So, in short, check out the alternatives to adoption available in your country, remembering, only you and the mum, can judge what is best for your child.

Good Luck.

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we are looking at doing the same thing, any info would help me and my wife too

Unless you both are intending to remain all your lives in Thailand and become Thai citizens, IMHO I would think the question of adoption is best addressed to your respective embassies.

From my own experience I know there are international requirements and national requirements that may vary. Plus some countries offer alternatives that, in many cases, may be more "child friendly".

I am thinking of e.g. name changing plus assuming legal guardianship. A state of affairs where the child grows up with your name and, of course, is treated as a member of your family.

You need to seek full and competent legal advice on your situation, because many of the ways of legally confirming your responsibility for the child in your country, could involve the child's actual presence - being interviewed by a social worker or even a judge - a process undoubtedly designed in the child's interest, but IMHO defeats the object of ensuring your child is kept away from any traumas that could be caused by you assuming parental responsibility.

So, in short, check out the alternatives to adoption available in your country, remembering, only you and the mum, can judge what is best for your child.

Good Luck.

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Is it not ironic when you are talking about stereotypes - fat, bald , old farang getting together with Thai girl.... What about the Thai girl - they always seem to have one or two children from previous relationship!

My future Thai wife and her child should be arrivng in Australia in a couple of weeks. At this stage I see no need to adopt my "new" daughter. Why formal adoption? I can take care of this child just as well whether she is adopted or not! I have several friends here that have gone through the same process - I don't think there is a need for formal adoption.

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the only reason i would do it is so i can claim him as a dependant (in the military) and collect support money for him

Yes, I agree becoming a dependant is important for so many reasons, including Tricare. Check with your legal office, the miltary even pays a lot (or is it some) of the fees. It will all work out.

Sure do miss Oki!

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