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maerim !

i thinks very soon you will undretand that war no more fight with poor gun .

<deleted>? :o

Could someone translate for me/us pls?

My translation:

I think, very soon, you will understand that wars today are fought with cheap weapons that poor people can afford. So watch your back, because this is a treat, maerim.

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right place means in between real human being  community who they know how to give respect to other and accept respect as will , have a helping hand , a complete free of racism and selfishness society and in right place every body have only one faces and law command  all matter of society ,. same of you are just like a horse .. just love to  look in front  ,, or may your hors glass no give you space for looking   around you ..  no disrespect any one  ,, if  any of you have power or any of you can do same thing ,  pleas help my people , in this type of time ,, I means I want to bring to your attention that you are not only responsible  for your nation in your country  , you living in Thailand you have to do what’s right for your self and for people of Thailand , as a Hume being  . lot of you marriage with bar and gogo girl and then start complain that why she have lot of faces  and lot of trick for taking out money from your pocket .. is very cheap question and no need to answer  you , cause you marriage with ( American product  ) , and  in stead of helping her means getting  marriage with her , .  ( teach ) her  and show her ( face ) of real life  by acting at least for few minute as gentleman  , example  instead of few bhat tip or with few bhat tip  ,  live in table a reasonable  Thai book  or talk to she about respect full life or one way or other open she’s eye to a greater world then gogo bar and pub .or help she is family quietly out of bar , .   TIZ ME have to look more deep to all this economical and political  agenda of Thai government for there people and country .. to day world is come very close to each other  , there’s no more east and west  ,  to day if thai people have control of there own life ,  you never see a falang in all Thailand accept same .   like you never find a English word in thai man pocket .  the rest who tray to talk about fake and not fake  or my personal id .. I request pleas ; focus your mind to subject ,,

I think we all are unfair to pett.

I days to come he will be remembered as the inventor of a whole new style of stream of consciousness writing.

A style that will shame Jack Kerouac and reduce Joyce's Finnegan’s Wake to the simplicity of a nursery rhyme.

So as to be there on the Band Wagon at the start, I will name this style:

Falang, Uttradit, Changmai, Kowtow, Indonesian, Nawan, Gf, Sukkothai, Hanoi, Islam, Taiwan.

Off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush.

I think her style is deliberatly used because if the content were delivered straight everyone would either be bored or flaming....but this way its cute instead....typical case of style over substance.

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right place means in between real human being  community who they know how to give respect to other and accept respect as will , have a helping hand , a complete free of racism and selfishness society and in right place every body have only one faces and law command  all matter of society ,. same of you are just like a horse .. just love to  look in front  ,, or may your hors glass no give you space for looking  around you ..  no disrespect any one  ,, if  any of you have power or any of you can do same thing ,  pleas help my people , in this type of time ,, I means I want to bring to your attention that you are not only responsible  for your nation in your country  , you living in Thailand you have to do what’s right for your self and for people of Thailand , as a Hume being  . lot of you marriage with bar and gogo girl and then start complain that why she have lot of faces  and lot of trick for taking out money from your pocket .. is very cheap question and no need to answer  you , cause you marriage with ( American product  ) , and  in stead of helping her means getting  marriage with her , .  ( teach ) her  and show her ( face ) of real life  by acting at least for few minute as gentleman  , example  instead of few bhat tip or with few bhat tip  ,  live in table a reasonable  Thai book  or talk to she about respect full life or one way or other open she’s eye to a greater world then gogo bar and pub .or help she is family quietly out of bar , .  TIZ ME have to look more deep to all this economical and political  agenda of Thai government for there people and country .. to day world is come very close to each other  , there’s no more east and west  ,  to day if thai people have control of there own life ,  you never see a falang in all Thailand accept same .  like you never find a English word in thai man pocket .  the rest who tray to talk about fake and not fake  or my personal id .. I request pleas ; focus your mind to subject ,,

There have been several leading reports that this may be a recently re-patriated member of tv.com....

