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New Bank Account


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Opened a new savings account at the Carrefour branch of K-Bank a couple days ago and they didn't seem to care what kind of visa I had. In the past, most banks required a non-imm visa of some type. Maybe BOT has loosened the regs.

Also note that if you request an ATM/debit card to go with the account, the little cubicle wench will by default give you the B600 card, which comes with some extras like some sorta insurance and stuff that's all explained in Thai. When I looked at her with my best kee-nio face and said what's up with B600, she pulled out from the drawer the "regular" ATM card package that was only B300!

So just be aware that they will default to the more expensive card if you don't specifically ask for the basic one.

Edited by FarangBuddha
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You got stooged, normal card is 100b and the one with "insurance" is 400b.

EDIT: im talking bout replacement atm/visa debit cards, I thought the first one was free, mine was anyways.

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Now you know why they did not care what type of visa you had they just wanted to take your money on the side. BTW there are regulations on what type of visa it takes to open an account but if one branch says no just go another you will find one that does say yes.

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My ATM/Visa card from Bangkok Bank has been free since I got it a few years ago. The one with the fancy chip on it.

Before that, I had a regular ATM card and that was also free. When I signed up for my bank account, a one year visa was required, nothing more.

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My card at Bangkok Bank is 300B...I think that is the fee each year! But it does have some fancy chip on it...oh well...

I had to get a residence letter from immigration...

My Kasikorn bank card is a four year one cost 200bt. Seem's it differ's where ever you go. But I do feel cheated. As mine has'nt got a fancy chip. Off torrow to change bank's.
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I guess I should clarify: My card is an ATM and Visa debit card combination. I would assume the charge for this card is standard throughout the country for K-Bank. It's probably the ATM card only that is B100.

They also set me up with their online services and I went online and configured my passwords and such for the first time this morning. Seems to work really well...pretty easy to understand and decent English language editing. Lots of services available for the same cost to to them at an ATM. Can transfer funds to K-Bank and non-K-Bank accounts (can pay my rent online now) also topped-up my AIS mobile phone (no fee). I'm sold.

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My K-Bank card is an ATM and Visa debit card combination, when I opened the account it was free, when I lost the card (A month ago) it was 100b for a replacement, when I lost it again (2 days ago) I was offered the more expensive card at 400b that has some sort of insurance with it.

My K-Bank Visa card was also free.

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My ATM/Visa card from Bangkok Bank has been free since I got it a few years ago. The one with the fancy chip on it.

Before that, I had a regular ATM card and that was also free. When I signed up for my bank account, a one year visa was required, nothing more.

Same 300 baht/year at BB with a useless security chip that can only be used in certain BB ATM's and not in another other banks ATM's.

Have accounts at Bangkok Bank, Siam Commercial and Kasikorn and was not once asked for type of visa or residents certificate. They didn't care, just wanted the money.

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My Kasikorn bank card is a four year one cost 200bt.

Same for me. 200 baht when I opened my account and obtained my card,

and 200 baht charge took on my account every year at the anniversary date.

It's a Visa Electron card, not just the Kasikorn ATM only card at 100 baht.

And about Visa rules there is nothing new.

Kasikorn in Pattaya has the reputation to be "tourist friendly" for a long time

and I opened my account 4 years ago on a tourist visa.

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When I opened there some years ago there were no questions about visas. I don't think they even looked. Jomtien branch.


I was half way through the process of opening an account with Kasikorn on Suk, and the lady filling in the forms stopped and said in a surprised voice "Oh you live here!"

Visa debt card with "Valued Customer" name 100B

Internet access 200B

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Yep, the only page of my passport they copied and had me sign was the face page.

When I opened there some years ago there were no questions about visas. I don't think they even looked. Jomtien branch.


I was half way through the process of opening an account with Kasikorn on Suk, and the lady filling in the forms stopped and said in a surprised voice "Oh you live here!"

Visa debt card with "Valued Customer" name 100B

Internet access 200B

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Kasikornbank formerly Thai Farmers Bank was the first bank that issued Bank accounts for foreigners. I must say very good service and keeps international standards. A bank should rather follow international standards than private banking rules and this is what they do.

The OPs experience was probably something completely different. My guess is that it included the minimum of 200 hundred Baht for the bank account plus the insured card, with Visa verified. Normal ATM is 100 plus 200 to be put into your account. They have reduced the minimum amount. It was 500 Baht for a while. I also didn't get charged for ATM/VISA Debit card this year.

So please verify details before you go on for a troll.

By the way if you use new or replaced Bangkok Bank ATMs you won't find English service anymore. Siam Commercial seem to follow the same route.

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To the OP's assertion that there has been some recent relaxing of the Visa rules with the Kasikorn.............

I opened my first account as a Thai Farmers customer on South Pattaya Road beside the (now) Tuckom and a tourist visa was fine

back in 1999. Also, Jomtien Beach Road (2branches), I have direct experience with opening subsequent accounts with just the

tourist visa. I've also helped quite a few friends open at other branches of Kasikorn with the tourist visa over the years and it was

never a problem. Other banks have had more stringency,but in my experience in the last 10 years or so, I've never known the

"Kasikorn/Thai Farmers Bank" to be a problem.

Anyway,glad to hear you got the account open anyway,and best of luck.

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I opened an account with K Bank in Jomtien sometime last year with a token 2000baht, no visa's required. I then promptly lost the book and forgot all about it.

When the postman eventually caught up with me and delivered my statement I found they had been deducting 50baht a month service charge, because the amount was so small I guess.

That aside I found them to be really nice folks down at K Bank, some one has really polished those guys up in the customer service department.

Note to self: Must go down there one day and either close it or put some more money in it.

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I opened an account with K Bank in Jomtien sometime last year with a token 2000baht, no visa's required. I then promptly lost the book and forgot all about it.

When the postman eventually caught up with me and delivered my statement I found they had been deducting 50baht a month service charge, because the amount was so small I guess.

That aside I found them to be really nice folks down at K Bank, some one has really polished those guys up in the customer service department.

Note to self: Must go down there one day and either close it or put some more money in it.

Never heard of that. What service did/do they charge for? Is it a current account or saving account? As for a saving account no bank statements are available and no service charge is applied. You can use the online service to look up and print your account statement from there.

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not only for foreigners. They also serve the locals very well. A Thai friend of mine who ran a small export business had always troubles with the bank before until she changed to K-Bank. When money transfers come in (also smaller amounts) they call the customer to verify and offer, I think up to 10 days, to wait if one thinks the exchange rate is going to be better and before the amount is credited to the account.

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I opened a new savings account with ATM/debit card at Bank of Ayudhya (The Avenue branch) today and they definitely DO check your visa status. You must have some type of non-immigrant visa to open an account with them. On arrival entries and tourist visas won't get you anywhere with them.

Cost B300 same as K-Bank.

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