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Arrest Warrant Issued For Red-Shirt Core Leader Arisman

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I am far too busy with work this week to spend any time refuting the folks that just don't know the basics any more.

I am happy to say that I work with 18 Thais that are clearly anti-Thaksin. 12 of them are from Isaan, 1 from Central Thailand, and 5 from Chiang Mai. Only three have changed their opinions over time the other 15 have been against Thaksin for the last 5+ years. (all are degreed professionals)


if any of you have access to a tv.... tues; 16:09 bkk time....

the redshirts are announcing their plan to march to the parliament....

claiming.... to pour their blood on the distanced narrow road leading to the parliament....

it appears at this moment.... there were only some 50 thous redshirt army left standing....

many others left earlier claiming they were not compensated as promised by the leaders who

always claimed that the money is coming.... and tht by night fall after the phone-in everyone would be rewarded....

but that they did not think tuksin would be coming back to help them any time soon....

  • 3 weeks later...
Red shirts will not allow police to arrest Arisaman: Natthawut

BANGKOK: -- Natthawut Saikua, a red-shirt leader, announced on the stage at the Pan Fah Bridge Saturday nigh that the red-shirt people would not allow police to arrest Arisaman Pongruangrong.

Natthawut said Arisaman would surrender on April 1 but for the time being, Arisaman would have to go on stage to address the protesters and join the fight of the red-shirt movement.

The Criminal Court Saturday approved police's request to issue an arrest warrant against Arisaman for having incited unrest.


-- The Nation 2010-03-13


is there anyone out there that really thinks that Arisaman will honour his word and turn himself in today??

Red shirts will not allow police to arrest Arisaman: Natthawut

Natthawut said Arisaman would surrender on April 1

It's nearly 4:30pm, is there any chance of getting this Red maniac off the streets today?

Red shirts will not allow police to arrest Arisaman: Natthawut

Natthawut said Arisaman would surrender on April 1

It's nearly 4:30pm, is there any chance of getting this Red maniac off the streets today?

there is no chance of him surrendering

he is just another no good, lying, red shirted thug, paid to do Thaksin's bidding and just like his mentor Thaksin, he is a coward who runs away from justice.

Red shirts will not allow police to arrest Arisaman: Natthawut

Natthawut said Arisaman would surrender on April 1

It's nearly 4:30pm, is there any chance of getting this Red maniac off the streets today?

there is no chance of him surrendering

he is just another no good, lying, red shirted thug, paid to do Thaksin's bidding and just like his mentor Thaksin, he is a coward who runs away from justice.


I posted my thoughts in another thread and I'll do it here as well (more appropriate).

If he does not turn himself in, this clearly demonstrates that nothing has changed with regards to PT-UDD-DADD. They continue to deceive and feel they are again above the law. Who really are the elite? The charges against Arisiman are serious. Arisiman has a record of violence and in this case he was promoting terrorism. These so-called leaders, followers of Thaksin, unduly support this and this should be a wake up call to everyone of what they are about.

Thaksin dared called Abhisit insincere, yet when leaders allow this to happen, the insincerity rests upon the red shirt leaders, Thaksin, and to a lesser extent their followers. They're uneducated, yes, but they know right from wrong, and clearly this is wrong.

These country folk need to pull their heads out from where the sun doesn't shine and realize it is these things that will continue if Thaksin and Company regain their coveted power.

Red shirts will not allow police to arrest Arisaman: Natthawut

Natthawut said Arisaman would surrender on April 1

It's nearly 4:30pm, is there any chance of getting this Red maniac off the streets today?

there is no chance of him surrendering

he is just another no good, lying, red shirted thug, paid to do Thaksin's bidding and just like his mentor Thaksin, he is a coward who runs away from justice.


If he does not turn himself in, this clearly demonstrates that nothing has changed with regards to PT-UDD-DADD. They continue to deceive and feel they are again above the law. Who really are the elite? The charges against Arisiman are serious. Arisiman has a record of violence and in this case he was promoting terrorism. These so-called leaders, followers of Thaksin, unduly support this and this should be a wake up call to everyone of what they are about.

The issue is not so much if he turns himself in, but rather when he doesn't what are the police going to do about it? Last time when they went to arrest him he said no and they left. What now?


