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Thaksin Calls For Confidence In Thai Economy


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PM calls for domestic confidence in Thai economy

BANGKOK: -- International ratings agencies have given Thailand a glowing report, but domestic economic confidence still appears to be at an ebb.

So concerned is the government at this disparity that yesterday Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra reiterated calls for Thais to follow the international lead in perceiving the nation's economic strength, while pledging to ensure economic growth of no less than five percent this year.

The prime minister revealed that last week he had convened a meeting of private sector operations to stress Thailand's continuing economic strength.

The meeting follows a recemt decision by a UK-based international ratings agency, Fitch Ibca, to upgrade Thailand's sovereign ratings, a 98 percent growth in foreign investment over the first quarter of the year.

But the first trimester also witnessed a drop in domestic investment, while key indicators point to continuing domestic uncertainties over the Thai economic situation.

Mr. Thaksin said that the government was pouring nearly Bt100,000 into a variety of grassroots economic stimulus measures.

At the same time, it is seeking to tackle corruption in government investment projects by stipulating that the bidding for all such projects be conducted through electronic auctions.

The prime minister reiterated that he would ensure gross domestic product (GDP) growth of over five percent this year, and would ensure that if the current account balance or trade fell into the red, the deficit would be only a minor one.

--TNA 2005-05-15

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PM calls for domestic confidence in Thai economy 

Perchance some degree of honesty may not be amiss, the figures quoted by the Thai side are shall we say'' the results of creative accounting methods ''.

Money is moving, however it is going in a very tight circle amongst the creditors of T.R.T.

The finaciers of the last two elections want their investment returned now.

Hence the proposed selling off of assorted portions of state enterprises to satisfy the rapious greed of the backers of T.R.T. and the head waiters acolytes !!

There are lies dammed lies and statistics !!

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Mr. Thaksin said that the government was pouring nearly Bt100,000 into a variety of grassroots economic stimulus measures.

"100 K Baht" is going to go a long way in stimulating the grassroots economy, I must say. :D

There are lies dammed lies and statistics !!

You got this bit right Falstaff about the TNA editing dept., anyways. :o

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....and we can all understand why he calls for confidence...without continued consumer spending his own bottom line is affected. So like all the top of the food chain 'wolves' he is prepared to see his flock spend themselves into financial ruin just to underpin his own interests.

Pity they don't bring back stoning.


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The richest man in Mexico, Carlos Slim, was a mere dollar-millionaire before his government privatized its state-owned businesses such as telecom. Now he's one of the ten richest men in the world, perhaps #4. It helps to have friends in a country that wants to privatize its empires.

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