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To OP.

Didnt your wife contact you regarding a divorce 10 months ago?

According to your own started thread back then.

Are you denying her the divorce?

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OP said 10 months ago:

my wife has contacted me via email and friend and has requested a divorce,

i sure dont have a problem with this,

Now all of a sudden 10 months later; you haven't seen her for 1 year and she's met someone else and you're trying to stop the divorce...?

And you claim to have been in daily contact with your wife...so for the last 10 months after getting the initial divorce email you still emailed her every day...? Despite both wanting a divorce...?

we got back together

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Another one bites the dust. She's going to let him off "scott free"? He wouldn't be no stinkin' Troll would he?

What is your <deleted>@@ing problem? i am not a troll, i value this site very high, hope you never get a problem and need to turn here for advice,sick

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saw her 1 year ago?

I saw her only a week ago, Now I find that she has a husband as well as finding some guy of the internet, Thats it i am not sending anymore money to her.

Who are you? The op? Trolls gone wild, order the DVD on amazon.

i realy hope in life u never get problem, but when u do if/ you might come here ask for help. dont ridicule somebody when there are down and in need of help.

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saw her 1 year ago?

I saw her only a week ago, Now I find that she has a husband as well as finding some guy of the internet, Thats it i am not sending anymore money to her.

Who are you? The op? Trolls gone wild, order the DVD on amazon.

i realy hope in life u never get problem, but when u do if/ you might come here ask for help. dont ridicule somebody when there are down and in need of help.

just read the thread he posted in the farang pub forum a few weeks back. that will give you a good laugh and make you feel better.

billy no mates/ gf comes to mind.

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Let her go just go to the Amphur and get your divorce it will cost 20 baht and you can start again you will have to be present :)


why should i make it easy for her thogh?

but many thanks ur reply


issanpaul, the best advice I can give you is "move on with your life" I know it's not what you want, however it is what you got. Value your time together, but come to grips with the fact that it's over. Now, with a whole new attitude, come on back and find a new lady. This is Thailand, within walking distance of where you found her, you can find another just like her, maybe even better.


to answer your question "why should i make it easy for her thogh?" Answer: because it will be easier for you.

Good luck

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Let her go just go to the Amphur and get your divorce it will cost 20 baht and you can start again you will have to be present :)


why should i make it easy for her thogh?

but many thanks ur reply


issanpaul, the best advice I can give you is "move on with your life" I know it's not what you want, however it is what you got. Value your time together, but come to grips with the fact that it's over. Now, with a whole new attitude, come on back and find a new lady. This is Thailand, within walking distance of where you found her, you can find another just like her, maybe even better.


to answer your question "why should i make it easy for her thogh?" Answer: because it will be easier for you.

Good luck

Good advice, lovedog. I was going to say exactly the same thing. I've seen a lot of separations and then couples getting back together again. I haven't seen ONE that lasted very long the second time around. There are ALWAYS repeating problems.

Long term relationships just don't work, unless the two people are totally insular and don't really NEED anyone else in their life. They just sort of exist together in some sort of weird relationship where both go their own separate ways. Most women want a whole lot more out of life than that. The only way it seems to work is if the woman doesn't enjoy sex, and just needs a wealthy man to support her. If you leave a normally healthy woman alone for very long it won't take forever before she gets a straying eye. Some of the gals just take the poor sods money and have part time lovers on the side. Other women are more honest and want more out of life. They actually want their man to be around most of the time... or at least often enough for it to be some sort of resemblance to a marriage. The honest ones just ask their husbands for a divorce. The wise man is the one who accepts it and agrees. The only hassle at that point is how to divide up their possesions accrued while married. Who in their sane mind would actually WANT to live with a woman who wants to divorce you?

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ouch .... hard to give you answers but I would suggest making your way back to Thailand before he gets there is one way. Also i think you should be prepared to accept that she is in the roaming mode and could happen again and again. You dont tell us much but do you have children and property in Thailand ?

