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Thailand to impose security law for Thaksin protests


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Blue shirts, schmue shirts. Typical Truth Today tripe. Did the red shirts storm the Asean summit and force the world leaders to run away in helicopters or did they not. THEY DID. It is a documented fact, unlike this blue shirt red herring.

I don't really care for yellow or red shirts, but I do find it amusing that you dismiss what is one of the only firsthand accounts here in favor of the official drivel feed to us by both sides :)

Here is a video of these non-existent blue shirts if you care to watch :

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This is is bigger than Thailand alone, but that happens to be the stage on which it will happen. This is about the battle between human beings and the elite.

LOL... no, it's not. It's about money and a fugitive trying desperately to get it and the power he had before back.

This will be a peaceful battle against apartheid, basically.

LOL... that one's even funnier... but no, it's not. It's about a corrupt politician getting the treasury money he looted.

Thaksin is not Mandela, he's not Gandhi, he's not a role model, he's a convicted criminal and has financed great turmoil for years now against his own motherland.

As a matter of fact, in their day, both Mandela and Gandhi were convicted criminals.

However, despite this, their people stuck by them and they eventually triumphed and were vindicated


Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela were crusaders for change against, in Gandhi's case the might of the British Indian Empire and in Mandela's case, the apartheid system in South Africa..

Even writing Thaksin's name on the same page is almost sacrilege.

Mandela and Gandhi will be remembered in 200 years as great historical figures.

Thaksin Shinawatra on the other hand will be consigned to the garbage can of history along with other such notables as Marcos & Peron. :)

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Blue shirts, schmue shirts. Typical Truth Today tripe. Did the red shirts storm the Asean summit and force the world leaders to run away in helicopters or did they not. THEY DID. It is a documented fact, unlike this blue shirt red herring.

I don't really care for yellow or red shirts, but I do find it amusing that you dismiss what is one of the only firsthand accounts here in favor of the official drivel feed to us by both sides :)

Here is a video of these non-existent blue shirts if you care to watch :

If you are denying that it was the red shirts that took over and forced the emergency closing of the Asean summit in Pattaya, be my guest. Again, it is fact. Or I suppose you believe the Abhisit government did that, which when it happened was the absolute low point of his political career and a huge blow to the entire reputation of Thailand, that most pundits were saying he could never survive.

The topic of the times are the RED shirts. The groups assembling in Bangkok with the intent to overthrow the government this week are RED shirts. We are not talking yellow now, nor blue, rather the color of the moment is completely RED.

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I wonder if it is possible at all that they will ever do what i did with a friend at the office today...... see the picture. I'm the yellow one.

Sorry for the slightly off-topic post, i just wish to show my hope for the future.

Best regards.....



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It is needed. Well done.

Stop talking rubbish, this is thailand and the thai,s have a right to demonstrate how they chose fit,this is one sure way of over reaction, when will us farang just keep our mouths shut and mind our own business,

If that is how you feel about feedback on Thai issues why don't you take your own advice and keep your mouth shut. You just expressed your own "rubbish" opinion as sure as the did the person you replied to. Prig!!!

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If you are denying that it was the red shirts that took over and forced the emergency closing of the Asean summit in Pattaya, be my guest. Again, it is fact. Or I suppose you believe the Abhisit government did that, which when it happened was the absolute low point of his political career and a huge blow to the entire reputation of Thailand, that most pundits were saying he could never survive.

I don't think anyone here (in these relevant posts) was denying that the reds didn't do that in Pattaya. But there does seem to be plenty of evidence (first hand and video) that these blue shirts did fight with the red shirts in Pattaya.

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Blue shirts, schmue shirts. Typical Truth Today tripe. Did the red shirts storm the Asean summit and force the world leaders to run away in helicopters or did they not. THEY DID. It is a documented fact, unlike this blue shirt red herring.

I don't really care for yellow or red shirts, but I do find it amusing that you dismiss what is one of the only firsthand accounts here in favor of the official drivel feed to us by both sides :)

Here is a video of these non-existent blue shirts if you care to watch :

If you are denying that it was the red shirts that took over and forced the emergency closing of the Asean summit in Pattaya, be my guest. Again, it is fact. Or I suppose you believe the Abhisit government did that, which when it happened was the absolute low point of his political career and a huge blow to the entire reputation of Thailand, that most pundits were saying he could never survive.

I am only saying I have firsthand account that some of the violence was provoked...