Did anyone pick up the potential clue in the above post, taken from page 2 of the thread....

Here I´ll magnify:

....live in table a reasonable  Thai book  or talk to she about respect full life or one way or other open she’s eye to a greater world then gogo bar and pub .or help she is family quietly out of bar , .  TIZ ME have to look more deep to all this economical

Magnify again:

...quietly out of bar , .  TIZ ME .....

Just wondering what your thoughts might be....

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right place means in between real human being  community who they know how to give respect to other and accept respect as will , have a helping hand , a complete free of racism and selfishness society and in right place every body have only one faces and law command  all matter of society ,. same of you are just like a horse .. just love to  look in front  ,, or may your hors glass no give you space for looking   around you ..  no disrespect any one  ,, if  any of you have power or any of you can do same thing ,  pleas help my people , in this type of time ,, I means I want to bring to your attention that you are not only responsible  for your nation in your country  , you living in Thailand you have to do what’s right for your self and for people of Thailand , as a Hume being  . lot of you marriage with bar and gogo girl and then start complain that why she have lot of faces  and lot of trick for taking out money from your pocket .. is very cheap question and no need to answer  you , cause you marriage with ( American product  ) , and  in stead of helping her means getting  marriage with her , .  ( teach ) her  and show her ( face ) of real life  by acting at least for few minute as gentleman  , example  instead of few bhat tip or with few bhat tip  ,  live in table a reasonable  Thai book  or talk to she about respect full life or one way or other open she’s eye to a greater world then gogo bar and pub .or help she is family quietly out of bar , .   TIZ ME have to look more deep to all this economical and political  agenda of Thai government for there people and country .. to day world is come very close to each other  , there’s no more east and west  ,  to day if thai people have control of there own life ,  you never see a falang in all Thailand accept same .   like you never find a English word in thai man pocket .  the rest who tray to talk about fake and not fake  or my personal id .. I request pleas ; focus your mind to subject ,,

Spit it out.

There have been several leading reports that this may be a recently re-patriated member of tv.com....

Did anyone pick up the potential clue in the above post, taken from page 2 of the thread....

Here I´ll magnify:

....live in table a reasonable  Thai book  or talk to she about respect full life or one way or other open she’s eye to a greater world then gogo bar and pub .or help she is family quietly out of bar , .   TIZ ME have to look more deep to all this economical

Magnify again:

...quietly out of bar , .   TIZ ME .....

Just wondering what your thoughts might be....

Spit it out!

Edited by udon
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right place means in between real human being  community who they know how to give respect to other and accept respect as will , have a helping hand , a complete free of racism and selfishness society and in right place every body have only one faces and law command  all matter of society ,. same of you are just like a horse .. just love to  look in front  ,, or may your hors glass no give you space for looking   around you ..  no disrespect any one  ,, if  any of you have power or any of you can do same thing ,  pleas help my people , in this type of time ,, I means I want to bring to your attention that you are not only responsible  for your nation in your country  , you living in Thailand you have to do what’s right for your self and for people of Thailand , as a Hume being  . lot of you marriage with bar and gogo girl and then start complain that why she have lot of faces  and lot of trick for taking out money from your pocket .. is very cheap question and no need to answer  you , cause you marriage with ( American product  ) , and  in stead of helping her means getting  marriage with her , .  ( teach ) her  and show her ( face ) of real life  by acting at least for few minute as gentleman  , example  instead of few bhat tip or with few bhat tip  ,  live in table a reasonable  Thai book  or talk to she about respect full life or one way or other open she’s eye to a greater world then gogo bar and pub .or help she is family quietly out of bar , .   TIZ ME have to look more deep to all this economical and political  agenda of Thai government for there people and country .. to day world is come very close to each other  , there’s no more east and west  ,  to day if thai people have control of there own life ,  you never see a falang in all Thailand accept same .   like you never find a English word in thai man pocket .  the rest who tray to talk about fake and not fake  or my personal id .. I request pleas ; focus your mind to subject ,,

