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What possible "trouble" do you smell?

Is it pre-emptive legal action from the Thai Govt.? Deportaion? Inprisonment?

The recently closed thread about a website name poll was just for that, deciding a name.

I answered a few questions, none of which contained questionable content inside. I gave my opinions and such.

I just don't understand what possible ramafacations people are so scared about. What can they do to a group of people that unite and submit professional documents stating the pro's and con's to Thai officials? Educating them about the research we will have completed and compiled.

Not, a group of foreign individuals that make demands to their govt. But, as sort of an information source to maybe persuade them to have a different opinion on certain issues. Of course that means only if they will give the time of day for such nonsense, as they might think it.


Peder, I feel uneasy to have this discussion going on on this board. It could be a potential problem for this web site, but I wouldn't go into details here.

Please respect that. Thanks!

What possible "trouble" do you smell? 

Perhaps closing down Thai Visa?

Peder, I suggest you listen to George and find an alternative method of rallying support for your cause. George has Thai Visa's interests at stake, and sensitive issues like this are bound to get closed if they even remotely resemble active criticism of the government.

Personally, although I am interested in the issue, I too am not prepared to discuss on an open forum issues that affect government policy... they may be taken the wrong way by people you don't know are lurking.

Whoops... just saw your post George.

(Sheite... that's twice today!)

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Peder..........best to stay on the well worn path than go wandering off in the woods on your own.

How we perceive certain actions and how they are perceived by "others" can differ remarkably. :o

Peder, I feel uneasy to have this discussion going on on this board. It could be a potential problem for this web site, but I wouldn't go into details here.

Please respect that. Thanks!

Yes Sir, Mr. George, I can respect that. I do, however, have a desire to understand.


I guess I must realize the fact that all governments aren't like my own in the west. I must accept the fact that certain things like freedom of speach does not apply elsewhere like they do on my home soil.

It's just that sometimes it's difficult. You are accostomed to one thing and, when you venture off into a foreign land, the rules are different.

Just like everytime I travel through Uzbeckistan... I am well aware of all the differences up front, it's quite a shock actually. I have to hide my own money in my socks as I go through their customs in the airport. Maybe I was just arrogant to think the way I was.

Thank you for helping me see the light. If I want to spend the rest of my days in their contry; I must do nothing as to cause any aknowledgement of my existance in their world. I must remain invisible.

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