But I get the feeling you are not listening and just want to play the yellow shirt red shirt game, so here goes :

... are you denying the yellow shirts took over and forced the closure of an international airport, be my guest... ladidadia...never ends :D

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Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela were crusaders for change against, in Gandhi's case the might of the British Indian Empire and in Mandela's case, the apartheid system in South Africa..

Even writing Thaksin's name on the same page is almost sacrilege.

Mandela and Gandhi will be remembered in 200 years as great historical figures.

Thaksin Shinawatra on the other hand will be consigned to the garbage can of history along with other such notables as Marcos & Peron. :D

Three snaps!


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I am only saying I have firsthand account that some of the violence was provoked...

Don't you get it? Nobody FORCED the red shirts to attack and occupy the Asean summit. They did that. They are 100 percent responsible. The blue shirt show is completely irrelevant. The blue shirts didn't force the red shirts to attack the summit, end of story.

I am not into humoring discussions of the currently dormant yellow shirts in these times when it is the red shirts actively seeking a revolution.

My view is the rule of the mad mob needs to stop sometime and now may be a good time. The dream of Thaksin as dictator is really not very appealing to most thoughtful people.

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Tensions rise. I just hope when this is all over the Thai people get what they want.

Half will , half wont ,therin lies the problem which will not go away with one protest no matter how big.

EGGsactly, if the Yellow side prevails the Reds will be the 'insurgents' for decades to come; if the Red side wins the day it's just cahnging the crocodiles in the swamp.

Either way, the cycle of the past 80 years, is destined to continue.

Thailand has one way out of the mess its in. The Joseph Solution.

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Let's take care in our posting. You are welcome to disagree with other posters, but name calling will get your post deleted and earn you a suspension.

Please keep it civil.

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I am only saying I have firsthand account that some of the violence was provoked...

Don't you get it. Nobody FORCED the red shirts to attack and occupy the Asean summit. They did that. They are 100 percent responsible. The blue shirt show is completely irrelevant. The blue shirts didn't force the red shirts to attack the summit, end of story.

Don't you get it. Nobody FORCED the yellow shirts to attack an occupy an International Airport. They did that.... ladidadida...can go on forever.

This is the last time I will repeat myself, I am only saying I have firsthand account red shirts were provoked more than they should have.

I know you don't really have these kind of popular movements in the US anymore so it might be difficult to understand but whenever you have a large group of people there is a danger of violence, provoking that violence is the easiest way to discredit that movement.

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Blue shirts, schmue shirts. Typical Truth Today tripe. Did the red shirts storm the Asean summit and force the world leaders to run away in helicopters or did they not. THEY DID. It is a documented fact, unlike this blue shirt red herring.

I don't really care for yellow or red shirts, but I do find it amusing that you dismiss what is one of the only firsthand accounts here in favor of the official drivel feed to us by both sides :)

Here is a video of these non-existent blue shirts if you care to watch :

That just shows the blue shirts trying to discourage the Reds from going to the ASEAN summit hotel.

We know that the blues did not attack the summit.

We know the Reds did and on film and video,

before their general 3 day rampage of destruction and death in Bangkok.

Accompanied by FULLY discredited propaganda lies and spin by their leaders.

And on International Television on TWO networks their leader Thaksin repeatedly lied

and generally screwed his image into the dust for the world to see.

So thank you for posting this agit-pro video!

it is a perfect excuse to set the record straight

and negate some more red Propaganda and spin.

We also know that PAD WAS FORCED out of Gov. by multiple nights of grenades launched at them,

not by a legitimate security apparatus moving them off government soil.

So to say they were not FORCED to take over a airport is a bit disingenuous, because

they were ebing forced to make a move, and under those kind of conditions just going home whupped

was NOT going to be on the table and an option.

So using the words "not FORCED"... is a pretty poor choice on your part.

I don't agree with the choice of fall back position PAD made,

but I firmly believe they WERE forced into that choice.

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I saw the red shirt mobs myself in Pattaya. It was clear to me at the time they were looking for trouble. Indeed, they were trouble. If you think it was in Abhisit's interest to force the closing of his showcase Asean summit, you are right, there is nothing to discuss further. Are the red's children not responsible for their own actions?

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I wonder if it is possible at all that they will ever do what i did with a friend at the office today...... see the picture. I'm the yellow one.

Sorry for the slightly off-topic post, i just wish to show my hope for the future.

Best regards.....


Thanh, more power to you both. :)

Not all people sympathetic to many red ideals are bad intentioned,

they problem rests with the others, who may not grasp who they are

in bed with in their efforts to change Thailand, and in other still with

no ideals, but only greed for power.

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I am only saying I have firsthand account that some of the violence was provoked...

