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I recently moved into a new apartment on Sukhumvit which I absolutely love. Only problem is ToT have a "privilege contract" with the brand new building.

ToT is one of the worst companies I have ever seen in operation over a period spanning a decade of worldwide travel. I'm [supposedly] on their fastest plan available [ 8mb / 512kb ADSL ], and it's barely usable.

When it isn't totally unusable , the speeds alternate between horrid and disappointing at best.




D = Concerning. Most online applications will not perform well but should function in some capacity. Try testing to other servers to verify the result. You might need to contact your ISP for help.

MOS between 2.50 and 3.99 (Example - a ping around 300 ms with 3% packet loss)

F = Very poor. Real-time Internet application performance will suffer greatly on such a connection. Test to other servers to confirm the result, but definitely talk to your ISP about troubleshooting the issue.

MOS lower than 2.50 (Example - a ping above 500 ms with 20% packet loss)

I cannot get above a D for a pingtest to any server in the world.

I can't watch YouTube videos. Websites take forever to load. Dealing with ToT is an exercise in futility - their last communication when I complained about the 0.15Mb/s speed to US servers was "You're on our best plan. There is nothing we can do. You have no options. We do not guarantee speeds to servers outside Bangkok but we guarantee up to 8Mb/s to Bangkok servers."

I didn't bother explaining to them that a guarantee of "up to" made them sound a bit retarded as it's saying they guarantee between 0 and 8mb/s. Tight guarantee.


A friend of mine in the building next door had same problem [ToT privilege contract] and after a few months of hassling True, he now has True 8mb/s speeds which are up to 4 and 5 to US / UK servers and B / C pingtests.

So I *suspect* it might be possible for me to get True. I really really want True. Price is not a serious concern [within reason - I saw some 100,000 bt/m leased line prices that kinda way out of my price range].

But interested in all possible solutions that can save or improve my joke situation. Even upgrades [if they exist] on my plan with ToT, a company which is the greatest fail in commerce I have ever seen. And my personal opinion is that it's disgraceful and shameful that such a terrible company should represent the wonderful Thailand.

  • 3 months later...

I'm in Sanpatong, near Chiang Mai, one year with TOT using several modem styles. I go for 3-5 hrs at times with no problem, good speed, but usually there will be 2-5 disconnects per hour lasting 30 seconds or so. Then the next day it will be down for several hours with about 10 short connects of about 30 seconds per hour, basically no good at all. The average is 4 good hours, then 4 hours with about 10-20 disconnects per hour, a few minutes use, then a few minutes nothing, back and forth, hour after hour after hour. On download manager you can watch the speed run up to 500KB/s then after a few minutes throttle back to zero, disconnect, then reconnect and start over. It's not my equipment or line, the entire public school system experiences the same or worse at the same time. I don't know what they're doing but it isn't any fun for the customers. On occasion, about every six weeks, it will be totally down for 1-3 days. A local internet cafe, gaming for kids, causes even worse frustration for the kids. You can call over and over and they will listen, but basically they know everybody is experiencing this and can't seem to explain why or do anything about it.

In fact, just as I sent this, it went down, after being okay for 2 hours. It took me five minutes waiting for it to come back up and 1 or 2 more to get back to this page. I saved the above text to the clipboard - a defensive habit I've gotten into.

Does this help explain anything?


you have two alternatives

- get a new provider

- inform the TOT about what is happening and hope they react.

I came to a place who had this kind of problem. Their connection was a leased line from Huahin too Bangkok HK and from there we gated it out on the internet.

This leased line was more down than up when I took over and the people in this place said they had talked to the provider many times without any result.

I set up a monitor software that checked the status of the line every 5 minutes and I sent a "quite long" ip packets. (short packets are useless because a noisy line usually have calm periods and the short packets will go through)

Every day I called them and informed them, I asked for a discount for not delivering what we pay for and so on. I asked for the mobile number of the field technicians and I got it.

I asked if I could email the logs everyday so that they could see the problems directly. They agreed and gave me an email address to one of their field technicians.

During the following three weeks and a million phone conversations we gradually got an up-time that in the end was ok (maybe down 30 minutes per week during night times)

OK, this was a processional mission and I doubt I would go on like this with my private internet account if I had these problems.

But I learn what they are going to ask and i prepare for it. I always test with two routers before I call and I always test with 2-3 computers with different OSes.

And I always present myself with some ridiculous title like "senior networking consultant" or something like that. For some reason some people listen to that..



I thought it was important to modify my very bad report on TOT service in the Chiang Mai / Sanpatong area, in all fairness. I had a Buffalo Airstation in February that was working quite well (for a change), and upgraded my service to 6Mbps. When I reset to factory defaults, I could no longer find a combination of settings that worked. This was odd, because the parameters aren't that hard to figure. I finally sent it back for replacement, then went back to using the old TOT modem. Apparently, the service is MUCH worse depending on the modem/router brand, because I really suffered waiting for a new Airstation for two months when promised for one week. Really maddening was when the "new" on came, but it was the old one with a "checks ok" initial on it. Well, of course, it wasn't okay. I gave up on the warranty service, and this morning purchased a new ADLS+d DLink wireless. I used the old TOT for four hours, about only one hour being usable Internet time. I then switched to the new DLink. It's been up for about five hours now with little trouble. It did drop a connection once for about five minutes, and for about a half hour it was struggling with low speed. The rest of the time has been acceptable, though the speed tests are nowhere near 6Mbps. This site has shown about 1.3 to 1.45Mbps most of the time. That may not be what it should be, I don't know, but this is a LOT better than what I reported and seems good enough, at least compared to what I'm used to. Now, I hope this is much more useful and also fair to TOT.


Hi mods, I just realised I accidentally posted this in the Networking sub-forum. I moved it across to the right forum located here: My Tot Adsl Is Terrible - Do I Have Any Options? - Thailand Forum

But I can't figure out how to delete or edit this post, sorry :)

I should add that I dropped my service from 8Mbps to 6Mbps after being told I could expect less line interference. At this point, I doubt it would matter much, but I highly recommend upgrading to a newer router for anyone having such problems.


Any internet service in Thailand cannot be described as a 'service'. In case you haven't noticed, all internet in Thailand is 'horse drawn' & the people that administer/control it are numbskulls (as said by many others).

If you've got problems, your only recourse is to change providers...& keep your fingers, legs & arms crossed.


Any internet service in Thailand cannot be described as a 'service'. In case you haven't noticed, all internet in Thailand is 'horse drawn' & the people that administer/control it are numbskulls (as said by many others).

...another one with a bad attitude... :(


Contact TOT and inquire about SME/Business/Premier Plan services.

The standard plans from all providers are only good for domestic use.

If you require any kind of international "speed" you neeed to be on a premier or sme/business service plan, its a bit more expensive but much more reliable and closer to the "package" speed which you have ordered.


Any internet service in Thailand cannot be described as a 'service'. In case you haven't noticed, all internet in Thailand is 'horse drawn' & the people that administer/control it are numbskulls (as said by many others).

I have to agree.

The Post Office takes a week to deliver a letter from Bangkok to Pattaya..............

Bullock carts???

The TOT mentality is little better. :bah:

  • 1 month later...

Honestly, report it to your building management and to TOT. Ask them to resolve the issue or to allow you to switch the provider.

if that doesnt help ask your landlord to discuss it at the building committee meeting.

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