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Arrest Warrant Issued For Red-Shirt Core Leader Arisman

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Find this government stil very very mild for the reds, in China and most other third world countries they would have different solutions for such elements and they would have no chance. So far not bad how they just let this pass.

Third world? Are u Thai? Do u want your country remain as a member of third world?

Respect demoncracy through election. If majority Thai Mr Taksin or whoever to be your Prime Minister. Just let it be. Otherwise u are the one who rob the mojority's will.

The majority you speak off only want Taksin because he buys their votes

This is not the sign of a democracy.

In a democracy people vote for someone based on the person stance on

various issues not on how much he can pay for votes

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(assuming 98% of the members on this forum are "farangs" I wonder how much discussion/ dialogue goe on with Thais about these political topics. And I wonder if they look at us "farangs" as silly being "arm chair" experts or discussing their government - political problems?

Personally, I talk a lot about politics with Thai people but tbh, it's just friends and family. When I admitted to a friend that I didn't regard an ex-PM too highly, he warned me to be careful who I told or I would be in trouble. Especially as I am living in the north.

I don't preach or pretend to know better (because I don't), I just give my own opinion. Although, I'm very careful whom I give it to.

A few thoughts:

1. It's a NON-ELECTED government.

2. The high road would be to call an election. Which they know they will lose. (because the majority of the population will not support them). Where I come from it's called democracy.

3. The majority of the populace (outside of Bangkok) received a taste of the national tax base for the FIRST TIME in decades (under Thaksin) and whether they are paid to vote or not they will support those (like they have done 3 times) who have seen fit to redistribute the tax base from centralist Bangkok to the rest of the country.

4. While the fear mongers (The Nation/Thai Visa/George keep pushing the Thaksin Evil Empire agenda it's got nothing to do with Thaksin. It's way beyond that, it's a paradigm shift that is not turning back.

People who have had no representation under the Democrats (ever) found somebody who (for what ever reason you need to think ) decided to change the game. The balance of power shifted from Bangkok to the rest of the country.

The question is: Will the next democratic election results be respected by everybody or will the wealthy minority in Bangkok (and?) with the assistance of the military once again torpedo the wishes of the electorate.

My hope is we can only look beyond the Thaksin hysteria cultivated by those with a self interest and hope for a true democratic solution which will be allowed to play out by the military and the (?).

To cover your points in the order they were given...

1) B.S. and you know it (if you don't then you spent far too many days in a red shirt indoctrination camp

2) In the last elections the raw vote went to the Dems by a few 1000, who knows what today would bring but it certainly wouldn't be a PTP majority. That is all beside the point because elections are not due for another year+. Where I come from it isn't called democracy when there is massive electoral fraud. Convicted felons aren't hailed as Democratic. Guys who state Democracy isn't the goal aren't thought of as democratic. People that are involved in the extra-judicial slayings of people that were never found guilty are not called democratic etc etc.

3)The people outside of BKK are currently being treated better than they ever were by Thaksin and with programs that won't cost them their farms when they cannot pay back what was loaned to them. Thaksin created a dependancy model exactly the same as the patron-client model that has existed here for ever.

4) If it has nothing to do with Thaksin (outright lie on your part) then Why is that convicted felon doing call-ins to the rally? Thanking people for their support? Oh... yeah ... because it is ALL about Thaksin.

Democracy is not that great .. but it tends to beat any other system of government hands down.

The issue here is .... WHY would anyone screaming "Democracy" be a follower of Thaksin? (Oh yeah .. there aren't ANY followers of Thaksin that are honestly pro democracy)

PS--- to write off electoral fraud as the will of the masses is honestly just about as undemocratic as you can get. To deny this is about Thaksin just shows that you are either deaf dumb and blind, or simply a liar.

A rather simplistic rebuttal focused yet again on Thaksin and not the will of the electorate.

If you have any knowledge/practical experience of politics from your home country (which you obviously don't) you would have some understanding of the politics in play. You keep referring to Thaksin. He's not the end game. Until you get that, you're a juvenile politically.

Look up paradigm and you'll understand.