What this time? Watch for him with a small enough group to take him from and take him into custody. File the new charges against him and then do not give bail based upon him commiting hte new crimes while out on bail. Then let the wheels of justice grind away as slowly as they usually do.

What this time? Watch for him with a small enough group to take him from and take him into custody. File the new charges against him and then do not give bail based upon him commiting hte new crimes while out on bail. Then let the wheels of justice grind away as slowly as they usually do.

That's what they should do, but will they?

It seems that many people's memories are either short or they have only just begun to take an interest in Thai politics.

Animatic's posts 190 and 191 are excellent summaries of the factual events that have led up to this current situation, they should be pinned.

For those of you who doubt them, do some research.

Well for starters I believe Thailand wasn't a founding member of the IMF.

Do you see a pattern, guys? Every now and then some newbie would come in and declared some new statement (i.e. this government is illegitimate, etc.) without providing any sound legal or rational argument and of course, we respond with logic and rationale and then these guys would shrink away, only to be replaced by another newbie spouting the exact words in which we would have to start all over again. Might as well copy and paste our arguments in response to all of them. :)

It seems most of the posts on many of the T/V forums which are made by newbies are nothing more than regurgitated rhetoric which was spoon-fed to them by their thai significant other in pidgin engrish or 2-word-tourist-thai. Very few it seems know how to Google or even use this forum's search function. All to many posts start out, "My thai wife said. . . .", or My thai gurlfriend said. . .", or even the more pathetic, "I heard that. .."

There are more than a few very astute posters on this forum who do post factual, reliable and researchable information about the history leading up to the current political situation. I enjoy reading them as much or more than I abhor reading posts from newbies who have somehow suddenly morphed into thai political pundits. :D

It is sad really, that others are seemingly incapable of formulating their own thoughts based on their own research, and prefer instead to spout mindless chatter.

ANYWAY: Back to the pissing match, already in progress. :D


Thanks for the video,

now you all know what a "Ratbag" is!

We have them in Lakemba, in Sydney. :)

If that's not Sedition, I don't know what is!


Sedition is a term of law which refers to overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that is deemed by the legal authority as tending toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent (or resistance) to lawful authority. Sedition may include any commotion, though not aimed at direct and open violence against the laws. Seditious words in writing are seditious libel. A seditionist is one who engages in or promotes the interests of sedition.

Typically, sedition is considered a subversive act, and the overt acts that may be prosecutable under sedition laws vary from one legal code to another. Where the history of these legal codes has been traced, there is also a record of the change in the definition of the elements constituting sedition at certain points in history. This overview has served to develop a sociological definition of sedition as well, within the study of state persecution.

The difference between sedition and treason consists primarily in the subjective ultimate object of the violation to the public peace. Sedition does not consist of levying war against a government nor of adhering to its enemies, giving enemies aid, and giving enemies comfort. Nor does it consist, in most representative democracies, of peaceful protest against a government, nor of attempting to change the government by democratic means (such as direct democracy or constitutional convention).

Sedition is the stirring up of rebellion against the government in power. Treason is the violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or state, giving aid to enemies, or levying war against one's state. Sedition is encouraging one's fellow citizens to rebel against their state, whereas treason is actually betraying one's country by aiding and abetting another state. Sedition laws somewhat equate to terrorism and public order laws.


Why is this guy still free?


why are PAD leaders still free? They also said they will fight to death (Chamlong and others), calling for civil disobedience. Remember the threats of cutting down electricity and water in Bangkok , also approved by management from the electric authority?

Red shirts will not allow police to arrest Arisaman: Natthawut

BANGKOK: -- Natthawut Saikua, a red-shirt leader, announced on the stage at the Pan Fah Bridge Saturday nigh that the red-shirt people would not allow police to arrest Arisaman Pongruangrong.

Natthawut said Arisaman would surrender on April 1 but for the time being, Arisaman would have to go on stage to address the protesters and join the fight of the red-shirt movement.

The Criminal Court Saturday approved police's request to issue an arrest warrant against Arisaman for having incited unrest.


