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Pills In My Drink. Uh Oh


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You mean there are fit girls out there giving away free drugs... :D

...and you're dumping her... :)

Seriously though I dont think there can really have been a robbery planned, how easy would it have been to finger her (no pun intended) as the culprit.

You also say there are security guards at your gaff and no doubt cameras.

I can testify to the general stupidity of Thais regarding pills of any kind.

I have lost count of the number of times a quick internet search for a pill which they have produced and are taking for some ailment or enhancement has revealed that the pill on question is not intended for that purpose. Will they believe the truth... nope.

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Hindsight is always 20/20, and the more distance I get from this situation, the clearer things become. After following a few hints from the other posters, I quickly identified the most likely candidate for the type of pill it was. I'm pretty sure it was the Thai generic form of Xanax know as Xiemed. After seeing the picture of the purple 1mg tablet, I have little doubt in my mind.


I took one of the 5mg tabs by choice to sleep through some festival fireworks last year, and it put me out for about 10 hours.

They make 5mg Xanax (Alprazolam) tablets?? Thought they came in .5 and 1mg only? (Just did a search.. there apparently is 2mg as well, though I've not seen that available in Thailand)

Either way, it's pretty much impossible for one 1mg tablet to knock you out cold, or even do anything beyond making you more relaxed, a bit drowsy at best. (and especially not when you haven't been drinking as per your original post; It usually takes me 2 of those in addition to some alcohol to sleep on a flight, and then I'm by no means out cold, often waking up, etc.. (Yes I have a prescription). You basically get relaxed and a bit drowsy, but not enough to knock you out while any kind of serious shit is going on.

Hmm, not sure about that. I once needed to have an early night for a 5.30am visa run the next morning, so had one beer with half a 1mg xanax pill. Nothing happened, so I cracked another beer and had the other half - I remember nothing until my alarm woke me up, covered in beer and wet through. I had passed out before even having a slip of the second beer, which had spilt all over me. Xanax is bloody powerful in combination with beer.

This was clearly xanax, although this story is obviously pure fiction. I think even the dimmest would have worked out that a pill needs to be crushed. :)

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I read it all over again.

Question: Are her friends in the same kind of business?

How long does she work as a bartender?

And how long has she been in, I guess Bangkok or wherever this happened?

If she's working for quite a while then I'd say she's connected with the underground and she probably tried to make you her/their new client. I suspect that it was something more than a sleeping pill. It wouldn't make sense either. But if you would have gone high with that mixture, all she had to do is to check if you like it and then slowly get you into it with more of this stuff.

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It also could have happened that they tried to set you up while you were asleep and put some drugs in your place. They could have tried to make you a mole and/or extort you. Either one, not funny. Knowing each other for one month means nothing since it was mere a one night stand relationship, sort of.

I meant mule not mole, sorry for the typo

Edited by elcent
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They make 5mg Xanax (Alprazolam) tablets?? Thought they came in .5 and 1mg only? (Just did a search.. there apparently is 2mg as well, though I've not seen that available in Thailand)

Either way, it's pretty much impossible for one 1mg tablet to knock you out cold, or even do anything beyond making you more relaxed, a bit drowsy at best. (and especially not when you haven't been drinking as per your original post; It usually takes me 2 of those in addition to some alcohol to sleep on a flight, and then I'm by no means out cold, often waking up, etc.. (Yes I have a prescription). You basically get relaxed and a bit drowsy, but not enough to knock you out while any kind of serious shit is going on.

From the Phuket teenager arrested there:

Ten milligram diazepam pills typically sell in Patong drug stores in packages of ten for 200 baht.

Ten mg pills not knocking you out cold????

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If it was illegal he would have already told them he wanted it checked because someone tried to drug him against his will. Hardly his drug. If they insisted he tell them who it did belong to he could happily point them at the girl, who deserves to spend some time in jail.

he does not know if it was illegal or not, why would he have already told them if he did not know and had flushed it away. since he is the one in possion of it then the BIB would assume possesion is 100% of the law. so the police have a farang with an illegal substance, he says Thai girl friend give it to me, who has most money in cops eyes.

Grow up. The police in this country are not all corrupt or stupid. Contrary to what many TV'ers think, bar girls do not have much clout with the police force.

ok do not want to get into argument, just my experience of working with 30 bar girls if a customer did not pay my girls they would get the police involved and the police would get the money off the punter plus some for there trouble. as you know there proffesion was illegal but police always backed them. saw it day in day out. our security guy as many are was off duty armed police man. no need for the grow up comment sir. get into an acident with a Thai in your car and see whos side the cops take even if you are in the right. IMHO

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It usually takes me 2 of those in addition to some alcohol to sleep on a flight, and then I'm by no means out cold, often waking up, etc.. (Yes I have a prescription). You basically get relaxed and a bit drowsy, but not enough to knock you out while any kind of serious shit is going on.