Think 40 Million against maybe 15 Million and you'll get the gist of what is happening.

It has nothing to do with Thaksin, in a couple years you will realize that was a fog before the clear.

The Reds leaders are now saying if Abhisit doesn't dissolve parliament soon, they will move from the bridge to someplace important about 20 KM away. This sounds like the airport.

Here we go again.

I hope not for their own sake. The Somchai government had zero respect and was basically spineless. Abhisit has been very tolerant and patient in this matter. However, they were also warned any law breaking will be dealt with, and depending to the extent, it could be harsh. I'm not in anyway advocating for anything like this, however, tough actions deserve a tough response as well.

Not good news - trying to provoke a response of force from the government. Of course none of the Red leaders will be in the front lines - Shinawatra's where are you?. It will be taxi drivers, motorcycle guys and construction workers sent out for fodder. No doubt there are some hardliners in the military hoping the government is backed into a corner and just waiting for an excuse. Hope this isn't it.

Of course nonoe of the Red leaders will be in the front lines.

The RED's have learned from the Yellow's how to handle such situation.

Just put a few one legged citizen's at the gates, and when the police or the army breaks trough the gates to stop the unrest let them start to cry and to shout that the police shoot their leg away.


These yellow shirts admirers don't stop to amuse me.


The Yellow Shirts shut down both airports and government buildings.

They have cost Thai's in the tourist industry BILLIONS of baht.

Who has been charged, who has been convicted? WHAT? Nobody?

Now that's a democracy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Focus on the red shirts who have done nothing except challenge the status quo.

It's got nothing to do with Thaksin people, wake up!

A paradigm shift is taking place...

The military and the (?) is history in the making....

The truth is always scary...

The Yellow Shirts shut down both airports and government buildings.

They have cost Thai's in the tourist industry BILLIONS of baht.

Who has been charged, who has been convicted? WHAT? Nobody?

Now that's a democracy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Focus on the red shirts who have done nothing except challenge the status quo.

It's got nothing to do with Thaksin people, wake up!

A paradigm shift is taking place...

The military and the (?) is history in the making....

The truth is always scary...

In Thailand, challenging the ruling elite is much worse than billions in damages and a ruined tourism industry.

Why is there an arrest warrant for Arisman for suggesting to overthrow the government but no arrest warrant 2 years after the yellow shirts did the same thing? And also no arrest warrants for the coup leaders that did actually overthrow the government, not just talk about it?

Exactly correct!

And this is why I would side with Red Shirts if I were Thai.

The yellow shirts committed air piracy, sedition and walked home free.

The rich=VS=poor

Cant anyone see this?

Or Bangkok v's the rest of the country; similar to some on TV.

U don't know were the vested interest is raging from by some TV members; this is just south east asia politics.

I just hope no one gets physically hurt in the proceedings.

Did Thaksin make the billionaires list for Forbes? No because they took his money, wouldn't u be upset? :D:):D

The Yellow Shirts shut down both airports and government buildings.

They have cost Thai's in the tourist industry BILLIONS of baht.

Who has been charged, who has been convicted? WHAT? Nobody?

Now that's a democracy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Focus on the red shirts who have done nothing except challenge the status quo.

It's got nothing to do with Thaksin people, wake up!

A paradigm shift is taking place...

The military and the (?) is history in the making....

The truth is always scary...

In Thailand, challenging the ruling elite is much worse than billions in damages and a ruined tourism industry.

Your need to continually go back to what the yellows did years ago, when we are faced with a situation that is current today shows a lack of.. shall we say ..insight.. The yellows achieved their goals peacfully. The reds are using terrorist methods to achieve their goals and threatening Thai society.

The Yellow Shirts shut down both airports and government buildings.

They have cost Thai's in the tourist industry BILLIONS of baht.

Who has been charged, who has been convicted? WHAT? Nobody?

Now that's a democracy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Focus on the red shirts who have done nothing except challenge the status quo.

It's got nothing to do with Thaksin people, wake up!

A paradigm shift is taking place...

The military and the (?) is history in the making....

The truth is always scary...

