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So Hows The Mother....in-law


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My mother-in-law is the mother I always wanted. Possibly the best person ever to have walked the earth.

is she watching you type the reply? :D


she hacked into yr thaivisa account and replied for you :)

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Pardon fro being nosey but your missus Chinese stock too Heng?

I pardon you. :)

And yes she is. No it wasn't planned or arranged, and other than a mutual bloodline purity test at BNH (sponsored twice a year by CP Group and Kasikorn Bank), it was all fate.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Although my Mother in Law has a heart of gold,I would not recommend to anybody having a MIL live with them.

They have annoying Thai ways and habits about them which grate on the nerves.

Such as leaving half eaten food in kitchen cupboards instead of the fridge,when I got my wife to tell her they are attracting hoards of ants, then the food appeared in the cupboards under the sink units,stinking away for days,sometimes I threw the lot plates and all into the pond at the back,and still the penny didnt drop.

Used to pay her for cleaning,which meant the floors got mopped everyday,coudnt see much of the dust with all the sauce bottles and spices and junk on display on all available work surfaces including video and lounge cabinets.

Came out of the shower one day and smoke was coming out of her Bedroom,she had lit a candle at her little Budda shrine and set fire to a plastic bowl,not to mention burning my 20,000 baht kitchen cabinet the same way,you can now have it for 300 baht!

She was a good cook thats if you like everything 20% to 30% salt (no kidding) dont think a low/salt free diet has ever been heard of.

No concept of privacy,used to walk into our bedroom without knocking.

TV on 15 hours a day usually tuned in to the Ranting Red Shirts channel or childish slapstick Mowlems which had her in stitches.

She used to rearrange the furniture to make way for her floor mats,so that everything gave the impression of being piled up in a heap.

Breakfast for her (first meal of about 6 a day) commenced at 5am with a crashing of pots and pans and other assorted crash bang wollops,hardly welcome when you've had a late drink or two with the boys.

They become the controlling Matriarch and your wife will think it quite normal to discuss a problem in detail with them long before you get to hear about it, kinda takes over your position in the household,as being irrelevent,except for your cashier status that is.

Do I miss her? now she has gone back to the village.........what the **** do you think?

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It seems that (with a few lucky exceptions), as long as you give the MIL a monthly income, money to (frequently) upgrade the farm etc., she'll be the most wonderful MIL in the world. :)

Not exactly usual to give the MIL a monthly income or regular gifts of money in the West (where parents are more concerned with their children's lives than their own), but its the way to a beautiful relationship here.

Edited by F1fanatic
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Although my Mother in Law has a heart of gold,I would not recommend to anybody having a MIL live with them.

They have annoying Thai ways and habits about them which grate on the nerves.

Such as leaving half eaten food in kitchen cupboards instead of the fridge,when I got my wife to tell her they are attracting hoards of ants, then the food appeared in the cupboards under the sink units,stinking away for days,sometimes I threw the lot plates and all into the pond at the back,and still the penny didnt drop.

Used to pay her for cleaning,which meant the floors got mopped everyday,coudnt see much of the dust with all the sauce bottles and spices and junk on display on all available work surfaces including video and lounge cabinets.

Came out of the shower one day and smoke was coming out of her Bedroom,she had lit a candle at her little Budda shrine and set fire to a plastic bowl,not to mention burning my 20,000 baht kitchen cabinet the same way,you can now have it for 300 baht!

She was a good cook thats if you like everything 20% to 30% salt (no kidding) dont think a low/salt free diet has ever been heard of.

No concept of privacy,used to walk into our bedroom without knocking.

TV on 15 hours a day usually tuned in to the Ranting Red Shirts channel or childish slapstick Mowlems which had her in stitches.

She used to rearrange the furniture to make way for her floor mats,so that everything gave the impression of being piled up in a heap.

Breakfast for her (first meal of about 6 a day) commenced at 5am with a crashing of pots and pans and other assorted crash bang wollops,hardly welcome when you've had a late drink or two with the boys.

They become the controlling Matriarch and your wife will think it quite normal to discuss a problem in detail with them long before you get to hear about it, kinda takes over your position in the household,as being irrelevent,except for your cashier status that is.

Do I miss her? now she has gone back to the village.........what the **** do you think?

know the feeling only too well.

out last night for a couple of beers or ten, plus a few whiskey chasers with the locals. come back around 3 in the morning, shower and then off to market. get back, no sooner does my head hit the pillow and world war 3 breaks out in the kitchen. bang crash wallop and a family conference at 6 in the morning about what food is going to be cooked. they should change the saying in thailand from "too many cooks spoil the....." to whatever, the only thing that springs to mind is a gaggle of geese making love whilst singing opera out of key.

i wouldnt mind so much, but no sooner do they finish the last mouthful and thats it off to bed for a mid morning nap. and im left there lying in bed, thinking <deleted> just happened, wide awake without a minutes sleep for the rest of the morning.

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I love my MiL. My whole family does, in fact when her and my mother get together they can't be separated. She grew up alongside an American girl because her parents were cooks and nannies for an American family, so she speaks English well. When ever my wife and I visit (or when we stay such as the months before the wedding and the month before leaving for the US) she cooks all the time for us and stocks the fridge with foods I like. My mother, sister, brother (in law) and niece just visited us here in the US for Christmas. She even cooked when she got here haha! As for money, no sin-sod, never asked for money, and the family paid their own way to the US. She is thrilled to have an American in the family, since she grew up with a bunch of Americana, and I have never been treated less than great. 108 days till I get to see her again. I guess the irony is that I get along with her and she lives 14,000km/9000m away from me!

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