I took ONE (1.0 mg) on the plane home last week, slept for 7 hours and during this time the guy and his wife next to me (I was in aisle seat) had to climb over me to get to the toilet and I didn't wake. When I eventually woke up he was telling me he couldn't believe that I didn't wake up as they couldn't help knocking me as they got past. I hadn't had any alcohol either.

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Thanks for all the replies, opinions, and advice. I apologize for the late reply, but I did have to work this evening. The verdict is in, and for the most part it is unanimous. I have given careful consideration to all the posts and have made up my mind. The real issue here was the action itself and not the intent. That was the part that pushed me over the fence. I am pretty well convinced that her intentions may have been harmless and well meant, but the approach and actions she took were simply unacceptable and possibly downright dangerous. This is not the kind of person I want to be spending my time with no matter how good the "benefits" are. I am saddened a bit by the whole thing because I had put a bit of effort into it only to do a "crash and burn". In the end, it could have been much worse had I let it continue.

I tried to identify the pill, but the little bit of "beer" damage that it received made it difficult. Down the sink it went, and out the door she will stay. I could put a great deal more effort into trying to figure out what it was, but what would really be the point? It could have been anything, but knowing what it was won't change the fact that she tried to sneak it up on me. Time to cut the cord, leave it behind, and keep moving along here. Running a partially dissolved tablet all over town trying to figure out what it is was not going to change the facts of how it got there. No matter what it was.

Thanks to everyone for adding some reason to my slightly sleep deprived day. The phone calls have stopped, and as long as I can make it through the night without a knock on my door, I'll be just fine. The night security guard downstairs has been warned, so that shouldn't be an issue.

Take care Everyone


I figured it out. Xanax is a popular purple pill in Thailand, it makes you sleepy and less horney. She just did not want to have sex with you.

mate, it makes you sleepy. not less horny.

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Hindsight is always 20/20, and the more distance I get from this situation, the clearer things become. After following a few hints from the other posters, I quickly identified the most likely candidate for the type of pill it was. I'm pretty sure it was the Thai generic form of Xanax know as Xiemed. After seeing the picture of the purple 1mg tablet, I have little doubt in my mind.


I took one of the 5mg tabs by choice to sleep through some festival fireworks last year, and it put me out for about 10 hours.

They make 5mg Xanax (Alprazolam) tablets?? Thought they came in .5 and 1mg only? (Just did a search.. there apparently is 2mg as well, though I've not seen that available in Thailand)

Either way, it's pretty much impossible for one 1mg tablet to knock you out cold, or even do anything beyond making you more relaxed, a bit drowsy at best. (and especially not when you haven't been drinking as per your original post; It usually takes me 2 of those in addition to some alcohol to sleep on a flight, and then I'm by no means out cold, often waking up, etc.. (Yes I have a prescription). You basically get relaxed and a bit drowsy, but not enough to knock you out while any kind of serious shit is going on.

Hmm, not sure about that. I once needed to have an early night for a 5.30am visa run the next morning, so had one beer with half a 1mg xanax pill. Nothing happened, so I cracked another beer and had the other half - I remember nothing until my alarm woke me up, covered in beer and wet through. I had passed out before even having a slip of the second beer, which had spilt all over me. Xanax is bloody powerful in combination with beer.

This was clearly xanax, although this story is obviously pure fiction. I think even the dimmest would have worked out that a pill needs to be crushed. :)

Whoa, good information here.. I take about 2mg Xanax on flights (1mg, 30 mins to an hour apart), in combination with alcohol of just about every kind, but just not beer. Is beer truly different than a combination of rum, gin, Cointreau (lounge) and some red and white wine, and possibly Brandy if it's TG? Or maybe it's just me.. :D

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This is what I thought it was - 1.0 mg Xiemed as they are purple - the 0.5mg ones are light pink.

I got some of these just over a year ago and they didn't work for me, the 1mg did pretty much nothing to me. I didn't want to take a high dose so I found something else which works perfectly every time - I hate being awake for the full distance on long flights especially overnight ones.