Don't you get it? Nobody FORCED the red shirts to attack and occupy the Asean summit. They did that. They are 100 percent responsible. The blue shirt show is completely irrelevant. The blue shirts didn't force the red shirts to attack the summit, end of story.

I am not into humoring discussions of the currently dormant yellow shirts in these times when it is the red shirts actively seeking a revolution.

My view is the rule of the mad mob needs to stop sometime and now may be a good time. The dream of Thaksin as dictator is really not very appealing to most thoughtful people.

However the Yellows were forced to occupy the airport!? [please don't blab on about it was 'justified', both sides have their 'justifications' and therein lies the map for the forseeable future - Sondhi's main 'justification' was to cover up the corruption he was involved with his his crony pal Thaksin. he helped bank roll Thaksin into power, then got billlioooonnssss in 'debt forgiveness = corruption]

Thailand has to choose one crocodile or the other, both sides are pathetic and products of a very poorly designed structure for ruling a country.

One side scuttles a conference the other side terrorises an International airport = both idiots.

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Good will prevail next week, or else all hope is lost. If there is a God, then this nation will overcome the dictatorship, or else there is no God.

There is no god, but that has nothing to do with the politics and protests in Thailand.

Next week we will know whether you are right or not.

Whatever happens next week will have nothing to do with god. And remember that Thailand is not a Christian country. There are many gods worshiped here.

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However the Yellows were forced to occupy the airport!?

Did I say that? Did anyone say that? The yellows are NOT the issue right now. It is the reds. It is the reds massing in Bankok now with revolution in their hearts. Do you think just because of what happened with the yellows, that an endless cycle of government changes by rule of angry mobs is the way to go? Well, I don't. Its got to stop sometime or else this country is doomed.

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The only winners here are the clothwork companies who make all these shirts.

I'm waiting for the "No Shirts" to show up, led by Mel Gibson @$$~naked & painted in daub , yelling freedom!. Stranger things have happened & at least it would be more interesting than all this ''you broke my toys in the sandpit'' / ''you pulled my hair first'' playground polictics .Yawn zz.

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It is needed. Well done.

Stop talking rubbish, this is thailand and the thai,s have a right to demonstrate how they chose fit,this is one sure way of over reaction, when will us farang just keep our mouths shut and mind our own business,

No reasonable government in the world would sit back and allow free rein to a violent terrorist movement massing in their capital. If you actually believe the red shirts are a peaceful movement, I would agree with you. However, I think the proof is overwhelming that they are a violent movement willing to do anything to achieve their goals. That is simply not acceptable.

That is not acceptable is your comment. You have no evidence to speak about terrorist movement and I fully agree with the previous comment saying as Farang keep your mouth shut. It's right to the Thai people to demonstrate what they want, could be yellow or red; it's their country and their business not ours and even we have opinions, keep it for us. I would never accept in my country foreigners speaking about what is OK and what is wrong, that's all. :)

"you would never accept foreigners speaking out about what is OK", you're certainly not an American, and you certainly don't believe in free speech or even that all people are created equal. Maybe you should read the Thai constitution, although the people may not do as it's is written, at least it's written.

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not a good time to be travelling then

EGGsactly --- I was even thinking Thai Visa could create a link, similar to the currecny converter, whereby people can look up what 'leve' of Warning their home country has issued.

These ones from a couple of weeks ago will surley be upgraded!



In the scale of violence, one is the lowest and five the highest, which might lead to a ban to travelling to the country in question.

Meanwhile, France, Italy, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Austria, United States, Israel, Japan, Poland, Spain, Russia, Romania and Finland cautioned their citizens of second-level violence in Thailand. The United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Iceland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand brought the ranking up to the third level, advising their citizens to stay away from rally sites in Bangkok.

2 more levels until it is an outright ban, level 5.

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However the Yellows were forced to occupy the airport!?

Did I say that? Did anyone say that? The yellows are NOT the issue right now. It is the reds. It is the reds massing in Bankok now with revolution in their hearts. Do you think just because of what happened with the yellows, that an endless cycle of government changes by rule of angry mobs is the way to go? Well, I don't. Its got to stop sometime or else this country is doomed.

the 'let them eat cake' attitude of the yellows has nothing to with the political situation in Thailand? Sondhi and the yellows are on RECORD as threatening more violent actions and other measures like, Sondhi, "Getting all the rich Thais to simulataneously withdraw money from the banks to destroy the economy, if his way of running things is ever challenged." H SAID this. If somebody is standing in the corner with a kinife drawn, you can NOT say he is not part of the picture.