In Thailand, challenging the ruling elite is much worse than billions in damages and a ruined tourism industry.

Your need to continually go back to what the yellows did years ago, when we are faced with a situation that is current today shows a lack of.. shall we say ..insight.. The yellows achieved their goals peacfully. The reds are using terrorist methods to achieve their goals and threatening Thai society.

You mean peacefully when they chased the guy down the street in front of TV cameras and beat him up until he stopped moving? Or peacefully as in their own PAD guard that they killed at Don Mueang airport? Or peacefully as in the yellow shirt lady that raced her car into a crowd of people? Please explain which of these peaceful methods it is ...as I'm a bit confused.

Violence is not the way to go for either red shirts or yellow shirts, but saying that the yellow shirts were peaceful is like saying water is dry.


OK, violence is not the way to go. Why dont you start facing what is happening today? If your red buddies start any violence will you condem them? I doubt it.

Why is there an arrest warrant for Arisman for suggesting to overthrow the government but no arrest warrant 2 years after the yellow shirts did the same thing? And also no arrest warrants for the coup leaders that did actually overthrow the government, not just talk about it?

Exactly correct!

And this is why I would side with Red Shirts if I were Thai.

The yellow shirts committed air piracy, sedition and walked home free.

The rich=VS=poor

Cant anyone see this?

Only delusional people can see this.

Your need to continually go back to what the yellows did years ago, when we are faced with a situation that is current today shows a lack of.. shall we say ..insight..

That's a bit like saying the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand had nothing to do with the Treaty of Versailles because it happened years ago.

Most things that are going on today have their basis in the past.

It's called....shall we say.....history... :)

No doubt many red shirts think that what's good for the goose (as in the yellow airport takeover etc} is good for the gander (their agenda) so is most probably relevant today


' inciting public to overthrow government' sounds like a vague reason to arrest some one. a lot of political bickering here but regardless it seems some standard of evidence should exist be for incarceration, i hope it does for humanity sake, regardless of whose side you select.


The reds today are entirely too intertwined with Dr. Taksin and PT party. Better for them to choose their own leaders, who are untainted, and take over the government through the ballot box (democratic means). They claim they have a majority so it should be easy to organize and field candidates in the next scheduled election.

Find this government stil very very mild for the reds, in China and most other third world countries they would have different solutions for such elements and they would have no chance. So far not bad how they just let this pass.

Thailands not third world!

Why is there an arrest warrant for Arisman for suggesting to overthrow the government but no arrest warrant 2 years after the yellow shirts did the same thing? And also no arrest warrants for the coup leaders that did actually overthrow the government, not just talk about it?

Exactly correct!

And this is why I would side with Red Shirts if I were Thai.

The yellow shirts committed air piracy, sedition and walked home free.

The rich=VS=poor

Cant anyone see this?

Only delusional people can see this.

Your dilusssional! That's a good point up there. If Berlusconi was ousted in a military coup because he's so corrupt and owns a huge part of Italy's media then the EU would kick italy out of the Union. Coups are unacceptable in democratic states

Find this government stil very very mild for the reds, in China and most other third world countries they would have different solutions for such elements and they would have no chance. So far not bad how they just let this pass.

Thailands not third world!

Yes it is. While there's no hard and fast benchmarks to gauge this, most observers would regard it as third world.

Your need to continually go back to what the yellows did years ago, when we are faced with a situation that is current today shows a lack of.. shall we say ..insight..

That's a bit like saying the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand had nothing to do with the Treaty of Versailles because it happened years ago.

Most things that are going on today have their basis in the past.

It's called....shall we say.....history... :)

No doubt many red shirts think that what's good for the goose (as in the yellow airport takeover etc} is good for the gander (their agenda) so is most probably relevant today

We are in the midst of a very dangerous situation. You cant on the one hand say that violence is not the way to go then say well the yellows did it in the past so its OK if the reds do it now. If this turns ugly and people dye, are you saying its the fault of the yellows?? Oh yah <deleted> is this about the Archduke?? Shall we say...Cuckoo...

