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Does Your Thai Lady Get Very Angry Quickly Too ?

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....personally I reckon it is their over exposure to Thai soaps that makes them behave the way they do. :)

Amen, Brother!


Phil's the only one that's got it right! If i wanted to put up with an old, naggy bitch, i could find one of those more easily than a Starbucks in Seattle.

My Thai g/f pulled that crap one time and only one time. I told her if she gets mad at me, I don't want to see it again, go do something and cool down. She said, "Ok maybe I not talk u one week." My reply was, "Some other lady will." In other words who the f do u think u are?

That shut her up real quick..... I don't know if she's ever ben mad at me again... ignorance is bliss... :D

In the past, in America, I had at times, shamefully acted like some bungling idiot and on occassion had apologized just to to keep the peace, though i had done nothing wrong...... lesson learned....

Never again...those days are long gone... My balls hang low... again ... we both know it and it feels great... i'm not abusive towards her, just firm, following natural dominant/submissive laws of nature and she loves me to pieces. :D

No dreamers on the internet then :D

Yo big man, like a doberman on the keyboard bet you're a poodle when at home with ya loved one... :D

Poodle, dreamer..... yeah sure.... :D If u want it to be true, make it happen ..... But hey Nookie, do it your way... just tell her ""Up to u honey bunchkins" :)


"One thing to always watch out for though is pointing out anything her family has done wrong."

This is very true. No matter that they curse them on occasion. You can't, and shouldn't, say anything about them them. Good or bad.

There's some other topics to avoid, however, I would like to address the "how to fix it" part. I read some good answers including medication which is always a good fall-back. In my case, if the situation warrants it, I have complete permission to give her a smack. Her Father suggested it, but I wouldn't do it. However, she knows it exists, and all it takes is a look to calm things down. Then is a good time for medication.

My GF tells me every day "Don't have other Lady"

Mine is just the opposite! She is a business woman and sometimes works long hours, which when i complain about being alone.

She just says .............OK ! have 'lady bar short time, no problems'............strange ?

What a terrible situation to be in lolololol

With my wife the first year I got the silent treatment when she was angry but it was always down to misunderstandings due to language but after showing my wife understanding, trust and love and with her English and my Thai improving we fix all that. Now for the next 9 years we have been great Friends we get on so well with no anger or temper or silent treatment it just takes time to understand each other.



I agree , I've got exactly the same experience .

The only thing is that people who are overly sick jealous , I don't believe a relationship

will last long , unless one loves to be dominated like that , one should move on if the other

side is unwilling to change ofcourse . But most problems come with miscommunication , and time

will overcome that .


My wife gets cranky from time to time. She is almost 50, from a middle class family, and has a degree, but occasionally she loses it. Definitely hormonal, but also I think she justs get het up from time to time.

I think there is some truth in the notion that westerners generally get used to managing conflict, it is no big deal to get a bit cranky and have a blue in western society, but to generalise, in Asia, it is not okay to lose your temper - so when you do lose it, watch out, the sky is the limit. Look up the expression "to run amok".

My wife knows that she has a problem. One of the reasons that we are living in Australia, even though she still has family and lots of friends in Thailand, is that she believes she would be killed by somebody, sooner or later, because she would get cranky at the wrong time with the wrong person.

But, she is basically a good person, totally honest, very supportive (95% of the time), and I could not live without her. I guess I have imperfections, too!!

My GF tells me every day "Don't have other Lady"

Mine is just the opposite! She is a business woman and sometimes works long hours, which when i complain about being alone.

She just says .............OK ! have 'lady bar short time, no problems'............strange ?

What a terrible situation to be in lolololol

..my wife used to tell me that too, during the 18 month courtship, before she was my wife. Now she says if I do it so will she..

signed: "funny" :) how things change


I like the OP. I can do just about anything but I MUST ALWAYS ANSWER THE PHONE! I too have left my phone in the car at the golf course and boy does the :) when I do it (such as last weekend). Its not that she thinks I am with someone (99.9999999% never am; the one time I was I had 18 missed calls-learned my lesson that time) its she thinks I am up to something else.

