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What Is It That Thai Women Do Better?


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so come on gents, please tell. what is it about the fairer sex in thailand and s.e.asia, that made you turn your back on looking for the ideal partner in your home land or anywhere else for that matter in the western world.

ive been reading up on another forum within tv, about what it is that males do to turn off women. i think its only fair the repay the compliment and let it be known what it was that made you decide to look for the ideal mate within the LOS.

do western women have any particular traits, habits or floors that you disliked. what was it that turned you off?

would be interesting know and give the opposite sex some idea of where their going wrong.

keep it civil and above board and hopefully the thread will be able to run its course, the same way the other one has.

ill fill you in later as to why i think thai women win hands down compared to a women say from other parts of the world.

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Well a few of my mates went to grab a Grannies back home and got a knock back. So they tend to visit or live here with a little darling that says yes please, can I help you in any way and they lived happily ever after. :)

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Each woman I have had a relationship with, has possessed a very special something, for the time I spent with them I loved them dearly. When the spark left the relelationship.....so did I.... :D

Now I am as happy as I can be...... :)

No bitterness...... :D

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quote "do western women have any particular traits, habits or floors that you disliked. what was it that turned you off?

would be interesting know and give the opposite sex some idea of where their going wrong. "

This is a joke, right?

Especially the bit about giving western women some idea of where they are going wrong.

Western women in the wrong? Never. They are always right!!

We men are fat, lazy b*stards who can never complete a DIY project we have started. We leave the toilet seat up/down. We fart in bed. When we reply and tell them 'Yes their arse looks big in that' they go in a huff. We like football. We like ......


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OMG , :) most come here to satisfy their macho strings and find it so easy to comfort the squeezed for their own comfort to be someone until the sledge hammer hits them.

I personally find it easier to communicate with western women, but must admit that Asian women are very appealing from their looks, but not so much for their intellect, because there is none.

In general and because of the higher percentage of younger people, many men stand a higher chance to find a good looking partner which otherwise they couldn't find back home.

Other reason is that they all find it so exotic and see everything through pink glasses until realty strikes.

Time will tell how it develops. I remember a Thai TV series about 15 years ago where they taught of how to deal with foreign men and how to get hold of his finances, the welfare in their respective countries, pensions, and support when divorced. I found it hilarious for one reason; I know that the leaderships here knows how things could go but don't implement it here.

That it is not so as they once thought it is can be found here in the whining threads.

Edited by elcent
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I didnt look for my ideal out here. I just found her. I was lucky. Truth is you dont know where you are going to find someone. For the record the woman I found was independent, strong and had her own opinions and wasnt just a cook, clean and sex type so beloved of the average mysogynist. So not much different form a western woman really, which considering isnt surprising

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I didnt look for my ideal out here. I just found her. I was lucky. Truth is you dont know where you are going to find someone. For the record the woman I found was independent, strong and had her own opinions and wasnt just a cook, clean and sex type so beloved of the average mysogynist. So not much different form a western woman really, which considering isnt surprising

Here in Thailand there are two very different kind of women.

One kind, which is also the main pillar in Thai economics and which are more successful in (international)business than women from other countries. Many are also successfully active in social fields. But still a relative small number and with no intellect.

The other group, the standard, the squeezed and poverty stricken, the majority in Thailand.

Both groups bear the same characteristics. Bottom line is money and social status. The hierarchical settings has mad them think in up or down and never look right or left. So when they get a chance to stamp on you they will do it (not that this applies to all relationships though).

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OMG, Western women would not go anywhere with 90% of the guys you see here, I have friends whom their partners tthought the grass was greener and they are very happy their husbands left all the money for them, they have remarried younger proffesional men. What do you do when they reach 50 trade down. I think the Thai guys are better looking esp in the forces than western men NO competition

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OMG, Western women would not go anywhere with 90% of the guys you see here, I have friends whom their partners tthought the grass was greener and they are very happy their husbands left all the money for them, they have remarried younger proffesional men. What do you do when they reach 50 trade down. I think the Thai guys are better looking esp in the forces than western men NO competition

like this? - can be found more often now

:):D :D


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Wasn't looking either. All of the relationships I've had in the past have been the same in that respect. My girl is independent thinking, hard working, knows what she likes/doesn't like, has been through similar trials and tribulations to myself, despite the difficulties (distance, language, culture etc.) we 'click' and make each other happy. Finances do play a part, as they do in any relationship, and now she is able to work from home and be with her children. It's still a little 'hand to mouth' but she and the kids are happier, as are the extended family.