I would hate to see Thaksin back at President, but I would loathe to see the Sondhi forces win the day, too.

I NEVER said an endless cycle is the way to go. I don't support the reds or the yellows. They don't even represent about 70% of the Thai population, but are responsible for 90% of the political unrest.

A HUGE point of this whole thread, missing, was the PMs plan to expand trade with Australia is cut off because he has to join in the latest fight. THIS stuff has been going on for 80 years and it will for another 80. <<< That is NOT saying I want it to.

The Joseph Solution is highly acceptable to the Red Shirts, the Yellow Shirts, the White Shirts [the Mute Majority] and the Monarchists.

The only folks that don't like The Joseph Solution are the Communists, the entrenched corrupt, and the Southern separtists [who are licking their lips at prospectof a civil war in Thailand]

Some 90% of Thais would love and accept The Joseph Solution and it could bring Stability, Peace, Prosperity and diminished Corruption to Thailand within weeks to months of Implementation.

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"10. Order the "training at a special location" of suspects, in lieu of pressing charges against them, for up to six months (Article 31) – such training apparently requires the "consent" of the suspect, but with the threat of criminal procedures as alternative, the voluntariness of consent to such "training" is doubtful. In the absence of freely given consent, such training is therefore likely to amount to arbitrary detention.

Unless otherwise stated, none of the above provisions requires court authorisation for the powers to be exercised."

this is an imprisonment without a charge and without the court - just an administrative decision. No much less than "prisoner of war"

in this situation that law can be turn out to be a doom machine for the Democrat government or a democratic Thailand (with or without the Democrats) in the near future at all.

all this measurements could have worked out and be useful to keep everything down and quote if it would have been imposed long time ago and push the UDD into the underground and make proper planning and organizing of such a mass rally impossible. like it was 2006/2007.

but now everything is planned allready, carpools formed, schedules developed, back up plans probably exist.

so that that law is used as a threat, scare tactics, an attempt to keep the number of participants at that rally at a low number. the sheer number could cause a loss f face for Abhisit. for other concerns like a collaps of the logistic to provide the daily needs of the people you can not control with such a law. and if the UDD can mobilise the mass of protesters others will not stay at home because their friends and neighbors go and the group give the individual a feeling of safety.

it will be not a bunch if thugs but people of all ages and all walks of life. normal people, peaceful protesters. such mass will unstoppable and whoever would try to stir up the sh't and create a situation and then trying to detain all these people or a certain amount of them is asking to fail and then it becomes really nasty. if they start to build such 'prisoners of war camp' it will also create a lot of freedom warriors and we have a civil war situation and i doubt the army will be willing or able to provide such a service to save the lower backside of Abhisit and Suthep. i

f the masses are in town Abhisits only chance is to sot it out. give the red shirts their way, let them do their camping and the music show, keep an eye on any third party and bring that third party under control if they are up to some conflict. be happy about the fact that there are some many monks around who will be helpful partner in the deescalation management by the security forces. have patience until the reds go home and do as much as possible to avoid ISA implementation.

the pure existence of point 10 in that ISA list makes Thailand to a failed state if the government really need such a law. if they will actually practise point 10 its over.

i dont get the happiness and the willingness to support such Act. only something more uglier can turn that into a win situation but certainly not that concept Abhisit pretends to be stand for.

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Outrage at training as an alternative to criminal charges, but acceptance of thousands of extra-judicial murders by Thaksin. So very predictable. Would the harsh security measures be needed if the revolutionary threat wasn't real? I agree the situation is a mess all around, but to demonize Abhisit at this point seems very unfair.

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It's right to the Thai people to demonstrate what they want, could be yellow or red; it's their country and their business not ours and even we have opinions, keep it for us. I would never accept in my country foreigners speaking about what is OK and what is wrong, that's all. :D

Open your eyes, please. This is an EXPAT forum where foreigners express opinions and share information. You don't like what I said, but you are being disingenuous by saying foreigners shouldn't express their opinions. BTW, I never minded when foreigners discussed US politics with me when I was in the US. I would even try to change their opinion if I could. Most horrifying was talking to foreigners who admired George W. Bush, but I wouldn't think they were doing anything wrong by having an opinion.

fantastic reply :)

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I'm guessing that this will mostly affect Bangkok and those of us outside Bangkok will just see a few extra road blocks.

I can only imagine that the police themselves won't be too keen to implement this in pro-Taksin areas such as Chiang Mai and Issan.

I wonder if this will prompt foreign countries to again recommend their citizens to avoid Thailand


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