She knows I don't fool around............ all the other guys get checked out for lipstick on their collars; I get checked out for pool chalk on my shirt. She just hates not knowing where I am.

When she gets mad I get the silent treatment and she gets the door opened for her, a small overnight suitcase packed, and told to come back when she is over her craziness.

My GF tells me every day "Don't have other Lady"

Mine is just the opposite! She is a business woman and sometimes works long hours, which when i complain about being alone.

She just says .............OK ! have 'lady bar short time, no problems'............strange ?

What a terrible situation to be in lolololol

Yeah, don't fall into that trap my friend.....you don't want little reallyok to be fed to the ducks now. :)


I have found that in many cases (not all) the Thai female hotheads are from a certain socio-economic background – just like the men.

My last GF never raised her voice to me in two years, and my current one is more likely to burst into tears than yell at me if she is angry – though we have not been together long enough for me to be certain. One thing I have noticed in these two relationships and my better Thai relationships in the past is that they make a very conscious effort not to fight (my previous ex actually came out and said we will never have a fight, as I simply refuse to do so). I have always marveled at how they can keep something in for a few days and then discuss it calmly at a later time when it is not as upsetting. I have now adopted this tactic and will wait to see if something is worth discussing – some things just simply melt away.

Good Thai women are much less stressful than ANY relationship I have had in the west.

My GF tells me every day "Don't have other Lady"

Mine is just the opposite! She is a business woman and sometimes works long hours, which when i complain about being alone.

She just says .............OK ! have 'lady bar short time, no problems'............strange ?

What a terrible situation to be in lolololol

..my wife used to tell me that too, during the 18 month courtship, before she was my wife. Now she says if I do it so will she..

signed: "funny" :D how things change

Well if you're both going to have another lady why not just share one. More fun that way :)


The wife who is continually checking her husband's mobile etc etc sounds as if she might have Delusional Disorder. Check out the psychforums webpage related to this if you want more info. Not very cheery though, as most never get better. Walking on egg-shells well describes living with a partner like this. You never know when something you say/do in all innocence will set them off.


"..Good Thai women are much less stressful than ANY relationship I have had in the west..."

I have the same experience, but at the same time I "grew" up quite a bit since my last farang gf 8 years ago. Obviously looks aren't the most important thing.. but when you love their ( Thai women in general ) looks it sure helps ease the "pain"

signed: it (usually) takes 2


I believe Furbie's comment about socio-economic background is applicable to those insanely jealous individuals rather than hot headed women in general.


I hate conflict and avoid it when I can.  My current g/f did get angry at me a few times when we first started dating, a couple of times being my fault and a couple of times for who knows what.  There was the yelling and all that goes with it, with me basically ignoring her.

Then one time, over a year ago, it was bad and I walked out and wandered for a couple of hours.  When I came back, I told her in no uncertain terms that I can't live like this, and that the fighting had to stop or we were through, despite how we felt when things were going well.  Since then, we have had two fights, one so-so and another one a little more serious.  So two fights in over a year, I guess I can live with that.


My GF knows that i do my rounds at Nana and SC sometimes. She checks my phone sometimes too. And sometimes she find someting :D But what can i say...i am 25 years old. Can't have only one GF if you live in Thailand, am i right??? Yes i am! :)


My wife has never lost her temper with me, nor I with Her(well maybe a little) she has not even raised an eyebrow in my direction. She would have to be the most level person I have met. It works for the both of us, but I know some Men that could never handle it, they need the fire they need the fights they need the arguments........ me i can live without them.


Before coming to Thailand, I had dated quite a few European women, we always tried to talk about the reasons for our arguments.