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A very serious issue this one. Many years ago I was out with a good friend and my wife. We had a feed and were watching a band and luckily Im a non drinker but the wife and friend were having a few. In the later part of the evening I became alarmed at the sudden deteriation of the sobriety of the wife and friend and actually summonsed the help of one of the bouncers there to get them into my car. I later ended up in a hospital with the pair of them, whos drinks had been spiked. They were quite ill and had I not been there either one of them or both of them could of fallen victim to some DANGEROUS brainless individual.

I actually returned to that same venue several weeks running to see if I could identify which person or people were responsible for what had happened to us, but was unable to.

Its a serious thing, this girl had absolutely no idea how the OP may react to whatever she was trying to give him.

I would of sent her packing so quickly she would of had whiplash.

I think there are some nasty theives,ladyboys and the likes out there that try to spike rims of your glass with high grade anesthetic. The worst thing about this is it could affect not only an intended target, but other customers that drink from the rim of a poorly washed glass. Someone close to me was drugged with this type of anesthetic and ended up asleep for 2 1/2 days in a Vietnam hotel last year. A very nasty experience.

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I got some of these just over a year ago and they didn't work for me, the 1mg did pretty much nothing to me. I didn't want to take a high dose so I found something else which works perfectly every time - I hate being awake for the full distance on long flights especially overnight ones.

What did you get instead? Last time I asked my doctor he gave me $()#$ valium, which is nasty stuff. Ok it was free under social insurance, but still.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Still my gut feeling tells me that this girl was put up to it by a friend, because if she was an expert at drugging people, you'd never have seen that pill in your drink. She meant you no harm, but unknowingky did you a very bad thing, and although it WAS a bad thing, I get the feeling she wanted to do something to helpp along your libido, and after knowing her for a month, there's little doubt that she wasn't about to try to rip you off, but meant things to go well, and just went about it the wrong way.

I hope that you might forgiver her oneday, because I don't think she meant you any harm in this foolish and dangerous escapade that she was put up to by a friend. Just remember that her friends mean more to her than you ever will.

You can't be serious?? :)

If she wanted to help him have a good time between the sheets perhaps she would have been better off concentrating on dishing out an A1 BJ!

Kick the bitch into touch ASAP

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Maybe the OP has a problem in of a sexual nature and she was too embarassed to confront him about it so took it into her own hands to make it better with viagra or similar drug.

My thoughts exactly, Thais and face-saving. The OP could have been a stud for the evening and none the wiser.

Mind you, I would probably have moved on too, unless she was particularly 'hot' :)

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I have been drawn to reading this thread. Not because of any concern for the participants but because of the nature of the story.

I have been drugged twice in Thailand. The first time I was having a beer at an open air bar across the street from my hotel in Bangkok at 4 PM. I needed to use the restroom and bar had only a squat toilet so I went across the street to my hotel to use the bathroom in my room. After doing so I felt a bit tired and laid down. I woke up 14 hours later. Since I had only had one beer during a 24 hour period there must have been something in my drink. The second time was in Pattaya and I awoke up in a vacant lot at 7 AM slightly cut on my legs and disheveled and some personal items missing.

I don’t know what kind of drugs were used but both times. I had a drug hangover as opposed to a booze hangover.

This story is interesting because it was interrupted drugging and it has so many inconsistencies. A real Sherlock Holmes type thriller.

I am surprised no one has approached it from that angle. I have questions of a detective type nature. What city did it happen in? What bar did the lady work in? RCA? I need more background on the woman.

Some things don’t make any sense. How dumb can she be not to have crushed the pill (she is a bartender)? Is Xanax the drug of choice for Mickey Finns? Of course not. Did she have any reason to want a better sexual experience?

I am convinced never to go to a Thai policeman. I don’t think they would check a pill even if they could. Likely a pharmacist would have been able to identify the pill. The poster has only made three posts with 108 from other people. Seems odd. He says he is a musician. If he said DJ I could understand. DJ’s are mostly retarded. Does the OP work in the same bar as the lady? What kind of Thai woman does not revisit the scene of the crime? Oh come on, Thai ladies always come back. Is the OP really posting from Thailand?

If the OP made the whole thing up, why? Makes no sense. How many Falang musicians play in Thailand? Don’t all musicians know a lot about drugs? Why would someone need advice about what to do if a woman puts a pill in your beer? Putting a pill in beer even if completely harmless is a hanging offense almost as bad as putting ice in a beer.

The whole thing is odd. A bartender stirred my draft beer once with a swizzle stick to get a head and I threatened to call the Pattaya SWAT team.

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Nevermore you are a very amicable victim.