Not very helpful I know but wish you well

Roaming mode, hel_l he has been gone for over a year, what do you expect, I do not blame her- She can find someone to be with, not this absentee husband who thinks it is fine to stay away. :)

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Let her go just go to the Amphur and get your divorce it will cost 20 baht and you can start again you will have to be present :)


why should i make it easy for her thogh?

but many thanks ur reply


issanpaul, the best advice I can give you is "move on with your life" I know it's not what you want, however it is what you got. Value your time together, but come to grips with the fact that it's over. Now, with a whole new attitude, come on back and find a new lady. This is Thailand, within walking distance of where you found her, you can find another just like her, maybe even better.


to answer your question "why should i make it easy for her thogh?" Answer: because it will be easier for you.

Good luck

Good advice, lovedog. I was going to say exactly the same thing. I've seen a lot of separations and then couples getting back together again. I haven't seen ONE that lasted very long the second time around. There are ALWAYS repeating problems.

Long term relationships just don't work, unless the two people are totally insular and don't really NEED anyone else in their life. They just sort of exist together in some sort of weird relationship where both go their own separate ways. Most women want a whole lot more out of life than that. The only way it seems to work is if the woman doesn't enjoy sex, and just needs a wealthy man to support her. If you leave a normally healthy woman alone for very long it won't take forever before she gets a straying eye. Some of the gals just take the poor sods money and have part time lovers on the side. Other women are more honest and want more out of life. They actually want their man to be around most of the time... or at least often enough for it to be some sort of resemblance to a marriage. The honest ones just ask their husbands for a divorce. The wise man is the one who accepts it and agrees. The only hassle at that point is how to divide up their possesions accrued while married. Who in their sane mind would actually WANT to live with a woman who wants to divorce you?

Quite true. I have seen a few Thai marriages fall apart when the man is overseas working and the woman is left alone in Thailand. As for Farang & Thai together, many women cannot be trusted even when the man lives here (in LOS) with them. Most of these women I have seen are very secretive and have many hidden agendas. As for divorce, it is not unusual though, that one party or the other will not want to end things, because they are still in love with their partner. Unfortunately, love is not always an equal or balanced thing.

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Another one bites the dust. She's going to let him off "scott free"? He wouldn't be no stinkin' Troll would he?

What is your <deleted>@@ing problem? i am not a troll, i value this site very high, hope you never get a problem and need to turn here for advice,sick

Sorry to be so negative, but I have many questions are germane to your situation, that I would have thought you might have considered during the course of your relationship.

How old are you and how old is she?

How long did you know her before you got married?

Why did you legally marry her.

Since you are legally married, why did you not take her to your home country to live with you?

How much money have you handed over to her so far. Is that (money or lack thereof) a factor in her attitude now?

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Sorry to be so negative, but I have many questions are germane to your situation, that I would have thought you might have considered during the course of your relationship.

How old are you and how old is she?

How long did you know her before you got married?

Why did you legally marry her.

Since you are legally married, why did you not take her to your home country to live with you?

How much money have you handed over to her so far. Is that (money or lack thereof) a factor in her attitude now?

Those are all pertinent, reasonable questions that would have a bearing on any marriage. It is easy for a man with not a lot of options anywhere but Thailand to fall into "lust" with someone young and beautiful. I see it happening all the time all around me. He!!, it even happens to me occasionally... until I let my BIG head do the thinking.

One thing I've learned over the past 14 years I've been coming to Thailand is to ALWAYS take one step backwards before EVER doing anything of any importance. Never invest in anything you can't just walk away from and accept your losses with little complaint and few regrets. We always pay for whatever we do... one way or another.

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A friend of mine (female) told me that after 3 days [of the bf leaving] a Thai girl has changed her mind and is open for something new. A fun joke but also a fairly astute observation.

I say that from knowing a several married, engaged or 'taken' girls here in Thailand that are NOT monogamous to their distant boyfriends. It is so many from such a huge pool of girls that I have just drawn the conclusion that I would never, ever, again trust a current or future partner enough to work many months away and only visit some week of the year. The need so much more closeness than that.

Something that locally based farangs are more than happy to give them...while spending your money.

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You wife cannot divorce you at the district office without you being there.

Traditionally in Thailand, where one party wishes to divorce and the other does not, the latter (i.e. you in this case) makes a financial request to the former (your estranged wife) to settle the matter. 150,000 Baht might be a normal figure, a sort of reverse 'sin sot'.

This is how you should proceed, in accordance with Thai custom.

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