Here, it is better to leave her alone for 10 mins and resume life as if nothing has happened. Took a bit getting used to, but like most things here, it all works out OK and I find is preferable to being a western adult and discussing our feelings :-)

I believe Furbie's comment about socio-economic background is applicable to those insanely jealous individuals rather than hot headed women in general.


That's probably more accurate, but that does tend to lead to crazy outbursts on their part for any perceived infidelity. If you look at many of the posts/stories about crazy Thai women, it often stems from their belief that the man has been with another woman.

It has also been my experience that many (not all) middle and upper class Thai women do not have these crazy/delusional and insecure feelings about infidelity in a relationship. It's not that they don't believe their man will cheat, they are just more comfortable with the fact that a middle/upper class guy is not going to throw them over for some poor girl.

FYI, I have met some hotheads from the middle/upper classes, but surprisingly few.


If I read all this, I get the impression that you guys consider yourself to be all perfect and that there is so much wrong with all the women in the world. Try to be a really nice husband in the first place instead of complaining about women. For 12 years now I have a very lovely marriage with a wonderful western woman and we never have a fight. We may have disagreements but we discuss them over a nice glass of wine and dinner. 12 years ago we promised to never raise our voices to each other or express great anger. That doesn't mean that we always agree. When we don't agree about something, we sit down and discuss why we did what we did. We don't tell each other that we love each other, but we show it. A relationship is work, but it's a wonderful job to do. We love to make each other happy. You must understand the other gender in order to know how to handle differences. Good luck guys. Despite all your relationships I wonder whether they really make you happy. Perhaps it's time for you to really look at yourself in the mirror and see why people get angry at you so often. And remember, people who don't get angry with you may be indifferent. Cheers.

My GF knows that i do my rounds at Nana and SC sometimes. She checks my phone sometimes too. And sometimes she find someting :D But what can i say...i am 25 years old. Can't have only one GF if you live in Thailand, am i right??? Yes i am! :)

..me and my gf (wife) so happy na na naa..if she no happy me I go nana na.. ( actually i TOTALLY understand..the attractionas are endless, fascinating and VERY tempting)

signed: around and around we go.. and where it stops.. my bpen rai

Before coming to Thailand, I had dated quite a few European women, we always tried to talk about the reasons for our arguments.

Here, it is better to leave her alone for 10 mins and resume life as if nothing has happened. Took a bit getting used to, but like most things here, it all works out OK and I find is preferable to being a western adult and discussing our feelings :-)

yes..feelings can be ickky..when the (western) lady asks you how you feel.. you could say...with my HANDS

..today it was because I forgot my cel phone in the car when I went golfing, and she tried to call me 4 times..well..I got home at 730 pm ( sober, thankfully) and she was pissed off.. now its 45 minutes later, and she's as nice as can be.."teelak, you want ice cleam??"

I don't see how you label her quick tempered or hot headed based on this example? You were gone for hours, she couldn't get a hold of you and had hours to seethe about your lack of consideration if she had some emergency that she needed your help for or concern for your safety. Seems she gathered herself rather quickly and didn't hold a grudge or be vindictive once she knew what had happened, I'm struggling to see the complaint... :)

....personally I reckon it is their over exposure to Thai soaps that makes them behave the way they do. :D

Amen, Brother!

Seconded :D

My gf sometimes get's annoyed (usually a few day's before "that time of the month" ) :)

For example, if we're chatting on the phone she might put the phone down on me. I call her back in a few minutes after she's calmed down and she's fine and laughing about it.



when my wife blows she is one nasty piece of work, i actually hate her for it and it puts me off having sex with her most times, if i didnt have a baby daughter i would leave her, she took a knife to me more than once, only 4 days ago she took a knife ,i slapped the face of her and left for 2 days, its terrible to have to go through this and i just wish i had of stayed with my previous gf she is now in hau hin and married again, she was really jai yen the most good hearted gentle woman but sure didnt i blow it with her too tut tut... :)

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