-- The Nation 2010-03-13


is there anyone out there that really thinks that Arisaman will honour his word and turn himself in today??

well its April 2nd and i have not seen any reports of Arisaman turning himself in

so he has proved that he is just another red shirt liar whose word means nothing.

his actions are something that his followers should consider

when your word means nothing, you are nothing........


as predicted, the accused Arisaman, who is a red shirt core leader and is a well known representative of the red movement has failed to turn himself in to the police on April 1st as he promised to do

he continues to incite unrest, in breach of his bail conditions

a move that is supported and applauded by his fellow red shirts

just like their mentor, the cowardly Thaksin, a convicted criminal and fugitive who ran away from justice, Reds believe that the law does not apply to them

this is what we can expect of red shirts should they ever gain any power in politics

they should be ashamed of Arisaman, Thaksin and themselves.


Their 'respect for law' is negligible in comparison for their sense of fighting an unjust cause.

If they want democracy, they need to respect rule of law too, they are handmaidens in the same philosophy.

Arisman is wanted for egregious conduct last Songkran, going against rule of law and common decency.

He is wanted now for CLEARLY breaking his bail restrictions, and so now is a glaring DOUBLE STANDARD,

the reds think they can do as they please, and we still get 'Perception Managers' trying to turn this around

to a yellow issue to justify current Red actions, well guess what it is only proving your point lost even more.

No amount of Perception Management will work if Red Leaders like Arisman fail to ALSO

act in accordance with the rule of law, and set an example of Law + Democratic vote = Freedom for the poor.

Like Thaksin, Arisman seems to forget as a jailed martyr for the red cause he might be seen as

a more powerful symbol and object lesson rather than just a screaming lawbreaker on portable

political a stage, protected by masses of acolytes... for the moment.

Thaksin of course doesn't want to be seen as anything but the boss, his face is lost until he regains power,

and the symbol for him of the regained face is the power to regain his cash.

Arisman is chump change cannon fodder in this Thaksin pursuit, but by not ordering him to report

Thaksin just proves once more that he is not about law and order, but about his aims.

Red shirts will not allow police to arrest Arisaman: Natthawut

BANGKOK: -- Natthawut Saikua, a red-shirt leader, announced on the stage at the Pan Fah Bridge Saturday nigh that the red-shirt people would not allow police to arrest Arisaman Pongruangrong.

Natthawut said Arisaman would surrender on April 1 but for the time being, Arisaman would have to go on stage to address the protesters and join the fight of the red-shirt movement.

The Criminal Court Saturday approved police's request to issue an arrest warrant against Arisaman for having incited unrest.


-- The Nation 2010-03-13


is there anyone out there that really thinks that Arisaman will honour his word and turn himself in today??

well its April 2nd and i have not seen any reports of Arisaman turning himself in

so he has proved that he is just another red shirt liar whose word means nothing.

his actions are something that his followers should consider

when your word means nothing, you are nothing........

Really, the issue is not about Arismon. Arismon is an accused criminal with a warrant outstanding for his arrest and he has no respect for the Thai police to do their jobs. The Thai police will have another big test today. Can they clear Rajprasong? Will the Thai police step aside again? Does the military have to step in and do their job?

Many questions will be answered today.


As long as he is surrounded by thousands of Red supporters, he is immune to arrest. When the protests break up, I predict that he will flee to Cambodia or Dubai.

As long as he is surrounded by thousands of Red supporters, he is immune to arrest. When the protests break up, I predict that he will flee to Cambodia or Dubai.

i agree, its very likely he will follow his leaders cowardly example and run away.......


Arismon that famous or infamous strolling minstrel will no doubt graduate to sing Del Shannons hit '' My Little Runaway'' when the Red Shirt Brigade shield is dropped.

Arismon that famous or infamous strolling minstrel will no doubt graduate to sing Del Shannons hit '' My Little Runaway'' when the Red Shirt Brigade shield is dropped.

On the other thread (Sunday updates) there was a rumour that the leaders were staying (roughing it) at the Hyatt. So the BiB can't be expected to find him anytime soon.....

As long as he is surrounded by thousands of Red supporters, he is immune to arrest. When the protests break up, I predict that he will flee to Cambodia or Dubai.

or if things go the Reds way and their "request" for a diss of the present administration with new elections he could end up as a Minister in the new Government.... :D funny old game init. :)

moresomekid, in attempting to correct your messed up posts, I accidentally deleted everything. I should apologize, but I don't.

I can see why there's a policy of no criticisms of moderators on the forum. It'd take up too much bandwidth concerning some. :)

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