I wonder how your opinion would have shifted If the robbery had gone down as planned. Would you still feel she is just naive girl caught up with a bad crowd.

I imagine if it had happened she wouldn't be calling you today. :)

Yes, I am all too kind as a victim, but in this case I managed to avoid being one. If I spent all my time being angry about everyone in this country who had tried to screw me over, I'd have no life at all. All's well that ends well, and I just don't have the time or energy to devote to all the BS. The point you make is very valid though.

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are you sure it was not .5 mg i reckon 5 mg would have put you for longer, 1mg is enough for me and never seen it sold above that strength. if she keeps ringing just get another thai girl to answer it and tell she is your new girlfriend and to sod off. always worked for me.

My mistake, I forgot to add the decimal point in front of the "5". The dosage I was referring to was 0.5mg that I had tried voluntarily in the past. sorry for the confusion.

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This was clearly xanax, although this story is obviously pure fiction. I think even the dimmest would have worked out that a pill needs to be crushed. :)

Glad you enjoyed the "fiction", but it was pretty "real" for me when it was happening. I never claimed that this girl was a rocket scientist, and thankfully she showed her hand before I got duped.

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***NOTE: Some content removed to save space and allow responses to relevant issues****

I have been drawn to reading this thread. Not because of any concern for the participants but because of the nature of the story.

This story is interesting because it was interrupted drugging and it has so many inconsistencies. A real Sherlock Holmes type thriller.

I am surprised no one has approached it from that angle. I have questions of a detective type nature. What city did it happen in? What bar did the lady work in?

If the OP made the whole thing up, why? Makes no sense. How many Falang musicians play in Thailand? Don’t all musicians know a lot about drugs? Why would someone need advice about what to do if a woman puts a pill in your beer? Putting a pill in beer even if completely harmless is a hanging offense almost as bad as putting ice in a beer.

The whole thing is odd. A bartender stirred my draft beer once with a swizzle stick to get a head and I threatened to call the Pattaya SWAT team.

No big thriller about this one. No need to over think the situation. It was just a "not so bright girl" making a stupid move and the case is closed. Here in Northern Thailand there are alot of Farang musicians, and despite popular belief, we are not all druggies. Most of us are just hard working individuals from various countries just trying to get by and keep our contracts/visas.

As for the ice, I like it in my beer. I lived in northern China for a year where ice only exists outside and the beer is always warm inside. Cold beer and warm weather is a luxury here.

Good luck Sherlock, and let me know if you come up with any grand conspiracy theories. For now, I have closed the book on this one.

The only reason I asked for advice on this issue was to confirm what I already suspected was the right thing to do. I received some great advice, and made my decision. Nuff said!!

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This was clearly xanax, although this story is obviously pure fiction. I think even the dimmest would have worked out that a pill needs to be crushed. :)

Apparently you aren't aware of how dim the dimmest in Thailand can really get! :D

Glad you enjoyed the "fiction", but it was pretty "real" for me when it was happening. I never claimed that this girl was a rocket scientist, and thankfully she showed her hand before I got duped.

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What did you get instead? Last time I asked my doctor he gave me $()#$ valium, which is nasty stuff. Ok it was free under social insurance, but still.

I have used Dormicum which is a brand name for the generic known as Midazolam. It's similar to Valium but apparently more potent and shorter acting.


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It could have been anything. If she lacked any malice, then the danger is still there. In this case it would just stem from her ignorance and inconsideration.

Guess you could gamble. Keep in mind it sounds like you're putting your life on the table.

Who knows she might be the greatest woman in the world and bring untold amounts of happiness and well-being to your life.

I'm not much of a gambler myself. And what's that saying about meeting soul mates in bars???

My 3฿.


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Nevermore you are a very amicable victim.

I wonder how your opinion would have shifted If the robbery had gone down as planned. Would you still feel she is just naive girl caught up with a bad crowd.

I imagine if it had happened she wouldn't be calling you today. :)

Yes, I am all too kind as a victim, but in this case I managed to avoid being one. If I spent all my time being angry about everyone in this country who had tried to screw me over, I'd have no life at all. All's well that ends well, and I just don't have the time or energy to devote to all the BS. The point you make is very valid though.

cant be assed to read the whole thread, but ask her. it was probably xanax or some viagra derivative.

i must say though, if it was actually a bluish viagra that looked purple in the drink, you missed out.

this is just another situation where i would not seek answers here.

edit: if i had 20 baht for every person i know who has ended up embarrassingly pissed that claimed they were drugged, id have enough money for a really good night out, perhaps even a weekend.

Edited by t.s
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