I've got nothing bad to say about the women I've had relationships with in the past, or western culture. It is what it is.

My Thai g/f has said to me that if she wanted a guy who plays around, drinks too much and doesn't treat her well she could easily find one closer to home. I said there are plenty like that in my country too!

There are plenty of cultural stereotypes available to throw around but people are people. She doesn't do the 'dutiful asian wife' thing, nor would I respond particularly well to that, I like a person to be an individual not a role. We are, hopefully like any other couple, learning about each other all the time, but the recurring theme seems to be love and laughter. Long may it continue.

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I dated some wonderful women back home but even though they were far more educated than my Thai wife they were less interesting and tended to be more self centered. My wife may not have much formal education but she is sharp as a whip and funny too. The best quality I find attractive about S.E.A. women is that they are still feminine with soft features. I admit that I married a Thai women because I waited too long to find misses right in Canada. I could either settle for a woman my own age or meet a woman ten years my junior. Call me selfish but I went for the younger choice.

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There are plenty of cultural stereotypes available to throw around but people are people. She doesn't do the 'dutiful asian wife' thing, nor would I respond particularly well to that, I like a person to be an individual not a role. We are, hopefully like any other couple, learning about each other all the time, but the recurring theme seems to be love and laughter. Long may it continue.

:) Spot on. This is how any successful relationship should work regardless of nationality.

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I've been around the world a few times, and I must say that once you get past the language barrier, women are still women no matter where they come from. Unpredictable, emotional, and downright aggravating at times. Just because you may not speak the language well, doesn't mean there's not a whole lot more cooking in that pretty little head than you might think. I have several female Thai friends who have a very good command of the English language. They can be almost as insufferable as most western women, but simply because they can express their thoughts to me.

The one thing I have learned is not to mistake silence for politeness. If you only knew what was going on behind those brown eyes, it would scare you to death. I do find Asian women to be very attractive, but have learned that for the most part it's all the same game just in a different language. The only difference here in Thailand is that money can buy a reasonable facsimile of "love" and alot cheaper than in the western world. I've seen a few guys pull off the "real deal", but there was still a sizable out of pocket expense.

As one of my Thai buddies says "no money, no honey"

I in turn taught him how to say "No honey, I keep my money" :)

Anybody who says that Asian women are all so polite and quiet has never ticked off a Chinese desk clerk at a Government office in downtown Shenzhen China. Been there, done that, and definitely not going back.

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Anybody who says that Asian women are all so polite and quiet....

:) absolutely! I think the first time I looked at her and thought 'hmmm there's something about this girl' was when I saw her lose her temper! It wasn't directed at me btw! (and long may THAT continue to be the case!)

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Hi well Thai women do nothing better they know nothing about sex they thing that they know it. Why they running around packin a towel.

Yes there are a couple off thinks what they can verry well; playing card whit your money, speak a lie and not one time, walking like the Bangkok Bank ATM machine.

They can't clean a house they forgot every time the windows yes the clean the windows if there is on every window a 100THB banknote.

If you have an vacuum cleaner they dont use it they like to move the durt to a other part off the room.

But I'm verry happy here every day there is the sun for me the birds belief me after 14 years in Thailand I know what is happend but sex whit a thai lady BS.

Best regard for all


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I never turned my back on western women. They turned their back on me. I am sure I couldn't possibly be good enough for them, in every way. After several years of getting the same message, I exited my former country and here I am.

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Thai woman care what they look like.

Ever try to get a shop clerk's attention but she has her face in a mirror.

It's frustrating at times but you gotta admit: they do look good.

The other biggie is respect. I don't see much of that in the western world.

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It’s like the difference between Chicago and Dallas. Go to the airports at Chicago and Dallas to see if I’m right.

Chicago has good looking men and butt ugly women. The men are well dressed, business like and obviously financially well off. The women are big boned, slovenly and wear babushkas while dragging a pack runny nosed kids eating Twinkies.

Dallas on the other hand has beautiful women. They all look like beauty queens. Perfectly groomed and dressed and looking like sophisticates or cheerleaders for the Dallas Cowboys. The men are drunk, truck driving farmers with manure on their boots.

There are many sociological reasons for the differences but the differences are there.

If you want a woman in the US go to Dallas. If you want a man go to Chicago.

Internationally the same is true of Thailand. If you want a woman or a man who acts and looks like a woman go to Thailand. If you want a man, check out the single female vacation tour planners I don’t really know.

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