What? F...aak...yoooooooo! :o

Edited by mbkudu
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i thinks nearly all of you british .. is it ? i means nearly all of you from england .. is it ? i ask you in ordinary word ,, do you come from england .. i not believe that you can understand my question ,, pleas answer me when your not drunk .. not drunks means ,, just come out from bar drunk and set back of computer and start typing .. NO NO .. hoooo .. in da morning you can answer me ,, in da night or evening do not disturb your self and tray to use computer . admin and other senior of this web sit carefully watch your member . member of this web sit talking out of this topic and subject , and my self tray my best to use English language as much as I know to communicate with all of you with respect .

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i thinks  nearly all of you  british .. is it  ? i means nearly all of you from england .. is it ?

I will answer your question pett... No I am not from England, I am originally from Australia and I am now living and working in Thailand.

I have a question for you... Where are you from and where do you live?

... and my self  tray my best to use English language as much as I know  to communicate with all of you  with respect .

I know exactly what you mean and yes, we should all try to be respectful when communicating... if you told us more about where you are from we might be able to understand... please help us to help you.

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jai dee !

we have lot of officer and professional from western world that they are side by side working with thai brother and these are respect full and we appreciate of this . one thinks is new and iam going to inform you that ,, to day in world no more nationality are a big question as identity or skin colors and religion are all too out of date and too old and there’s no more same one ask you or same one should be introduce them self by one of these title who I take name in top sentence .. I just thinks that war don this to all of us ..other ways if you look to eropa of 30 year back .. was only falang in europe , in answer to your question ,, i request very kindly from all to we talk about topic and subject in positive way in stead of shake hand and hugging and kissing each other .

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Magnify again:

...quietly out of bar , .   TIZ ME .....

Just wondering what your thoughts might be....

My thoughts are... we're wasting far too much time on this troll!

I just got back home from holidays. The only reason that I even attempted to read this thread was 'cause I saw my name in (hi) lights....

Me thinks we's dealing with a troll here. I wont be waisting any more time, I got sleeping to catch up on....

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see what i thinking is this,. That gogo bar and lot of alcoholic drinks or may a few thousand bhat extra salary than thai local , from same computer courses or as English teacher or sex trade are change you to same thinks accept whatever you are originally , cause sound is every things is useless for you accept what ever you decide as correct . even how you come to this conclusion that your among that good people that you have no time that even red and answer for good of your self or in positive way for people of thai land , .

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see what i thinking is this,. That  gogo bar and lot of alcoholic drinks or may a  few thousand bhat extra salary than thai local ,  from same  computer courses or as English teacher  or sex trade are change you to same thinks accept  whatever you are originally  , cause sound is every things is useless for you accept  what ever you decide as correct . even how you come to this conclusion that your among that good people that  you have no time that even red and answer  for good of your self or in positive way for people of thai land  , .

Well...see what i thinking is this,. I'd like to respond to you but as my grandfather once said, "never argue with a fool, people might not notice the difference".

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hooooom with respect .. if you are a british then you have to know that your grand father was a loser and he know this since long time agao .. ask him the history . if not then talk to him about my present in this web sit ,.

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hooooom  with respect ..  if you are a british then you have to know that your  grand father was a loser and he know this since long time agao ..  ask him the history . if not then talk to him about my present in this web sit  ,.

Hi pett,

any good at riddles?

Try this one:

Falang, Uttradit, Changmai, Kowtow, Indonesian, Nawan, Gf, Sukkothai, Hanoi, Islam, Taiwan.

Let me know when you solve it because it is a message to you from my Grandfather.

See you,


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cant understand ,, you guy tray to bring to me your grand father and then latter bring your grand ma ,, and then slow slow may be you bring out all those your family who now sleep in grave in peace .. we have business with live people in this web sit .. boooooooo

pope ;

from that grand father have to be son like you .. who dont know how to hid he is uneducated grand father comment from other ..

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