The reds today are entirely too intertwined with Dr. Taksin and PT party. Better for them to choose their own leaders, who are untainted, and take over the government through the ballot box (democratic means). They claim they have a majority so it should be easy to organize and field candidates in the next scheduled election.

This is a parlimentary government. Why wait 2 years for an election? Schedule and internationally supervised election in 90 days! Problem solved.

Find this government stil very very mild for the reds, in China and most other third world countries they would have different solutions for such elements and they would have no chance. So far not bad how they just let this pass.

Thailands not third world!

ermm, last time I looked it was. :) & I'm in Thailand, where are you, in a twilight home? :D

Why is there an arrest warrant for Arisman for suggesting to overthrow the government but no arrest warrant 2 years after the yellow shirts did the same thing? And also no arrest warrants for the coup leaders that did actually overthrow the government, not just talk about it?

How very true.


If Arisman is locked up, Thailand will be without its greatest singer... and a real snappy dresser, too. :)

What happened to this former heart throb?

Did he have a brain aneurysm and go psychotic? :D

"Bangkok, a sea of flames," indeed. :D

Why is there an arrest warrant for Arisman for suggesting to overthrow the government but no arrest warrant 2 years after the yellow shirts did the same thing? And also no arrest warrants for the coup leaders that did actually overthrow the government, not just talk about it?

A matter if balance :)

Only the army rules here, reds will have no chance 0%

well...Manila is not that far..... there`s the door...!!

Why is there an arrest warrant for Arisman for suggesting to overthrow the government but no arrest warrant 2 years after the yellow shirts did the same thing? And also no arrest warrants for the coup leaders that did actually overthrow the government, not just talk about it?

Exactly correct!

And this is why I would side with Red Shirts if I were Thai.

The yellow shirts committed air piracy, sedition and walked home free.

The rich=VS=poor

Cant anyone see this?

would just make you hate to be poor..!!!! wish I had 76 squillion bahts....

(assuming 98% of the members on this forum are "farangs" I wonder how much discussion/ dialogue goe on with Thais about these political topics. And I wonder if they look at us "farangs" as silly being "arm chair" experts or discussing their government - political problems?

Fair question! I regularly visit gf's family in far North-east, and politics are discussed BUT all the info coming to them is very reddish in hue. They get most from radio and TV, very little in the way of national newspapers. They were quite surprised, but interested, that in my view that Thaksin was little better than a common criminal, and hadn't heard about most of his scams. Of course, they could have just been acting polite to a stupid farang.

' inciting public to overthrow government' sounds like a vague reason to arrest some one. a lot of political bickering here but regardless it seems some standard of evidence should exist be for incarceration, i hope it does for humanity sake, regardless of whose side you select.

He is not only inciting violence, he has threatened the PM's life (and I do believe was involved in some violence in the recent past? Royal Cliff???). In pretty much any country, that is against the law...or at the very least, a risky thing to do....

We watched him on TV last night. My wife's first reply was "why is he doing this? he is such a great singer. what happened to him?" Guess Mr T. got to him?

No apology. If asking for elections is overthrowing the government, that is.

Asking for new elections and sedition are not the same thing. I think most people know that.

You know that and I know that but obviously 'credo' is not an abbreviation for "credibility"

Why is there an arrest warrant for Arisman for suggesting to overthrow the government but no arrest warrant 2 years after the yellow shirts did the same thing? And also no arrest warrants for the coup leaders that did actually overthrow the government, not just talk about it?

Exactly correct!

And this is why I would side with Red Shirts if I were Thai.

The yellow shirts committed air piracy, sedition and walked home free.

The rich=VS=poor

Cant anyone see this?

Only delusional people can see this.

Your dilusssional! That's a good point up there. If Berlusconi was ousted in a military coup because he's so corrupt and owns a huge part of Italy's media then the EU would kick italy out of the Union. Coups are unacceptable in democratic states

I wouldn't bet on that one not happening. Berlusconi seems pretty out of control himself lately...

It certainly would cause a HUGE political bruhaha if they did.

But the courts are still on his case big time, he might still be removed.

Still many would cry judicial coup... n'est pas?

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